[Using the demo project, you can insert any image and control the transparency of the image, and you can even save the final image as a different file. You can also select a base image to serve as the background image over which you can insert images. But you cannot control the transparency of the base image. For selecting the base image, choose File->Open Base Image menu and select the desired image. For inserting the image, choose Insert->Image menu item and select the image.]

Alpha blending allows two objects to be visually blended together. This is primarily used for 3D atmospheric and environmental effects. It allows such things as "fogging", where an image is rendered behind another translucent image, which creates the effect of looking though fog or looking down through a pool and seeing the bottom. It also allows Depth Cueing, which is the lowering of the intensity of lighting to make an object appear farther away.
In computer graphics, each pixel has three channels of color information--red, green, and blue--and sometimes a fourth called the alpha channel. This fourth channel controls the way in which other graphics information is displayed, such as levels of transparency or opacity. Alpha blending is the name for this type of control, and it's used to simulate effects such as placing a piece of glass in front of an object so that the object is completely visible behind the glass, un-viewable, or something in between.

Figure1: Alpha blending process
Alpha blending can be done in per pixel basis or for the entire image. In per pixel basis alpha blending, each pixel should contain the alpha component and the transparency of each pixel is controlled by this value. When we do alpha blending for the entire image, the same alpha component will be used for the entire image and hence the transparency of all pixels in the image will be the same.
Alpha blending using GDI+
Step 1: Loading the desired images
We can easily construct an image object from an image file using the powerful Image
class provided by GDI+, as shown below:
Image img1("Flower1.jpg");
Image img2("Flower2.jpg");
The Graphics
class in GDI+ contains several methods you can use to create basic graphics like drawing rectangles, filling regions, and so on. But to apply alpha blend on images, you need more control. For this, you will have to use the ImageAttributes
class and the ColorMatrix
structure. An ImageAttributes
object lets you control the way graphics is rendered by letting you specify different settings like color adjustment, grayscale adjustment and more. The ColorMatrix
is a structure whose instances are parameters in most of the methods of the ImageAttributes
class. It contains values specifying the Alpha, Red, Green and Blue channels.
So, the next step is to initialize a color matrix object and pass it to the appropriate method of an ImageAttributes
Step 2: Creating the ImageAttributes and ColorMatrix objects
A color matrix is a matrix that contains values for channels. It's a 5x5 matrix which represents values for the Red, Green, Blue, Alpha channels and another element w, in that order (RGBAw).
In a ColorMatrix
object, the diagonal elements of the matrix define the channel values viz. (0,0), (1,1), (2,2), (3,3), and (4,4), in the order as specified before - RGBAw. The values are of type float
, and range from 0 to 1. The element w (at (4,4) ) is always 1.
What you have to do is to create a new ColorMatrix
instance with the desired channel values. As we want to control the alpha blend channel, we should set the element at (3,3) to the desired value as shown below:
ColorMatrix ClrMatrix = {
1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f,
0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f,
0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f,
0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.5f, 0.0f,
0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f
The 0.5f value in the above code represents the alpha blend value. 0.5 means semi transparent (50%).
Once you initialize the ColorMatrix
, you create a new ImageAttributes
object and assign the newly created ColorMatrix
to it. This is done by calling the SetColorMatrix
method on the ImageAttributes
object. For example, the following code creates a new ImageAttributes
object and sets its color matrix to the one just created:
ImageAttributes ImgAttr;
ImgAttr.SetColorMatrix(&ClrMatrix, ColorMatrixFlagsDefault,
The final step is to draw the original image with the ImageAttributes
object just created. Using this, ImageAttributes
object would draw the original image with the alpha value we set in the color matrix, creating the alpha image.
Step 3: Alpha blending the images
As we need to blend img2
over img1
, first we should draw img1 on the desired Graphics
using the simplest overloads of the Graphics.DrawImage
method, as shown below:
g.DrawImage(&img1, 0,0,img1.Width,img1.Height);
To alpha blend image img2
on img1
, we call one of the overloads of the Graphics.DrawImag
e method on the Graphics
object which accepts an ImageAttributes
object with which we would specify the render modifications. For example, the following code draws the image img2
at the location specified, with the ImageAttributes
object ImgAttr
on a Graphics
object g
g.DrawImage(&img2, RectF destination(0,0, img2.Width,img2.Height), 0,0,
Now the resultant image on the Graphics
object represents the alpha blended result of Img2
over Img1
(The Graphics
object can be any graphics object which may be obtained from a control, created from image etc..)
Date posted: March 06, 2005.