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Subnet Scan - remotely scan a subnet and identify resources

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19 Nov 2007 2  
This script will identify several types of resoures on a subnet and store the results in an Excel spreadsheet.


This script will remotely query and gather information from PCs in a subnet using IP & WMI. Additionally, it will check for devices and use their Embedded Web Server to attempt to identify what they are. The results will be saved into an Excel spreadsheet.


Based on the script AssetScan.vbs submitted by Sean Kelly - rev 12 April 2005. HEAVILY modified.

Using the code

Just copy to code below, or download the source file and run. Use the parameters to change the outputed fields and / or place the script into interactive mode.


'*** Subnet Scan �                                                                                                           ***

'***    Written by Frank Lindsey (See credits)                                                                               ***

'*** (PLEASE, NO SOLICITATIONS - I already have one of those)                ***


'*** Desription:                                                                                                             ***

'***    This script will scan your local subnet, or a user defined range of IP address, and return specific information for  ***

'***    each identifiable resource found.                                                                                    ***

'***                                                                                                                         ***

'*** Assumptions:                                                                                                            ***

'***    - WScript 5.6+                                                                                                       ***

'***    - Network access                                                                                                     ***

'***    - Premssions to access resources                                                                                     ***

'***                                                                                                                         ***

'*** Coding Rules:                                                                                                           ***

'***    - Variable names are in the format of <vartype><DescriptiveName>.                                                    ***

'***       - In <DescriptiveName> caps are used to deliniate words                                                           ***

'***       - <vartype>s are:                                                                                                 ***

'***            int   Integer                                                                                                ***

'***            str   String                                                                                                 ***

'***            obj   Object                                                                                                 ***

'***            col   Collection of objects                                                                                  ***

'***            ary   Array                                                                                                  ***

'***            l     logical                                                                                                ***

'***    - Constant names are all caps with an "_" used as word a seperator                                                   ***

'***    - Global names are preceeded with a "G"                                                                              ***

'***    - Subroutine names are in the format of sub<DescriptiveName>                                                         ***

'***       - In <DescriptiveName> caps are used to deliniate words                                                           ***

'***    - Function names are in the format of fun<DecsriptiveName>                                                           ***

'***       - In <DescriptiveName> caps are used to deliniate words                                                           ***

'***    - Code formated to be viewed at 128 columns. No tab characters, indent level is three spaces                         ***

'***    - Default output file is DEFAULT_PATH & <Month><Day><Year>_<Hour><Minute> & REPORT_TITLE & [i][s]                    ***

'***       - To modify the path, change the constant DEFAULT_PATH                                                            ***

'***       - To modifiy the file name, change the constant REPORT_TITLE                                                      ***

'***       - "i" and/or "s" appended to the file name depending on runtime parameters.                                       ***

'***                                                                                                                         ***

'*** Command Line Parameters:                                                                                                ***

'***    -input, -i, /input, /i   Allow user interaction for application parameters selection                                 ***

'***    -short, -s, /short, /s   Limit the number of fields returned to a predefined subset                                  ***

'***    <None>, <Invalid>        Standard method with default application parameters used (no -s nor -i)                     ***

'***                                                                                                                         ***

'***    If -input (etc.) is used the variable GlAskForInput is set to True                                                   ***

'***    If -short (etc.) is used the variable GlShortFormat is set to True                                                   ***

'***                                                                                                                         ***

'***  Revision History:                                                                                                      ***

'***    Orginal coding   10/ 1/2007   Frank Lindsey                                                                          ***

'***    Update           10/ 3/2007   Frank Lindsey   Added parameters, Local Admins test, and SMS check                     ***

'***    Update           10/ 4/2007   Frank Lindsey   Added MAC Address and merged similar queries                           ***

'***    Update           11/ 9/2007   Frank Lindsey   Reorganized code and added UPS detect                                  ***

'***    Release          11/19/2007   Frank Lindsey   Released into Public Domain                                            ***

'***                                                                                                                         ***

'*** Credit:                                                                                                                 ***

'***   Based on the script AssetScan.vbs - open source. HEAVILY modified.                                                    ***

'***      AssetScan.vbs - Query PC's on your network with WMI and log the responses into an excel spreadsheet. Works with    ***

'***                      Windows NT, 2K, XP. � Sean Kelly - rev 12 April 2005                          ***

'***                                                                                                                         ***

'***   ShowBar() found on internet. If you created this fuction let me know so I can give credit where credit is due.        ***

'***   SMSStatus based on procedures pulled from get-and-set-sms-sidecode.vbs written by Tyson Flint.                        ***

'***   Thanks to Scotts Rossow for beta testing and coding suggestions.                                                      ***

'***                                                                                                                         ***


'*** Public Domain                                                                                                           ***

'***    This script is released into the public domain. You may use it freely, however, if you make any modifications and    ***

'***    redistribute, please list your name and describe the changes.                                                        ***

'***                                                                                                                         ***

'***    This script is distributed without any warranty, expressed or implied. If you choose to use this script, in whole or ***

'***    in part, you agree to take sole responsibility for any problems that may occur. Please be aware that this script may ***

'***    cause network slowing depending on the resources available and/or the scan range selected.                           ***


'***[ Initializations ]*********************************************************************************************************

Option Explicit
'Verify we are running WScript before we do anything else

If (InStr(LCase(WScript.FullName),"wscript") = 0) Then Call subCheckScriptHost()
'*** Declarations **************************************************************************************************************


'** User Definable - reset these values to customize the script



   Const DEFAULT_PATH  = "P:\Asset Scans\" 'Save the file here

   Const REPORT_TITLE  = "Subnet Scan"  'This is the complete title

   Const LINE_HEADER   = "<br />---- " 'Used in the progress bar window


'***[ Gobal Variables ] Sorry, I hate them too. I may re-write and use classes to get around this ******************************


Dim GintRow 'Current row in spreadsheet


Const FLAG_RETURN_IMMEDIATELY = &h10 : Const FLAG_FORWARD_ONLY = &h20 'Query operations related


Dim GlAskForInput, GlShortFormat 'Runtime parameters


Dim GaryIPRange(2) 'Three values; Subnet, Start, and End


'** Create Global Objects - These objects are used throught the script



   Dim GobjExcel : Set GobjExcel = Nothing
   Dim GobjIE    : Set GobjIE    = Nothing
   On Error Resume Next
      Set GobjExcel = WScript.CreateObject("Excel.Application")
      Set GobjIE    = WScript.CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
   On Error Goto 0
   'Any Errors?

   If Err.Number <> 0 Then
      Call subCloseApp("Run time Error.", Err.Number, Err.Description, Err.Source)
   ElseIf (GobjExcel Is Nothing) Then
      Call subCloseApp("Fatal Error creating Excel object", Err.Number, Err.Description, Err.Source)
   ElseIf (GobjIE Is Nothing) Then
      Call subCloseApp("Fatal Error creating IE object", Err.Number, Err.Description, Err.Source)
   End If

'** Determine execution format prior to defining the PC array



   '** Local Variables **



   Dim strArgument

   Dim objArguments : Set objArguments = Nothing
   On Error Resume Next
      Set objArguments = WScript.Arguments
   On Error Goto 0
   'Any Errors?

