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An LL(1) Syntax Directed Engine in C#

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19 Jan 2014CPOL14 min read 35.5K   1.5K   19   8
This article is dealing with parsing and semantic analysis. A full LL(1) parsing engine is introduced as an example to show a possible implementation.


This article deals with parsing and semantic analysis.

A full LL(1) parsing engine is introduced as an example to show a possible implementation.

The following samples do not describe the peculiarities of C# constructs; C# is used as an ordinary language except for its polymorphic behavior. Please check other articles for effective C# coding style.

The Basics

You may refer to a Compiler Design book for the theory: an excellent book is K. Louden [1997], see chapter 4.

If we consider Top Down Parsing, there are two equivalent methods to perform it.

We can use the familiar recursive descent parsing in which each Nonterminal is represented by a procedure and each Terminal is a match or an error. Formally, the inherited attributes are parameters to the procedures and the synthesized attributes are the function returned values.

Alternatively, we can use also LL(1) parsing in which recursion is simulated through a stack and the parser is table driven.

Here I present the two formally equivalent methods, given the same set of Productions. The first implementation just prints an inverted string of an arbitrary complex C declaration, the second builds a complete inverted type from a declaration with full semantic checking, using a stack to simulate recursion.

This method works for an LL(1) grammar, so you may need to review the constraints for this kind of grammars. The grammar must not contain left recursion, must be left factorized, constraints on First and Follow Sets are also enforced.

Recursive Descent Parsing

The first project is Recursive Descent. In a simple example of this first method, the output is just a string representation of an arbitrary C declaration.

The simple grammar is as follows:

Decl       -->   Pointer DirDcl ;
Pointer    -->   Star Pointer
Pointer    -->   Lambda
DirDcl     -->   Id DirDclTail
DirDcl     -->  ( Dcl ) DirDclTail
DirDclTail -->  [ Num ] DirDclTail
DirDclTail -->    ( )   DirDclTail
DirDclTail -->  Lambda

Let's begin with the Lexer: the tokens are contained in an enum and the returned lexeme is left in tokenValue.

   public enum TokenKind  {INT, CHAR, LONG, Num, Id, LParen ,
RParen, LQParen, RQParen, Star, Comma, SemiColon, EOI , UnKnown };

   public class Lexer
       public string tokenvalue = "";

       public TokenKind getToken(ref int index, string stream)
           tokenvalue = "";
           while (index < stream.Length && ( stream[index] == ' '
           || stream[index] == '\t' || stream[index] == '\n' || stream[index] == '\r'))
               index++; // limit is stream length , skip white spaces
           if (index == stream.Length || stream[index] == '$')
               return TokenKind.EOI;

           if ((stream[index] >= 'A' && stream[index] <= 'Z') || // an Id begins with a letter
               (stream[index] >= 'a' && stream[index] <= 'z'))
               tokenvalue += stream[index++];
               while ((stream[index] >= 'A' && stream[index] <= 'Z') || // is followed by letters or numbers
                     (stream[index] >= 'a' && stream[index] <= 'z')  ||
                     (stream[index] >= '0' && stream[index] <= '9')  )
                   tokenvalue += stream[index++];

               if (tokenvalue.ToUpper() == "INT") // add additional types if required
                   return TokenKind.INT;
               if (tokenvalue.ToUpper() == "CHAR")
                   return TokenKind.CHAR;
               if (tokenvalue.ToUpper() == "LONG")
                   return TokenKind.LONG;
               return TokenKind.Id; // if no reserved keywords is an Id
           if ((stream[index] >= '0' && stream[index] <= '9')) // a number begins with a number
               tokenvalue += stream[index++];
               while (stream[index] >= '0' && stream[index] <= '9') // collect the number until a different char
                   tokenvalue += stream[index++];
               return TokenKind.Num;
           switch (stream[index]) // single char token
               case (';'):
                   return TokenKind.SemiColon;
               case (','):
                   return TokenKind.Comma;
               case ('*'):
                   return TokenKind.Star;
               case ('('):
                   return TokenKind.LParen;
               case ('['):
                   return TokenKind.LQParen;
               case (')'):
                   return TokenKind.RParen;
               case (']'):
                   return TokenKind.RQParen;
           return TokenKind.UnKnown; // unknown Token

You may find useful to review the CodeProject article: How to interpret complex C/C++ declarations By Vikram A Punathambekar, 3 Jul 2004 . Look at the right to left rule.

The first parsing function is simple, just match the token and advance the input or signal an error and close the Form.

 private void match(TokenKind token)
    if (token == tokenKind)
        tokenKind = lexx.getToken(ref index, stream);
        MessageBox.Show(" unexpected token " + tokenKind);

To parse a declarator, parse Pointer then a DirDcl. This is accomplished by calling a procedure for each nonterminal, from the right to left rule you can see that you must first go right then left starting from the innermost Declarator.

private void _Decl()
     int ns = 0;
    _Pointer(ref ns);
    _DirDcl(); // go right to generate output string

    while (ns-- > 0) // this means go left at end
        _out += " pointer to ";

To parse a Pointer, follows these rules:

   a) if it is a star (*), simply count it
   b) if it is a legal follow item, do nothing
   c) return an error in all other cases

Please note the use of inherited attribute ns.

private void _Pointer(ref int ns)
    switch (tokenKind)
        case (TokenKind.Star):
          _Pointer(ref ns);
        case (TokenKind.Id): // Follow items : do nothing
        case (TokenKind.LParen):
          MessageBox.Show(" syntax error");

Match the first item or raise an error in order to parse a DirDcl. To be noticed that ( Decl ) DirDclTail implies an additional parsing of a subexpression of type Decl.

private void _DirDcl()
    switch (tokenKind)
        case (TokenKind.Id):
            _out += " " + lexx.tokenvalue +  " ";


        case (TokenKind.LParen):

