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In this article I want to introduce two template
classes that can help you in simple dialog development. Very frequently we try
to set different color or font to static, editbox or another control in our
dialog. To simplify this work I wrote two classes CColorCtrl
and CFontCtrl
These classes have two advantages. First of all, you don't need to
throw out your beloved class. Because these classes are templates - they can
be attached to any existing CWnd
-based class.
Second, there is no painting of any kind in these classes.
CColorCtrl v1.3
Control works in one of two modes:
- Simple Colored Mode
- Blinking Mode
You can customise:
- Text color(s)
- Background color(s)
- Blinking delay
If your control uses WM_CTLCOLOR
message for painting
(as almost all standard windows controls do), you can use this
template. You can also use it for the whole dialog
(see "About" dialog in system menu).
- Include ColorCtrl.h in your project.
- Create a control with dialog editor.
- Add a member variable for this control using the class wizard.
- Replace
CCtrlClass m_ctrl
with CColorCtrl<CCtrlClass> m_ctrl
e.g. replace
CEdit m_edit;
CStatic m_static;
CColorCtrl<CEdit> m_edit;
CColorCtrl<CStatic> m_static;
Use the following functions to change colors:
void SetTextColor(COLORREF);
COLORREF GetTextColor();
void SetTextBlinkColors(COLORREF, COLORREF);
void SetBkColor(COLORREF);
COLORREF GetBkColor();
void SetBkBlinkColors(COLORREF, COLORREF);
To set the default color use CLR_DEFAULT
as the argument.
To set system colors use the macro CC_SYSCOLOR(index)
where "index
" is one of system color IDs
(see help on ::GetSysColor
This macro doesn't call ::GetSysColor
, but decorates the index for further usage.
Use the following functions to change the background pattern:
void SetBkPattern(UINT nResID);
void SetBkPattern(HBITMAP);
void SetBkBlinkPattern(UINT nResID1, UINT nResID2);
void SetBkBlinkPattern(HBITMAP, HBITMAP);
To remove a pattern use NULL
as the argument.
argument should not be attached to any CBitmap
(Use CBitmap::Detach()
to detach it). Don't call DeleteObject()
for any HBITMAP
you send to these functions. For Windows 9x the size of the
bitmap is restricted to 8*8 pixels.
Use the folowing functions to start/stop blinking:
void StartBlink(int iWho, UINT nDelay);
void StopBlink(int iWho);
UINT GetDelay();
The argument can be one of :
the argument nDelay can be one of:
- doesn't change blinking speed
- default
- any other value specified in miliseconds
If you want to use only Solid colors - call UseSolidColors(TRUE)
If you have problems with transparency of the text background call ForceOpaque()
but take note: if you use a pattern or a non-solid color in low-color resolution you'll have
a rectangle under text that is different from another background.
There are two derived classes CColorCtrlEx
and CBlinkCtrlEx
that allow you to preset the control
colors on a template level.
e.g. CColorCtrlEx<CStatic, RGB(255,0,0), RGB(0,255,0)> m_static;
will create a static control with initial red text and green background.
Warning! Don't use these two classes together with one control.
CFontCtrl v1.1
Use this control if you want to change font style or
font height of your control. This class supports combinations
of the folowing styles:
- Bold
- Italic
- Underline
- Strikeout
- Include FontCtrl.h in your project.
- Create a control with the dialog editor.
- Add a member variable for this control using the class wizard.
- Replace
CCtrlClass m_ctrl
with CFontCtrl<CCtrlClass> m_ctrl
e.g. replace
CEdit m_edit;
CStatic m_static;
CFontCtrl<CEdit> m_edit;
CFontCtrl<CStatic> m_static;
Use the following functions to change font style and height:
void ChangeFontStyle(int fAdd, int fRemove = 0, BOOL fRedraw = TRUE);
void ChangeFontHeight(int nHeight, BOOL fRedraw = TRUE);
void SetFont(CFont* pFont, BOOL bRedraw = TRUE);
void SetFont(LOGFONT& lf, BOOL bRedraw = TRUE);
The arguments fAdd and fRemove can be combined from the following values:
When you use functions SetFont
together with ChangeFont*
in any order the resulting font will have a combination of the styles and height
specified in ChangeFontHeight
(if not equal to zero).
There is derived class CFontCtrlEx
that allow you to preset font style and height on a
template level. E.g. CFontCtrlEx<CStatic,
will create a static
control with bold, underlined text and text height equal to 30.
There are also four classes for basic styles: CBoldCtrl, CItalicCtrl, CUnderlineCtrl, CStrikeoutCtrl
Warning! Don't use these five classes together with one control.
If your control doesn't contain a font (e.g. you create it in code by a call to
function) CFontCtrl
cannot change font style/height. In this
case use one of the SetFont
functions to set the font
to your control. If you create the control on base of one of five
derived classes - don't worry - the predefined style/height will be added to selected font.
Common Notes
Any function of any class can be called even before the window created.
You can use both classes together for single control:
CFontCtrl<CColorCtrl<CStatic> > m_static;
CColorCtrl<CFontCtrl<CStatic> > m_static;
typedef CFontCtrl<CStatic> CFontStatic;
CColorCtrl<CFontStatic> m_static;
typedef CFontCtrlEx<CStatic,
30> CBoldUnderlineStatic;
RGB(255,0,0), RGB(0,255,0)> m_static;
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