Here I am going to tell you, how I am able to keep the online data of my client on my own computer.
And now you will ask what is the need of it? when the hosting companies are providing database such as mysql, MSSQL, Access etc., because the hosting company provides a limited database space and, if I keep the data on your own system you can protect them by your own backup/restore policy, on other hand no limitation of space. Some hosting companies does not support crystal report/Microsoft report etc. So this was my basic needs that forced me to do it.
What I Have Used
(1)- Software
A. Operating System : Windows XP/2000/2003 Or Above
B. Web Server : IIS
(2) I have an account on
I am a user of BSNL WIMAX and does not using any static IP,
First of all I port forwarded my bsnl WIMAX setting to my LOCAL IP Process are follows
Step 1
Click Here Go to Advance Setup

Step 2

Click Here On Advanced
Step 3

Click Here On NAT Configuration
Step 4

Click Here ON Port Forwarding you will get the above screen
Click on the edit (In Action First Icon )you will get the screen below
Step 5

Change the setting according to the above screen except of server IP Address(Provide here your own Machine Local IP Address By (NOT PUBLIC IP ADDRESS , you can run ipconfig on command prompt to know Machine LOCAL IP ADDRESS ) )
Becauce I am not using any static IP so I created an account on it is static DNS name provider for dynamic IP. they given me Address (address is masked due to security reason, XXXXXXXX is your account name over ) after creation of account please wait for 10 minutes after that you will access your system’s Home page and other page ( your inetpub/wwwroot On Your Local IIS) using the address provided to you by
Now I am keeping my all pages that does not need to interact with database on webspace that I purchased from other company. And for the pages that interact with database I am redirecting the entire Website to my own Home server that have Windows XP with SQL Server 2000, with crystal Report and Microsoft report support. And One Thing More It’s costs nothing i.e. absolutely free
I hope same process can be applied on BSNL brodband