Sex appeal with the crowd, former royal has termite problems while travelling. (10)
Well done Pete -I was thinking of deputising for you today
In a closed society where everybody's guilty, the only crime is getting caught. In a world of thieves, the only final sin is stupidity. - Hunter S Thompson - RIP
I pulled one from the back catalogue. There's every chance that you've seen this one before.
All I've got is itinerants
sex appeal = it
with the crowd = in
ex Royal = er
termites = ants
In a closed society where everybody's guilty, the only crime is getting caught. In a world of thieves, the only final sin is stupidity. - Hunter S Thompson - RIP
That was quick. Congratulations.
I think it should be itinerant for travelling or itinerants for travellers - just sayin
In a closed society where everybody's guilty, the only crime is getting caught. In a world of thieves, the only final sin is stupidity. - Hunter S Thompson - RIP
This is a Winforms app. With clicking a checkbox, user enables a feature in the Settings form. Somewhere else in a form a tab named "Alarms":
Option 1: which was visible but disabled, gets enabled.
Option 2: which was hidden, added to the TabControl again.
In terms of UI design decision, which method you prefer?
Personally, I like option 1.
What, you, the community think is a better option?
neither option. You do not store data in a form ever. You store data in an object, e.g. a "settings" object. Both checkboxes link to one field of that object. Do not ask any follow-up here. This is strictly a non-programming forum. Find your language in a forum above.
"If we don't change direction, we'll end up where we're going"
Sorry, but I think you did not get the point. My question is not about storing data. It's about UI design.
That's just trolling now.
I promised him that I'd help.
I apologize if I gave you the wrong impression.
There have been many takes on this particular subject in the design community over the years. The consensus seems to be, at the moment, if a user is never going to be able to use that field, you should hide it. If it can be used in certain circumstances, you should disable it.
I prefer 1. It provides more information.
I would prefer option 1.
I would be more concerned about having the checkbox in the Settings form and the item being enabled/disabled on a tab in another form. What is the user going to think when they are in the Alarms tab and see a disabled section? Probably 'why is this disabled, I want to edit it.' Try not to make the user navigate away to the Settings form. Does it make sense to have the checkbox (or a duplicate) on the Alarms tab? At the least you need some way to indicate to the user why they can not access those controls. Users do not read manuals.
Make things that the user is likely to do easy to do.
I would go for option 1.
If something has a solution... Why do we have to worry about?. If it has no solution... For what reason do we have to worry about?
Help me to understand what I'm saying, and I'll explain it better to you
Rating helpful answers is nice, but saying thanks can be even nicer.
modified 33 mins ago.
As long as the checkbox is on the Alarms Tab so:
The Alarms Tab is always enabled
The checkbox on that tab is always enabled
When the checkbox is clicked, the other controls on the Alarms tab are enabled
If the Alarms tab is in the Settings form or its form is visible while viewing the Settings form I would choose Option 1.
Otherwise, it doesn't really matter unless being able to see the option in the Alarms tab would help the user understand what options might be available, in which case Option 1 is again preferred.
There are no solutions, only trade-offs. - Thomas Sowell
A day can really slip by when you're deliberately avoiding what you're supposed to do. - Calvin (Bill Watterson, Calvin & Hobbes)
Let's all pitch in to help our fellow member @DavesApps. He's making an honest effort to gather reviews for a book he has authored. I think it would be a nice thing to do for a fellow member in need of assistance. I know that if I were in Dave's position, I'd really appreciate the help.
His thread is located, here: Dave's Book Review Thread[^]
His post, and your replies to it, sound more like a marketing campaign. "Here's my book - first five people to respond get free copies!"
Skimming the free preview at https://www.amazon.com/Essential-Software-Development-Career-Technical-ebook/dp/B0BXHYWMDP[^] , the first page of the Foreword screams that it needs a lot of additional editing. For instance,
"This book is arranged in collections of those topics that you can read all the way, skim through, or look up whenever you need some guidance."
The word 'those' is terrible in this usage. I would recommend something more along the lines of "This book covers many topics that can be skimmed or browsed in-depth when guidance is needed." But I would also recommend eliminating about a thousand of those "this book" phrases. They are highly repetitious, and not a sign of good writing. Based on the fact that such terrible English is used this early in the writing, I suspect reading it will be quite painful for those attuned to such crappy writing. Especially as the following writing in the Foreword is quite crappy. "This book will employ practical ..." should be "This book employs practical ..." etc...
And then the Disclaimer basically says nobody should read 'this book' because it is to be used "at your own risk." "The author and publisher are not making any warranties to the information provided." Pretty big cop-out for someone to put in a book they say will help people. This section doesn't set a 'tone' for a book I would be interested in.
Hope this review is helpful.
I'm going to agree with David O'Neil (above/below), overall.
I mean, for starters I'm very particular about what books I'll read these days. I usually won't read technical books unless it's something that I can't google, and that's a surprisingly small amount of things. I would read something like Charles Petzold's "Code" but it's not really a coding manual per se.
Secondly, I wrote my first (simple) application in 1986. I just don't think most books offering to help me are going to be at the level I'd need, unless they were about a specific technology or group of technologies I've previously avoided.
And finally, about this book's commenter in particular - I read it as a self-promotion marketing scheme, and who knows how many other sites they shotgunned this post at? I'd say they've already got all the help they need.
Check out my IoT graphics library here:
And my IoT UI/User Experience library here:
No, it's cheap advertising which is not acceptable here.
RichardM2024 wrote: No, it's cheap advertising which is not acceptable here. If Dave were to see your comment, he'd be deeply upset.
Good, maybe he will get upset and go away.
It’s weird being the same age as old people. Live every day like it is your last; one day, it will be.
Dave, it's OK. Please don't run away. No one is trying to hurt your feelings. These gentlemen are just being silly.
theoldfool wrote: Good, maybe he will get upset and go away If you made him cry and run away, I blame it on you.