Let’s first establish what the purpose of this code is.
For this article, the purpose of the code is How to use Twitter login API with using TweetSharp Library.
Step 1
First of all, we need to create an app in Twitter account because we need ConsumerKey & ConsumerSecret of that app. So, here we go for creating an app in Twitter account.
- Login to developer twitter. Use the below link for the same:
- Click on "Create New App" on top menu.

- Fill all the fields for our new application.

- Go to the "Keys and Access Tokens" tab and get your ConsumerKey & ConsumerSecret.

Using the Code
Step 2
Now it's code time....
- Create an empty MVC application. On the "File" menu, click "New Project".
- In the New Project dialog box, under Project types, expand "Visual C#", and then click "Web". In the Name box, type "
", then click on OK.
- Now, in the dialog box, click on "MVC" under the ASP.NET 4.5.2 Templates. Then, click on "Change Authentication" on the center of the right side. Select "No Authentication".
Note: We use TweetSharp
library. So first of all, we need this package.
- Install TweetSharp Library. In "Package Manager Console", type "
Install-Package TweetSharp
" and hit enter.

- First of all, We need to understand Flow of login API in Web Application.
- Obtaining a request token
- Redirecting the user to Twitter Page
- Get Access Tokens
- According to Access Tokens, get user profile details
- Create two Action methods "
" as GET
and "TwitterAuth
" as GET
in your Home Controller.
public ActionResult Index()
return View();
public ActionResult TwitterAuth()
return View();
- Copy the below HTML in your Index.cshtml.
ViewBag.Title = "Twitter";
@using (Html.BeginForm("TwitterAuth", "Home", FormMethod.Get))
<br />
<button class="btn btn-info" type="submit" id="twitter">Huree! Twitter</button>
- Now, obtaining a request token & Redirecting the user to Twitter Page.
public ActionResult TwitterAuth()
string Key = "Enter your consumer key";
string Secret = "Enter your consumer secret";
TwitterService service = new TwitterService(Key, Secret);
OAuthRequestToken requestToken = service.GetRequestToken
Uri uri = service.GetAuthenticationUrl(requestToken);
return Redirect(uri.ToString());
- Get Access Tokens & according to Access Tokens, get user profile details:
public ActionResult TwitterCallback(string oauth_token, string oauth_verifier)
var requestToken = new OAuthRequestToken { Token = oauth_token };
string Key = "Enter your costumer key";
string Secret = "Enter your consumer secret";
TwitterService service = new TwitterService(Key, Secret);
OAuthAccessToken accessToken =
service.GetAccessToken(requestToken, oauth_verifier);
service.AuthenticateWith(accessToken.Token, accessToken.TokenSecret);
VerifyCredentialsOptions option = new VerifyCredentialsOptions();
TwitterUser user = service.VerifyCredentials(option);
return View();
All done! :)