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Easy SQL Server Tool Using C#

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2 Feb 2016CPOL13 min read 95K   6.1K   71   20
In this article, we will see how to create an easy SQL Server Tool.


* Kindly view my Youtube Video link to learn my Easy SQL SERVER Tool Using C#.

Image 1

Easy SQL Server Tool will allow users to create SQL Server Database, Delete Database, Load all Database Names from a SQL selected Server, Create a New Table, Insert records to Table, Select Records from Table and bind the result to grid, Export the selected result to CSV file format, Delete Table, Delete ALL Records from a table without writing any SQL Script.

We have used SQL Server Management Objects (SMO) to programmatically create SQL Server Database, Table, etc.

What is SQL Server Management Objects (SMO)?

SQL Server Management Objects (SMO) is a collection of objects to manage SQL Server programmatically. Using SMO objects, we can programmatically connect to SQL server, Get collections of all Database names, Create new Database, Backup Database, Restore Database, Create Table, Get collections of Table Name for a given Database, Get all Column details of a given Table, etc.

Reference website: To learn more details about SQL Server SMO, kindly view all these links:

Features in Shanu Easy SQL Server Tool (SESST)

Image 2

  1. Connect to SQL Server
  2. Table Details
  3. SQL Script Tab (Create Table tab / Insert and Delete records tab / Select Query tab)
  4. Output Window

Here, we will see details of each part.

Step 1: Connect to SQL Server

Image 3

SQL Server Connect

We can connect to any SQL Server within our network. We need to give SQL Server Name or IP Address, SQL Server Login ID and password to connect to SQL Server.

Create New Database

Check that the user entered Database name exist in SQL Server or not. If it exists, then display the message to user. If there is no database with user entered name, then new Database will be created.

Image 4

Load Database

Load all the Database Name to combobox for creating Table.

Delete Database

User can delete the selected database from SQL Server. Before deleting, confirmation box will be displayed to user to delete or not. If user clicks on ok, then the selected database will be deleted.

Image 5

Database Backup

Backup the selected database to any folder as you have selected.

Image 6

Database Restore

User can restore the database by selecting “.bak” file from the selected folder.

Image 7

Step 2: Table Details

Image 8

Load Table

User needs to first select the database to list all the Table Names. After selecting the database and by clicking on the Load Table Names, all the Table Names to the Combobox will be loaded.

Delete Table

User can delete the selected Table from SQL Server. Before deleting, confirmation box will be displayed for user to delete or not. If user clicks on ok, then the selected Table will be deleted.

Step 3: SQL Script Tab

Here, we will be having three tabs, the first tab is for creating Table, the second tab is for Insert and Delete Records and the third tab is for selecting query. We will see all three tab details here.

Create Table Tab

Image 9

Here, users can create their own table without writing SQL Query. Firstly, user needs to select the Database where the table needs to be created. After selecting the database, users can enter their SQL Table Name in the textbox. After entering the table name, users need to add columns for that Table. Without adding columns, the Table cannot be created.

Adding Columns

Image 10

User can add columns for creating new Table. All these columns will be added locally to the grid for finally creating a Table. User can add any number of columns, delete the selected column and also delete all columns by clicking on Clear Columns. Adding and deleting columns do not deal with database so this will be a temp place to add columns for creating Table. After adding all columns for the Table, user can click on Create Table button to create a new Table with given column details.


Here, for now, only three datatypes have been used:

  1. Int (numbers)
  2. varchar (for text)
  3. nVarchar (for numbers and text)

User can also add each column data size. For integer, the size will not be used, but for Varchar and nVarchar datatype, user can add the column data size. User can also set Max size for both Varchar and nVarchar type by selecting the Max Size checkbox.

For example, we can see the following image. Here we have added four columns to the grid and adding one more new column, we can see each column Datatype and Size from the grid. After adding all columns, we click the Create Table Button. We can see the confirmation message as Table was created and also we can see our new Table has been added in the Table List Combobox.

Image 11

Insert and Delete Records Tab

We will be using the recently created test Table for inserting demo.

