I developed this application to help me migrate Paradox database to SQL Server. I hope someone else will find this code also useful.
This application uses the "Paradox database native .NET reader" library developed by Petr Briza. It is fairly simple: you select the folder where Paradox database files reside, select the SQL Server database you want to copy the tables, select the tables you want to copy and click "Copy tables". The application will create tables in the SQL server database and copy the data. It will also try to copy files locally in case they are located on a network drive.

Using the code
The application uses Petr Briza library to do records counts for each table. It uses Microsoft Jet OLEDB provider to read data in 32 bit mode. The provider will not work in 64 bit. This is why it is compiled in 32 bit mode.

Pradox db files can be password protected. The application uses JET OLEDB connection string property "Jet OLEDB:Database Password" for the password.
Function GetParadoxConnectionString(ByVal sFolderPath As String, ByVal sPassword As String) As String
If sFolderPath = "" Then
Return ""
End If
If sPassword <> "" Then
Return "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & sFolderPath & ";Extended Properties=Paradox 5.x;Jet OLEDB:Database Password=" & sPassword & ";"
Return "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & sFolderPath & ";Extended Properties=Paradox 5.x;"
End If
End Function
CopyTableJet function does the actual work of copying data. It will insert 1000 records at a time if you select "Sql Ser 2008+".
Private Sub CopyTableJet(ByVal sTableName As String, dr As OleDbDataReader, ByRef cnDst As OleDbConnection)
Dim oSchemaRows As Data.DataRowCollection = dr.GetSchemaTable.Rows
Dim sRow As String
Dim i As Integer
Dim iRow As Integer = 0
Dim iRowCount As Integer = 0
Dim sHeader As String = ""
For i = 0 To oSchemaRows.Count - 1
Dim sColumn As String = oSchemaRows(i)("ColumnName")
If i <> 0 Then
sHeader += ", "
End If
sHeader += PadSqlColumnName(sColumn)
Dim sValues As String = ""
While dr.Read()
iRowCount += 1
sRow = ""
For i = 0 To oSchemaRows.Count - 1
If sRow <> "" Then
sRow += ", "
End If
sRow += GetValueString(dr.GetValue(i))
If chkSQL2008.Checked Then
If sValues <> "" Then sValues += ", "
sValues += "(" & sRow & ")"
If iRowCount >= 1000 Then
Dim sSql1 As String = "INSERT INTO " & PadSqlColumnName(sTableName) & " (" & sHeader & ") VALUES " & sValues
ExecuteSql(sSql1, cnDst)
iRowCount = 0
sValues = ""
End If
Dim sSql1 As String = "INSERT INTO " & PadSqlColumnName(sTableName) & " (" & sHeader & ") VALUES (" & sRow & ")"
ExecuteSql(sSql1, cnDst)
End If
iRow += 1
ProgressBar1.Value = Math.Min(ProgressBar1.Maximum, iRow)
lbCount.Text = iRow.ToString()
If bStop Then
Log("Copied table " & sTableName & " stopped. ")
Exit While
End If
End While
If chkSQL2008.Checked And sValues <> "" Then
Dim sSql1 As String = "INSERT INTO " & PadSqlColumnName(sTableName) & " (" & sHeader & ") VALUES " & sValues
ExecuteSql(sSql1, cnDst)
End If
End Sub
GetCreateTableSqlFromParadox function will create the table in SQL server if it does not exist.
Private Function GetCreateTableSqlFromParadox(ByVal sTableName As String, dr As OleDbDataReader) As String
Dim sb As New System.Text.StringBuilder()
Dim oSchemaRows As Data.DataRowCollection = dr.GetSchemaTable.Rows
Dim sKeyColumns As String = ""
Dim i As Integer = 0
sb.Append("CREATE TABLE " & PadSqlColumnName(sTableName) & " (" & vbCrLf)
For iCol As Integer = 0 To oSchemaRows.Count - 1
Dim sColumn As String = oSchemaRows(iCol).Item("ColumnName").ToString() & ""
Dim sColumnSize As String = oSchemaRows(iCol).Item("ColumnSize").ToString() & ""
Dim sDataType As String = oSchemaRows(iCol).Item("DATATYPE").FullName.ToString()
Dim bAllowDBNull As Boolean = oSchemaRows(iCol).Item("AllowDBNull")
If i > 0 Then
End If
sb.Append(" " & PadAccessDataType(sDataType, sColumnSize))
If bAllowDBNull Then
sb.Append(" NULL")
sb.Append(" NOT NULL")
End If
i += 1
If i = 0 Then
Return ""
Return sb.ToString()
End If
End Function