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Generic TreeView

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29 Jan 2008CPOL3 min read 83.3K   1.6K   45   7
Populate a TreeView from your object model
Image 1


This article describes how to populate a TreeView control in a generic fashion and with very little code. On the project that I'm writing I had a TreeView control that would populate itself from the object model used in the project. The problem that I had was that the custom TreeView control was tightly coupled via interfaces to the object model. I wanted a TreeView control that did not know about the object model that I was using so I could use it in different projects that had different object models.


The solution was to have a TreeView control use reflection to pick out information from the object model using attributes on the objects. The class ProjectItem shown below, has three properties that have the TreeNodeAttribute applied to them:

public class ProjectItem : NamedObjectItem
  public ProjectItem(string sName)
    : base(sName)
    Assemblies = new ContainerItem<AssemblyItem>("Assemblies");
    Backgrounds = new ContainerItem<IBackgroundItem>("Backgrounds");
    MaterialSetsItem = new ContainerItem<ContainerItem<MaterialItem>>("Material Sets");
  public ContainerItem<AssemblyItem> Assemblies { get; set; }
  public ContainerItem<IBackgroundItem> Backgrounds { get; set; }
  [TreeNodeAttribute( Hide = true)]
  public ContainerItem<ContainerItem<MaterialItem>> MaterialSetsItem { get; set; }

The TreeNodeAttribute is a very simple class and is used to identify which properties should be retrieved from the object for the TreeView control:

public class TreeNodeAttribute : Attribute

I derived an AttributeTreeView control from the standard TreeView control, and added three methods to process objects that should be added to the TreeView control. These methods are:

public void Populate<TAttribute>(object item, string sPropertyForText)
  where TAttribute : Attribute
public void Populate<TAttribute>(object item,
  TreeNode tnParent, string sPropertyForText)
  where TAttribute : Attribute
private TreeNode Add<TAttribute>(object item,
  TreeNode treeNodeParent, string sPropertyForText)
  where TAttribute : Attribute

As you can see from the methods, we need to supply some information for the AttributeTreeView control to use. We need to pass in the attribute (TreeNodeAttribute) that we are using to identify which properties should be added to the tree. I also needed a way to extract the text for the TreeNode. This is passed as a string of the name of the property that will return the text. I could have relied on the ToString method, but it is unreliable as this often gets used for other purposes, and I may want to use already defined properties that will return a “pretty” version of the text for the TreeNode.

To add an object to the AttributeTreeView control, you need to Populate:

m_ProjectTree.Populate<TreeNodeAttribute>(projectItem, "Name");

In the above example I call Populate, specifying the attribute to check, and the name of the property to retrieve the text for the TreeNode, as well as the object that I want to display. There are two implementations of Populate. The Populate method shown below will add TreeNodes to a TreeNode parent. The other version of Populate calls this method, but clears existing nodes first and does not require a TreeNode parent.

public void Populate<TAttribute>(object item, TreeNode tnParent,
  string sPropertyForText)
  where TAttribute : Attribute
  TreeNode tn = Add<TAttribute>(item, tnParent, sPropertyForText);
  if (null != tn)

The main work is implemented in the private method Add, as shown below:

private TreeNode Add<TAttribute>(object item,
  TreeNode treeNodeParent, string sPropertyForText)
  where TAttribute : Attribute
  if (null != item)
    // See if we can get the property sPropertyForText from the item
    PropertyInfo propertyInfoForText = item.GetType().GetProperty(sPropertyForText);
    // if we can't access the property? it might not be a valid object,
    // or not a valid property so return.
    if (null == propertyInfoForText)
      return null;
    // Create a new tree node, as we know that the object item has
    // a valid property on it.
    TreeNode treeNode = new TreeNode(
        propertyInfoForText.GetValue(item, null).ToString());
    // Store a reference to the actual object as the TreeNode's Tag property
    treeNode.Tag = item;
    // if there's a valid parent add the new treenode (tn) to the parent
    if (null != treeNodeParent)
    // Is item an array or container of objects?
    // i.e. if it implements IEnumerable we can enumerate over
    // the objects to see if they can be added to the tree.
    IEnumerable enumerableObject = item as IEnumerable;
    if (null != enumerableObject)
      foreach (object itemInEnumerable in enumerableObject)
        Add<TAttribute>(itemInEnumerable, treeNode, sPropertyForText);
    // Get the item’s properties and see if
    // there are any that have the attribute TreeNodeAttribute assigned to it
    PropertyInfo[] propertyInfos = item.GetType().GetProperties();
    foreach (PropertyInfo propertyInfo in propertyInfos)
      // Check all attribs available on the property
      object[] attribs = propertyInfo.GetCustomAttributes(false);
      foreach (TAttribute treeNodeAttribute in attribs)
        // Try and add the return value of the property to the tree,
        // if the property returns null it will be caught at the
        // beginning of this method.
        Add<TAttribute>(propertyInfo.GetValue(item, null),
            treeNode, sPropertyForText);
    return treeNode;
  return null;

Hopefully the comments describe how the method works. This is a very generic way of adding objects to a TreeView control. I plan to extend TreeNodeAttribute to include properties that allow you to specify the image for the TreeNode, if it’s a checkable item, etc. The only problem is that this will then couple the AttributeTreeView control with TreeNodeAttribute. The where cause on the methods will change from...

public void Populate<TAttribute>(object item, TreeNode tnParent,
  string sPropertyForText)
  where TAttribute : Attribute

... to:

public void Populate<TAttribute>(object item, TreeNode tnParent,
  string sPropertyForText)
  where TAttribute : TreeNodeAttribute

Please feel free to pass on your comments or suggestions. The attached sample is a Visual Studio 2008 project, but the code will easily port to earlier versions.


  • 30th January, 2008: Initial version


This article, along with any associated source code and files, is licensed under The Code Project Open License (CPOL)

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Software Developer (Senior)
United Kingdom United Kingdom
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Comments and Discussions

GeneralWhich is better Performance wise Object model using reflection or using XML (XML.linq.XDocument) Pin
MTejas1-Apr-09 1:21
MTejas1-Apr-09 1:21 
For reading data and returning values which one is better?
QuestionWhat about... Pin
Marc Clifton30-Jan-08 2:08
mvaMarc Clifton30-Jan-08 2:08 
AnswerRe: What about... Pin
Mike Appleby30-Jan-08 8:16
professionalMike Appleby30-Jan-08 8:16 
GeneralGood Start, but not sure I would us this too often Pin
Sacha Barber30-Jan-08 1:37
Sacha Barber30-Jan-08 1:37 
GeneralRe: Good Start, but not sure I would us this too often Pin
Mike Appleby30-Jan-08 8:17
professionalMike Appleby30-Jan-08 8:17 
GeneralDownload Pin
Armando Airo'29-Jan-08 22:50
Armando Airo'29-Jan-08 22:50 
GeneralRe: Download [modified] Pin
Tefik Becirovic29-Jan-08 23:43
Tefik Becirovic29-Jan-08 23:43 

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