   If Err.Number <> 0 Then
      Call subCloseApp("Run time Error.", Err.Number, Err.Description, Err.Source)
   ElseIf (GobjExcel Is Nothing) Then
      Call subCloseApp("Fatal Error creating Excel object", Err.Number, Err.Description, Err.Source)
   ElseIf (GobjIE Is Nothing) Then
      Call subCloseApp("Fatal Error creating IE object", Err.Number, Err.Description, Err.Source)
   End If
   '*** Default Global varaibles

   GlAskForInput = False : GlShortFormat = False
   'Check for command line parameters

   For Each strArgument In objArguments
      Select Case LCase(strArgument)
         Case "-input", "/input", "-i", "/i"
            GlAskForInput = True
         Case "-short", "/short", "-s", "/s"
            GlShortFormat = True
         Case Else
            MsgBox "Invalid Parameter: " & strArgument & ". Running in default mode.", vbInformation + vbOKOnly, REPORT_TITLE
      End Select 

'** Create Global report detail array based on runtime parameters


   Dim GintPC_IP, GintPC_Name, GintPC_Make, GintPC_Model, GintPC_Serial, GintPC_User
   If GlShortFormat Then
      GintPC_IP = 0 : GintPC_Name = 1 : GintPC_Make = 2 : GintPC_Model = 3 : GintPC_Serial = 4 : GintPC_User = 5
      Dim GintPC_Role, GintPC_MAC, GintPC_RAM, GintPC_OS, GintPC_BIOS, GintPC_CPU, GintPC_Speed, GintPC_Date, GintPC_Admins,  _
          GintPC_SMS, GintPC_C_Size, GintPC_C_Free, GintPC_D_Size, GintPC_D_Free, GintPC_E_Size, GintPC_E_Free, GintPC_NIC_1, _
          GintPC_NIC_2, GintPC_NIC_3, GintPC_NIC_4, GintPC_NIC_5
      GintPC_IP     =  0 : GintPC_Name   =  1 : GintPC_Role   =  2 : GintPC_Make   =  3 : GintPC_Model  =  4
      GintPC_MAC    =  5 : GintPC_Serial =  6 : GintPC_RAM    =  7 : GintPC_OS     =  8 : GintPC_BIOS   =  9
      GintPC_CPU    = 10 : GintPC_Speed  = 11 : GintPC_User   = 12 : GintPC_Date   = 13 : GintPC_Admins = 14
      GintPC_SMS    = 15 : GintPC_C_Size = 16 : GintPC_C_Free = 17 : GintPC_D_Size = 18 : GintPC_D_Free = 19
      GintPC_E_Size = 20 : GintPC_E_Free = 21 : GintPC_NIC_1  = 22 : GintPC_NIC_2  = 23 : GintPC_NIC_3  = 24
      GintPC_NIC_4  = 25 : GintPC_NIC_5  = 26
   End If
'***[ End of Gobal Variables ] *************************************************************************************************

'***[ MAIN ]********************************************************************************************************************


'** Local Variables **



Dim strDefaultFile, strStart, strIPList

'** Start of code **


strDefaultFile = funSetThingsUp(strStart) 'Defines the output file name

If GlAskForInput Then If (MsgBox("Run System Auditor?", vbQuestion + vbYesNo, REPORT_TITLE) = vbNo) Then WScript.Quit 'Go/No Go

Call subShowBar() 'Draw the progress box

If GlAskForInput Then GobjIE.Document.ParentWindow.Document.Script.ListOP("Application Started: " & strStart)
strIPList = funIPCreate()  'Determine the scan range

Call subBuildXLS()         'Create the Excel spreadsheet for output

Call subConnect(strIPList) 'Connect to the system and retrieve data

Call subFooter()           'Create the subFooter on the spreadsheet

GobjIE.Quit 'Message Window cleanup

GobjExcel.Visible = True 'Show the output Excel file

'Save all of our work

If GlAskForInput Then strDefaultFile = strDefaultFile & "i" 'Add the i suffix

If GlShortFormat Then strDefaultFile = strDefaultFile & "s" 'Add the s suffix

If funSaveFiles(strDefaultFile) Then MsgBox "Your inventory run is complete!", vbInformation + vbOKOnly, REPORT_TITLE
'***[ End of MAIN ]*************************************************************************************************************


'** Cleanup **


'Object cleanup

Set GobjIE = Nothing : Set GobjExcel = Nothing
WScript.Quit 'Really and truely not necessary

'***[ SUBROUTINES ]*************************************************************************************************************


'** subCheckScriptHost - Are we running WScript? ***


Sub subCheckScriptHost()

   '** Local Variables **



   Const WINDOW_HIDE = 0 'Run Command Window Style


   Dim objShell : Set objShell = Nothing

   Dim strExec

   '** Start of code **


   'Create Objects

   On Error Resume Next
      Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
   On Error Goto 0
   'Any Errors?

   If Err.Number <> 0 Then
      Call subCloseApp("Run time Error.", Err.Number, Err.Description, Err.Source)
   ElseIf (objShell Is Nothing) Then
      Call subCloseApp("Fatal Error creating Shell object", Err.Number, Err.Description, Err.Source)
   End If
   'Restart using WScript

   strExec ="%COMSPEC% /c " & Chr(34) & "wscript.exe //NoLogo " & Chr(34) & WScript.ScriptFullName & Chr(34) & Chr(34)
   objShell.Run strExec, WINDOW_HIDE, False
End Sub

'** subCloseApp - Called to abnormal application termination **


Sub subCloseApp(strError, intError, strDescription, strSource)
   On Error Resume Next 'No way out


      '** Local Variables **



      Dim strMessage 'Error message to be displayed


      '** Cleanup **


      GobjIE.Quit 'Message Window cleanup

      GobjExcel.Visible = True 'Show the output Excel file

      'Object cleanup

      Set GobjIE = Nothing : Set GobjExcel = Nothing
      strMessage = strError 'Start with the passed messsage

      'Add any error numbers

      If strError > 0 Then strMessage =  strMessage                              & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _
                                         "*** UNRECOVERABLE ERROR: ABORTING ***" & vbCrLf          & _
                                         "*************************************" & vbCrLf          & _
                                         "  Error:        " & intError           & vbCrLf          & _
                                         "  Description : " & strDescription     & vbCrLf          & _
                                         "  Source:       " & strSource
      MsgBox strMessage, vbInformation + vbOKOnly, REPORT_TITLE
      WScript.Quit 'Abort, Abort, Abort

   On Error Goto 0 'Why? Too keep it clean looking

End Sub

'** subShowBar - Displays a progress bar **


Sub subShowBar()

   '** Local Variables **



   Dim intWindowWidth, intWindowHeight

   '** Start of code **


   On Error Resume Next
   On Error Goto 0
   'Any Errors?

   If Err.Number <> 0 Then Call subCloseApp("Error navigating to 'about:blank'.", Err.Number, Err.Description, Err.Source)
   'Do not continue until the page is ready

   Do : WScript.Sleep 50 : Loop Until GobjIE.ReadyState = 4
   With GobjIE.Document.ParentWindow.Screen
      intWindowHeight = .AvailHeight
      intWindowWidth  = .AvailWidth
   End With
   'HTML code

   With GobjIE
      .FullScreen = True
      .Toolbar    = False
      .StatusBar  = False
      .AddressBar = False
      .Resizable  = False
      .Width      = 420
      .Left       = (intWindowWidth  - 420) \ 2
       If GlAskForInput Then
         .Height = 270
         .Top    = (intWindowHeight - 270) \ 2
         .Height = 100
         .Top    = (intWindowHeight - 100) \ 2
       End If
      With .Document
         .WriteLN("<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC>")
         '         *** Create the page

         .WriteLN("<HTML "                                          & _
                  "    Style         = ""border-style:outset;"      & _
                                        "border-width:4px"" "       & _
                      "OnKeyDown     = ""VBScript:SuppressKeys"" "  & _
                      "onHelp        = ""VBScript:SuppressIeFns"" " & _
                      "onContextMenu = ""VBScript:SuppressIeFns"">")
         .WriteLN(    "<HEAD>")
         .WriteLN(        "<TITLE>"         & _
                               REPORT_TITLE & _
         .WriteLN(        "<STYLE "                             & _
                              "Type = ""text/css"">")
         .WriteLN(            "Body {background-color:#ece9d8;" & _
                                    "text-align:center;"        & _
         .WriteLN(        "</STYLE>")
         '                 *** Add the VBScript code

