This is the
C++ answer to a specific question in Q&A, namely this one.
2x2 Hill is a simple cipher based on linear algebra, see this link.
This implementation follows the algorithm recipe at Crypto Corner
Using the Code
A single class, HillCipher
, is implemented.
It gets the cipher key
in the constructor and exposes the following methods:
string encode( string plain )
string decode( string encoded )
You may use it as shown in the main
function below:
int main()
string msg, key;
string enc, dec;
cout << "plaese enter the message " << endl;
cin >> msg;
cout << "plaese enter the key " << endl;
cin >> key;
HillCipher hc(key);
if (msg.length() % 2) msg += 'a'; string enc = hc.encode(msg);
string dec = hc.decode(enc);
cout << "encoded: " << enc << endl;
cout << "decoded: " << dec << endl;
catch ( runtime_error re)
cerr << re.what() << endl;
return -1;
The Complete Code
HillCipher Class Declaration
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <array>
#include <stdexcept>
using namespace std;
typedef array < array <int, 2>, 2> Matrix;
class HillCipher
Matrix _km; Matrix _ikm;
HillCipher(const string & key);
string encode(const string & plain); string decode(const string & encoded);
Matrix _build_key_matrix( const string & key); static bool _validate_string( const string & s); static int _determinant( const Matrix & m); static vector <int> _apply_matrix( const Matrix & m, const vector <int> & v); static int _mod26(int n); static vector<int> _string2vector(const string & s); static string _vector2string(const vector<int> & v); };
HillCipher Implementation, Public Methods
HillCipher::HillCipher( const string & key)
if ( key.length() != 4 || ! _validate_string ( key ) ) throw runtime_error ("invalid key string");
_km = _build_key_matrix(key);
int det = _determinant( _km );
if ( det == 0 || ( det % 2 ) == 0 || ( det % 13 ) == 0 ) throw runtime_error("invalid key matrix");
int d;
for ( d = 1; d < 26; ++d)
if ( (d * det) % 26 == 1) break;
_ikm[0][0] = _mod26( d * _km[1][1]);
_ikm[0][1] = _mod26( -d * _km[0][1]);
_ikm[1][0] = _mod26( -d * _km[1][0]);
_ikm[1][1] = _mod26( d * _km[0][0]);
string HillCipher::encode( const string & plain )
if ( plain.length() % 2 ) throw runtime_error("invalid plain string length");
auto vplain = _string2vector(plain);
auto venc = _apply_matrix( _km, vplain );
string enc = _vector2string( venc );
return enc;
string HillCipher::decode( const string & encoded )
if ( encoded.length() % 2 ) throw runtime_error("invalid encoded string length");
auto venc = _string2vector(encoded);
auto vdec = _apply_matrix( _ikm, venc);
string dec = _vector2string( vdec);
return dec;
HillCipher Implementation, Private Methods
vector <int> HillCipher::_string2vector(const string & s)
vector <int> v;
for ( const auto c : s)
v.push_back(c -'a');
return v;
vector <int> HillCipher::_apply_matrix( const Matrix & m, const vector <int> & v)
vector <int> w;
for (auto it = v.begin(); it != v.end(); it += 2)
int x = m[0][0] * (*it) + m[0][1] * (*(it+1));
w.push_back( _mod26( x ) );
int y = m[1][0] * (*it) + m[1][1] * (*(it+1));
w.push_back( _mod26( y ) );
return w;
string HillCipher::_vector2string(const vector<int> & v)
string s;
for ( const auto i : v)
s += static_cast<char>(i + 'a');
return s;
Matrix HillCipher::_build_key_matrix( const string & key)
Matrix m;
auto it = key.begin();
for (int r = 0; r <2; ++r)
for (int c = 0; c <2; ++c, ++it)
m[r][c] = (*it - 'a');
return m;
bool HillCipher:: _validate_string(const string & s)
for (const auto & c : s)
if ( c < 'a' || c >'z') return false;
return true;
int HillCipher::_determinant( const Matrix & m)
return _mod26( m[0][0] * m[1][1] - m[0][1] * m[1][0] );
int HillCipher::_mod26(int n)
n %= 26;
if (n < 0) n+= 26;
return n;
Points of Interest
In order to use this code, you need a modern (C++11) compiler.
All public
methods (constructor included) might throw.
- 1st October, 2017 - First release