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BitMap Contour To Windows Region

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16 Sep 2005 3  
An article on how to generate an outline of a bitmap. Used when designing user shaped dialogs.

Sample screenshot


The CBitmapHandling class was designed to calculate the contour points in a bitmap. It looks at the bitmap and finds pixel points different from white, it then places these start and stop pixel points in a Vertex of CPoint class. When it has found the outline of the bitmap, it then generates a Windows region. If you use this region in your OnInitDialog and then set the window region using SetWindowRgn(m_WinRgn, TRUE ), your window will then be shaped like the outline.

Using the code

The code consists of a header file and a CPP file.


#include "BitMapHandling.h"

using namespace HandlingBitmaps;

BOOL CMyShapedWindowDlg::OnInitDialog()
 VERIFY( SetWindowPos( NULL, 0, 0, m_nW, 
         m_nH, SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOOWNERZORDER ) ); // size and pos. of window

         // cut of areas of region, which you do not really need. 

         // fx. maybe you have bitmap buttons drawn under your bitmap window.

 CBitmapHandling bh;
 bh.BitMapContourToWinRgn(&m_WinRgn, IDB_BITMAP);
 VERIFY( SetWindowRgn(m_WinRgn , TRUE ) );

 return TRUE; // return TRUE unless you set the focus to a control



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