            MessageBox.Show(" syntax error");

A DirDclTail may be an array or a function. At the end follow items must be a Left Parenthesis or a semicolon.

private void _DirDclTail()
    string num = null;
    int nn = 0;
    switch (tokenKind)
        case (TokenKind.LQParen):

            num = lexx.tokenvalue;
            nn = Convert.ToInt16(num);

            _out += " array [" + nn + "] of ";



        case (TokenKind.LParen):

            _out += " function returning ";


        case (TokenKind.RParen):
        case (TokenKind.SemiColon): // Follows items means do nothing
            MessageBox.Show(" syntax error");

Let's trace an execution path with this declaration: int *(*pi[5])[10];

   _Pointer(ref ns)
                 ns++  parse *
                        _Pointer(ref ns)
                         match('(')            parse (
             _Decl // inner _Dcl Decl                parses *pi[5]
                       _Pointer(ref ns)
                           ns++    parse *
                       Pointer(ref ns)
                                match(Id)  output :  pi
                             match('[')    parse [
                                                 match(Num)    parse 5
                                             match(']')    parse ] output : array[5] of
                   -> output : pointer to
             match(')')        parse )
               match('[')  parse [
               match(Num)  parse 10
               match(']')  parse ]         output : array[10] of
   --> output : pointer to
    return to caller

   output is : pi array[5] of pointer to array[10] of pointer to

The parsing is intuitive and the output is correct. The process is not automated and the flow of attributes can be complex. In section 5.1 of The C Programming Language, you can find a similar sample for complex declarations.

LL(1) Table Driven Parser

In a NonRecursive predictive parser, recursion is simulated through a semantic stack, parsing is guided by a predictive table. In order to create this table, you should review the concepts of First and Follow Sets: First Set represents the lookaheads that predict a particular production, the Follow Set is useful in Lambda production management. Prediction here means not recurring to BackTracking; in Algol like languages this is quite natural.

The theory behind this method is presented in Aho, Lam, Sethi and Ullman [1986] second ed., section 5.5.3 L-Attributed SDD's and LL Parsing with the use of a stack of objects. In addition, chapter 5 deals with inherited and synthesized attributes and how to manage them.

Here are the Productions used in the C complex declarations system.

   Declaration_Specifiers Declarator SemiColon

   Storage_Class_Specifier Sign_Specifier Type_Specifier




    Pointer Direct_Declarator

     Id Direct_Declarator_Tail
     LParen Declarator RParen Direct_Declarator_Tail

   LSParen Integer_Constant RSParen Direct_Declarator_Tail
   LParen Parameter_Type_List RParen Direct_Declarator_Tail

   Star Type_Qualifier_List Pointer


    Parameter_Declaration Parameter_List_Tail

    Comma Parameter_Declaration Parameter_List_Tail

  Declaration_Specifiers Parameter_Declaration_Tail


Here is the parser in LLParser.cs that represents the parsing state machine: it predicts productions, advance input or generate an error, it schedules actions at appropriate times. The functionality here is similar to that of the recursive version: when we predict a production, we push terminals and nonterminals in reverse order. Expanding a production is analogous to a function call: matching terminals advance input or signal an error until end of input.

Please note that synthesized attributes are pushed first in the stack and executed last. Tehy represent a final action on data computed so far.

Prediction in LL(1) parsing means to choose a production given a [NonTerminal,Terminal] pair. Execution begins with the start symbol Declaration on top of SemanticStack, Declaration_Specifiers is the first NonTerminal of production number 1 that can be predicted by an optional Storage_Class_Specifier, an optional Sign_Specifier and a mandatory Type_Specifier.

The Type_Specifier must be one of VOID, CHAR, SHORT, INT, LONG otherwise an syntax error is raised. This means, for instance, that entry [Type_Specifier,CHAR] is a valid entry in the predictive table while blank entries represents error entries.

The Parse algorithm is not difficult to be understood: it checks the semantic stack looking for anything that is (derives from) a SynthesizedAttribute and it executes the associated action popping the stack, if present. If it is another kind of object, it proceeds checking if it is a kind of InheritedAttribute and if it is so, it continues predicting, with a [NonTermnal,Terminal] pair, the next production (this means expanding a production), executing any function found, popping the semantic stack and pushing the contents of the production in reverse order (this is like a function call in the recursive version).

If the symbol on top of the semantic stack is not anything like an Inherited attribute, then it must be a Terminal or EOI. If it's a terminal or EOI it compares it with the token from input: if they match, it executes a semantic action if present and get the next token; if they don't match, it signals an error and ends.

public bool Parse()
    bool fret = false;
    Production pp = null;

    object sym = Stack.Top();

    SynthesizedAttribute syn = sym as SynthesizedAttribute; // look for a synthesized attribute or derived on top
    if (syn != null)
        if (syn.FireAction != null)
            fret = syn.FireAction(Stack, pp); // execute if any
            if (fret == false)
                return fret;
        return true;
    SemanticAction sma = sym as SemanticAction;
    if (sma != null)
        sym = Stack.Top();
    InheritedAttribute inh = sym as InheritedAttribute; // look for an inherited attribute or derived
    if (inh != null)
        if (token != TokenLookup.TokenKind.UnKnown) // consult parsing table indexed by Nonterminal,Terminal to predict a production
            pp = (Production)M[(int)inh.nTerm.Category, (int)token];
        if (pp == null) // an error entry
            MessageBox.Show("syntax error ");
            return false;
        if (sma != null) // execute action associated
           fret = sma.FireAction(Stack, pp, lexx.TokenValue);  // copy inherited top down into next production fields
           if (fret == false) // pass down any parameter
               return fret;