         .WriteLN(        "<SCRIPT " & _
                             "Language = ""VBScript"">")
         '                     ****************************************************************************

         '                     ******** SuppressKeys - Ignore all keys execpt <Ctrl> which exits the window

         '                     ****************************************************************************

         .WriteLN(            "Function SuppressKeys()")
         .WriteLN(               "If NOT CBool(Window.Event.CTRLKey) Then")
         .WriteLN(                  "Exit Function")
         .WriteLN(               "End If")
         .WriteLN(               "Window.Event.KeyCode      = 0")
         .WriteLN(               "Window.Event.CancelBubble = True")
         .WriteLN(               "Window.Event.ReturnValue  = False")
         .WriteLN(            "End Function")
         '                     ********************************************************************

         '                     ******** SuppressIEFns - Stop all calls to Explorer window functions

         '                     ********************************************************************

         .WriteLN(            "Function SuppressIEFns()")
         .WriteLN(               "Window.Event.CancelBubble = True")
         .WriteLN(               "Window.Event.ReturnValue  = False")
         .WriteLN(            "End Function")
         '                     ************************************************

         '                     ******** BarOP - Incress the progress bar length

         '                     ************************************************

         .WriteLN(            "Function BarOP(intPercent)")
         .WriteLN(               "Window.BarArea.Style.Width = intPercent & ""%""")
         .WriteLN(            "End Function")
         If GlAskForInput Then
            '                  *****************************************************

            '                  ******** ListOP - Add new lines to the display window

            '                  *****************************************************

            .WriteLN(         "Function ListOP(strToInsert)")
            .WriteLN(            "Window.DataArea.InsertAdjacentHtml ""beforeBegin"", strToInsert")
            .WriteLN(            "Window.DataArea.ScrollIntoView")
            .WriteLN(         "End Function")
         End If
         .WriteLN(        "</SCRIPT>")
         .WriteLN(    "</HEAD>")
         '             *** Build the body of the window

         .WriteLN(    "<BODY " & _
                          "Scroll = ""No"">")
         .WriteLN(        "<TABLE>")
         .WriteLN(            "<TR>")
         .WriteLN(                "<TD Style = ""text-align:center;"                & _
                                                "font-family:Arial;font-size:16pt;" & _
         .WriteLN(                     "Premera Blue Cross - Auditor")
         .WriteLN(                "</TD>")
         .WriteLN(            "</TR>")
         .WriteLN(            "<TR>")
         .WriteLN(                "<TD ID = ""barcell"" "                                & _
                                             "Style = ""width:400px;"                    & _
                                                       "padding-left:7px;"               & _
                                                       "padding-right:7px;"              & _
                                                       "text-align:left;"                & _
                                                       "border-style:inset;"             & _
                                                       "border-width:thin;"              & _
         .WriteLN(                    "<HR ID = ""BarArea"" "                       & _
                                                 "Style = ""width:0%;height:15px;" & _
                                                           "color:darkblue"" />")
         .WriteLN(                "</TD>")
         .WriteLN(            "</TR>")
         If GlAskForInput Then
            .WriteLN(         "<TR>")
            .WriteLN(             "<TD STYLE = ""padding-top:15px"">")
            .WriteLN(                           "<DIV ID = ""progresslist"" "                                & _
                                                            "Style = ""height:100px;width:380px;"            & _
                                                                      "max-height:100%;max-width:100%;"      & _
                                                                      "padding-left:10px;text-align:left;"   & _
                                                                      "font-family:Arial;font-size:10pt;"    & _
                                                                      "font-weight:bold;border-style:inset;" & _
            .WriteLN(                               "<SPAN "                 & _
                                                        "ID = ""DataArea"">" & _
            .WriteLN(                           "</DIV>")
            .WriteLN(             "</TD>")
            .WriteLN(         "</TR>")
            .WriteLN(         "<TR>")
            .WriteLN(             "<TD STYLE = ""padding-top:20px;"              & _
                                                "width:400px;font-family:Arial;" & _
                                                "font-size:10pt;"                & _
            .WriteLN(                  "Scanning for systems...")
            .WriteLN(             "</TD>")
            .WriteLN(         "</TR>")
         End If
         .WriteLN(        "</TABLE>")
         .WriteLN(    "</BODY>")
      End With 
   .Visible = True 
   End With 
End Sub

'** subBuildXLS - Builds the actual Excel file **


Sub subBuildXLS()

   '*** Local Variables ***



   Const EXCEL_WHITE = 2 : Const EXCEL_BLUE = 11 : Const EXCEL_SOLID = 1 : Const EXCEL_LEFT = 2 : Const EXCEL_RIGHT = 4

   Dim aryPCs()
   'Fill the headers for the PC data

   If GlShortFormat Then
      ReDim aryPCs(5)
      aryPCs(GintPC_IP)    = "IP Address" : aryPCs(GintPC_Name)   = "Hostname"      : aryPCs(GintPC_Make) = "Make"
      aryPCs(GintPC_Model) = "Model"      : aryPCs(GintPC_Serial) = "Serial Number" : aryPCs(GintPC_User) = "Logged User"
      ReDim aryPCs(26)
      aryPCs(GintPC_IP)     = "IP Address"       : aryPCs(GintPC_Name)   = "Hostname"
      aryPCs(GintPC_Role)   = "Role"             : aryPCs(GintPC_Make)   = "Make"
      aryPCs(GintPC_Model)  = "Model"            : aryPCs(GintPC_MAC)    = "MAC Address"
      aryPCs(GintPC_Serial) = "Serial Number"    : aryPCs(GintPC_RAM)    = "RAM"
      aryPCs(GintPC_OS)     = "Operation System" : aryPCs(GintPC_BIOS)   = "BIOS Revision"
      aryPCs(GintPC_CPU)    = "CPU Type"         : aryPCs(GintPC_Speed)  = "CPU Speed"
      aryPCs(GintPC_User)   = "Logged User"      : aryPCs(GintPC_Date)   = "Date Installed"
      aryPCs(GintPC_Admins) = "Local Admins"     : aryPCs(GintPC_SMS)    = "SMS Site"
      aryPCs(GintPC_C_Size) = "C: Size"          : aryPCs(GintPC_C_Free) = "C: Free"
      aryPCs(GintPC_D_Size) = "D: Size"          : aryPCs(GintPC_D_Free) = "D: Free"
      aryPCs(GintPC_E_Size) = "E: Size"          : aryPCs(GintPC_E_Free) = "E: Free"
      aryPCs(GintPC_NIC_1)  = "NIC #1"           : aryPCs(GintPC_NIC_2)  = "NIC #2"
      aryPCs(GintPC_NIC_3)  = "NIC #3"           : aryPCs(GintPC_NIC_4)  = "NIC #4"
      aryPCs(GintPC_NIC_5)  = "NIC #5"
   End If

   '** Start of code **


   GintRow = 1 'Current row in spreadsheet

   GobjExcel.Visible = False
   GobjExcel.Sheets("Sheet1").Name = REPORT_TITLE
   GobjExcel.Rows(1).RowHeight = 25 'Set height of Title row

   'Set Cell Format for Column Titles

   If GlShortFormat Then
   End If
   'Global settings on spreadsheet

   GobjExcel.Selection.Font.Size           = 8
   GobjExcel.Selection.Font.ColorIndex     = EXCEL_WHITE
   GobjExcel.Selection.Interior.ColorIndex = EXCEL_BLUE
   GobjExcel.Selection.Interior.Pattern    = EXCEL_SOLID
   GobjExcel.Selection.Font.Bold           = True
   GobjExcel.Selection.WrapText            = True
   If GlShortFormat Then
      GobjExcel.Range("A:F").HorizontalAlignment = EXCEL_LEFT
      GobjExcel.Range("A:AA").HorizontalAlignment = EXCEL_LEFT
      GobjExcel.Range("H:H" ).HorizontalAlignment = EXCEL_RIGHT
      GobjExcel.Range("L:L" ).HorizontalAlignment = EXCEL_RIGHT
      GobjExcel.Range("N:N" ).HorizontalAlignment = EXCEL_RIGHT
      GobjExcel.Range("Q:V" ).HorizontalAlignment = EXCEL_RIGHT
   End If
   Call subAddLineXLS(aryPCs)
End Sub