Image 12

Here, we can see in the above image we have selected the Tabletest” from Table List. To insert record to selected Table, we need to click on the load table Details to insert button. By clicking this, we will be displaying all the column name with textbox. Depending on the Datatype of each column, we will be adding textbox with maxlength. If the column datatype is Integer, then we will be adding Numeric textbox for that column' by this user can enter only numbers to that textbox. For Varchar and nVarchar, we will check for each Column Size if it's max, then we set the textbox maxlength as 200; by this user can enter only 200 characters. If size is set for column, then we will be setting the column size for textbox maxlength.


Image 13

After loading all the column details with TextBox, user can enter the value to be inserted for each column. Once user entered the value, click on the Insert into Selected Table button for inserting a new record. Similar to this, user can enter any number of records for the selected table. If you want to add more functionality from the code, you can add your functionality, for example, like checking duplicate value before insert, etc.

Delete All Records

User can delete all records of the selected table. Here in this sample, we are not checking any condition for deleting the records. If you need to add more functionality, you can change from the code and add your own functions, for example like Delete records of a table based on condition, etc.

Select Query Tab

Image 14

For selecting the records from a database and displaying the result, users need to first select the database and then select the Table from the Table List to create a SQL Select query.
User can select the details using three features:

  1. All Columns: If All Columns checkbox is checked, then all column details result will be displayed to the output window grid. (This is same like * in select query, for example select * from tablename). We can see from the above image, the All Column Check box will be loaded by default. After selecting the table and when user clicks on Run Select Query, all column details will be loaded in the following output window grid.
  2. User selected Columns: If user wants to display only particular columns of the table, then they can click on load Table Columns to Select button to display all the column name of the tables to CheckedListbox. Here, user can select the columns they need and by default checked all the Column Names. User can uncheck the columns which are not needed and also uncheck the All Columns Checkbox to display only selected columns as a result.
  3. User can Write SQL Select Query: User can also write their SQL Select query to display the output.

Image 15

For example, if user wants to write their own SQL query to join 3 table and display the result. To write SQL Select query, user needs to check the SQL Select Query checkbox and after writing select query, user can click on Run Select Query button to see the result. In the above image, we can see we have write sample SQL Join query to join three table and by clicking the Run Select query, the result has been bind in the grid.

SQL Injection Checking in User Entered Select Query

Image 16

We have also checked for the SQL Injection before executing user entered SQL Select query. We have created an array list to add all SQL injection string and we will be checking any of the array word is matching with user entered select query. For example, we can see the above image since after select query, we have entered drop query. But when we click on Run Select Query button, we display the message as drop is not accepted in select query.

Here is the list of SQL Injection string I am checking. If you need, you can add or remove as per your requirement.

string[] sqlInjectionArray = { "create", "drop", "delete", 
"insert", "update", "truncate","grant ","print",
"sp_executesql ,"objects","declare","table","into",  
"sp_who","sysobjects","sp_","sysprocesses ","master",
"sys","db_","is_","exec", "end", "xp_",
"; --", "/*", "*/", "alter", "begin", "cursor", 
"kill","--" ,"tabname","or","sys"};  
Save Select Query

User can also save the Select Query as text file to selected folder for using the select query later.

Image 17

Open Saved Select Query

User can also open the saved Select Query to execute the select script.

Image 18

Export the Result to CSV File Format

User can also export the selected result to CSV format. Here in the following image, we can see the result has been exported as CSV file.

Image 19


SQL Server SMO Reference: For working with SQL Server SMO, we need to add four important references to our project.

  • Microsoft.SqlServer.ConnectionInfo.dll
  • Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo.dll
  • Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Sdk.Sfc.dll
  • Microsoft.SqlServer.SqlEnum.dll

You can find the reference from this path (here, we have used SQL Server 2014).