        for (int j = pp.rhs.Count - 1; j >= 0; j--) // here push production symbols in reversed order
        {                                           // corresponds to a function call or production expansion
            Terminal tt = pp.rhs[j] as Terminal;
            if (tt != null && tt.Token == TokenLookup.TokenKind.Lambda) // eat the symbol if Lambda (do nothing)
             if (pp.synth != null && pp.synth[j] != null) // push first synthesized attribute
                 if (pp.synth[j] is SDeclTypeAttribute)
                     SDeclTypeAttribute sa = (SDeclTypeAttribute)pp.synth[j] as SDeclTypeAttribute;
                     Stack.Push(new SDeclTypeAttribute(sa)); // copy constructor here means creating a new instance with parms passed by the semantic
                 }                                           // action

            if (tt != null) // push terminals if defined

            if (pp.inh != null && pp.inh[j] != null) // push inherited or derived
                if (pp.inh[j] is IDeclTypeAttribute)
                    IDeclTypeAttribute ie = pp.inh[j] as IDeclTypeAttribute;
                    Stack.Push(new IDeclTypeAttribute(ie)); // note copy constructor for passing parameters
                    Stack.Push(new InheritedAttribute(pp.inh[j]));

            if (pp.action != null && pp.action[j] != null) // push any semantic action
    else // is  a Terminal or EOI (this is analogous to the match function in the recursive version)
        Terminal tt = sym as Terminal;
        if (token == TokenLookup.TokenKind.EOI) // at end ok
            MessageBox.Show("stream successfully parsed ");
            return false;
            if (token == tt.Token) // match advance input and execute associated action if any
                if (sma != null)
                    fret = sma.FireAction(Stack, null, lexx.TokenValue);
                    if (fret == false)
                        return fret;
                token = lexx.getToken();
                return true;
            else // no match means error
                MessageBox.Show("Unexpected token : " + token + ", expected : " + tt.Token + ") ;
                return false;
    return true;

Let's analyze the structure of the semantic Engine: we have synthesized and inherited attributes represented by two parent classes and action routines. From these, you can declare classes that inherits from these basics classes and are the containers of data to be transferred by the program logic. These classes are in Semantic.cs.

public class SemanticStack
    public object[] ss = null;
    public int sp;

    public SemanticStack(int nn)
        ss = new object[nn];
        sp = 0;

    public object Top()
        object sym = ss[sp - 1];
        return sym;
    public void Push(object sym)
        ss[sp++] = sym;
    public object Pop()
        return ss[--sp];

public class SemanticAction
    public delegate bool Action(SemanticStack Stack, Production pp, string token);
    public Action FireAction;
    public SemanticAction()

    public SemanticAction(Action action)
        FireAction = action;
    public override string ToString()
        return "a(" + FireAction.Method.Name.ToString() + ")";

public abstract class SynthesizedAttribute
    public NonTerminal nTerm;
    public delegate bool Action(SemanticStack Stack, Production pp);
    public Action FireAction;

    public virtual void Clear()

public class SDeclTypeAttribute : SynthesizedAttribute
    public ArrayList Tuples = new ArrayList();
    public SignSpecifier signed = SignSpecifier.SIGNED;
    public StorageClass sclass = StorageClass.UnKnown;
    public Type basety = null;
    public Type tmpty = null; // temporary type
    public Symbol sym = null;

    public List<symbol> lsym = new List<symbol>();
    public Stack<type> stype = new Stack<type>();

    public int np = 0;
    public string id = null;
    public int size; // array types


public class InheritedAttribute
    public string ErrMsg = null;
    public NonTerminal nTerm;
    public InheritedAttribute() { }

    public InheritedAttribute(InheritedAttribute inh)
        nTerm = inh.nTerm;
        ErrMsg = inh.ErrMsg;
    public InheritedAttribute(NonTerminal nt)
        nTerm = nt;
    public InheritedAttribute(NonTerminal nt, string _errmsg)
        nTerm = nt;
        ErrMsg = _errmsg;
    public virtual void Clear()

public class IDeclTypeAttribute : InheritedAttribute
    public ArrayList Tuples = new ArrayList();
    public SignSpecifier signed = SignSpecifier.SIGNED;
    public StorageClass sclass = StorageClass.UnKnown;
    public Type basety = null; // type of variable
    public Type tmpty = null; // temporary type
    public Symbol sym=null;
    public List<symbol> lsym = new List<symbol>(); // function attribute
    public Stack<type> stype = new Stack<type>(); // pushed types

    public int np = 0; // pointers number
    public string id = null; // variable name
    public int size; // array types


As you can see, we've a simple stack of objects that is pushed to and popped from continuosly by the parser. The SemanticStack contains action routines from the class SemanticAction, Inherited classes and derived, custom classes derived from SynthesizedAttribute. These classes are the basic containers of data and the data flow in the application logic is through these classes.

The action routines act on the custom data structures defined by the user based on Inherited and Synthesized custom classes.

We have a parser, we have the objects that represents the layout of the stack, and we have semantic actions that act on these objects at known and fixed positions inside the stack.

The layout on the stack of a given Production must be specified in advance all the time, that is the information that the parser must push and pop from the SemanticStack. The layout is specified with parallel lists, it's up to the programmer to fill these lists correctly, error checking is left to him. BuildBaseType is a SemanticAction executed on matching the terminal INT or CHAR (for instance). We know that the parser on a match executes a SemanticAction if present: here BuildBaseType is called with the token representing the basic type, it accesses the stack object referring to the SDeclTypeAttribute of Type_Specifier at fixed displacement on the SemanticStack and loads the basety field accordingly.