'** subAddLineXLS - Add Lines to the spreadsheet **


Sub subAddLineXLS(ByRef aryLineDetail)

   '** Local Variables **



   Dim intCounter, intRows 'Basic Counters


   '** Start of code **


   intRows = UBound(aryLineDetail) + 1 'Number of rows sent

   For intCounter = 1 To intRows
      GobjExcel.Cells(GintRow, intCounter).Value = Trim(aryLineDetail(intCounter - 1))
   GintRow = GintRow + 1 'We are now on the next row in the spreadsheet

   GobjExcel.Cells(1, 1).Select 'Back to the top

End Sub

'** subFooter - added when speadsheet is complete **


Sub subFooter()

   '** Local Variables **



   Const EXCEL_BLACK = 1 : Const EXCEL_LEFT = 2
   Const IP_SUBNET = 0 : Const IP_START = 1 : Const IP_END = 2

   Dim intCounter 'Basic Counter


   Dim strParameters

   Dim aryFooters(2)

   '** Start of code **


   strParameters = "" 'Default it to empty string

   If GlShortFormat Then
      strParameters = "Short Format "
      GobjExcel.Range("A:F").ColumnWidth() = 40
      GobjExcel.Range("A:AA").ColumnWidth() = 40
   End If
   If GlAskForInput Then strParameters = strParameters & "Interactive"
   aryFooters(0) = "Premera Blue Cross"
   aryFooters(1) = "Inventory AssetScan " & strParameters
   aryFooters(2) = "IP Range: " & GaryIPRange(IP_SUBNET) & "." & GaryIPRange(IP_START) & _
                   " through "  & GaryIPRange(IP_SUBNET) & "." & GaryIPRange(IP_END)
   GintRow = GintRow + 3 'Give us a little room

   For intCounter = 0 To 2
      GintRow = GintRow + 1
      GobjExcel.Cells(GintRow, 4).Select
      GobjExcel.Selection.Font.ColorIndex     = EXCEL_BLACK
      GobjExcel.Selection.Font.Size           = 8
      GobjExcel.Selection.Font.Bold           = False
      GobjExcel.Selection.HorizontalAlignment = EXCEL_LEFT
      GobjExcel.Cells(GintRow, 4).Value       = aryFooters(intCounter)
End Sub

'** subConnect - Get Connect to each system **


Sub subConnect(strAllIPs)

   '** Local Variables **



   Const ACCESS_DENIED = &H80041003 'Returned from a EWS call

   Const MAX_WAIT      = &H80 'connection timeout 120 seconds

   Const IP_SUBNET = 0 : Const IP_START = 1 : Const IP_END = 2

   Dim strTitle, strURL, strMessage, strPage, strTemp 'Work varialbles

   'Collection of Objects

   Dim colIPAddresses : Set colIPAddresses = Nothing
   Dim colItems       : Set colItems       = Nothing

   Dim objRegularExpression : Set objRegularExpression = New RegExp
   Dim objItem      : Set objItem      = Nothing 'Work object

   Dim objLocator   : Set objLocator   = Nothing
   Dim objSMSClient : Set objSMSClient = Nothing
   Dim objMSXML3    : Set objMSXML3    = Nothing

   Dim intIPRange, intLoop, intItems

   Dim strRunCommand
   'Progress box variables

   Dim intPercentage, intOnLine
   If GlAskForInput Then Dim strResetLine, strResultLine

   Dim lFoundIt

   Dim aryPCs()

   '** Start of code **


   'Create Objects

   On Error Resume Next
      Set objLocator   = CreateObject("WbemScripting.SWbemLocator")
      Set objSMSClient = CreateObject("Microsoft.SMS.Client")
      Set objMSXML3    = CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP")
   On Error Goto 0
   'Any Errors?

   If Err.Number <> 0 Then
      Call subCloseApp("Run time Error.", Err.Number, Err.Description, Err.Source)
   ElseIf (objLocator Is Nothing) Then
      Call subCloseApp("Fatal Error creating Locator object", Err.Number, Err.Description, Err.Source)
   ElseIf (objSMSClient Is Nothing) Then
      Call subCloseApp("Fatal Error creating SMS Client object", Err.Number, Err.Description, Err.Source)
   ElseIf (objMSXML3 Is Nothing) Then
      Call subCloseApp("Fatal Error creating XML object", Err.Number, Err.Description, Err.Source)
   End If
   'IP Range

   intIPRange = GaryIPRange(IP_END) - GaryIPRange(IP_START)
   intOnLine  = 0
   'Extract the names of each system

   With objRegularExpression
      .Pattern    = "^\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}$"
      .IgnoreCase = True
      .Multiline  = True
      .Global     = True
   End With
   Set colIPAddresses = objRegularExpression.Execute(strAllIPs)
   intItems = colIPAddresses.Count
   'Loop through each name extracted

   For intLoop = 0 To intItems - 1
      strMessage = "" : strTitle = "" : strTemp = "" : strURL = "" : strPage = ""
      lFoundIt = False
      Err.Clear 'Nothing pending...

      'Get an empty array

      Erase aryPCs
      If GlShortFormat Then ReDim aryPCs(5) Else ReDim aryPCs(26)
      'OK, lets go...

      aryPCs(GintPC_IP) = colIPAddresses.Item(intLoop).Value 'Get the first IP Address

      intOnLine = intOnLine + 1 'Increase Line Counter

      'Update progress window

      intPercentage = CInt((intOnLine / (intIPRange + 1)) * 100)
      GobjIE.Document.ParentWindow.Document.Script.BarOP(intPercentage) 'Progress bar

      If GlAskForInput Then
         strResultLine = "<br />" & aryPCs(GintPC_IP) & LINE_HEADER & "Searching..."
         strResetLine  = funUpdateWindow(intPercentage, strResultLine, strResetLine)
      End If
      'Try a fast ping

      If funConnectable(aryPCs(GintPC_IP), 1, 250) Then

         Dim objWMI : Set objWMI = Nothing
         On Error Resume Next
            Set objWMI = objLocator.ConnectServer(aryPCs(GintPC_IP), "root\cimv2",,,,, MAX_WAIT)
         On Error Goto 0
         'Not a PC

         If (objWMI Is Nothing) Then
            Err.Clear 'Nothing pending...

            If GlAskForInput Then
               strResultLine = LINE_HEADER & "Checking Network..."
            End If
            aryPCs(GintPC_ROLE) = "Network Device"
            'Check for an embedded web server

            strURL = "http://" & aryPCs(GintPC_IP)
            On Error Resume Next 
      "GET", strURL, False
               objMSXML3.setRequestHeader "User-Agent","My funky browser." 
               objMSXML3.send ""  
               If objMSXML3.readyState <> 4 Then objMSXML3.waitForResponse 5 'Wait for a response

            On Error Goto 0
            'OK, now do we have anything?