C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\120\SDK\Assemblies\

Add all these four Assembly references to your project:

Image 20

Using the Code

The main aim was to create a simple and easy to use Easy SQL Tool. All the functionalities have been added in one main form with Tab. We have created two classes:

  1. smoSQLServerClass: In this class, we have created function to Connect, Disconnect to SQL Server, Create Database, Delete Database, Backup Database, Write all the Exception to Log text file to executable folder, Create Table, etc.
  2. sqlBizClass: In this class, we perform all business logic for our Main form, for example, like creating Dynamic query, Creating Dynamic Controls and bind to panel, Bind all Table names returned from SMOSQLServerClass to Combobox controls, check SQL injection for Select query and return the result as true or false, etc.

Here, we will see some important code part used in the Easy SQL Server Tool. All the code part has been well-commented, so the user can easily understand the code.

Connect to SQL Server

In this article, I have mentioned for using SQL Server SMO objects, we need to add four important Assembly references to our project. Using SMO ServerConnection, we can connect to SQL server. We need to set the SQL Server name to ServerInstance and set SQL Server login and password. After connecting, we check for whether Connection is open and return the Boolean value to our main function to display the appropriate message to user.

public bool SqlServerConnect()  
                servConn = new ServerConnection();  
                servConn.ServerInstance = serverName;  
                servConn.LoginSecure = false;  
                servConn.Login = LoginID;  
                servConn.Password = password;  
                    return true;  
                    return false;  
            catch (Exception ex)  
            return false;  

Write Exception Message to Log File

We will be writing all exception error message to Log file with Date and Time.

public void writeLogMessage(String logMessage)  
            string path = Application.StartupPath + @"\LogFile.txt";  
            logMessage = logMessage + " - on " + DateTime.Now.ToString();  
            if (!File.Exists(path))  
                using (StreamWriter tw = File.CreateText(path))  
                StreamWriter tr = new StreamWriter(path);  

Load Database Name

In Load Database Name button click event, we will pass the comboBox control to the Biz class method. In biz class method, we will call the SMO Class to get all the database name and add all the database name to combobox. Here in this method, I will check for Master Database and will not add the name for security reason, for example, user can delete the database from our main form. Similarly, you can change the code to restrict any database that shows it in our main form.

public void loaddbNames(ComboBox cbo)  
            //return objSQL.loaddbNames();  
            DatabaseCollection dbnamesCol = objSQL.loaddbNames();  
            if (dbnamesCol != null)  
                string dbnames = "";  
                int ival = 0;  
                foreach (Database db in dbnamesCol)  
                    if (db.Name != "master")  
                    }                   }  
            cbo.SelectedIndex = 0;  

In SMO Class, we will be loading all the database names for a given SQL Server and return as DatabaseCollection to calling class.

public DatabaseCollection loaddbNames()  
            DatabaseCollection dbNames = null;  
                if (SqlServerConnect())  
                Server srv = new Server(servConn);  
                    dbNames = srv.Databases;  
            catch (Exception ex)  
            return dbNames;  

Create Database

In this function, first we check for whether database already exists with the user entered name. If database with the same name does not exist, we will create a new database in our SQL Server. If database already exists in the SQL Server, then return the message as database exists.

public string createourDatabase(string DatabaseName)  
                if (SqlServerConnect())  
                    Server srv = new Server(servConn);  
                    Database database = srv.Databases[DatabaseName];  
                    if (database == null)  
                        database = new Database(srv, DatabaseName);  
                        return "Database Created Successfully !";  
                        return "Database Already Exist";  
                    return "Enter valid SQL Connection Details";  
            catch (Exception ex)  
            return "Sorry Error While creating DB";  

Create Table

In Create button click, we will pass the user selected Database Name, User entered Table Name with Column Details as DataTable to SMO Class. In this function, we will check whether table already exists or not; if exists, return false message to user and if not, then we will create a new Table with column details.

