MVC Basic Site
Table of Contents
MVC Basic Site is intended to be a series of tutorial articles about the creation of a basic and extendable web site that uses ASP.NET MVC.
The first article from this series, named MVC Basic Site: Step1-Multilingual Site Skeleton, was focused mainly on the creation of a multilingual web site skeleton by using ASP.NET MVC 3.0. Also user authentication and registration created from scratch was described there.
This second article presents, in details, the exceptions management rules and their implementation for an ASP.NET MVC web site, and provides some utile base classes and source code for Logging and Exceptions Management that can be reused (with very small changes) not only in other ASP.NET sites but also generally in any .NET project.
MVC Basic Site is developing by using an incremental and iterative methodology, this means that each new step add more functionalities to the solution from the previous step, so the source code provided for download in this article contains all functionalities implemented until now (from both articles).
Note that all provided source code is very well commented and clean and there should be no problem in reading and understanding it.
Exceptions management is very important in the development of any software solution. If exceptions management is ignored or not properly implemented, this will have a bad impact in the quality and performance of the software solution.
- .NET 4.0 Framework
- Visual Studio 2010 (or Express edition)
- SQL Server 2008 R2 (or Express Edition version 10.50.2500.0)
In each software project, at the beginning of project development, the software development rules that must be followed by the team should be defined. Part of these rules should be the exceptions management rules.
In this chapter I describe the exceptions management rules used by me in the MVC Basic Site solution, but these rules could be seen as practical recommendations that could be used in any ASP.NET solution and with some adaptations in any .NET solution.
In general exception management uses the try
, catch
, and finally
or using
keywords to manage actions that may not succeed (like accessing a database table, accessing a file from the file system, using memory allocation, sending emails, etc.), to handle failures when you decide that it is reasonable to do so, and to clean up the used resources. Note that exceptions can be generated by the .NET Framework, by used third-party libraries, or by application code by using the throw
The exception management basic rules used in the MVC Basic Site solution are:
- Use a
block to release any kind of resources that are not disposable (does not implement IDisposable
) but require some release actions, for example to close any streams or files that were opened in the try
- Handle access to the disposable resources that could generate exceptions and do not forgot to dispose the used resource at the end by using
or using
- Do not use
where not needed, use another approach like if-else
sentences. For example checking for null before performing any operation over an object that may be null can significantly increase performance by avoiding exceptions.
- Do not
and throw
again the same exception type.
- For the entire solution use a new exception class derived from
, in our case named BasicSiteException
, to identify exceptions generated by the database or logic layer.;
- For the entire solution use a utile class for writing messages and exceptions information into the Windows event log. In our solution this class is named
(see details in the next chapters).
- Catch an exception at the database or logic level only if it is necessary to add more information in the re-thrown exception, and use objects of type
for this. Do not forgot to include the original exception as an inner exception in the re- thrown exception.
- The expected exceptions should be caught finally at the user interface level and then the exception information (message and stack trace) must be written into the event log by using the
class and a friendly error message should be shown to the user in the current page.
- Manage unauthorized access exceptions to prevent the user from accessing the site main functionalities without being authenticated first and without the proper rights.
- Do not forgot to manage unhandled exceptions (unexpected exceptions) at the user interface level, and also in this case the error information must be written down into the event log and a friendly error message shown in the Error page.
- Avoid unnecessary unhandled exceptions to be generated by using the proper methods. For example in the case of using Entity Framework, use
then test with null
in place of First()
like in the next code:
if (ModelState.IsValid)
User user = _db.Users.FirstOrDefault(item => item.Username.ToLower() ==
model.Username.ToLower() && item.Password == model.Password);
if (user == null)
ModelState.AddModelError("", Resources.Resource.LogOnErrorMessage);
return View(model);
FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(model.Username, false);
SiteSession siteSession = new SiteSession(_db, user);
Session["SiteSession"] = siteSession; MvcBasicLog.LogMessage(string.Format("LogOn for user: {0}", siteSession.Username));
return RedirectToAction("Index", "Home");
In any software solution it is very important to preserve messages, errors, and exception data generated during software usage into a log. This way the messages and exceptions data can be accessed and analyzed at a later time. In Windows the better place that should be used for saving log messages is the Windows Event Log.
is a class is the utile class used for writing messages and exceptions information into the Windows Application Event Log.