            If Err.Number = 0            And _
               objMSXML3.readyState <> 1     Then
               strPage = LCase(objMSXML3.responseText) 'Get source for the entire webpage

               'Did we geat a response and no errors

               If Err.Number = 0 Then
                   lFoundIt = True 'We found something

                  'We found an Embedded Web Server (EWS), now lets try to get more details


                  '*** Place all the various test for different EWS here


                  If funCheckILo(strPage, aryPCs) Then
                     strMessage = "ILo Found"
                  ElseIf funCheckHP(strPage, aryPCs) Then
                     strMessage = "HP Device Found"
                  ElseIf funCheckAPC(strPage, aryPCs) Then
                     strMessage = "APC Device Found"
                     'I give up, but there is an Embedded Web Server

                     strMessage          = "Unknown EWS!"
                     aryPCs(GintPC_Name) = strMessage
                  End If
               ElseIf Err.Number = 424 Then
                  aryPCs(GintPC_Name)  = "Unknown EWS!"
                  strMessage           = "Access Denied!"
                  aryPCs(GintPC_Model) = strMessage
               End If
            ElseIf Err.Number = ACCESS_DENIED Then
               aryPCs(GintPC_Name)  = "Unknown EWS!"
               strMessage           = "Access Denied!"
               aryPCs(GintPC_Model) = strMessage
               strMessage = "Nothing found."
            End If
            strResultLine = LINE_HEADER & strMessage
         Else 'No Embedded Web Server, it must be a PC

            If GlAskForInput Then
               strResultLine = LINE_HEADER & "Connected..."
            End If
            lFoundIt = True 'We found something

            Call subGetHostname(       aryPCs, objWMI) 'Get Hostname

            Call subGetRoleUser(       aryPCs, objWMI) 'Get Domain Role and User Name

            Call subGetSerialMakeModel(aryPCs, objWMI) 'Get the Serial, Make, and Model

            'Are we doing the long format?

            If Not GlShortFormat Then
               Call subGetRAM(        aryPCs, objWMI) 'Get RAM (Total)

               Call subGetDateOS(     aryPCs, objWMI) 'Get Install Date and OS Version

               Call subGetBIOS(       aryPCs, objWMI) 'Get the BIOS value

               Call subGetCPUSpeed(   aryPCs, objWMI) 'Get the CPU Type and Speed

               Call subGetNICsInfo(   aryPCs, objWMI) 'Get NICs Details

               Call subGetDiskInfo(   aryPCs, objWMI) 'Get complete disk drive details

               Call subGetLocalAdmins(aryPCs)         'Get Local Administrators

               aryPCs(GintPC_SMS) = objSMSClient.AutoDiscoverSite 'Get status of SMS

            End If
            strResultLine = LINE_HEADER & aryPCs(GintPC_Role) & " Processed."
         End If
         strMessage = "Ping failed."
         strResultLine = LINE_HEADER & strMessage
      End If
      If lFoundIt Then Call subAddLineXLS(aryPCs) 'Is there any data to write

      If GlAskForInput Then GobjIE.Document.ParentWindow.Document.Script.ListOP(strResultLine)
      Set objWMI = Nothing
   'Clean things up

   Set colItems = Nothing : Set objMSXML3 = Nothing : Set objSMSClient = Nothing : Set objItem = Nothing
End Sub

'** subGetHostname - Get the PCs Hostname **


Sub subGetHostname(ByRef aryPCs, ByRef objWMI)

   '** Local Variables **



   Dim colItems : Set colItems = Nothing

   Dim objItem : Set objItem = Nothing

   '** Start of code **


   Set colItems = objWMI.ExecQuery("SELECT DNSHostName, MACAddress"             & _
                                   "   FROM Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration"  & _
                                   "   WHERE IPEnabled = TRUE",                   _
                                   "WQL",                                         _
                                   FLAG_RETURN_IMMEDIATELY + FLAG_FORWARD_ONLY)
   For Each objItem In colItems
      aryPCs(GintPC_Name) = objItem.DNSHostName
      aryPCs(GintPC_MAC)  = objItem.MACAddress
End Sub

'** subGetRoleUser - Get the PCs Role and User Name **


Sub subGetRoleUser(ByRef aryPCs, ByRef objWMI)

   '** Local Variables **


   'Collection of Objects

   Dim colItems : Set colItems = Nothing

   Dim objItem : Set objItem = Nothing

   '** Start of code **


   Set colItems = objWMI.ExecQuery("SELECT DomainRole, UserName"                & _
                                   "   FROM Win32_ComputerSystem",                _
                                   "WQL",                                         _
                                   FLAG_RETURN_IMMEDIATELY + FLAG_FORWARD_ONLY)
   For Each objItem In colItems
      'How is the Role of the system defined?

      Select Case objItem.DomainRole
         Case 0
            aryPCs(GintPC_Role) = "Standalone Workstation"
         Case 1
            aryPCs(GintPC_Role) = "Workstation"
         Case 2
            aryPCs(GintPC_Role) = "Standalone Server"
         Case 3
            aryPCs(GintPC_Role) = "Server"
         Case 4
            aryPCs(GintPC_Role) = "Backup DC"
         Case 5
            aryPCs(GintPC_Role) = "Primary DC"
         Case Else
            aryPCs(GintPC_Role) = "Unknown System Role"
      End Select
      'Who is logged in currently

      aryPCs(GintPC_User) = objItem.UserName
End Sub

'** subGetSerialMakeModel - Get the PCs Serial Number, Make, and Model **


Sub subGetSerialMakeModel(ByRef aryPCs, ByRef objWMI)

   '** Local Variables **


   'Collection of Objects

   Dim colItems : Set colItems = Nothing

   Dim objItem : Set objItem = Nothing

   '** Start of code **


   Set colItems = objWMI.ExecQuery("SELECT IdentifyingNumber, Name, Vendor"     & _
                                   "   FROM Win32_ComputerSystemProduct",         _
                                   "WQL",                                         _
                                   FLAG_RETURN_IMMEDIATELY + FLAG_FORWARD_ONLY)
   For Each objItem In colItems
      aryPCs(GintPC_Serial) = objItem.IdentifyingNumber
      aryPCs(GintPC_Make)   = objItem.Vendor
      aryPCs(GintPC_Model)  = objItem.Name
End Sub

'** subGetRAM - Get the PCs total RAM **


Sub subGetRAM(ByRef aryPCs, ByRef objWMI)

   '** Local Variables **


   'Collection of Objects

   Dim colItems : Set colItems = Nothing

   Dim objItem : Set objItem = Nothing

   '** Start of code **


   Set colItems = objWMI.ExecQuery("SELECT TotalPhysicalMemory"                 & _
                                   "   FROM Win32_LogicalMemoryConfiguration",    _
                                   "WQL",                                         _
                                   FLAG_RETURN_IMMEDIATELY + FLAG_FORWARD_ONLY)
   For Each objItem In colItems : aryPCs(GintPC_RAM) = funSizeFormat(objItem.TotalPhysicalMemory, "KB", "") : Next
End Sub

'** subGetDateOS - Get the PCs Install Date and OS Version **


Sub subGetDateOS(ByRef aryPCs, ByRef objWMI)

   '** Local Variables **



   Dim strTemp
   'Collection of Objects

   Dim colItems : Set colItems = Nothing

   Dim objItem : Set objItem = Nothing

   '** Start of code **


   Set colItems = objWMI.ExecQuery("SELECT Caption, CSDVersion, InstallDate"    & _
                                   "   FROM Win32_OperatingSystem",               _
                                   "WQL",                                         _
                                   FLAG_RETURN_IMMEDIATELY + FLAG_FORWARD_ONLY)
   For Each objItem In colItems
      strTemp = Left(objItem.InstallDate, 8) 'Work string

      'Format Date

      aryPCs(GintPC_Date) = Mid(strTemp, 3, 2) & "/" & Right(strTemp, 2) & "/" & Left(objItem.InstallDate, 4)
      'Shorten Service Pack

      aryPCs(GintPC_OS) = Trim(objItem.Caption) & Replace(objItem.CSDVersion, "Service Pack ", " (SP ") & ")"
      'Clean up unwanted text

