There are a limited number of posts on how to integrate mxGraph with Angular. However, from Angular13, none of them seems to work. This article discusses how to overcome common errors when implementing typed mxgraph with Angular.

is a pure JavaScript library which generates interactive graph and charting applications. Currently, it does not support Typescript, however there are several projects which take lead on that.
There are limited number of articles on how to integrate mxGraph
with Angular with most of them out of date. This article discusses how to overcome common errors when implementing typed mxgraph
with Angular 15.
The proposed implementation uses mxgraph
and @typed-mxgraph/typed-mxgraph
dependencies without the need to copy mxgraph
assets into the project
The most common error this article is trying to address is:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set properties of undefined (setting 'mxBasePath')
Basic Principles
Angular Configuration
As a first step, let’s create a new project (my current cli version is 15.0.4):
$ npm install -g @angular/cli
$ ng new ngmxgraph // Set Angular15 Application on your PC
cd ngmxgraph // Go inside project folder
ng serve // Run project
http://localhost:4200/ // Check working Local server
Next, let's install the mxgraph
npm install --save mxgraph
npm install --save-dev @typed-mxgraph/typed-mxgraph
Next, we need to let Angular know where are the installed libraries by appending the mxgraph
and scripts
into the angular.json file.
"options": {
"assets": [
"glob": "**/*",
"input": "./node_modules/mxgraph/javascript/src",
"output": "./assets/mxgraph"
"scripts": [
The assets
section configures, in the output
property, where the scripts will be dumped.
The final configuration step will add mxgraph
types in the compiler section of the tsconfig.json file. Please note that if you encounter undefined property exception, then add strictPropertyInitialization: false
as shown below:
"compilerOptions": {
"strictPropertyInitialization": false, <-- This avoids undefined exceptions
"typeRoots": [
Drawing Implementation
As as starting point, let's create a helper file which will wrap mxgraph
global settings. Please note that mxBasePath
is passed to the window in the
import factory from 'mxgraph';
declare global {
interface Window {
mxBasePath: string;
mxLoadResources: boolean;
mxForceIncludes: boolean;
mxLoadStylesheets: boolean;
mxResourceExtension: string;
window.mxBasePath = '../../assets/mxgraph';
window.mxLoadResources = true;
window.mxForceIncludes = false;
window.mxLoadStylesheets = true;
window.mxResourceExtension = '.txt';
export default, {
mxBasePath: '../../assets/mxgraph',
The main logic will be implemented in AfterViewInit
rather than in the constructor of the application.component.ts file. We are going to add a simple rectangle with "Test
" text onto a graphContainer
import { AfterViewInit, Component, ElementRef, ViewChild } from '@angular/core';
import factory, { mxGraph, mxGraphModel, mxHierarchicalLayout } from 'mxgraph';
import mx from '../mxgraph';
selector: 'app-root',
templateUrl: './app.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./app.component.scss']
export class AppComponent implements AfterViewInit {
title = 'ngmxgraph';
@ViewChild("graphContainer") containerElementRef: ElementRef ;
get container() {
return this.containerElementRef.nativeElement;
ngAfterViewInit(): void {
if(mx.mxClient.isBrowserSupported()) {
console.log('Yes! Yes!');
const graph: mxGraph = new mx.mxGraph(this.container);
const model: mxGraphModel = graph.getModel();
try {
graph.insertVertex(graph.getDefaultParent(), '', 'TEST', 0, 0, 100, 100);
} finally {
Finally, the view in app.component.html defines the drawing canvas.
<div id="demoGraph">
<div #graphContainer></div>
If you follow the above steps, you should be able to integrate Angular 15 and above with the latest mxgraph
This is a basic introduction on how to integrate mxGraph
with the Angular 15. The final project can be used as a starter for your new idea.
- 5th January, 2023: Initial version