    lhs = lg.FindNTermByName("Type_Specifier");
    rhs = new List<syntaxsymbol>();
    actions = new List<semanticaction>();
    actions.Add(new SemanticAction(BuildBaseType)); // the action is linked to Terminal Char (executes on match)
    lg.Prod.Add(new Production(lhs, rhs, actions, null, null)); // linking is obtained referring to same list position

    lhs = lg.FindNTermByName("Type_Specifier");
    rhs = new List<syntaxsymbol>();
    rhs.Add(lg.FindTermByName("INT"));         // same as above
    actions = new List<semanticaction>();
    actions.Add(new SemanticAction(BuildBaseType));
    lg.Prod.Add(new Production(lhs, rhs, actions, null, null));


static bool BuildBaseType(SyntaxStack ss, Production pp, string token)
    SDeclTypeAttribute sp =[ss.sp - 2] as SDeclTypeAttribute; // Type_specifier

    string ty = token.ToUpper();
    switch (ty)
        case ("CHAR"):
            sp.basety = BuildType(TypeOperator.CHAR, null, 1,null);
        case ("INT"):
            sp.basety = BuildType(TypeOperator.INT, null, 2,null);
        case ("LONG"):
            sp.basety = BuildType(TypeOperator.LONG, null, 4,null);
        case ("VOID"):
            sp.basety = BuildType(TypeOperator.VOID, null, 0, null);
    return true;

Here is ActionLoadBaseType that gets scheduled when is on top of stack with a SDeclTypeAttribute object of Type_Specifier as we can see in Parse. It loads the IDeclTypeAttribute of Declarator loading the basety field. The function is declared in advance in the layout of the Production as an Action associated with the SDeclTypeAttribute of Type_Specifier and gets scheduled at end of Production Type_Specifier --> INT | CHAR | LONG |VOID.


               storage-class-specifier declaration-specifiersopt
               type-specifier declaration-specifiersopt

     lhs = lg.FindNTermByName("Declaration_Specifiers");
     rhs = new List<syntaxsymbol>();
     inh = new List<inheritedattribute>();
     inh.Add(new InheritedAttribute(lg.FindNTermByName("Storage_Class_Specifier"), null));
     inh.Add(new InheritedAttribute(lg.FindNTermByName("Sign_Specifier"), null));
     inh.Add(new InheritedAttribute(lg.FindNTermByName("Type_Specifier"), null));
     synth = new List<synthesizedattribute>(); // these synthesized attributes executes at end of their own productions
     synth.Add(new SDeclTypeAttribute(lg.FindNTermByName("Storage_Class_Specifier"), ActionLoadStorageClassModifier));
     synth.Add(new SDeclTypeAttribute(lg.FindNTermByName("Sign_Specifier"), ActionLoadSignSpecifier));
     synth.Add(new SDeclTypeAttribute(lg.FindNTermByName("Type_Specifier"), ActionLoadBaseType));
     lg.Prod.Add(new Production( lhs, rhs, null, synth, inh));


 static bool ActionLoadBaseType(SyntaxStack ss, Production pp)
     IDeclTypeAttribute ip =[ss.sp - 3] as IDeclTypeAttribute; // Declarator
     SDeclTypeAttribute sp =[ss.sp - 1] as SDeclTypeAttribute; // Type_specifier

     switch (sp.basety.op)
         case (TypeOperator.VOID):
         case (TypeOperator.CHAR):
         case (TypeOperator.INT):
         case (TypeOperator.LONG):
             ip.basety = sp.basety;
             ip.basety.signed = ip.signed;
     return true;

And here is ActionExpandDeclarator that executes when it is on Top of Stack: it proceeds to expand the production Declarator-> Pointer Direct_Declarator. It loads the IDeclTypeAttribute of Pointer with the basic type created, accessing the IDeclTypeAttribute of Declarator in the stack.

As you see, the production is accessed through the inh field [0], referring to the IDecltypeAttribute of Pointer, containing the right info. This is done immediately after accessing the predictive table: the field contents are moved to the production, and next in the loop the production contents are pushed in reverse order. Parse uses a copy constructor for each instance of the synthesized and inherited attributes. We will have then a copy of this data on the semantic stack at known position.



       lhs = lg.FindNTermByName("Declaration");
       rhs = new List<syntaxsymbol>();
       inh = new List<inheritedattribute>();
       inh.Add(new InheritedAttribute(lg.FindNTermByName("Declaration_Specifiers"), null));
       inh.Add(new IDeclTypeAttribute(lg.FindNTermByName("Declarator"), null));
       actions = new List<semanticaction>();
       actions.Add(new SemanticAction(ActionOnExpandDeclarator)); // action is linked with NonTerminal Declarator at same list position
       synth = new List<synthesizedattribute>();
       synth.Add(new SDeclTypeAttribute(lg.FindNTermByName("Declarator"), ActionProcessSymbolTableDeclarator)); // executes at end of top
       synth.Add(null);                                                                                         // Declarator production
       lg.Prod.Add(new Production( lhs, rhs, actions, synth, inh));


  static bool ActionOnExpandDeclarator(SyntaxStack ss, Production pp, string token)
       IDeclTypeAttribute sp =[ss.sp - 1] as IDeclTypeAttribute; //Declarator
       IDeclTypeAttribute dp = null;

       dp = pp.inh[0] as IDeclTypeAttribute; // Pointer
       dp.basety = sp.basety;
       dp.sclass = sp.sclass;
       return true;

In this semantic engine you must declare the NonTerminals, the Terminals and the Productions in your language.

LL01.cs responsabily is to fill correctly the predictive table, once the table is created. Parsing is quite natural, you can forget about the predictive table, just add valid productions compatible with LL(1) grammar format.  

To begin, we declare the grammar: actions synth and inh represents collections of data safely saved inside the Language class. A single action is a SemanticAction, a synth is a class derived from SynthesizedAttribute and an inh is an InheritedAttribute or a derived class.

Giving the parser, the objects and the actions, we have all we need. Inside DeclsGrammar.cs, we begin by declaring the basic blocks: NonTerminals, Terminals and Productions to compute the First and Follow Sets and the predictive table. We specify then the layout of any given production. This allows the parser to work correctly.

