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State Design Pattern

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14 Aug 2009CPOL3 min read 59.8K  
State Design Pattern


In state design pattern, it can change its behaviour by switching to a set of different operations and we achieved this pattern from an object variable changing its subclass, within a hierarchy. Allow an object to alter its behaviour when its internal state changes. The object will appear to change its class.

Explanation with Shopping Cart Example

The State pattern has some Mediator design pattern aspects to it. To understand more about state design patterns, let's look in more detail of an example that has been mentioned in many books and many blogs but I myself could not find its actual and true implementation. Assume you have a sales order that can be in several different states, such as "NewOrder," "Registered," "Granted," "Shipped," "Invoiced," and "Cancelled." There are strict rules concerning which states the order can "go," and from which states it can "come." In my example, for instance, the states not allowed to go directly are from Registered to Shipped. This example is from Applying Domain-Driven Design and Patterns: With examples in C# and .NET [Addison-Wesley Professional, ISBN: 0321268202] by Jimmy Nilsson. However there was no code implementation of it.

There are also differences in behaviour depending upon the states. For example, when order is dispatched, you can't call registered or approved or cancel order for adding more items to the order. Always remember that certain behaviour leads to state transformation. UML diagram of state design pattern is:

UML Diagram


In our example:

Context = IOrderState , 
State = OrderState 
Concrete State = (NewOrder, Registered, Dispatched, Approved)

SO we have an interface called IOrderState which manages all the states of an order. I have kept it to only 4 different states in my example as below:

public interface IOrderState
            void NewOrderPlaced();
            void Register();
            void Dispatch();
            void Approve();

Then we have four concrete state classes which implement IOrderState interface which are NewOrder, Registered, Dispatched, Approved as given below:

public class NewOrder : IOrderState
           private readonly OrderState _Parent;
           public NewOrder(OrderState OrderState)
               _Parent = OrderState;

           public bool IsDispatched
               get { return false; }
           public void NewOrderPlaced()
           public void Dispatch()
               _Parent._CurrentState = new Dispatched(_Parent);
           public void Register()
               _Parent._CurrentState = new Registered(_Parent);
           public void Approve()
               _Parent._CurrentState = new Approved(_Parent);
       public class Registered : IOrderState
           private readonly OrderState _Parent;
           public void NewOrderPlaced()
               throw new Exception("OrderState has already been placed");
           public Registered(OrderState OrderState)
               _Parent = OrderState;
           public void Dispatch()
               throw new Exception("OrderState has not been registered yet");
           public void Register()
           public void Approve()
               _Parent._CurrentState = new Approved(_Parent);
       public class Approved : IOrderState
           private readonly OrderState _Parent;
           public Approved(OrderState OrderState)
               _Parent = OrderState;
           public void NewOrderPlaced()
               throw new Exception("OrderState has already been placed");
           public void Dispatch()
               _Parent._CurrentState = new Dispatched(_Parent);
           public void Register()
               throw new Exception("OrderState has already been registered");
           public void Approve()
       public class Dispatched : IOrderState
           private readonly OrderState _Parent;
           public void NewOrderPlaced()
               throw new Exception("OrderState has already been placed");
           public Dispatched(OrderState OrderState)
               _Parent = OrderState;
           public void Dispatch()
           public void Register()
               throw new Exception("OrderState has already been registered");
           public void Approve()
               _Parent._CurrentState = new Approved(_Parent);

Then we have an OrderState class which is a context class that manages all the states of a class as below:

public class OrderState
            public IOrderState _CurrentState;
            public OrderState()
                _CurrentState = new NewOrder(this);
            public void Dispatch()
            public void Register()
            public void Approve()

to use it:

static void Main(string[] args)
            OrderState OrderState = new OrderState();

and the output is:



Now the beauty of this pattern is once you have OrderState.Dispatch(); you cannot user OrderState.Register(); it will throw an exception that OrderState has already been registered. So it also removes so many if/else statements because it switches to a different class depending on its state.

Things to Remember

  • Using state design pattern, the program can potentially be flooded with small classes.
  • Each derived or small class has knowledge of (coupling to) its siblings, which introduces dependencies between subclasses.
  • The state pattern requires tight coupling between its classes.
  • State Design Pattern somehow solves your problem with the least amount of duplicated code and also the responsibility portioned out into encapsulated and cohesive unites, the concrete state classes.
  • State has no state usually it selects the next state of its context. A state tends to have lots of unrelated methods, so there is little cohesion between the methods of a state.

Difference between Strategy Design Pattern and State Design Pattern.

Strategy pattern is similar to the State Design Pattern from an architectural point of view but the intent is entirely different. Unlike the State pattern, the Algorithm class doesn’t manage state, but represents an algorithm that uses one or more IStrategy implementations. The IStrategy implementation isn’t managed by the Algorithm class, but assigned by the client whereas a state usually selects the next state of its context. A state tends to have lots of unrelated methods, so there is little cohesion between the methods of a state. For more details, please read my post on Strategy Design Pattern.

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