Parsing a postfix expression is indeed really simple, the recipe is
- Parse the input string for either a number or an operator (here I assume just binary operators).
- If a number is found put it onto the stack.
- If an operator is found pop the two numbers from top of the stack, perform the binary operation and put the result again onto the stack.
- At the end the stack must contain just one element, the result
The following code sample does in naive, simple and rough way (hey, I'm new to
...), it's job:
using System;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace Postfix
class Parser
public delegate int BinOp(int a, int b);
static int add(int a, int b) { return a + b;}
static int sub(int a, int b) { return a - b; }
static int mul(int a, int b) { return a * b; }
static int div(int a, int b) { return a / b; }
static int parseExp(string s)
Dictionary<string, BinOp> oper = new Dictionary<string, BinOp>();
List<int> stack =new List<int>();
oper["+"] = add;
oper["-"] = sub;
oper["*"] = mul;
oper["/"] = div;
Regex rxnum = new Regex(@"\G\s*-?([0-9]+)\s+");
Regex rxop = new Regex(@"\G(\+|\-|\*|\/)");
int start = 0;
Match m = rxnum.Match(s, start);
if (m.Success)
m = rxop.Match(s, start);
if (m.Success)
int c = stack.Count;
if (c < 2) throw new Exception("Invalid expression: out of stack.");
stack[c - 2] = oper[m.ToString()](stack[c - 2], stack[c - 1]);
stack.RemoveAt(c - 1);
else break;
start = start + m.Length;
} while (true);
if (stack.Count != 1) throw new Exception("Invalid expression: more than one result on stack.");
if (start != s.Length) throw new Exception("Invalid expression: unrecognized token.");
return stack[0];
static void Main()
string exp = "23 5 - 12 *";
Console.WriteLine("expression '{0}' result is '{1}'", exp, Parser.parseExp(exp));