public string createTable(string DatabaseName, string TableName,DataTable dtColumns)  
                if (SqlServerConnect())  
                    Server srv = new Server(servConn);  
                    Database database = srv.Databases[DatabaseName];  
                    if (database != null)  
                        bool tableExists = database.Tables.Contains(TableName);  
                        if (tableExists)  
                            return "Table Already Exist.kindly Enter Different Table Name";  
                            Table tbl = new Table(database, TableName);                   
                            foreach (DataRow dr in dtColumns.Rows)  
                                string columnName = dr["ColumName"].ToString();  
                                string DataType = dr["DataType"].ToString();  
                                string dataSize = dr["Size"].ToString();  
                                Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Column columntoAdd =null;
                                switch (DataType)  
                                    case "Varchar":  
                                            columntoAdd = new Column(tbl, columnName, 
                                        else if (dataSize != "")  
                                            columntoAdd = new Column(tbl, columnName, 
                                    case "Int":                                       
                                            columntoAdd = new Column(tbl, columnName, 
                                    case "nVarchar":  
                                        if (dataSize == "max")  
                                            columntoAdd = new Column(tbl, columnName, 
                                        else if (dataSize != "")  
                                            columntoAdd = new Column(tbl, columnName, 
                            return "Table Created Successfully !";  
                    return "Enter valid SQL Connection Details";  
            catch (Exception ex)  
            return "Sorry Error While Creating Table";  

Load Column Details for Insert

In Load Column details button click, we will pass the Panel Control to our biz class to get all the column details of selected table and bind a text box with column name to panel. From our SMO Class, we will get all the Column details of table and return as ColumnCollection. In biz class using foreach, we will add all column details like Name as Label control to display the Column Name and add a Textbox for user input. In this method, we will check for column type and column size. If the column type is Integer, then we will set the Textbox as Numeric Textbox. If the column type is Varchar or NVarchar, we check for column length and assign the length as TextBox Maxlength.

public void loadTableColumnDetails(Panel pnControls, string DataBaseName,string TableName)  
            ColumnCollection tableColumnDetail = 
                  objSQL.loadTableColumnDetails(DataBaseName, TableName);  
            if (tableColumnDetail != null)  
                string dbnames = "";  
                int lableHeight = 20;  
                int textboxHeight = 20;  
                int lablewidth = 100;  
                int lableXVal = 10;  
                int lableYVal = 10;  
                foreach (Column colName in tableColumnDetail)  
                    string s = colName.Name;  
                    Random rnd = new Random();  
                    int randNumber = rnd.Next(1, 1000);  
                    //to add Column name to display as caption  
                    Label ctrl = new Label();  
                    ctrl.Location = new Point(lableXVal , lableYVal+6);  
                    ctrl.Size = new Size(lablewidth , lableHeight);  
                    ctrl.Name = "lbl_" + randNumber; ;  
                    ctrl.Font = new System.Drawing.Font("NativePrinterFontA", 7F, 
                    System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point, 
                    ctrl.Text = colName.Name;  
                    //to add textbox for user enter insert text  
                    TextBox ctrltxt = new TextBox();  
                    ctrltxt.Location = new Point(lableXVal+110, lableYVal);  
                    ctrltxt.Size = new Size(lablewidth+40, lableHeight);  
                    ctrltxt.Name = "txt_" + randNumber;  
                    ctrltxt.Font = new System.Drawing.Font("NativePrinterFontA", 8F, 
                    System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point, 
                    ctrltxt.Text = "";  
                    if (colName.DataType.Name== "int")  
                        ctrltxt.MaxLength = 20;  
                        ctrltxt.KeyPress += new KeyPressEventHandler(textBox_KeyPress);  
                            ctrltxt.MaxLength = 
                            ctrltxt.MaxLength =100;  
                    //to add Column datatype as hidden field   
                    Label ctrllbl = new Label();  
                    ctrllbl.Location = new Point(lableXVal + 112, lableYVal + 6);  
                    ctrllbl.Size = new Size(1, 1);  
                    ctrllbl.Name = "_lblDT_" + randNumber; ;  
                    ctrllbl.Font = new System.Drawing.Font("NativePrinterFontA", 
                    7F, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular, 
                        System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point, ((byte)(0)));  
                    ctrllbl.Text = colName.DataType.Name;  
                    ctrllbl.Visible = false;  
                    if (lableXVal + 360 < pnControls.Width-110)  
                        lableXVal = lableXVal + 270;  
                        lableXVal = 10;  
                        lableYVal = lableYVal + 40;  
//for numeric textbox validation  
        private void textBox_KeyPress(object sender, KeyPressEventArgs e)  
            e.Handled = !char.IsDigit(e.KeyChar) && !char.IsControl(e.KeyChar);  

