In this article we'll speed-walk through covering everything needed to create a module for CodeProject.AI Server. From the code and settings, through install and post-install, testing and module package creation. A downloadable template is provided for you to edit and extend.
CodeProject.AI Server provides the glue, the infrastructure and the front-end to bundle together whatever AI project you wish to expose to your applications. By creating a simple wrapper for your AI project's code you get a module that has full life cycle management, deployment, updates, and exposure to any application, any language. Your fun console project is now available everywhere.
Our Example CodeProject.AI Server Module
For our example we'll take a simple Python program that uses PyTorch and the YOLOv8 models to perform object detection. This program we'll use is a single python file that runs on the console using
python3 --input test.jpg --assets assets --model yolov8m --threshold 0.6
It will produce output similar to
Label confidence bounding box
chair 91% (102, 272) - (242, 421)
potted plant 88% (9, 226) - (71, 337)
chair 72% (235, 203) - (336, 358)
laptop 69% (231, 221) - (300, 259)
chair 66% (0, 361) - (91, 439)

We will turn this into a CodeProject.AI module that is called via the API call
and which will return
"message":"Found chair, potted plant, chair...",
The image you wish to process is passed to this API by a simple HTTP POST call. This means any application capable of making a HTTP call can now use your python code.
No more worrying about setting up Python, and virtual environments, and wondering how you use your python code in, say, a .NET app. CodeProject.AI Server exposes your python page to everyone.
Steps to Building a Module
- Define the module's settings. This allows the CodeProject.AI installer to setup the environment for us, and also provide information to the server on how to start the module and the API route the module will be servicing.
- Create a setup script. Allows us to download assets or install any support libraries needed
- Write an adapter to wrap our existing code. The provides the communication between our code and the CodeProject.AI server.
- Write a test page. This allows us to easily test the module
- Write a packager script. Not required, but it allows you to redistribute your module in zip form for the module registry
Let's Begin: The modulesettings.json file
The modulesettings.json file is the the real workhorse of it all.
Module settings are stored in a modulesettings.json
file. If you have different settings for different platforms, such as a different version of a runtime, you can use a modulesettings.<target>.json
file. See the docs for an explanation of the filename targeting options.
For this exercise we'll run Python 3.9 in Windows and Python 3.8 in Linux. Old versions, yes, but often AI projects use old versions of Python due to requirements of the packages they use. Feel free to use whatever version your code works with.
The modulesettings.json
file has the basic format of
"Modules": {
"DemoModulePython": {
"Name": "My module name",
"Version": "2.0.0",
"PublishingInfo" : {
"LaunchSettings": {
"EnvironmentVariables": {
"GpuOptions" : {
"InstallOptions" : {
"UIElements" : {
"RouteMaps": [
Let's walk through this and fill in the values
Name and version should be self explanatory, and the module ID is any ID you wish to provide that doesn't conflict with another module. We're labelling our module as DemoModulePython.
Our PublishingInfo section will contain:
"PublishingInfo" : {
"Description" : "Provides Object Detection YOLOv8",
"Category" : "Computer Vision",
"Stack" : "Python, PyTorch, YOLO",
"License" : "AGPL-3.0",
"LicenseUrl" : "",
"Author" : "Chris Maunder",
"Homepage" : "",
"BasedOn" : "ultralytics",
"BasedOnUrl" : ""
The LaunchSettings will contain
"LaunchSettings": {
"AutoStart" : true,
"FilePath" : "",
"Runtime" : "python3.8",
"RuntimeLocation" : "Local",
"PostStartPauseSecs" : 1,
"Queue" : "objdetect_queue",
"Parallelism" : 0
- FilePath and Runtime are the most important fields here. Everything else can be omitted if you wish.
- Queue specifies where the server will place requests from clients, and the name of the queue that the module will be looking in for requests to process. You can leave this blank, or you can provide a name in case you wish to have multiple modules service the same queue.
- Parallelism denotes the number of parallel tasks that will be running to service this queue.
- RuntimeLocation is currently only used for Python, and can be "shared", meaning this module will use a shared virtual environment to save space, or "local" meaning the venv will be local to this module (to avoid package conflicts)
The EnvironmentVariables section contains any environment variables we wish to have set before launch
"EnvironmentVariables": {
Note the use of the CURRENT_MODULE_PATH
macro. See Macros for more information on this.
GpuOptions is solely for GPU setup
"GpuOptions": {
"InstallGPU" : true,
"EnableGPU" : true,
"AcceleratorDeviceName" : null,
"HalfPrecision" : "enable"
- HalfPrecision allows you to disable half precision operations on older CUDA cards that don't support it. It's generally safe to omit this because CodeProject.AI server can make some educated guesses on your behalf
InstallOptions describe how and where and if the module should or could be installed
"InstallOptions": {
"Platforms": [ "windows", "linux" ],
"ModuleReleases": [
{ "ModuleVersion": "1.0.0", "ServerVersionRange": [ "1.0.0", "2.4.9" ],
"ReleaseDate": "2023-01-01", "ReleaseNotes": "Initial Release",
"Importance": "Major" },
{ "ModuleVersion": "2.0.0", "ServerVersionRange": [ "2.5.0", "" ],
"ReleaseDate": "2023-02-14", "ReleaseNotes": "Updated for Server 2.5.0",
"Importance": "Major" }
- Platforms is a list of platforms. Supported options are: windows, macos, linux, raspberrypi, orangepi, jetson, plus the arm64 variants: windows-arm64, macos-arm64, linux-arm64. Or, use "all" to signify it can run anywhere.
- ModuleReleases is an array of versions and the server versions it's compatible with. In this case version 1 was compatible with CodeProject.AI Server version 1 to 2.4.9, and version 2 of the module is compatible with CodeProject.AI version 2.5 and above
UIElements provides the server with information on UI options. We'll only discuss the context menu that appears on a module's row in the dashboard. We'll provide a single menu that offers model size. Adding a second menu option is as is simple as adding another menu object ({ "Label": .... "Options": ...}
"UIElements" : {
"Menus": [{
"Label": "Half Precision",
"Options": [
{ "Label": "Force on", "Setting": "CPAI_HALF_PRECISION", "Value": "force" },
{ "Label": "Use Default", "Setting": "CPAI_HALF_PRECISION", "Value": "enable" },
{ "Label": "Disable", "Setting": "CPAI_HALF_PRECISION", "Value": "disable" }
RouteMaps are what define the API route for your module.
"RouteMaps": [{
"Name": "Python YOLOv8 Object Detector",
"Route": "vision/detection",
"Method": "POST",
"Command": "detect",
"Description": "Detects objects",
"Inputs": [
"Name": "image",
"Type": "File",
"Description": "The HTTP file object (image) to be analyzed."
"Name": "min_confidence",
"Type": "Float",
"Description": "The minimum confidence level (0.0 - 1.0) for an object will be detected.",
"DefaultValue": 0.4,
"MinValue": 0.0,
"MaxValue": 1.0
"Outputs": [{
"Name": "success",
"Type": "Boolean",
"Description": "True if successful."
- Route is route a caller will use to call this module. The route vision/detection will correspond to the API call http://localhost:32168/v1/vision/detection
- Command is the command that will be sent to this route. You can setup routes that go to the same path but send different commands. It's up to your module to handle the command appropriately
- Inputs and Outputs define the input parameters and output results and are used for automatically documenting your module
Adding a variant modulesettings file for Windows
The the sake of this demo we'll add a modulesettings file specifically for Windows, and we'll change the Python version from 3.8 to 3.9 for Windows. We will name the file
and it will contain only the overridden values:
"Modules": {
"DemoModulePython": {
"LaunchSettings": {
"Runtime": "python3.9"
The setup system
Most of the setup for our module will be handled automatically based on the contents of the module settings file, so in some cases your setup scripts will be empty. In our case we're going to download the YOLOv8 models so our setup script is very basic
@if "%1" NEQ "install" (
echo This script is only called from ..\..\setup.bat
call "%sdkScriptsDirPath%\utils.bat" GetFromServer "models/" "" "assets" "Downloading Standard YOLO models..."
if [ "$1" != "install" ]; then
read -t 3 -p "This script is only called from: bash ../../"
exit 1
getFromServer "models/" "" "assets" "Downloading Standard YOLO models..."
Here we're using the getFromServer
method from the CodeProject.AI SDK. See Install script docs for more information on these. Note that unless you have your assets hosted on the CodeProject servers you will need to download your assets manually from whatever location you have them stored.
The core of the setup is handled by the CodeProject.AI server setup scripts. They will sniff out the runtime (Python) and ensure the version we selected is installed, a virtual environment is setup, and the python packages required (as specified in the appropriate requirements.txt file) are installed.
Post Install
In some cases you may need to execute some post-install commands for scenarios such as patching libraries. This is done by including post-install.bat / files which the installer will execute if they are present. In our demo we've included post-install scripts that patch the ultralytics library.
If you have different requirements.txt files for different platforms then review the requirements.txt documentation.
For .NET modules, .NET is already installed as part of the server setup.
