Last week, I needed a control to use in a project (VB6.0). The wanted control should allow the entrance of numeric data through the use of the mouse. I tried to use the control SpinButton, but it was shown deficient and it didn't assist the requirements.
Points of Interest
You can use this control as OCX or embembed in your project. All source is supplied.
I opted to create a float calculator, where the user would have the option of typing the value using the numeric keyboard of the calculator or for the keyboard. Besides facilitating the entrance of big values (tries to take Spin 1 up to 256, using click of the mouse!!).
The result was a control OCX of 20,5 KB (it requests MSVBVM60.DLL). I made this control to solve a practical problem and I didn't have concern with a clean code.
I will be exactly, I used " ActiveX Control Interface Wizard " to connect some properties. I used codes of VB to calculator (CALC.VBP). I joined several parts of codes of third and I made everything to work completely as one.
If somebody finds mistakes in this control, please, order an e-mail and if you do the corrections, I will be thankful when receiving a corrected copy.
PS: I changed the decimal symbol of the code, to maintain pattern with the Brazilian pattern. 
E-mail: willians@bb.com.br
MSN: willian_cpp_br@hotmail.com
ICQ# 89506722
Phone: +55 (64) 612-6030
Fax: +55 (64) 612-6010
06/04/2004 - Development of the version 1.0