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CScrollCtrl: An autoscrolling text control

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9 Mar 2002 2  
Display autoscrolling text with logo and patterned background. Useful for about dialogs, misc fluff.

CScrollerCtrl test app, running under Windows XP.



Well... I was bored the other day, and not wanting to do anything necessary, decided to write a little autoscroller. It turned out quite nicely, so I'm posting it here in the off chance it might be useful to someone else.


An autoscroller is a control that displays text, scrolling it automatically at a pre-determined speed. They are generally used for displaying credits in about dialogs, or other such trivial tasks; by design they are not friendly enough to be used for displaying important things, since users will be frustrated if they read faster or slower than the text is scrolled. My scroller has an optional scrollbar though, just to make it easier for such users should it ever be used to display text they will actually want to read.


  • Smooth scrolling, with configurable speed.
  • Optional manual scrolling, via scrollbar, mouse wheel, or keyboard.
  • Configurable delay before and after scrolling is complete and after manual scrolling.
  • Optional bitmap logo header: useful for displaying company logo on about dialog type things.
  • Optional bitmap background pattern, either tiled or centered.
  • Configurable font, configurable background and text colors.


The public API for CScrollerCtrl consists of the following methods:

// create the window; remove WS_VSCROLL to avoid showing scrollbar, 

// remove WS_TABSTOP to disable keyboard scrolling.

BOOL Create(const RECT& rect, CWnd* pParentWnd, 
// activate/deactivate wrapping mode: 

void SetWrapping(BOOL bWrap); 
// Sets the color used for the background (if no pattern is set) or margins 

// (if pattern is set and not tiled) 

void SetBgColor(COLORREF clrBg); 
// Sets the color used for text 

void SetFgColor(COLORREF clrBg); 
// Sets the font; size is in points,

// see LOGFONT documentation for weight constants 

void SetFont(const CString& strName, int nSize, int nWeight); 
// Sets the text to be displayed 

void SetText(const CString& strText); 
// Sets the bitmap to be displayed above the text 

CBitmap* SetLogo(CBitmap* pbmpLogo); 
// Sets the background pattern 

CBitmap* SetPattern(CBitmap* pbmpPattern, BOOL bTile); 
// Sets the time (in milliseconds) between frames (autoscrolling speed) 

// (will revert to default if less than 0)

void SetScrollDelay(int nScrollDelay); 
// Sets the delay (in milliseconds) when autoscrolling pauses 

// (will disable pausing if set less than scroll delay)

void SetScrollPause(int nScrollPause); 

Calling Create() gives the control its initial size and position, as well as the styles in effect. To disable the scroll bar, remove the WS_VSCROLL style; to disable all manual scrolling, remove both WS_VSCROLL and WS_TABSTOP.

All other methods can be called either before or after the control is created; if the control has been created, they will take effect immediately, otherwise they will be in effect when Create() is called. All attributes have defaults, so you only need to set the ones you need. Most are self-explanatory, but a couple of things should be known:

  • If a background pattern is set, text will be drawn with a shadow to aid in visibility. The shadow color is calculated from the foreground and background colors. The shadow offset is calculated at 1/10th the font size.
  • SetPattern() takes a boolean flag as its second parameter; if false, it will center the bitmap instead of tiling it.
  • SetWrapping() changes the wrapping mode. This is on by default, meaning that as the end of the text (or logo if no text) scrolls up the screen, it is immediately followed by the beginning of the logo (or text if no logo set). If SetWrapping() is called with false as the parameter, content is scrolled completely off the screen before it is scrolled back on again. See the contrast between the two dialogs in the demo; it's a lot simpler than it sounds.

The Demo:

The demo consists of a main dialog and child dialog. The main dialog displays the introduction above, along with a logo bitmap, in an auto-scrolling window with a scrollbar. The child dialog illustrates changing the text on the fly by presenting a scrolling tips window.

The demo is mostly autogenerated, so you can safely ignore most of the code. The important bits are in CScrollerTestDlg::OnInitDialog(), CTipsDialog::OnInitDialog(), and CTipsDialog::SwitchTip().


Here i begin by initializing the scroller with one of two sets of background patterns and colors:

   if ( ::GetTickCount()%2 )  // lazy man's rand()

      // this background should be centered over a white background


Note that in the first case, the bitmap is centered, while in the second it is tiled.

Next, I set the logo bitmap and text:

   // logo bitmap

   // text

   CString strIntro;

Finally, I create the scroller to fill the entire client are:

    CRect rect;
    m_scroller.Create(rect, this);

It's probably worth noting here that this dialog is resizeable, and that the scroller is resized in OnSize() to always fill the client area. I set the WS_CLIPCHILDREN style for the dialog to prevent flashing during resizing.

After creating the scroller, I create and show the tips dialog:

   // create tips dialog, and show at top-left of screen

   m_dlgTips.Create(CTipsDialog::IDD, this);
   m_dlgTips.SetWindowPos(NULL,0, 0, 0,0, SWP_NOZORDER


Here I begin by initializing the scroller with a custom font, a message, and turning off wrapping. I'll explain the reason for turning off wrapping shortly:

   m_scroller.SetFont("Microsoft Sans Serif", 10, FW_SEMIBOLD);

The messages displayed in this scroller aren't long enough that they need to be readable while scrolling, so I let them scroll as fast as possible, pausing when the tip is fully shown.

   // short messages, read while paused, not scrolling

   // so scroll quickly and pause for a 6 secs.


Finally do the creation. Note that I give the control an ID (1) and omit the WS_VSCROLL and WS_TABSTOP styles; I don't want the user to be able to scroll this manually.

   // short messages, read while paused, not scrolling

   // so scroll quickly and pause for a 6 secs.


Ok, now an explanation for turning off wrapping mode. The purpose of this dialog is to display tips, one after another, and to do this by changing the text at appropriate times. If wrapping is turned on, the text will never be completely off screen, and switching will not look good. Now that that's clear, on to how the text is actually switched...


CScrollerCtrl is an output only control; the only user input it accepts is manual scrolling, and this it handles internally. However, it does send one command message to its parent when the content has scrolled off the screen completely. There is a constant defined (CScrollerCtrl::SC_SCROLL_COMPLETE) to identify this command message, but since it is the only command message sent by this control, it is not really necessary to check this. SwitchTip() handles the command message when it is received, and changes the text. The new text then scrolls on screen, and life goes on.


This is a fairly simple control... Output is double-buffered to ensure smooth updates. Two timers are used: the first is active for the life of the window, ticking off at the scroll rate. The second is used to clear the paused state when autoscrolling is paused for whatever reason; it is killed as soon as it is triggered. All drawing is contained in one of three methods:

  • FillBackground() clears the back buffer when the drawing of a new frame begins. If you wish to have a fancier background (animated, etc.) this would be the place to do it.
  • DrawLogo() draws the logo bitmap, if one is set. It takes a parameter specifying the offset to draw at, and another specifying whether to actually draw, or just calculate the size necessary to draw.
  • DrawBodyText() draws the actual text. It also takes parameters specifying the offset to draw at, and whether to draw or just calculate the size necessary.

These methods are all virtual, so if you create a derived class, you can override any or all of them to do something interesting. (display rich text, etc.)


I've tested this on Windows XP, 2000, and 98. It will compile with both Visual Studio 6 and Visual Studio .NET


  • Nothing. It is perfect as-is.
  • Write some sort of simple HTML renderer and use it to replace current text renderer.
  • Go find a pizza and some beer.


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