// before executing here you must fill the TokenKind enum containing the Terminals returned by the Lexer and the Category
// enum containing the NonTerminals, that is all the left hand sides of productions added to the collection Prod.

TokenLookup.TokenKind[] tokens = (TokenLookup.TokenKind[])Enum.GetValues(typeof(TokenLookup.TokenKind));
string[] names = TokenLookup.TokenNames;
Terminal tt = null;
foreach (TokenLookup.TokenKind tok in tokens)
    tt = new Terminal(names[idx], tok);
    if (lg.HashTerm[names[idx]] != null)
        MessageBox.Show(" Terminal " + names[idx] + " already inserted");
        lg.HashTerm.Add(names[idx], tt);
Category[] categories = (Category[])Enum.GetValues(typeof(Category));
idx = 0;
NonTerminal nt = null;
foreach (Category cat in categories)
    nt = new NonTerminal(Enum.Format(typeof(Category), cat, "G"), cat);
    if (lg.HashNTerm[cat] != null)
        MessageBox.Show(" Nonterminal " + cat + " already inserted");
        lg.HashNTerm.Add(cat.ToString(), nt);
// Productions
List<semanticaction> actions = new List<semanticaction>();
List<inheritedattribute> inh = new List<inheritedattribute>();
List<synthesizedattribute> synth = new List<synthesizedattribute>();
NonTerminal lhs = null;
List<syntaxsymbol> rhs = null;

lhs = lg.FindNTermByName("Declaration");  // here is the left hand side of this production: must be a declared NonTerminal
rhs = new List<syntaxsymbol>();
rhs.Add(lg.FindNTermByName("Declaration_Specifiers")); // this is right end side of the production both Terminals and NonTerminals

inh = new List<inheritedattribute>();
inh.Add(new InheritedAttribute(lg.FindNTermByName("Declaration_Specifiers"), null));
inh.Add(new IDeclTypeAttribute(lg.FindNTermByName("Declarator"), null)); // an IDeclTypeAttribute derives from InheriitedAttribute
actions = new List<semanticaction>();
actions.Add(new SemanticAction(ActionOnExpandDeclarator)); // this is associated to a Declarator,this way you can pass parameters top down
synth = new List<synthesizedattribute>();
synth.Add(new SDeclTypeAttribute(lg.FindNTermByName("Declarator"), ActionProcessSymbolTableDeclarator)); // this gets executed after
synth.Add(null);                                                                                         // parsing a full Declarator
lg.Prod.Add(new Production( lhs, rhs, actions, synth, inh));


lg.FillTable();        // fills the predictive table after the objects are declared to the Language class

Here we've added:

    *) the Terminals contained in enum TokenKind Tokens.c returned by the Lexer in a specialized collection Term
    *) the NonTerminals contained in the Category enum (in the same file) in the collection Nterm

These collections are used to compute First and Follow Sets; in addition the first production is added to the Prod collection, used to fill the parsing table.

A production consists of action routines and the custom data structures associated.

We have basically three kinds of action routines:

    a) those associated with NonTerminals: they represent production expansion and are executed after a valid prediction
    b) those associated with Terminals: they means access to input tokens and are executed after a successful match with the input token if an action is required
    c) those relative to a SynthesizedAttribute and are specified in the right constructor.

Now we present the Language grammar with the introduction of the Declarator subsystem. As you can imagine, it is a function with input parameters and a return value (DeclGrammar.cs). The Declarator subsystem is exactly similar to the recursive version presented early.

The two functions given below executes on expansion of NonTerminals Pointer and Direct_Declarator. This means that in ActionOnExpandPointer, a Pointer is predicted by [Pointer,*] and is also nullable: in other words, it can be canceled on the Follow Items. A Direct_Declarator can be predicted by an Id and a (.

The two actions are linked in the parallel list actions, containing the SemanticActions, in the same position of IDeclTypeAttribute Pointer and Direct_Declarator. As we've seen, we copy the parameters in the production to be expanded, for example on Pointer -> Star Pointer, we know that the next production has the IDeclTypeAttribute Pointer at index 1.

The field np is the Pointer count, on predicting [Pointer,*] it increments the counter, when there are no more stars it copies the total left to right (Inherited attribute flow) to Direct_Declarator. Note that while copying the data on predicting [Direct_Declarator,(] to Direct_Declarator_Tail it performs the right to left evaluation.


    lhs = lg.FindNTermByName("Declarator");
    rhs = new List<syntaxsymbol>();
    inh = new List<inheritedattribute>();
    inh.Add(new IDeclTypeAttribute(lg.FindNTermByName("Pointer"), null));
    inh.Add(new IDeclTypeAttribute(lg.FindNTermByName("Direct_Declarator"), null));
    actions = new List<semanticaction>();
    actions.Add(new SemanticAction(ActionOnExpandPointer)); // this is linked with NonTerminal Pointer at same list position
    actions.Add(new SemanticAction(ActionOnExpandDirectDecl)); // same as above with NonTerminal Direct_Declarator
    synth = new List<synthesizedattribute>();
    synth.Add(new SDeclTypeAttribute(lg.FindNTermByName("Pointer"),  null));
    lg.Prod.Add(new Production( lhs, rhs, actions, synth, inh));