      If InStr(aryPCs(GintPC_OS), "Microsoft Windows ") <> 0 Then
         aryPCs(GintPC_OS) = Replace(aryPCs(GintPC_OS), "Microsoft Windows ", "")
      ElseIf InStr(aryPCs(GintPC_OS), "Microsoft(R) Windows(R) ") <> 0 Then
         aryPCs(GintPC_OS) = Replace(aryPCs(GintPC_OS), "Microsoft(R) Windows(R) ", "")
      End If
      'Shorten type description

      If InStr(aryPCs(GintPC_OS), "Professional") <> 0 Then
         aryPCs(GintPC_OS) = Replace(aryPCs(GintPC_OS), "Professional", "PRO")
      ElseIf InStr(aryPCs(GintPC_OS), "Standard Edition") <> 0 Then
         aryPCs(GintPC_OS) = Replace(aryPCs(GintPC_OS), "Standard Edition", "SE")
      End If
End Sub

'** subGetBIOS - Get the PCs BIOS information **


Sub subGetBIOS(ByRef aryPCs, ByRef objWMI)

   '** Local Variables **


   'Collection of Objects

   Dim colItems : Set colItems = Nothing

   Dim objItem : Set objItem = Nothing

   '** Start of code **


   Set colItems = objWMI.ExecQuery("SELECT Version"                            & _
                                   "   FROM Win32_BIOS",                         _
                                   "WQL",                                        _
                                   FLAG_RETURN_IMMEDIATELY + FLAG_FORWARD_ONLY)
   For Each objItem In colItems : aryPCs(GintPC_BIOS) = objItem.Version : Next
End Sub

'** subGetCPUSpeed - Get the PCs CPU type and Speed **


Sub subGetCPUSpeed(ByRef aryPCs, ByRef objWMI)

   '** Local Variables **



   Const KB = 1024 : Const MB = 1048576 : Const GB = 1073741824 'Metric values

   'Collection of Objects

   Dim colItems : Set colItems = Nothing

   Dim objItem : Set objItem = Nothing

   '** Start of code **


   On Error Resume Next
      Set colItems = objWMI.ExecQuery("SELECT Name, MaxClockSpeed, Description"    & _
                                      "   FROM Win32_Processor",                     _
                                      "WQL",                                         _
                                      FLAG_RETURN_IMMEDIATELY + FLAG_FORWARD_ONLY)
   If Err.Number = 0 Then
      For Each objItem In colItems
         aryPCs(GintPC_CPU)  = Left(objItem.Name, InStr(objItem.Name, " CPU ") - 1)
         aryPCs(GintPC_Speed) = FormatNumber(objItem.MaxClockSpeed / KB) & " GHz"
   End If
End Sub

'** subGetNICsInfo - Get the PCs NICs inforamtion **


Sub subGetNICsInfo(ByRef aryPCs, ByRef objWMI)

   '** Local Variables **



   Dim intCounter
   'Collection of Objects

   Dim colItems : Set colItems = Nothing

   Dim objItem : Set objItem = Nothing

   '** Start of code **


   Set colItems = objWMI.ExecQuery("SELECT Name, AdapterType"                   & _
                                   "   FROM Win32_NetworkAdapter",                _
                                   "WQL",                                         _
                                   FLAG_RETURN_IMMEDIATELY + FLAG_FORWARD_ONLY)
   intCounter = 0
   For Each objItem In colItems
      If objItem.AdapterType = "Ethernet 802.3" Then
         Select Case intCounter
            Case 1
               aryPCs(GintPC_NIC_1) = objItem.Name
            Case 2
               aryPCs(GintPC_NIC_2) = objItem.Name
            Case 3
               aryPCs(GintPC_NIC_3) = objItem.Name
            Case 4
               aryPCs(GintPC_NIC_4) = objItem.Name
            Case 5
               aryPCs(GintPC_NIC_5) = objItem.Name
         End Select
         intCounter = intCounter + 1
      End If
End Sub

'** subGetDiskInfo - Get the PCs Disk Information **


Sub subGetDiskInfo(ByRef aryPCs, ByRef objWMI)

   '** Local Variables **



   Dim intCounter
   'Collection of Objects

   Dim colItems : Set colItems = Nothing

   Dim objItem : Set objItem = Nothing

   '** Start of code **


   Set colItems = objWMI.ExecQuery("SELECT DeviceID, Size, FreeSpace"           & _
                                   "   FROM Win32_LogicalDisk"                  & _
                                   "   WHERE DriveType = '3'",                    _
                                   "WQL",                                         _
                                   FLAG_RETURN_IMMEDIATELY + FLAG_FORWARD_ONLY)
   intCounter = 0
   For Each objItem In colItems
      Select Case UCase(objItem.DeviceID)
         Case "C:"
            aryPCs(GintPC_C_Size) = funSizeFormat(objItem.Size     , "BY", "GB")
            aryPCs(GintPC_C_Free) = funSizeFormat(objItem.FreeSpace, "BY", "GB")
         Case "D:"
            aryPCs(GintPC_D_Size) = funSizeFormat(objItem.Size     , "BY", "GB")
            aryPCs(GintPC_D_Free) = funSizeFormat(objItem.FreeSpace, "BY", "GB")
         Case "E:"
            aryPCs(GintPC_E_Size) = funSizeFormat(objItem.Size     , "BY", "GB")
            aryPCs(GintPC_E_Free) = funSizeFormat(objItem.FreeSpace, "BY", "GB")
      End Select
      intCounter = intCounter + 1
      'Only consider the first three hard drives

      If intCounter > 2 Then Exit For
End Sub

'** subGetLocalAdmins - Identify the local machine Administrators **


Sub subGetLocalAdmins(ByRef aryPCs)

   '** Local Variables **



   Dim strTemp, strToReturn, strLineHeader
   'Collection of Objects

   Dim colItems : Set colItems = Nothing

   Dim objItem  : Set objItem = Nothing
   Dim objWinNT : Set objItem = Nothing

   '** Start of code **


   On Error Resume Next
      Set objWinNT = GetObject("WinNT://" & aryPCs(GintPC_IP))
   On Error Goto 0
   'Any Errors?

   If Err.Number <> 0 Then
      Call subCloseApp("Run time Error.", Err.Number, Err.Description, Err.Source)
   ElseIf (objWinNT Is Nothing) Then
      Call subCloseApp("Fatal Error creating Win NT object", Err.Number, Err.Description, Err.Source)
   End If
   'Default variables

   strToReturn = "" : strLineHeader = ""
   'Any Errors?

   If Err.Number = 0            And _
      Not (objWinNT Is Nothing)     Then
      'Read in the local system info

      On Error Resume Next
      On Error Goto 0
      If Err.Number = 0 And _
         objWinNT.PropertyCount > 0 Then
         On Error Resume Next
            Set colItems = GetObject("WinNT://" & aryPCs(GintPC_IP) & "/Administrators,group")
         On Error Goto 0
         If Err.Number = 0             And _
            Not (objWinNT Is Nothing)  And _
            colItems.PropertyCount > 0     Then
            For Each objItem In colItems.Members
               strTemp = Right(objItem.adsPath, Len(objItem.adsPath) - 8)
               'Ignore special accounts and we know about oa0ad01

               If InStr(strTemp, "/")       <> 0 And _
                  InStr(strTemp, "$")       =  0 And _
                  InStr(strTemp, " ")       =  0 And _
                  InStr(strTemp, "oa0ad01") =  0     Then
                  strToReturn   = strLineHeader & strTemp
                  strLineHeader = strToReturn & ", " 
               End If
         End If
      End If
   End If
   aryPCs(GintPC_Admins) = strToReturn 'Return results

End Sub
'***[ End of SUBROUTINES ]******************************************************************************************************

'***[ FUNCTIONS ]***************************************************************************************************************


'** funSetThingsUp - Initial startup routines **


Function funSetThingsUp(ByRef strStart)

