A page tool for website users to switch to next or previous pages. Its use is very clear.

Current page is the first page: no "span" stuff. So does the last page
When the current page is not at either of the extremity, it always appears at the middle of the span which prescribes the length of displaying middle pages:

Displaying the middle pages, meanwhile showing the first and the last
after click another page in the span, it will turn to that page, putting it to the middle of the span.

Current page always in the center
And span can be changed only through a variable(or constant)

A span of 7 pages
Ok then ... how we implement that?
Well, first we estimate possible situations:
(*[number] means the current page, which is the highlighted one in the pics above;
each number means the white page button in the pics above
& we suppose the span = 5 the total = 10)
A: left(pages including the first page and those in the span) + ... + total
1 2 [3] 4 5 6 ... 10 (now a "span" appears)
1 2 3 [4] 5 6 ... 10 ("span" begins to move rightward)
B: 1 + ... + span + ... + total
1 ... 3 4 [5] 6 7 ... 10 (cur should be in the center, instead of: 1 ... 3 [4] 5 6 7 ... 10)
C: 1 + ... + right (whose length is also span+1)
Umm... seems good but if: there is only 7 pages?(<= span + 2)
D: if total is less than or equal to span, than 1 + span + total; current is not in the center
This is for the LOGIC part. Pretty foolproof huh? XD
Let's get started with JavaScript!
First, the pseudo code:
- Denote the most left page in the "
" as "spanL"; spanL = cur - Math.floor(span/2);
And the the most right page in the "span
" as "spanR"; spanR = cur + Math.floor(span/2);
when spanL >=3, "1... "shows up
when spanR <= total - 2, "" shows up
create three strings to add up: "prefix", "span", and "postfix"
prefix ='<a href = "javascript:;" class="tcdNumber">1</a>' + '<span> ... </span>';
span = '';
postfix = '<span> ... </span>' + '<a href = "javascript:;" class="tcdNumber">'+ total +'</a>' + '<span> ... </span>';
- Decide which plan to execute (Plan A, B, C, D are those described above), and reset the span of the "
" (reset the value of spanL and spanR
and decide whether to add "1 ..." or "... total")
if(total <=span)
execute Plan D
if(spanL >=3)
if(spanR <=total-2)
execute Plan B
execute Plan C
if(spanR <=total-2)
execute Plan A
execute Plan D
- After establishing which way the page bar will look like(among the 4 ways described above), we add the page buttons in the "
for(var i = spanL; i < spanR; i++)
if (i == cur)
spanToWrite +='<span class="current">' + i + '</span>';
spanToWrite +='<a href = "javascript:;" class="tcdNumber">' + i + '</a>';
- Finally we add up all the statements then to write
obj.append(prefix + spanToWrite + postfix);
To Implement
In the codes below, we can change the length of "span"(the pages displayed in the middle) just by change the value of PAGE_SPAN (you can also turn it to a variable if you wish)
return (function () {
var cur = args.current;
var total = args.pageCount;
var spanL = cur - Math.floor(PAGE_SPAN / 2);
var spanr = cur - Math.floor(PAGE_SPAN / 2);
var prefix = '<a href="javascript:;" class="tcdNumber">1</a>
+ '<span style="font=weight: 900; font-size:20px; font-color:#1C83BF">...</span?';
var postfix = 'span style="font-weight: 900; font-size:20px; color::#1C83BF">...</span>'
+ '<a href="javascript:;" class="tcdNumber">' + total + '</a>'
var spanToWrite = '';
if (total <= PAGE_SPAN) {
// condensedInBothSidesSpan
prefix = '';
postfix = '';
spanL = 1;
spanR = total;
else {
if (spanL >= 3) {
if (spanR <= total - 2) {
// prefix + span + postfix
// Need to do nothing.
else {
// prefix + expandedRightSpan
postfix = '';
spanL = total - PAGE_SPAN;
spanR = total;
else {
if (spanR <= total - 2) {
// expandedLeftSpan + postfix
prefix = '';
spanL = 1;
spanR = 1 + PAGE_SPAN;
else {
// condensedInBothSidesSpan
prefix = '';
postfix = '';
spanL = 1;
spanR = total;
for (var i = spanL; i <= spanR; i++) {
if (i == cur)
spanToWrite += '<span class="current">' + i + '</span>';
spanToWrite += '<a href="javascript:;" class="tcdNumber">' + i + '</a>';
obj.append(prefix + spanToWrite + postfix);
Hope it will be helpful! :)
(This is from my google blog: