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CodeProject Mentor FAQ

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8 Apr 2021CPOL2 min read 85.2K   24   13
This is an FAQ for the CodeProject Mentor Program.

Table of Contents

  1. Who can be a mentor?

    • Gold member +
    • Must have written 5+ articles
    • Code Project user who has demonstrated helpful posting in the forums

  2. What does a mentor do?

    Being a mentor is completely voluntary at all times. The general role of a Mentor is to provide guidance on the general writing and formatting of articles. Mentors will provide suggestions:

    • Level of detail required
    • Additional material that will compliment the article
    • If necessary, technical feedback

  3. How do authors ask for help?

    Authors with an article in Pending status that wish help from a Mentor can either send an email to us at submit[at], or (what is more likely to happen) an author will be sent an email by Code Project staff explaining what the Mentor program is and asking if they want to take part. If they agree, this email will be followed by a more in-depth explanation of how it works and what to expect.

  4. How do you match authors and mentors?

    If the author agrees, a message will be posted on the Mentor Forum for a Mentor to pick up. Ideally, a Mentor knowledgeable of the subject of the article will match with that author.

  5. How do we communicate? Through the site or directly?

    After volunteering, a Mentor leaves a comment on author's article to offer assistance.

  6. Are mentors acknowledged in the published article?

    Nope. Your reward is the warm fuzzy feeling of helping improve authors and articles, and making Code Project a better place.

  7. Will there be one or more mentors for each article?

    Yes, generally. If a mentor requests help from their peers, then perhaps there might be another post

  8. How do I become a mentor?

    To apply to be a Mentor come to here: CodeProject Mentors and hit the button shown below:

     Image 1

    Please also send an email to submit[at] with your request.


This article, along with any associated source code and files, is licensed under The Code Project Open License (CPOL)

Written By
Technical Writer CodeProject
Canada Canada
Sean Ewington is the Content Manager for CodeProject.

His background in programming is primarily C++ and HTML, but has experience in other, "unsavoury" languages.

He loves movies, and likes to say inconceivable often, even if it does not mean what he thinks it means.

Comments and Discussions

GeneralMy vote of 5 Pin
Jimmy_Olano8-Feb-16 10:49
Jimmy_Olano8-Feb-16 10:49 
QuestionHow Author can get help from a Mentor? Pin
User 1106097917-Jan-15 6:14
User 1106097917-Jan-15 6:14 
AnswerRe: How Author can get help from a Mentor? Pin
Sean Ewington19-Jan-15 4:08
staffSean Ewington19-Jan-15 4:08 
QuestionHow to Volunteer Pin
gggustafson26-Apr-13 11:52
mvagggustafson26-Apr-13 11:52 
AnswerRe: How to Volunteer Pin
Sean Ewington21-May-13 3:20
staffSean Ewington21-May-13 3:20 
GeneralRemoving my article... Pin
SreedharPuttagunta19-Oct-10 5:09
SreedharPuttagunta19-Oct-10 5:09 
GeneralRe: Removing my article... Pin
Sean Ewington19-Oct-10 5:09
staffSean Ewington19-Oct-10 5:09 
GeneralRe: Removing my article... Pin
SreedharPuttagunta19-Oct-10 6:54
SreedharPuttagunta19-Oct-10 6:54 

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