   '** Local Variables **


   'Date Time

   Dim dteToday, dteNow

   Dim strFile

   '** Start of code **


   'Create the default filename

   dteToday = Date()
   dteNow   = Time()
   strStart = "Inventory run started: " & dteToday & " at " &  dteNow 'Used in Footer

   strFile  = Right("0000" & Year(dteToday) , 2) & _
              Right("00"   & Month(dteToday), 2) & _
              Right("00"   & Day(dteToday)  , 2) & _
              "_"                                & _
              Right("00"   & Hour(dteNow)   , 2) & _
              Right("00"   & Minute(dteNow) , 2) & REPORT_TITLE
   funSetThingsUp = strFile
End Function

'** funIPCreate - Create IP table **


Function funIPCreate()

   '** Local Variables **



   Const IP_BOTTOM = 0 : Const IP_TOP = 255 'Default IP range limits

   Const IP_SUBNET = 0 : Const IP_START = 1 : Const IP_END = 2

   Dim intCounter

   Dim strIPList, strCurrentIP, strLineHeader
   'Collection of Objects

   Dim colTemp : Set colTemp = Nothing

   Dim objRegularExpression : Set objRegularExpression = New RegExp

   '** Start of code **


   'Default variables

   strIPList = ""
   'Get subnet to scan

   strCurrentIP = funGetIP()
   'Break out the subnet

   With objRegularExpression
      .Pattern    = "(\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})\.\d{1,3}"
      .IgnoreCase = True
      .Multiline  = True
      .Global     = False
   End With
   Set colTemp = objRegularExpression.Execute(strCurrentIP)
   If colTemp.Count > 0 Then
      GaryIPRange(IP_SUBNET) = colTemp.Item(0).Submatches(0)
   End If
   If GlAskForInput Then
      'Verify subnet

      GaryIPRange(IP_SUBNET) = InputBox ("Enter Subnet to Scan - <enter> for Local Subnet", REPORT_TITLE, GaryIPRange(IP_SUBNET))
      'Verify IP range

      GaryIPRange(IP_START) = InputBox ("Start at :", "Scanning Subnet: " & GaryIPRange(IP_SUBNET), IP_BOTTOM)
      GaryIPRange(IP_END)   = InputBox ("  End at :", "Scanning Subnet: " & GaryIPRange(IP_SUBNET), IP_TOP)
      GaryIPRange(IP_START) = IP_BOTTOM
      GaryIPRange(IP_END)   = IP_TOP
   End If
   'Write IP address to string

   strLineHeader = ""
   For intCounter = GaryIPRange(IP_START) To GaryIPRange(IP_END)
      strIPList = strLineHeader & GaryIPRange(IP_SUBNET) & "." & intCounter 'Append the new address

      strLineHeader = strIPList & vbCrLf 'New header Line

   funIPCreate = strIPList 'Return the entire IP List


   Set colTemp = Nothing : Set objRegularExpression = Nothing
End Function

'** funGetIP - Get the IP address of the Host system **


Function funGetIP()

   '** Local Variables **



   Const MAX_WAIT      = &H80 'connection timeout 120 seconds


   Dim intCounter

   Dim strIPAddress : strIPAddress = "" 'Default it

   'Collection of Objects

   Dim colItems : Set colItems = Nothing

   Dim objItem    : Set objItem    = Nothing 'Work object

   Dim objLocator : Set objLocator = Nothing
   Dim objWMI     : Set objWMI     = Nothing

   '** Start of code **


   On Error Resume Next
      Set objLocator = CreateObject("WbemScripting.SWbemLocator")
      Set objWMI = objLocator.ConnectServer(".", "root\cimv2",,,,, MAX_WAIT)
   On Error Goto 0
   'Any Errors?

   If Err.Number <> 0 Then
      Call subCloseApp("Run time Error.", Err.Number, Err.Description, Err.Source)
   ElseIf (objLocator Is Nothing) Then
      Call subCloseApp("Fatal Error creating Locator object", Err.Number, Err.Description, Err.Source)
   ElseIf (objWMI Is Nothing) Then
      Call subCloseApp("Fatal Error creating WMI object", Err.Number, Err.Description, Err.Source)
   End If
   'Default variables

   strIPAddress = ""
   If Err.Number = 0          And _
      Not (objWMI Is Nothing)     Then
      Set colItems = objWMI.ExecQuery("SELECT * "                                   & _
                                      "   FROM  Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration " & _
                                      "   WHERE IPEnabled = TRUE")
      'Returns a IP Address for each enabled network card

      For Each objItem in colItems
         If Not IsNull(objItem.IPAddress) Then 
            For intCounter = LBound(objItem.IPAddress) To UBound(objItem.IPAddress)
               strIPAddress = objItem.IPAddress(intCounter) 'We got it!

         End If
   End If
   funGetIP = strIPAddress 'Return Results

End Function

'** funConnectable - Try to PING a network address / name **


Function funConnectable(strHostName, intCount, intTimeOut)

   '** Local Variables **



   Dim strRunCommand

   Dim intReplyTotal, intFailedAttempts, intTestResult

   Dim lReplyValue

   Dim objShell : Set objShell = Nothing

   '** Start of code **


   On Error Resume Next
      Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") 
   On Error Goto 0
   'Any Errors?

   If Err.Number <> 0 Then
      Call subCloseApp("Run time Error.", Err.Number, Err.Description, Err.Source)
   ElseIf (objShell Is Nothing) Then
      Call subCloseApp("Fatal Error creating Shell object", Err.Number, Err.Description, Err.Source)
   End If
   'Default the Parameters

   If VarType(strHostName) = vbString Then
      If intCount   = vbEmpty Then intCount   = 2
      If intTimeOut = vbEmpty Then intTimeOut = 750
      'Ping the system.  Will return 0 on success and 1 on failure

      strRunCommand = "%ComSpec% /c "                     & _
                         "%SystemRoot%\system32\PING.EXE" & _
                            " -n " & intCount             & _
                            " -w " & intTimeout & " "     & _
      Do Until (intReplyTotal = 2) Or (intFailedAttempts = 4)
         lReplyValue = objShell.Run(strRunCommand, 0, True)
         If (lReplyValue = 0) Then intReplyTotal = intReplyTotal + 1 Else intFailedAttempts = intFailedAttempts + 1
      funConnectable = Not (intFailedAttempts = 4)
      funConnectable = False 'Invalid Parameter

   End If
End Function

'** funCheckILo - Did we find an ILo EWS? **


Function funCheckILo(strToTest, ByRef aryPCs)

   '** Local Variables **


   'Collection of Objects

   Dim colTemp : Set colTemp = Nothing

   Dim objRegularExpression : Set objRegularExpression = New RegExp

   '** Start of code **


   funCheckILo = False 'Default to failed

   If InStr(strToTest, "integrated lights") > 0 Then
      With objRegularExpression
         .Pattern    = "servername=[\\""]+([^;\\""]*)"
         .IgnoreCase = True
         .Multiline  = True
         .Global     = False
      End With
      Set colTemp = objRegularExpression.Execute(strToTest)
      If colTemp.Count > 0 Then
         aryPCs(GintPC_Name) = colTemp.Item(0).Submatches(0)
         aryPCs(GintPC_MAKE) = "ILo"
      End If
      funCheckILo = True 'We found something

   End If
End Function

'** funCheckHP - Did we find an HP Device **


Function funCheckHP(strToTest, ByRef aryPCs)

   '** Local Variables **



   Dim colTemp : Set colTemp = Nothing

   Dim objRegularExpression : Set objRegularExpression = New RegExp

   '** Start of code **


   funCheckHP = False 'Default to failed

   If InStr(strToTest, "hp ") > 0 Then
      'Get the role of the device

      aryPCs(GintPC_MAKE)  = "HP"
      aryPCs(GintPC_MODEL) = "Unknown"
      'Get the model number