   // here is simple parameter passing and count * tokens

   static bool ActionOnExpandPointer(SemanticStack ss, Production pp, string token)
     IDeclTypeAttribute sp =[ss.sp - 1] as IDeclTypeAttribute; // Pointer
     IDeclTypeAttribute ip = null;
     switch (pp.prodno)
        case (22): // Pointer -> Star Pointer
            ip = pp.inh[1] as IDeclTypeAttribute;
            ip.basety = sp.basety;
            ip.sclass = sp.sclass;
  ; // counts * tokens
        case (23): // Pointer -> Lambda (copy rule)
            ip =[ss.sp - 4] as IDeclTypeAttribute; // Direct_Declarator copy data in left to right order
            ip.basety = sp.basety;
            ip.sclass = sp.sclass;
     return true;

 static bool ActionOnExpandDirectDecl(SemanticStack ss, Production pp, string token)
    IDeclTypeAttribute sp =[ss.sp - 1] as IDeclTypeAttribute; // Direct_Declarator
    IDeclTypeAttribute ip = null;

    switch (pp.prodno)
        case (17): // Direct_Declarator -> Id Direct_Declarator_Tail
            ip = pp.inh[1] as IDeclTypeAttribute;
            ip.basety = sp.basety;
            ip.sclass = sp.sclass;
        case (18): // Direct_Declarator -> LParen Declarator RParen Direct_Declator_Tail
            ip = pp.inh[3] as IDeclTypeAttribute;  // Declarator acts as a function, ActionOnProcessTempDeclarator runs at a later time
            ip.basety = sp.basety;                 // the output is a tmpty that will be concatenated to the current type (inner to outer)
            ip.sclass = sp.sclass;
   =; // note here outer copy of basics parms, recursion is simulated in this way
    return true;

The next two functions are ActionOnLoadIdToDirectDeclTail and ActionOnProcessTempDeclarator. ActionOnLoadIdToDirectDeclTail, associated with Terminal Id, eats an Id and passes it to the IDeclTypeAttribute of Direct_Declarator_Tail in the stack with a fixed displacement. ActionOnProcessTempDeclarator gets executed at the end of Declarator production on synthesized attribute SDeclTypeAttribute on top of stack: the function builds an inner type associated with Declarator and passes the temporary concatenated type inner to outer to Direct_Declarator_Tail.

The linkage is obtained inserting in the synth list the SDeclTypeAttribute on a Declarator with the function ActionOnProcessTempDeclarator.

        /* direct-declarator:
              direct-declarator [ constant-expressionopt ]
              direct-declarator ( parameter-type-list )
             direct-declarator ( identifier-listopt )

        llhs = lg.FindNTermByName("Direct_Declarator");
        rhs = new List<syntaxsymbol>();
        inh = new List<inheritedattribute>();
        inh.Add(new IDeclTypeAttribute(lg.FindNTermByName("Direct_Declarator_Tail"), null));
        actions = new List<semanticaction>();
        actions.Add(new SemanticAction(ActionOnLoadIdToDirectDeclTail)); // connected to Terminal Id (loads Id lexeme)
        actions.Add(new SemanticAction(ActionOnExpandDirectDeclTail));
        lg.Prod.Add(new Production( lhs, rhs, actions, null, inh));

        lhs = lg.FindNTermByName("Direct_Declarator");
        rhs = new List<syntaxsymbol>();
        inh = new List<inheritedattribute>();
        inh.Add(new IDeclTypeAttribute(lg.FindNTermByName("Declarator"),null));
        inh.Add(new IDeclTypeAttribute(lg.FindNTermByName("Direct_Declarator_Tail"), null));
        synth = new List<synthesizedattribute>();
        synth.Add(new SDeclTypeAttribute(lg.FindNTermByName("Declarator"),ActionOnProcessTempDeclarator)); // executes at end of inner
        synth.Add(null);                                                                                   // Declarator Production
        actions = new List<semanticaction>();
        actions.Add(new SemanticAction(ActionOnExpandDirectDeclTail));
        lg.Prod.Add(new Production(lhs, rhs, actions, synth, inh));


     // this function gets executed later inside Direct_Declarator -> Id Direct_Declarator_Tail during parsing
     // it loads the identifier in  Direct_declarator_Tail, if you look at Parse a match with input has occurred and the token passed is the Identifier
     // this is a particular usage of an action routine, just access the input token.

     static bool ActionOnLoadIdToDirectDeclTail(SemanticStack ss, Production pp, string token)
        IDeclTypeAttribute sp =[ss.sp - 3] as IDeclTypeAttribute; // Direct_declarator_Tail = token.ToUpper();
        return true;

    // here is the function associated to the synthesized attribute of type SDeclTypeAttribute (Declarator)
    // will be executed at end of production Declarator processing,
    // inside production 18:  Direct_Declarator -> LParen Declarator RParen Direct_Declator_Tail

    // the purpose is to create a temporary type (tmpty) that will contribute to produce the resulting inverted type

    // input is an inner tmpty if present (np : star counter) and a type stack : stype.
    // output is a linked tmpty with the newly created type

    static bool ActionOnProcessTempDeclarator(SemanticStack ss, Production pp)
        SDeclTypeAttribute sp =[ss.sp - 1] as SDeclTypeAttribute; // Declarator
        IDeclTypeAttribute ip =[ss.sp - 4] as IDeclTypeAttribute; // Direct_Declarator_Tail
        Type ty = null, tty = null;

        for (int _j = 0; _j <; _j++)                       // a new type is created from np and the stacked types
            tty = BuildType(TypeOperator.POINTER, tty, 4,null);
        for (int _j = 0; _j < sp.stype.Count; _j++)
            ty = sp.stype.Pop();
            tty = BuildType(ty.op, tty, ty.size,ty.lsym);
        ty = sp.tmpty;
        while (ty != null && ty.type != null)
            ty = ty.type;

        if (sp.tmpty == null) // the type here is linked to the end of tmpty , this result into a temporary inverted type, inner to outer
            sp.tmpty = tty;
            ty.type = tty;

        ip.tmpty = sp.tmpty; // new concatenated type is copied to Direct_Declarator_Tail =;
        return true;

The next function gets executed on expansion of a Direct_Declarator_Tail. The prediction occurs on symbol [, ( and the item is nullable. ActionOnLoadNumToDirectDeclTail eats the Integer_Constant returned by the Lexer inside parsing production

-> [ Integer_Constant ] Direct_Declarator_Tail.