In SMO class loadTableColumnDetails method, we will get all the column details for given database and table name return the column details as ColumnCollection top biz class for adding dynamic controls for user input to insert records.

public ColumnCollection loadTableColumnDetails(string DatabaseName,string TableName)  
            ColumnCollection columnDetails = null;  
                if (SqlServerConnect())  
                    Server srv = new Server(servConn);  
                    Database db = srv.Databases[DatabaseName];  
                    bool tableExists = db.Tables.Contains(TableName);  
                    if (tableExists)  
                        foreach (Table table in db.Tables)  
                            if (table.Name == TableName)  
                                columnDetails = table.Columns;  
            catch (Exception ex)  
            return columnDetails;  

Insert Records

In Insert button click, we pass the user added insert details panel Control with Database Name and Table Name to biz Class. In biz class, we will create a dynamic Insert query with adding all the column names and add all the insert values as parameter and pass the SqlCommand to SMO Class insertQuery method for inserting new record to the given Table.

public string saveTableInsertQuery(Panel pnControls, string DataBaseName, string TableName)  
            string result = "";  
            StringBuilder sqlQuery = new StringBuilder("INSERT INTO " + TableName );  
            StringBuilder Insert = new StringBuilder(" (");  
            StringBuilder values = new StringBuilder("VALUES (");  
            SortedDictionary<string, string> sd = new SortedDictionary<string, string>();  
            string columnName = "";  
            string colvalue = "";  
            string dataType = "";  
            int iCount = 0;  
            SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand();  
            foreach (Control p in pnControls.Controls)  
                if (p.Name.ToString().Substring(0, 4) == "lbl_")  
                    columnName = p.Text;                      
                else if (p.Name.ToString().Substring(0, 4) == "txt_")  
                    colvalue = p.Text;  
                else if (p.Name.ToString().Substring(0, 4) == "_lbl")  
                    Insert.Append(", ");  
                    sd.Add(columnName, colvalue);  
                    values.Append("@" + columnName);  
                    values.Append(", ");  
                    if (p.Text == "int")  
                        command.Parameters.Add("@" + columnName, 
                                                SqlDbType.Int).Value = colvalue;  
                    else if (p.Text == "varchar")  
                        command.Parameters.Add("@" + columnName, 
                                                SqlDbType.VarChar).Value = colvalue;  
                    else if (p.Text == "nvarchar")  
                        command.Parameters.Add("@" + columnName, 
                                                SqlDbType.NVarChar).Value = colvalue;  
            string sqlresult = Insert.ToString().Remove(Insert.Length - 2) + ") ";  
            string valueresult = values.ToString().Remove(values.Length - 2) + ") ";  
                command.CommandText = sqlQuery.ToString();  
                command.CommandType = CommandType.Text;  
            return objSQL.insertQuery(DataBaseName, sqlQuery.ToString(),  command);  

Select Query

In Select button click, we check for select query type, if SQL Select Query check box is not checked, then we will pass all the column details to biz class selectRecordsfromTableQuery method to create a dynamic SQL Select query. If user selected all Columns, then we will be using “select * from tablename”. If user checked only few columns to display, then we will create a dynamic query and add all user selected columns and after that return the result as DataTable to bind in grid.