      If InStr(strToTest, "sender") > 0 Then
         aryPCs(GintPC_ROLE) = "Digital Sender"
         With objRegularExpression
            .Pattern    = "9[0-9]00[^a-z]*" '9100c, 9200c - known models

            .IgnoreCase = True
            .Multiline  = True
            .Global     = False
         End With
         Set colTemp = objRegularExpression.Execute(strToTest)
         If colTemp.Count > 0 Then aryPCs(GintPC_MODEL) = colTemp.Item(0).Value
         aryPCs(GintPC_ROLE) = "LaserJet"
         Set objRegularExpression = New RegExp
         With objRegularExpression
            .Pattern    = "laserjet (\w+)"
            .IgnoreCase = True
            .Multiline  = True
            .Global     = False
         End With
         Set colTemp = objRegularExpression.Execute(strToTest)
         If colTemp.Count > 0 Then aryPCs(GintPC_MODEL) = colTemp.Item(0).Submatches(0)
      End If
      funCheckHP = True 'We found something

   End If
End Function

'** funCheckAPC - Did we find an APC Device **


Function funCheckAPC(strToTest, ByRef aryPCs)

   '** Local Variables **



   Dim colTemp : Set colTemp = Nothing

   Dim objRegularExpression : Set objRegularExpression = New RegExp

   '** Start of code **


   funCheckAPC = False 'Default to failed

   If InStr(strToTest, " apc ") > 0 Then
      'Get the role of the device

      aryPCs(GintPC_ROLE)  = "APC"
      aryPCs(GintPC_MAKE)  = "UPS"
      aryPCs(GintPC_MODEL) = "Unknown"
      funCheckAPC = True 'We found something

   End If
End Function

'** funSaveFiles - Create IP table **


Function funSaveFiles(strFileName)

   '** Local Variables **



   Dim strFilter, strTitle, strFullName

   Dim objFSO : Set objFSO = Nothing

   '** Start of code **


   On Error Resume Next
      Set objFSO = WScript.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
   On Error Goto 0
   If Err.Number <> 0 Then
      Call subCloseApp("Run time Error.", Err.Number, Err.Description, Err.Source)
   ElseIf (objFSO Is Nothing) Then
      Call subCloseApp("Fatal Error creating FSO object", Err.Number, Err.Description, Err.Source)
   End If
   funSaveFiles = False 'Default to fail

   'Configure Save As dialog box

   strFilter   = "Excel File (*.xls), *.xls"
   strTitle    = "Save As"
   strFullName = DEFAULT_PATH & strFileName & ".xls"
   'Start with a clean slate

   'Create the folder if it does not exist

   If Not (objFSO.FolderExists(DEFAULT_PATH)) Then
      On Error Resume Next
      On Error Goto 0
   End If
   'Did we fail to create the directory?

   If Err.Number <> 0                         Or _
      Not (objFSO.FolderExists(DEFAULT_PATH))    Then
      MsgBox "Could not create the folder: '" & DEFAULT_PATH & "'"
      On Error Resume Next
         If (GlAskForInput) Then
            strFullName = GobjExcel.GetSaveAsFilename(strFullName, strFilter, 1, strTitle)  'Get the filename from user

         End If
         If Err.Number <> 0 Then
            MsgBox "Could not save Excel File: '" & strFullName & "'"
            GobjExcel.ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs strFullName
            If Err.Number = 0 Then funSaveFiles = True
         End If
      On Error Goto 0
   End If
End Function

'** funUpdateWindow - Update the message status window **


Function funUpdateWindow(intPercent, strResult, strReset)

   '** Start of code **


   'Write the error message to the Message Window

   On Error Resume Next
      GobjIE.Document.ParentWindow.Document.Script.BarOP(intPercent) 'Progress bar

      If (GlAskForInput) Then
         GobjIE.Document.ParentWindow.Document.Script.ListOP(strResult) 'Message box

      End If
   On Error Goto 0
   'Problem with the window? Rebuild it

   If Err.Number <> 0 Then
      Call subShowBar() 'Rebuild window

      On Error Resume Next
         GobjIE.Document.ParentWindow.Document.Script.BarOP(intPercent) 'Progress bar

         If (GlAskForInput) Then
            GobjIE.Document.ParentWindow.Document.Script.ListOP(strReset) 'Message box

         End If
      On Error Goto 0
   End If
   Do While (GobjIE.Busy)
      Sleep 250
   funUpdateWindow = strReset & strResult 'Redisplay all the saved lines

End Function

'** funSizeFormat - Reduce number into lowest metric value **


Function funSizeFormat(intBaseNumber, strCurrentSize, strReturnSize)

   '** Local Variables **



   Const BYTE_VALUE = 0 : Const KB_VALUE = 1 : Const MB_VALUE = 2 : Const GB_VALUE = 3 : Const TB_VALUE = 4
   Const KB = 1024 : Const MB = 1048576 : Const GB = 1073741824 'Metric values


   Dim intCurrentOffset, intReturnOffset, intTestValue

   Dim strSize

   '** Start of code **


   intCurrentOffset = -1
   intReturnOffset  = -1
   'Only process numbers

   If IsNumeric(intBaseNumber) Then
      'Is it greater then 0?

      If intBaseNumber > 0 Then
         intTestValue = intBaseNumber
         strSize      = strCurrentSize
         'What is the size of the value sent

         Select Case strCurrentSize
            Case "KB"
               intCurrentOffset = KB_VALUE
            Case "MB"
               intCurrentOffset = MB_VALUE
            Case "GB"
               intCurrentOffset = GB_VALUE
            Case "TB"
               intCurrentOffset = TB_VALUE
            Case Else
               intCurrentOffset = BYTE_VALUE
               strSize          = "Bytes"
         End Select
         'What is the size of the value to return

         Select Case strReturnSize
            Case "BY"
               intReturnOffset = BYTE_VALUE
            Case "KB"
               intReturnOffset = KB_VALUE
            Case "MB"
               intReturnOffset = MB_VALUE
            Case "GB"
               intReturnOffset = GB_VALUE
            Case Else
               intReturnOffset = TB_VALUE
         End Select
         'OK, lets make it a the right size

         Do While strReturnSize <> strSize               
            'Return value will be between 0.500 and 512.000

            If intTestValue < (KB / 2) Then
               Exit Do
            End If
            'Do we decress or incress the value?

            If intCurrentOffset < intReturnOffset Then
               intCurrentOffset = intCurrentOffset + 1 'Current is a larger base

               intTestValue     = intTestValue / KB
               Select Case strSize 
                  Case "Bytes"
                     strSize = "KB"
                  Case "KB"
                     strSize = "MB"
                  Case "MB"
                     strSize = "GB"
                  Case "GB"
                     strSize = "TB"
                  Case "TB"
                     strSize = "Error!"
               End Select
               intCurrentOffset = intCurrentOffset - 1 'Current is a smaller base

               intTestValue     = intTestValue * KB
               Select Case strSize 
                  Case "Bytes"
                     strSize = "Error!"
                  Case "KB"
                     strSize = "Bytes"
                  Case "MB"
                     strSize = "KB"
                  Case "GB"
                     strSize = "MB"
                  Case "TB"
                     strSize = "GB"
               End Select
            End If
         funSizeFormat = FormatNumber(Round(intTestValue, 2), 2) & " " & strSize
         funSizeFormat = "" 'Less then 0? Return and empty string

      End If
      funSizeFormat = intBaseNumber 'Not a number? Return it unchanged

   End If
End Function
'***[ End of FUNCTIONS ]********************************************************************************************************

'***[ End of SCRIPT ]***********************************************************************************************************

Points of Interest

This thing took on a life of its own. I learned more about VBScript then I ever wanted to know. Check out the code, there are a lot of jewels I found along the way.


Submitted 11/19/2007


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