Like you can see from the class diagram above, this class has a set of public static methods used to log messages, errors, and exceptions into the Windows event log. All these messages will be written into the same log source (defined as a static value in the _logSource
static member), and for some methods the user can specify the name of the category to be used as a prefix of the message.
All these public methods use the private method AddLogLine
to do the work of writing into the event log source.
private static void AddLogLine(string logMessage, bool isError)
EventLog log = new EventLog();
log.Source = _logSource;
log.WriteEntry(logMessage, (isError ? EventLogEntryType.Error : EventLogEntryType.Information));
catch (System.Security.SecurityException ex)
throw new ApplicationException("You must create the event log entry " +
"for our source by using CreateEventLogEntry project!", ex);
log.WriteEntry(logMessage, (isError ? EventLogEntryType.Error : EventLogEntryType.Information));
To write a message notification into the log you have to do this:
MvcBasicLog.LogMessage(string.Format("LogOn for user: {0}", siteSession.Username));
You can check the Windows application event log by using the “Event Viewer” tool.

Event Viewer - Message Info
Note that in the case of LogException
methods the entire exception data will be written into the event log, and in this case the results from the event log will be something like the next one.

Event Viewer - Exception Info
In the picture above, you can see that the event log details the exception messages and exception stack trace including the source code line that generates the exception.
So for each “Error” entry from the event log that is associated with the exception generated during the usage of the program, the developers can identify easily the source code line and the context that generates the problem.
When in the source code are implemented actions that may not succeed, like accessing a database table, accessing file from the file system, using memory allocation, sending emails, and so one, these actions could generate expected exceptions. Also some parts of the source code solution could throw expected exceptions in the implementation of their logic if some logic rules of the application logic are broken (like user rights access violation).
Management of the expected exception is the main part of the exception management process and for doing this it is appropriate to create and use a solution specific exception base class.
Other important aspect in this management process is that for many expected exceptions, that are generated from the source code lower layers, a notification message about the problem should be shown also to the user in the user interface layer; so the information about the original exception have to be propagated from layer to layer before to be finally handled at the user interface layer. During this propagation the exception data should accumulate more context information that will describe and localize the problem, and all this information should be saved into a log and for future use (like log reports and problems fixing).
The base class used by me for managing the expected exception is the MvcBasicException
class. It is derived from ApplicationException
, and is marked as serializable by using the [Serializable]
Note: The serialization happens in a lot of places without them knowing it; the serialization mechanisms are the basis for all cross application domain calls, even when they are inside the same process boundary, for example from a DLL of the logic layer to the UI application layer. So because we what that the entire exception data (exception message and stack trace) to be preserved and transferred between application layers, we must mark our exception class with Serializable
attribute and also we have to provide a protected constructor used for serialization.