     lhs = lg.FindNTermByName("Direct_Declarator_Tail");
     rhs = new List<syntaxsymbol>();
     inh = new List<inheritedattribute>();
     inh.Add(new IDeclTypeAttribute(lg.FindNTermByName("Direct_Declarator_Tail"), null));
     actions=new List<semanticaction>();
     actions.Add(new SemanticAction(ActionOnLoadNumToDirectDeclTail)); // connected to Termional Integer_Constant (loads size)
     actions.Add(new SemanticAction(ActionOnExpandDirectDeclTail));
     lg.Prod.Add(new Production( lhs, rhs, actions, null, inh));

     lhs = lg.FindNTermByName("Direct_Declarator_Tail");
     rhs = new List<syntaxsymbol>();
     inh = new List<inheritedattribute>();
     inh.Add(new IDeclTypeAttribute(lg.FindNTermByName("Parameter_Type_List"), null));
     inh.Add(new IDeclTypeAttribute(lg.FindNTermByName("Direct_Declarator_Tail"), null));
     actions = new List<semanticaction>();
     actions.Add(new SemanticAction(ActionOnExpandParameterTypeList));
     actions.Add(new SemanticAction(ActionOnExpandDirectDeclTail));
     lg.Prod.Add(new Production( lhs, rhs, actions, null, inh));

     lhs = lg.FindNTermByName("Direct_Declarator_Tail");
     rhs = new List<syntaxsymbol>();
     lg.Prod.Add(new Production( lhs, rhs, null, null, null));


static bool ActionOnExpandDirectDeclTail(SemanticStack ss, Production pp, string token)
       IDeclTypeAttribute sp =[ss.sp - 1] as IDeclTypeAttribute; // Direct_Declarator_Tail
       IDeclTypeAttribute ip = null;

      switch (pp.prodno) // this happens at production expansion
         case (19): // Direct_Declarator_Tail -> LQParen Num RQParen Direct_Declator_Tail
             ip = pp.inh[3] as IDeclTypeAttribute;
             ip.basety = sp.basety;
             ip.tmpty = sp.tmpty;
             ip.sclass = sp.sclass;
             __Copy_Stack(ip.stype, sp.stype);
         case (20): // Direct_Declarator_Tail -> LParen Parameter_Type_list RParen Direct_Declator_Tail
             ip = pp.inh[3] as IDeclTypeAttribute;
             ip.basety = sp.basety;
             ip.tmpty = sp.tmpty;
             ip.sclass = sp.sclass;
             __Copy_Stack(ip.stype, sp.stype);
         case (21): // Direct_Declarator_Tail -> Lambda
             SDeclTypeAttribute dp =[ss.sp - 2] as SDeclTypeAttribute; // Declarator
             dp.basety = sp.basety;
             dp.tmpty = sp.tmpty;
             dp.sclass = sp.sclass;
             __Copy_Stack(dp.stype, sp.stype);
       return true;

   // this function is executed later inside Direct_Declarator_Tail -> LQParen Num RQParen Direct_Declator_Tail production
   // it stacks a ARRAY type with the given size.
   // stacked types are used to build a temporary type

   static bool ActionOnLoadNumToDirectDeclTail(SemanticStack ss, Production pp, string token)
     IDeclTypeAttribute sp =[ss.sp - 4] as IDeclTypeAttribute; // Direct_declarator_Tail

     sp.stype.Push(BuildType(TypeOperator.ARRAY,null, Convert.ToInt16(token),null));
     return true;


As you can see, there is a chain of static functions that will be executed by the parser at appropriate time, expansion of productions that will be executed at production prediction while consulting the predictive table and synthesized actions present in synthesized attributes that represent final actions, usually at end of production, to compute values or to perform a particular action (e.g. insert a fully parsed symbol into a symbol table).

/*  pointer:
     * type-qualifier-listopt
     * type-qualifier-listopt pointer

lhs = lg.FindNTermByName("Pointer");
rhs = new List<syntaxsymbol>();
inh = new List<inheritedattribute>();
inh.Add(new IDeclTypeAttribute(lg.FindNTermByName("Pointer"), null));
actions = new List<semanticaction>();
actions.Add(new SemanticAction(ActionOnExpandPointer)); // each time a Pointer is expanded
lg.Prod.Add(new Production( lhs, rhs, actions, null, inh));

lhs = lg.FindNTermByName("Pointer");
rhs = new List<syntaxsymbol>();
lg.Prod.Add(new Production( lhs, rhs, null, null, null));

Here is the last function that gets executed at end of Declarator production processing. It computes a complete string representation obtained from partial temporary types built inner to outer. The action here could be more significative: indeed we have a full inverted type and all associated data, even a parameter list, if present, could have been processed, the usual action being to add the symbol to the appropriate symbol table

static bool ActionProcessSymbolTableDeclarator(SemanticStack ss, Production pp)
    SDeclTypeAttribute sp =[ss.sp - 1] as SDeclTypeAttribute; // Declarator

    Type ty;
    int nitems = 0;

    for (int _j = 0; _j <; _j++)  // np means how many * are present
        sp.basety = BuildType(TypeOperator.POINTER, sp.basety, 4, null);

    nitems = sp.stype.Count;
    for (int _j = 0; _j < nitems; _j++) // here are the stacked types to form an inverted resulting type
        ty = sp.stype.Pop();
        sp.basety = BuildType(ty.op, sp.basety, ty.size, ty.lsym);

    ty = sp.tmpty;   // tmpty is input from inner Declarators
    while (ty != null && ty.type != null)
        ty = ty.type;
    if (ty != null) // if an input tmpty is present, link the created type at end of it
        ty.type = sp.basety;
        sp.basety = sp.tmpty;

    Symbol sym = new Symbol(); =;
    sym.sclass = sp.sclass;
    sym.type = sp.basety;

    if (CheckInvalidType(sp.basety))  // helper function to detect semantic errors e.g. a function cannot return an array or a function
        return false;

    EAGrammar._type = _FormatType(sym); // formatted inverted type

    return true;

Let's look at the parse tree for input int *(*pi[5])[10]; and trace execution. I have termed here Declarator (Decl), DirDecl (Direct_Declarator) and DirDclTail (Direct_Declarator_Tail).

