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Im new to programming and am attempting to implement an ATL COM server following a software development kit. However, I am having all sorts of problems. Iv created an ATL project and added a simple object called CoSensorServer. Iv then implemented interfaces:

and IPMSensorRuntime

from a library included in the SDK.

My CoSensorServer cpp file looks like this:

// CoSensorServer.cpp : Implementation of CCoSensorServer

#include "stdafx.h"
#include "CoSensorServer.h"

// CCoSensorServer

class ATL_NO_VTABLE CCoSensorServer : 
	public CComObjectRootEx<CComSingleThreadModel>,
	public CComCoClass<CCoSensorServer, &CLSID_CoSensorServer>,
	public ICoSensorServer,
	public IPMPositionGenerator,
	public IPMSensorConfig,
	public IPMSensorRuntime,
	public IPMSensorServer





	HRESULT FinalConstruct()
		return S_OK;

	void FinalRelease() 


	// IPMPositionGenerator Methods
	STDMETHOD(CreatePosGen)(GUID PosGenId, GUID SensorId, long * plType)
		return E_NOTIMPL;
	STDMETHOD(ConfigurePosGen)(GUID PosGenId, GUID SensorId, signed char * pbChanged)
		return E_NOTIMPL;
	STDMETHOD(RemovePosGen)(GUID PosGenId)
		return E_NOTIMPL;
	STDMETHOD(LoadPosGen)(GUID PosGenId, long lType, long lSize, unsigned char * pucBuffer, signed char * pbUpgraded)
		return E_NOTIMPL;
	STDMETHOD(SavePosGen)(GUID PosGenId, long * plSize, unsigned char * * ppucBuffer)
		return E_NOTIMPL;

	// IPMSensorConfig Methods
		return E_NOTIMPL;
	STDMETHOD(CreateSensor)(GUID SensorId)
		return E_NOTIMPL;
	STDMETHOD(ConfigureSensor)(GUID SensorId, signed char * pbChanged)
		return E_NOTIMPL;
	STDMETHOD(RemoveSensor)(GUID SensorId)
		return E_NOTIMPL;
	STDMETHOD(LoadSensor)(GUID SensorId, long lSize, unsigned char * pucBuffer, signed char * pbUpgraded)
		return E_NOTIMPL;
	STDMETHOD(SaveSensor)(GUID SensorId, long * plSize, unsigned char * * ppucBuffer)
		return E_NOTIMPL;
	STDMETHOD(ShowStatus)(GUID SensorId)
		return E_NOTIMPL;

	// IPMSensorRuntime Methods
	STDMETHOD(StartSensor)(GUID SensorId, long lGenerators, GUID * pPosGenerators, _IPMSensorResult * p_IPMSensorResult)
		return E_NOTIMPL;
	STDMETHOD(StopSensor)(GUID SensorId)
		return E_NOTIMPL;
	STDMETHOD(ShowRuntimeInfo)(GUID SensorId, signed char bShow)
		return E_NOTIMPL;

	// IPMSensorServer Methods
	STDMETHOD(GetName)(BSTR * bstrName)
		return E_NOTIMPL;
	STDMETHOD(GetDescription)(BSTR * bstrDescription)
		return E_NOTIMPL;
	STDMETHOD(GetVersion)(long * plMajor, long * plMinor)
		return E_NOTIMPL;

OBJECT_ENTRY_AUTO(__uuidof(CoSensorServer), CCoSensorServer)

I am getting the following error when compiling:

c:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003\Vc7\atlmfc\include\atlcom.h(1760): error C2259: 'ATL::CComObject<Base>' : cannot instantiate abstract class<br />
        with        [            Base=CCoSensorServer        ]<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
The output:<br />
<br />
Rebuild All started: Project: MySensorServer, Configuration: Debug Win32 ------<br />
<br />
Deleting intermediate files and output files for project 'MySensorServer', configuration 'Debug|Win32'.<br />
Creating Type Library...<br />
Processing .\MySensorServer.idl<br />
MySensorServer.idl<br />
Processing C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003\Vc7\PlatformSDK\include\oaidl.idl<br />
oaidl.idl<br />
Processing C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003\Vc7\PlatformSDK\include\objidl.idl<br />
objidl.idl<br />
Processing C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003\Vc7\PlatformSDK\include\unknwn.idl<br />
unknwn.idl<br />
Processing C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003\Vc7\PlatformSDK\include\wtypes.idl<br />
wtypes.idl<br />
Processing C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003\Vc7\PlatformSDK\include\basetsd.h<br />
basetsd.h<br />
Processing C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003\Vc7\PlatformSDK\include\guiddef.h<br />
guiddef.h<br />
Processing C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003\Vc7\PlatformSDK\include\ocidl.idl<br />
ocidl.idl<br />
Processing C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003\Vc7\PlatformSDK\include\oleidl.idl<br />
oleidl.idl<br />
Processing C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003\Vc7\PlatformSDK\include\servprov.idl<br />
servprov.idl<br />
Processing C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003\Vc7\PlatformSDK\include\urlmon.idl<br />
urlmon.idl<br />
Processing C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003\Vc7\PlatformSDK\include\msxml.idl<br />
msxml.idl<br />
Processing C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003\Vc7\PlatformSDK\include\oaidl.acf<br />
oaidl.acf<br />
Processing C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003\Vc7\PlatformSDK\include\ocidl.acf<br />
ocidl.acf<br />
Compiling...<br />
stdafx.cpp<br />
Compiling...<br />
CoSensorServer.cpp<br />
c:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003\Vc7\atlmfc\include\atlcom.h(1760) : error C2259: 'ATL::CComObject<Base>' : cannot instantiate abstract class<br />
        with<br />
        [<br />
            Base=CCoSensorServer<br />
        ]<br />
        due to following members:<br />
        'HRESULT IPMPositionGenerator::ConfigurePosGen(GUID,GUID,char *)' : pure virtual function was not defined<br />
        c:\Documents and Settings\Andre Bedon\My Documents\Visual Studio Projects\MySensorServer\Debug\externalsensor.tlh(102) : see declaration of 'IPMPositionGenerator::ConfigurePosGen'<br />
        'HRESULT IPMPositionGenerator::LoadPosGen(GUID,long,long,unsigned char *,char *)' : pure virtual function was not defined<br />
        c:\Documents and Settings\Andre Bedon\My Documents\Visual Studio Projects\MySensorServer\Debug\externalsensor.tlh(108) : see declaration of 'IPMPositionGenerator::LoadPosGen'<br />
        'HRESULT IPMSensorConfig::ConfigureSensor(GUID,char *)' : pure virtual function was not defined<br />
        c:\Documents and Settings\Andre Bedon\My Documents\Visual Studio Projects\MySensorServer\Debug\externalsensor.tlh(73) : see declaration of 'IPMSensorConfig::ConfigureSensor'<br />
        'HRESULT IPMSensorConfig::LoadSensor(GUID,long,unsigned char *,char *)' : pure virtual function was not defined<br />
        c:\Documents and Settings\Andre Bedon\My Documents\Visual Studio Projects\MySensorServer\Debug\externalsensor.tlh(78) : see declaration of 'IPMSensorConfig::LoadSensor'<br />
        'HRESULT IPMSensorRuntime::ShowRuntimeInfo(GUID,char)' : pure virtual function was not defined<br />
        c:\Documents and Settings\Andre Bedon\My Documents\Visual Studio Projects\MySensorServer\Debug\externalsensor.tlh(184) : see declaration of 'IPMSensorRuntime::ShowRuntimeInfo'<br />
        c:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003\Vc7\atlmfc\include\atlcom.h(1752) : while compiling class-template member function 'HRESULT ATL::CComCreator<T1>::CreateInstance(void *,const IID &,LPVOID * )'<br />
        with<br />
        [<br />
            T1=ATL::CComObject<CCoSensorServer><br />
        ]<br />
        c:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003\Vc7\atlmfc\include\atlcom.h(1832) : see reference to class template instantiation 'ATL::CComCreator<T1>' being compiled<br />
        with<br />
        [<br />
            T1=ATL::CComObject<CCoSensorServer><br />
        ]<br />
        c:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003\Vc7\atlmfc\include\atlcom.h(1828) : while compiling class-template member function 'HRESULT ATL::CComCreator2<T1,T2>::CreateInstance(void *,const IID &,LPVOID * )'<br />
        with<br />
        [<br />
            T1=ATL::CComCreator<ATL::CComObject<CCoSensorServer>>,<br />
            T2=ATL::CComFailCreator<-2147221232><br />
        ]<br />
        c:\Documents and Settings\Andre Bedon\My Documents\Visual Studio Projects\MySensorServer\CoSensorServer.cpp(135) : see reference to class template instantiation 'ATL::CComCreator2<T1,T2>' being compiled<br />
        with<br />
        [<br />
            T1=ATL::CComCreator<ATL::CComObject<CCoSensorServer>>,<br />
            T2=ATL::CComFailCreator<-2147221232><br />
        ]<br />
MySensorServer.cpp<br />
Generating Code...<br />
<br />
Build log was saved at "file://c:\Documents and Settings\Andre Bedon\My Documents\Visual Studio Projects\MySensorServer\Debug\BuildLog.htm"<br />
MySensorServer - 1 error(s), 0 warning(s)<br />
<br />
<br />
------ Skipped Rebuild All: Project: MySensorServerPS, Configuration: Debug Win32 ------<br />
<br />
Project configuration skipped because it is not selected in this solution configuration<br />
<br />
<br />
---------------------- Done ----------------------<br />
<br />
    Rebuild All: 0 succeeded, 1 failed, 1 skipped<br />

Any ideas how I can overcome this error? Iv spent too many hours to no avail. Thanks very much in advance.

Updated 13-Jan-10 2:31am

It's been a long time sice I've done C++, but the very first error the compiler generates should be your first clue. Your class CoSensorServer is somehow an abstract class and you can't instantiate an abstract class. You *must* derive a new class from it and supply the required pure virtual methods.
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You've to implement all the pure virtual functions of the interfaces your class derive from.
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Arg I went around in circles with this same problem. I know it's several years too late, but it still might help someone else if I post my answer

It turns out I had specified IDispatchEx instead of IDispatch in my IDL interface declaration. A silly copy/paste error.

    uuid( ... ),
interface IMyHelper : IDispatchEx {   <-- OOPS!
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