Like you can see from the class diagram above this class has three constructors that can be used in the next situations:
- The protected constructor initializes a new instance of the
class with serialized data. This constructor is used internally by the .NET framework for passing all exception data between application layers.
- Initializes a new instance of the
class with a specified error message that should explain the reason for the exception from our application point of view.
- Initializes a new instance of the
with a specified error message and a reference to the inner exception that is the cause of this exception. This constructor has at first parameter an error message that should explains the reason for the exception from our application point of view, and as second parameter the inner exception that was the cause of the current exception.
In the logic layer's entities classes, the management of the expected exceptions should be done like in the next example.
public static int GetNormalSearchCount(int userID, params object[] parameters)
MvcBasicSiteEntities dataContext = null;
dataContext = new MvcBasicSiteEntities();
return dataContext.ExecuteStoreCommand("GetNormalSearchCount", parameters);
catch (System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException exception)
throw new MvcBasicException(string.Format(
"GetNormalSearchCount for user: {0}", userID), exception);
if(dataContext != null)
You can see in the code above that we are trying to invoke a SQL command with parameters; so because the access to the database could generate an exception, and also because the used connection to the database must be released in all possible cases, I use a try-catch-finally
block that contains the next actions:
- In the
section I create the data entity context object used to access the database, then I use the data context object to invoke the SQL command.
- In the
section, I catch only the expected exception that I want to manage. In our case only the SqlExeption
exception. Then I handle the exception by creating an object of type MvcBasicException
that will contains additional information used to identify the current given user and that stores also the original SQLException
information into its inner parameter. The resultant exception object with all the needed data are then thrown to the upper layer of the application.
- In the
section I dispose the used resource, in my case the data entity context used to access the database. Note that before we dispose the data context object, I test if it was successfully created, because its constructor may generate a SQLException
and in that case the data context object will be null!
In the user interface layer the expected exceptions management in this case is handled in the AcoountController
next method.
public ActionResult TestExpectedException()
SiteSession siteSession = this.CurrentSiteSession;
int count = MvcBasic.Logic.User.GetNormalSearchCount(
siteSession.UserID, new object[] { "al*", "231" });
catch (MvcBasicException ex)
ModelState.AddModelError("", Resources.Resource.ErrorLoadingData);
return View("MyAccount");
In the code above, you can see how expected exceptions are handled at the user interface layer. First the invocation of the logic method that could generate the expected exception is executed into a try
block and then, in the catch
, an exception of type MvcBasicException
is expected and handled. The actions for handling an expected exception at the user interface layers are the next ones:
- Save the exception data (message and stack trace) into the log (see previous chapter for details);
- Show a notification error message to the user by using a multilingual message from our resources files.
To show the error message to the user in the _Header
partial view (used in the site layout), I added an object of type ValidationSummary
(but other approaches could use Label
controls, error message pages, or popup message windows).
<div class="headerTitle">
@if (!(Model is LogOnModel))
<div class="errorMessage">
Note that into a view only one validation summary should exist (otherwise the error messages will be shown multiple times), so in the code above there is an if
used to avoid the creation of the validation message in the case of the LogOn page that already has one.
We will test all of these Log On into the MVC Basic site by using the credentials of an existing user, for example username: Ana and password: ana. After the login, you should access the “My Account” menu and the next page will be shown.

MVC Basic Site - My Account Page
Now if you click on the “Test Expected Exception” link from the page above, the expected exception will be managed successfully by our site, and an error message will be shown in the page header like in the picture below.

MVC Basic Site - Test Expected Exception
Also if you open the Event Viewer in the Windows logs you will see a new entry from our site in the Application section.

Event Viewer - Expected exception info
Like you can see in the picture above, in the event log, the exception message and stack trace is saved, including our addition data added (current user ID), the original exception message, and the source code lines. All these information could be used to analyze, report, and/or fix the problem.
Unauthorized Access Exceptions are special exceptions that can occur in ASP.NET MVC site exceptions, in the case when some user tries to access a page or action that has no authorization (rights) to access and/or that requires authentication.
All these exceptions are managed solely for all controllers in the BaseController
class, by overriding the OnException
method (that is inherited from the the MVC framework Controller
protected override void OnException(ExceptionContext filterContext)
if (filterContext.Exception is UnauthorizedAccessException)
filterContext.ExceptionHandled = true;
filterContext.Result = RedirectToAction("Home", "Index");
Like you can see in the code above, we are handling these exceptions simply by redirecting the user to the home page.
Note that in the OnException
method other special exceptions could be filtered and handled like I did for unauthorized access exceptions.
In ASP.NET MVC the management of unauthorized access to site functionalities should be done using the [Authorize]
attribute. So in all controllers' public actions that require authentication we must use this attribute like in the text below.
public ActionResult MyAccount()
return View();
To test this start the MVC Basic site and, without Log On, try to access the next action from our site by using the URL: http://localhost:50646/Account/MyAccount.
Note that because this action requires authorization, this access will redirect you to the Log On page.

