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Advanced MIME Parser/Creator/Editor

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5 Oct 2005 1M   7.7K   116   322
An advanced MIME parser/creator/editor application.


This article provides an advanced MIME editor. You can use it for parsing email messages, changing messages and for creating new email messages. It supports creation of complex messages with nested MIME entities. For more info, see help file: LumiSoft.Net.Mime namespace.

Message examples

Simple message:

//--- Beginning of message
Subject: Message subject.
Content-Type: text/plain

Message body text. Bla blaa
//--- End of message

In simple message, the MainEntity is the whole message.

Message with attachments:

//--- Beginning of message
Subject: Message subject.
Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="multipart_mixed"

--multipart_mixed    /* text entity */
Content-Type: text/plain

Message body text. Bla blaa
--multipart_mixed    /* attachment entity */
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

//--- End of message

Here MainEntity is the multipart_mixed entity, and the text and attachment entities are child entities of MainEntity.

Using the code

Parsing example:

Mime m = Mime.Parse("message.eml");
// Do your stuff with mime

Creating a new simple message:

Mime m = new Mime();
MimeEntity mainEntity = m.MainEntity;
// Force to create From: header field
mainEntity.From = new AddressList();
mainEntity.From.Add(new MailboxAddress("dispaly name",""));
// Force to create To: header field
mainEntity.To = new AddressList();
mainEntity.To.Add(new MailboxAddress("dispaly name",""));
mainEntity.Subject = "subject";
mainEntity.ContentType = MediaType_enum.Text_plain;
mainEntity.ContentTransferEncoding = ContentTransferEncoding_enum.QuotedPrintable;
mainEntity.DataText = "Message body text.";


Creating a message with text and attachments:

Mime m = new Mime();
MimeEntity mainEntity = m.MainEntity;
// Force to create From: header field
mainEntity.From = new AddressList();
mainEntity.From.Add(new MailboxAddress("dispaly name",""));
// Force to create To: header field
mainEntity.To = new AddressList();
mainEntity.To.Add(new MailboxAddress("dispaly name",""));
mainEntity.Subject = "subject";
mainEntity.ContentType = MediaType_enum.Multipart_mixed;

MimeEntity textEntity = mainEntity.ChildEntities.Add();
textEntity.ContentType = MediaType_enum.Text_plain;
textEntity.ContentTransferEncoding = ContentTransferEncoding_enum.QuotedPrintable;
textEntity.DataText = "Message body text.";

MimeEntity attachmentEntity = mainEntity.ChildEntities.Add();
attachmentEntity.ContentType = MediaType_enum.Application_octet_stream;
attachmentEntity.ContentDisposition = ContentDisposition_enum.Attachment;
attachmentEntity.ContentTransferEncoding = ContentTransferEncoding_enum.Base64;
attachmentEntity.ContentDisposition_FileName = "";
// or
attachmentEntity.Data = your_attachment_data;


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Written By
Estonia Estonia
This member has not yet provided a Biography. Assume it's interesting and varied, and probably something to do with programming.

Comments and Discussions

GeneralBASE64 attachments fail if incorrect length Pin
Fashtas18-Apr-08 14:01
Fashtas18-Apr-08 14:01 
GeneralRe: BASE64 attachments fail if incorrect length Pin
GARTHCJ3-Jul-08 5:50
GARTHCJ3-Jul-08 5:50 
Question[Message Deleted] Pin
Anant_M16-Apr-08 4:45
Anant_M16-Apr-08 4:45 
AnswerRe: Unable to parse base64 encoded eml file Pin
Anant_M16-Apr-08 5:32
Anant_M16-Apr-08 5:32 
GeneralRe: Unable to parse base64 encoded eml file Pin
Ivar Lumi16-Apr-08 6:11
Ivar Lumi16-Apr-08 6:11 
GeneralRegarding attachment. Pin
VIPULPANCHAL14-Mar-08 5:52
VIPULPANCHAL14-Mar-08 5:52 
GeneralRe: Regarding attachment. Pin
Ivar Lumi14-Mar-08 6:58
Ivar Lumi14-Mar-08 6:58 
GeneralFirst class Pin
i96danma16-Jan-08 11:18
i96danma16-Jan-08 11:18 
Thanks for a thorough and well executed library. I especially like the documentation, a subject well-known for its tendency to be disregarded by contributors.

There is this question about the license, though - could you please clarify the status?

GeneralRe: First class Pin
Ivar Lumi16-Jan-08 20:47
Ivar Lumi16-Jan-08 20:47 
GeneralVery good project! Pin
ap8212-Dec-07 4:56
ap8212-Dec-07 4:56 
GeneralLarge Attachments Pin
Gerhardt Landers5-Nov-07 3:28
Gerhardt Landers5-Nov-07 3:28 
GeneralRe: Large Attachments Pin
Ivar Lumi5-Nov-07 3:38
Ivar Lumi5-Nov-07 3:38 
GeneralRe: Large Attachments Pin
Gerhardt Landers5-Nov-07 20:07
Gerhardt Landers5-Nov-07 20:07 
GeneralRe: Large Attachments Pin
Ivar Lumi9-Nov-07 23:44
Ivar Lumi9-Nov-07 23:44 
QuestionProblem viewing From: email address Pin
chezy5252-Nov-07 7:26
chezy5252-Nov-07 7:26 
AnswerRe: Problem viewing From: email address Pin
Ivar Lumi2-Nov-07 7:32
Ivar Lumi2-Nov-07 7:32 
GeneralRe: Problem viewing From: email address Pin
chezy5252-Nov-07 8:35
chezy5252-Nov-07 8:35 
QuestionHaving trouble opening an email Pin
Richard__21-Sep-07 4:07
Richard__21-Sep-07 4:07 
AnswerRe: Having trouble opening an email Pin
Ivar Lumi23-Sep-07 6:17
Ivar Lumi23-Sep-07 6:17 
GeneralRe: Having trouble opening an email Pin
Richard__24-Sep-07 22:06
Richard__24-Sep-07 22:06 
GeneralRe: Having trouble opening an email Pin
Ivar Lumi25-Sep-07 19:40
Ivar Lumi25-Sep-07 19:40 
GeneralAwesome Pin
rodneyrodney20-Sep-07 20:13
rodneyrodney20-Sep-07 20:13 
GeneralRe: Awesome Pin
Ivar Lumi20-Sep-07 20:35
Ivar Lumi20-Sep-07 20:35 
QuestionHow To Use this class with SMTP Pin
stormbill6-Sep-07 23:49
stormbill6-Sep-07 23:49 
AnswerRe: How To Use this class with SMTP Pin
Ivar Lumi7-Sep-07 3:13
Ivar Lumi7-Sep-07 3:13 

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