I tried to email Sean Ewington about the future of the website, and the mail was undeliverable. He's in my contacts, so the address was accurate.
This is unfortunate. Like a thieves in the night, everyone is suddenly gone.
Check out my IoT graphics library here:
And my IoT UI/User Experience library here:
You have to call his name three times.
... while holding the right hand behind the back and crossing the index finger and middle finger
But don't do that while looking into a mirror!
"A little song, a little dance, a little seltzer down your pants"
Chuckles the clown
HtCW, being a witch, is impervious to those mirror tricks. :-p
I've begun the (painful) work to save all of my CP articles to my local drive.
(Since I've seen no answer in Bugs & Sugs to OG's message)
I must say I am very happy to see that downloading the HTML automatically downloads the associated article images.
Who else has started this work? Anyone? Maybe better stop procrastinating.
It should be fun if everyone starts doing it.
I haven't done articles, but I've backed up all the code to BitBucket or GitHub years ago. Not that I'd use that code these days (I've learned more stuff) but still...
I'd say just use https://archive.org/ but it's offline.
Jeremy Falcon
Yeah, most of my code is at GitHub but I've found some that is not.
I've got just about all of the relevant articles I want backed up now.
The thing is, I honestly wrote articles & shared them so that later I could refer to them via CP links.
CP was supposed to be my backup. What now?!
Perhaps OneDrive or GoogleDrive could help?
raddevus wrote: I honestly wrote articles & shared them so that later I could refer to them via CP links.
That's part of why I do too.
Check out my IoT graphics library here:
And my IoT UI/User Experience library here:
Yeah but your code is worth sharing (with others).
Mine, I feel, is just worth keeping (for myself).
Thanks. I figure if it's important enough I have it on github.
Check out my IoT graphics library here:
And my IoT UI/User Experience library here:
Am also thinking of rep points. They'll all vanish into thin air.
More importantly, have bookmarked several articles. Now, going through all those bookmarks, and downloading what I feel are important, is also a time-consuming exercise.
modified 1hr 10mins ago.
Amarnath S wrote: thinking of rep points. They'll all vanish into thin air.
I was thinking about the same thing. It's kind of a bummer.
I've been saving (locally) articles for years. Rep points? That's just a game IMO.
I don't plan to. I just have too many articles. Even thinking about backing them up freaks me out.
Check out my IoT graphics library here:
And my IoT UI/User Experience library here:
honey the codewitch wrote: Even thinking about backing them up freaks me out
I know it's quite painful.
But most of my articles I wrote so I'd remember the content better and so I could refer back to them.
I've referred to my article on SQLLocalDb tool usage (Dev's User Guide To SqlLocalDb (Sql Express)[^]) numerous times over the years.
I definitely grabbed that one.
I also wrote 5 chapters of Electronics For Makers which exists here an nowhere else.
Backing them up isn't too bad, if you,
1. go to search & search for your author name (that'll give you a list of your articles in reverse chrono order (newest first)
2. open each one in a new tab
3. click "get html for article"
4. save as
Not too bad.
But there's the code and everything too. It's not all on github, although i think most is
Check out my IoT graphics library here:
And my IoT UI/User Experience library here:
I always made PDF backups but now also have HTML backups.
I probably should have done that from the beginning. Too late now.
Check out my IoT graphics library here:
And my IoT UI/User Experience library here:
It's a good thing I haven't written as many articles as you!
Well, I mean... I have all the files I wrote for them and the zip files I submitted, sooo...
I have a large list of articles I've accumulated over the years. I use the Print view, then right-click, Save As, MHTML. While it does include images (in a single file) what it doesn't do is include the associated downloads.
Is everybody doing this right now? CP is being rather slow...would hate to see some DB go down, and nobody to bring it back up...
Dear MS,
Please stop messing with my desktop background. Although your pictures are pretty, I actually USE my machines for work. I set the background to a nice solid color THAT I LIKE. It reduces eye strain. It's comfortable. It's home.
So, you update your OS "for security patches" <-- lying sons of bitches and change my desktop background to "let's send him a new picture..."
If you came into my office and started typing on my keyboard, I would grab your hands. I don't care if you are my wife, girl friend, mistress, child, or random person - you do not elephant with my computer.
To MS Marketing - you are obviously working at turning your OS into a data mining device. Meanwhile, you cannot fix the bugs. Good bye.
Charlie Gilley
“Microsoft is the virus..."
"the problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money"