public DataTable selectRecordsfromTableQuery
(bool isAllColumns, CheckedListBox chkListBoxCols, string DataBaseName, string TableName)  
            string result = "";  
            StringBuilder sqlQuery = new StringBuilder("Select * FROM " + TableName);  
            string sqlresult = sqlQuery.ToString();  
            if (!isAllColumns)  
                sqlQuery = new StringBuilder("Select  " );  
                foreach (object itemChecked in chkListBoxCols.CheckedItems)  
                    string colsName = itemChecked.ToString();  
                    sqlQuery.Append(colsName+", ");  
                sqlresult = sqlQuery.ToString().Remove(sqlQuery.Length - 2) + 
                            " FROM " + TableName;  
            SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand();  
            command.CommandText = sqlresult;  
            command.CommandType = CommandType.Text;  
            return objSQL.selectRecordsfromTableQuery(DataBaseName, command);    

Points of Interest

Hope you all like this article. Without writing SQL Script, now members can connect to SQL Server, Create Database, Table, Insert and select records. There is some limitation in this tool like we can add only three datatypes for now, etc. There is no limitation for our expectation, now the code and tool are in your hand, you can add any amount of functionality based on your requirements.


  • 5th January, 2016: Initial version


This article, along with any associated source code and files, is licensed under The Code Project Open License (CPOL)

Written By
Team Leader
India India
Microsoft MVP | Code Project MVP | CSharp Corner MVP | Author | Blogger and always happy to Share what he knows to others. MyBlog

My Interview on Microsoft TechNet Wiki Ninja Link

Comments and Discussions

PraiseIt is useful tooling Pin
Member 1515879518-Apr-21 21:59
Member 1515879518-Apr-21 21:59 
QuestionChange Framework Pin
Member 1298683122-Feb-17 1:31
Member 1298683122-Feb-17 1:31 
Questionnice tool, import and export to Excel Pin
longnights10-Jan-17 18:42
longnights10-Jan-17 18:42 
SuggestionConnect to MySQL Database Pin
Member 129251592-Jan-17 23:29
Member 129251592-Jan-17 23:29 
QuestionGood Tool, Good Start Pin
thezip0014-Feb-16 16:42
thezip0014-Feb-16 16:42 
AnswerRe: Good Tool, Good Start Pin
syed shanu4-Feb-16 17:21
professionalsyed shanu4-Feb-16 17:21 
QuestionDone but... Pin
Member 1112290327-Jan-16 2:00
Member 1112290327-Jan-16 2:00 
AnswerRe: Done but... Pin
Liju Sankar12-Feb-16 7:34
professionalLiju Sankar12-Feb-16 7:34 
QuestionError Pin
koteswarararao21-Jan-16 4:17
koteswarararao21-Jan-16 4:17 
AnswerRe: Error Pin
syed shanu21-Jan-16 13:11
professionalsyed shanu21-Jan-16 13:11 
GeneralMy vote of 5 Pin
Prasad Khandekar14-Jan-16 23:02
professionalPrasad Khandekar14-Jan-16 23:02 
GeneralRe: My vote of 5 Pin
syed shanu15-Jan-16 1:30
professionalsyed shanu15-Jan-16 1:30 
QuestionGreat Work Pin
DFX10114-Jan-16 8:16
DFX10114-Jan-16 8:16 
AnswerMessage Closed Pin
14-Jan-16 17:35
Member 1089184814-Jan-16 17:35 
QuestionGreat tool Pin
TomLeonard14-Jan-16 6:15
professionalTomLeonard14-Jan-16 6:15 
AnswerRe: Great tool Pin
syed shanu14-Jan-16 13:43
professionalsyed shanu14-Jan-16 13:43 
QuestionWaste of time Pin
Member 436622013-Jan-16 23:37
Member 436622013-Jan-16 23:37 
GeneralMy vote of 5 Pin
Santhakumar M13-Jan-16 20:04
professionalSanthakumar M13-Jan-16 20:04 
QuestionWhen you will frequently use this tool... Pin
Thornik11-Jan-16 6:26
Thornik11-Jan-16 6:26 
AnswerRe: When you will frequently use this tool... Pin
syed shanu11-Jan-16 13:02
professionalsyed shanu11-Jan-16 13:02 
GeneralMy Vote of 5 Pin
aarif moh shaikh4-Jan-16 22:08
professionalaarif moh shaikh4-Jan-16 22:08 

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