Sample Image - maximum width is 600 pixels

To follow the logic, put breakpoints inside the functions in the Declarator region:

(1) Input to Decl (Declarator) is a basety of type int.

(2) ActionOnExpandDeclarator : expand Decl and pass (basety=int) to Pointer

(3) AncionOnExpandPointer : first expansion of Pointer count *, np=1

(4) ActionOnExpandPointer : second expansion of Pointer to Lamdba, pass (np=1,basety=int) to DirDecl (synth)

(5) ActionOnExpandDirectDecl : expand DirDecl with ( Decl ) DirDeclTail pass (np=1,basety=int) to DirDeclTail

(6) Expand Decl

(7) ActionOnExpandPointer : expand Pointer and count np=1

(8) ActionOnExpandPointer : expand Pointer to Lambda and copy (np=1,basety=null) to DirDecl (synth)

(9) ActionOnExpandDirectDecl : expand DirDecl to Id DirDeclTail pass (np=1,basety=null) to DirDeclTail

(10) ActionOnLoadIdToDirectDeclTail : load DirDeclTail (with id=pi)

(11) ActionOnExpandDirectDeclTail :expand DirDeclTail -> [ Num ] DirDeclTail and load DirDeclTail with (id=pi,basety=null,np=1)

(12) ActionOnLoadNumToDirectDeclTail: stack an stype of (ARRAY 5) to DirDeclTail

(13) ActionOnExpandDirectDeclTail : expand DirDeclTail to Lambda and pass (tmpty=null,basety=null,np=1,stype=(ARRAY 5)) to synth Decl

(14) ActionOnProcessTempDeclarator : load DirDeclTail (with tmpty = (ARRAY 5 POINTER))

(15) ActionOnExpandDirectDeclTail : expand DirDelcTail with [ Num ] DirDeclTail and load DirDeclTail with (with tmpty = (ARRAY 5 POINTER)

(16) ActionOnLoadNumToDirectDeclTail : stack an stype of (ARRAY 10) to DirDeclTail

(17) ActionOnExpandDirectDeclTail : expand DirDeclTail to Lamdba and load synthesized Decl with (basety=int,np=1,tmpty=(ARRAY 5 POINTER),stype=(ARRAY 10),id=pi)

(18) ActionProcessSymbolTableDeclarator : load EAGrammar._tyoe with (PI: ARRAY 5 POINTER TO ARRAY 10 POINTER TO INT)

As you can see, the output is correct and recursion is simulated with a stack. Inherited attributes flow is left to right and top down, synthesized attributes flow is bottom up,

is associated with inner Declarators and is executed at end of production Declarator building a temporary inverted type, ActionProcessSymbolTableDeclarator is associated with the top level Declarator, it is executed at end giving a full inverted type.

This flow of information conforms to the theory and results in a deterministic evaluation.

I haven't presented the Lexer because it's almost similar to the recursive version, it returns tokens and lexemes. Consult Semantic.cs for stacked objects and DataStructure.cs for common ds like Type.

The advantage of using the tabular method is that programming is modular and can be well documented, it's easy to write a Compiler Generator Engine and common subsystems can be easily re-utilized, like the Declarator one. You can see from the code that the Declarator subsystem is used without modifications also in parameter list processing. A Declarator builds an inverted type given some input parameters, the logic of complex C Declarations is performed at the proper times inner expressions to outer resulting in a complete inverted type.


  • Compiler Construction: Principles and Practice, K.C Louden [1997].
  • Compilers Principles Techniques and Tools, 2nd Edition, Aho, Sethi, Lam and Ullman [1986].
  • Algorithms for Compiler Design, O.G. Kakde [2002].


This article, along with any associated source code and files, is licensed under The Code Project Open License (CPOL)

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Comments and Discussions

QuestionKewl Pin
jfriedman20-Jan-14 5:38
jfriedman20-Jan-14 5:38 
QuestionNicely done, although I think there are better ways to parse Pin
KenBeckett13-Jan-14 19:17
KenBeckett13-Jan-14 19:17 
Personally, I'm tired of the old school ways of parsing languages. In case you might be interested, I discuss an alternative method here, in part 4 of an 8-part series about new ways of working with computer languages. It includes a C# 2.0 parser with full source (I implemented C# 5.0 successfully with the discussed technique, but at this point it's a commercial product): Object-Oriented Parsing: Breaking With Tradition (Part 4)[^]
AnswerRe: Nicely done, although I think there are better ways to parse Pin
Michele Sobrero13-Jan-14 19:47
Michele Sobrero13-Jan-14 19:47 
AnswerRe: Nicely done, although I think there are better ways to parse Pin
Michele Sobrero13-Jan-14 20:10
Michele Sobrero13-Jan-14 20:10 
Questioncan we have a better flow chart? Pin
Southmountain10-Jan-14 12:43
Southmountain10-Jan-14 12:43 
AnswerRe: can we have a better flow chart? Pin
Michele Sobrero10-Jan-14 19:03
Michele Sobrero10-Jan-14 19:03 
AnswerRe: can we have a better flow chart? Pin
Michele Sobrero12-Jan-14 9:37
Michele Sobrero12-Jan-14 9:37 
GeneralMessage Closed Pin
22-Dec-17 10:14
mvahoney the codewitch22-Dec-17 10:14 
GeneralRe: can we have a better flow chart? Pin
honey the codewitch22-Dec-17 11:07
mvahoney the codewitch22-Dec-17 11:07 

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