MVC Basic Site - Log On Page
Unhandled Exceptions are all exceptions that can occur in an application and are not handled in the source code as expected exceptions. Here we also included application bugs (errors and problems).
To enable unhandled exceptions management, in the site web.config the following line must be add/modified:
<customErrors mode="On"/>
When an unhandled exception is thrown, the ASP.NET MVC framework will activate the Error.cshtml page. So the code that manages all unhandled exceptions must be in the Error view (see details bellow).
@using MvcBasic.Logic
@using MvcBasicSite.Models
@model System.Web.Mvc.HandleErrorInfo
ViewBag.Title = "Error";
// Log out the user and clear its cache.
// Log the exception.
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="5;url=/Home/Index/" />
Like you can see from the source code above, the management of unhandled exceptions contains four actions:
- Log Off the current user by invoking the following method:
public static void LogOff(HttpSessionStateBase httpSession)
SiteSession siteSession = (httpSession["SiteSession"] == null ?
null : (SiteSession)httpSession["SiteSession"]);
if(siteSession != null)
MvcBasicLog.LogMessage(string.Format("LogOn for user: {0}", siteSession.Username));
httpSession["SiteSession"] = null;
- Write the exception data into the event log by using the
class described above.
- Show a general error message (from resources files) to the user.
- Redirect after 5 seconds the user to the Home page.
To test all of these, Log On into the MVC Basic site by using the credentials of an existing user, then access the “My Account” menu and the next page will be shown.

MVC Basic Site - Test Unhandled Exceptions
Now if you click on the “Test Unhandled Exception” link from the page above, an unhandled exception generation will be simulated in the next AccountController
public ActionResult TestUnhandledException()
return View();
Then the unhandled exception will be managed by our source code from the Error view (described above), the user will be Logged Off (note that the menu will also be changed), and the user will see the error message into the Error page.

MVC Basic Site - Error Page
After 5 seconds the user will be redirected automatically to the site Home page.
Note that the exception data will be saved into the event log. If you open the Event Viewer in the Windows Logs you will see a new Error entry from our site in the Application section.

Event Viewer - Unhandled Exception Info
By analyzing the error from the event log, you can see the details about the exception and the source code line that generates it. (In our case there is access to a view page that does not exist.)
For upgrading the solution from ASP.Net MVC3.0 to ASP.NET MVC4.0 I used the manually steps indicated in MVC4 release notes.
After upgrading I encounter the next two problems:
- There were some errors in the latest version of the next java script:
I solved these errors by creating a new project of type ASP.NET MVC4.0 and by replacing the latest versions of the jQuery
scripts, which I had in my solution after the updating steps, with the scripts from the new project.
- The protected method
from BaseControler
class was not invoked anymore on each postback by the ASP.NET MVC4.0 framework, so the change of the current used language did not work anymore.
To solve this problem, in my BaseController
class, I overridden the property DisableAsyncSupport
like in the next source code:
protected override bool DisableAsyncSupport
get { return true; }
So now there is a new ZIP file attached to this article that contains the upgrading version of the MVC Basic Site solution that works with ASP.NET MVC4.0.
Before running this code, you should do the next steps:
- Create a new entry into the Event Log by running the CreateEventLogEntry application as Administrator (the CreateEventLogEntry application source code is provided as part of our solution).
- Create a database named MvcBasicSite in your SQL Server (or SQL Express), then restore the provided database MvcBasicSiteDatabase.bak on it.
- Modify the connection string into the Web.config file of the MvcBasicSite web application according to your settings from step 2.
- 9 February, 2013: Version Draft version.
- 14 February, 2013: Version Small changes after the review of the first published version.
- 21 February, 2013: Version - Basic Site steps.
- 24 February, 2013: Version - Some details added.
- 2 March, 2013: Version - Upgrading to ASP.NET MVC 4.0.
- 23 April, 2013: Version - Update the Basic Site steps.
- 18 May, 2013: Version - Update the Basic Site steps.