Writing the module itself: the Adapter
The code we're going to wrap is in the zip download associated with this article. In the file you will find the nut of the code we want to make available in the do_detection
def do_detection(img: any, threshold: float = 0.4, models_dir: str = "assets",
model_name: str = "yolov8m", resolution: int = 640,
use_Cuda: bool = False, accel_device_name: int = 0,
use_MPS: bool = False, use_DirectML: bool = False,
half_precision: str = "enable"):
This method will output an object with the form
"message" : "Detected car, bike and person",
"count" : 3,
"predictions" : [ ... ],
"success" : True,
"processMs" : 50,
"inferenceMs" : 20
where predictions
is an array of objects with the form
"confidence": 0.87,
"label": "car",
"x_min": 20,
"y_min": 10,
"x_max": 100,
"y_max": 50,
The parameters passed to the do_detection
method aren't that important here. As long as you understand what your code needs you'll be able to follow along.
To wrap this method we create an adapter that is derived from the ModuleRunner
class in the CodeProject.AI Server SDK
The basic skeleton of the adapter is
import os
import sys
from common import JSON
from request_data import RequestData
from module_options import ModuleOptions
from module_runner import ModuleRunner
from module_logging import LogMethod
from detect import do_detection
class YOLOv8_adapter(ModuleRunner):
def initialize(self):
def process(self, data: RequestData) -> JSON:
def status(self) -> JSON:
def update_statistics(self, response):
def selftest(self) -> JSON:
def cleanup(self) -> None:
if __name__ == "__main__":
Each of these methods overrides the corresponding method in the parent ModuleRunner
class. You only really need to override process
, but for our example we'll show a typical initialize
and selftest
, and also show how the status
and update_statistics
initialize. Or initialise
You can pick one or the other. This method sets things up for us. Here, we're going to sniff whether we have GPU code enabled, set some values, and initialise some statistics.
def initialise(self):
if self.system_info.hasTorchCuda:
self.can_use_GPU = True
self.inference_device = "GPU"
self.inference_library = "CUDA"
self.models_dir = ModuleOptions.getEnvVariable("CPAI_MODULE_YOLODEMO_MODEL_DIR", "assets")
self.std_model_name = ModuleOptions.getEnvVariable("CPAI_MODULE_YOLODEMO_MODEL_NAME", "yolov8m")
self.resolution_pixels = ModuleOptions.getEnvVariable("CPAI_MODULE_YOLODEMO_RESOLUTION", 640)
self.accel_device_name = "cuda" if self.can_use_GPU else "cpu"
self._num_items_found = 0
self._histogram = {}
has a property system_info
which provides a wealth of information on the current environment and performs some basic functionality checks for common libraries such as PyTorch. Here we check if we have CUDA enabled. If so we set can_use_GPU
= True to signal that our module can use the GPU, and also set the inference device and library so it can be reported in the dashboard.
We use the ModuleOptions
class to help sniff values set in environment variables, while also providing defaults.
The _num_items_found
and _histogram
properties will store information on what we found. These will compliment the statistics collected by default in the ModuleRunner
In this demo our process method will do one thing (detect objects) in two different ways (default and custom model) in order to demonstrate routes and commands. We have two routes: /v1/vision/detect, and /v1/vision/custom/<model>, where <model> is the name of a custom model to use for object detection.
We use the data
) object to get parameters and files passed to the method. You'll see how to pass parameters and files to the server API in the selftest and explorer discussions below.
The data.command
property has the command passed to the route, and data.segments
contains the segments of the route after the route proper. For example, the route /v1/vision/custom is called using "/v1/vision/custom/model-name", so segments
will contain the single entry "model -name"
We also use the ModuleRunner.log
method to send a log entry back to the server.
The process
method is very simple: it gathers parameters and sends them to our do_detection
method, then return the results. It's a JSON response so we don't need to do any post processing.
