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Simple Display Dialog of Waiting in WinForms

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11 Jan 2017CPOL 59.2K   7.6K   18   16
A simple method to display a waiting dialog in WinForm application, and not block the main form.


This article describes a simple method to display a waiting dialog and not block the main form.


When I create a WinForm application by C#, it's very troublesome to show a waiting dialog. Sometimes I do it, but not beautiful or hard to change style.


I use a class library, WaitForm is a waiting dialog, and WaitWndFun is a class to show the form or close by create thread,

WaitWndFun Class Function

Show Function

public void Show(Form parent)
            loadthread = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(LoadingProcessEx));

Close Function

public void Close()
            if (loadingForm != null)
                loadingForm.BeginInvoke(new System.Threading.ThreadStart(loadingForm.CloseLoadingForm));
                loadingForm = null;
                loadthread = null;

Thread Method

private void LoadingProcessEx()
            loadingForm = new WaitForm();
        private void LoadingProcessEx(object parent)
            Form Cparent = parent as Form;
            loadingForm = new WaitForm(Cparent);

When closing dialog, there is a function to close and dispose the form in WaitForm.

public void CloseLoadingForm()
            this.DialogResult = DialogResult.OK;
            if (label1.Image != null)

And when there is a parent form, we should show dialog in center of parent.

public WaitForm(Form parent)
            if (parent != null)
                this.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.Manual;
                this.Location = new Point(parent.Location.X + parent.Width / 2 - this.Width / 2, 
                                parent.Location.Y + parent.Height / 2 - this.Height / 2);
                this.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterParent;

How to Use

It is very easy to use.

  1. Reference the WaitWnd.dll or add sources file to your project.
  2. Change the style of waiting form, you can change the picture and text of label to your liking in the form designer.

  3. Create a new WaitWndFun object. When you call show function, the waiting form will appear, and when you call close function, the waiting form will close.
    WaitWnd.WaitWndFun waitForm = new WaitWnd.WaitWndFun();
            private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
                //do something


This article, along with any associated source code and files, is licensed under The Code Project Open License (CPOL)

Written By
Software Developer Artosyn
China China
A Software Developer.Program langauge:C#,C++,Python; Framework:Qt,VTK,MFC,Winform

Comments and Discussions

Questionwhy wait form not close ? Pin
Member 1368270624-Jul-22 22:25
Member 1368270624-Jul-22 22:25 
QuestionGood project Pin
Honokata Zai23-Mar-21 16:36
Honokata Zai23-Mar-21 16:36 
Questionchanging form texts Pin
Member 1458828427-Dec-20 2:17
Member 1458828427-Dec-20 2:17 
QuestionBlocking form Pin
atin124-Jun-20 1:16
atin124-Jun-20 1:16 
Questionbeginner doubt Pin
eliziarioemerson21-Mar-20 14:14
eliziarioemerson21-Mar-20 14:14 
Questiongood job Pin
wshcdr21-Nov-18 13:52
wshcdr21-Nov-18 13:52 
QuestionWindows 7 or Xp error Pin
selcukpeksen12-Sep-18 5:10
selcukpeksen12-Sep-18 5:10 
AnswerRe: Windows 7 or Xp error Pin
selcukpeksen12-Sep-18 21:19
selcukpeksen12-Sep-18 21:19 
AnswerRe: Windows 7 or Xp error Pin
Saqo1995s28-Oct-19 23:11
Saqo1995s28-Oct-19 23:11 
QuestionLove It! Pin
Graham Irons20-Feb-17 21:32
Graham Irons20-Feb-17 21:32 
AnswerRe: Love It! Pin
Dean Feng21-Feb-17 3:31
professionalDean Feng21-Feb-17 3:31 
GeneralGood but... Pin
loyal ginger17-Jan-17 3:37
loyal ginger17-Jan-17 3:37 
You deserve the credit for the code but need to brush up your Chinese. "请稍后" is really not good Chinese as "后" is not the right character to use. "后" is not a verb and even though it sounds the same as "候", which means "wait", it actually means something else. So "Please wait" should be translated into Chinese as "请稍候" instead of "请稍后". Just my two cents.
GeneralRe: Good but...[Thank you] Pin
Dean Feng17-Jan-17 15:42
professionalDean Feng17-Jan-17 15:42 
GeneralRe: Good but...[Thank you] Pin
loyal ginger18-Jan-17 10:11
loyal ginger18-Jan-17 10:11 
GeneralRe: Good but...[Thank you] Pin
Bigby29-Apr-19 23:15
Bigby29-Apr-19 23:15 
QuestionNICE Pin
DumpsterJuice13-Jan-17 8:21
DumpsterJuice13-Jan-17 8:21 

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