def process(self, data: RequestData) -> JSON:
response = None
if data.command == "detect":
threshold: float = float(data.get_value("min_confidence", "0.4"))
img: Image = data.get_image(0)
model_name: str = "yolov8m"
response = do_detection(img, threshold, self.models_dir, model_name,
self.resolution_pixels, self.can_use_GPU, self.accel_device_name,
False, False, self.half_precision)
elif data.command == "custom":
threshold: float = float(data.get_value("min_confidence", "0.4"))
img: Image = data.get_image(0)
model_name: str = None
if data.segments and data.segments[0]:
model_name = data.segments[0]
if not model_name:
return { "success": False, "error": "No custom model specified" }
if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.models_dir, model_name + ".pt")):
return { "success": False, "error": f"Could not find custom model {model_name}" }
self.log(LogMethod.Info | LogMethod.Server,
"filename": __file__,
"loglevel": "information",
"method": sys._getframe().f_code.co_name,
"message": f"Detecting using {model_name}"
response = do_detection(img, threshold, self.models_dir, model_name,
self.resolution_pixels, self.can_use_GPU, self.accel_device_name,
False, False, self.half_precision)
response = { "success" : False }
self.report_error(None, __file__, f"Unknown command {data.command}")
return response
This method is called after each process
call. We'll override this method so we can sniff out what was detected and produce some statistics
def update_statistics(self, response):
if "success" in response and response["success"] and "predictions" in response:
predictions = response["predictions"]
self._num_items_found += len(predictions)
for prediction in predictions:
label = prediction["label"]
if label not in self._histogram:
self._histogram[label] = 1
self._histogram[label] += 1
This method returns the status of a module. The default implementation returns statistics such as number of calls and average inference time, so we'll add some of our stats to the mix.
def status(self) -> JSON:
statusData = super().status()
statusData["numItemsFound"] = self._num_items_found
statusData["histogram"] = self._histogram
return statusData
The final method we'll discuss. The selftest
method is called at the end of the setup process to let the user know whether the module was install successfully.
The process
method requires a RequestData
object, so we'll create a new RequestData
object, set the command, add a property/value pair, and add a file. We'll then call our process
method and return the result.
For this example we will include a home-office.jpg image in our project under the test folder.
def selftest(self) -> JSON:
file_name = os.path.join("test", "home-office.jpg")
request_data = RequestData()
request_data.command = "detect"
request_data.add_value("min_confidence", 0.4)
result = self.process(request_data)
print(f"Info: Self-test for {self.module_id}. Success: {result['success']}")
return { "success": result['success'], "message": "Object detection test successful"}
A Test page and Explorer UI for your module
CodeProject.AI Server provides an HTTP API so the simplest way to test is via tools like Postman, Swagger, or a simple HTML page you write yourself. We'll do the latter.
We'll write a simple webpage that will call the module via its API and display the results. We do this using a special file `explore.html` that will be written in a way that allows the CodeProject.AI Server's Explorer to extract the UI from this explore.html file and incorporate it into the server's main explorer.html file
The entire HTML file is shown below. Note the 3 sections marked by
These three sections will be pulled out from this file and inserted into the main server's explorer.html file. For this to work seamlessly it's best if your explore.html test file for this module uses the same scripts and follows the same naming conventions as the main server's Explorer file, explorer.html
- We include the explorer.js class to get access to the methods used to call the server API.
- We include
and imgMask
elements for displaying image results - We include a
element for displaying text results. - We prefix any IDs that may have naming conflicts with the
macro. This marker will be replaced by the module's ID in the main explorer.html file to avoid name collisions.
Our page is:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<title>Object Detection (YOLOv8) Module Test</title>
<link id="bootstrapCss" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="http://localhost:32168/assets/bootstrap-dark.min.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="http://localhost:32168/assets/server.css?v=">
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://localhost:32168/assets/server.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://localhost:32168/assets/explorer.js"></script>
<body class="dark-mode">
<div class="form-group row">
<label class="col-form-label col-2">Image</label>
<input id="_MID_image" class="col form-control btn-light" type="file" style="width:17rem"
onchange="return previewImage(this)" />
<input id="_MID_things" class="form-control btn-success" type="button" value="Detect Objects"
style="width:11rem" onclick="_MID_onDetectThings(_MID_image)"/>
<div class="w-100 position-relative form-control my-4 p-0">
<div id="imgMask" class="position-absolute"
<img src="" id="imgPreview" class="w-100" style="height:250px;visibility:hidden">
<div id="results" name="results" class="bg-light p-3" style="min-height: 100px;"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
async function _MID_onDetectThings(fileChooser) {
if (fileChooser.files.length == 0) {
alert("No file was selected for vision detection");
let images = [fileChooser.files[0]];
setResultsHtml("Detecting objects...");
let data = await submitRequest('vision', 'detection', images, null);
if (data) {
Create a packager
The final (optional) step is to create a packager. The CodeProject.AI Server code contains a script create_packages.bat (for Windows) and (for macOS/Linux) that will iterate through the modules and create a package using the package.bat / scripts you create. This package is a simple zip file that the installer can install using the install.bat / files you created above.
@Echo off
set moduleId=%~1
set version=%~2
tar -caf --exclude=__pycache__ --exclude=*.development.* --exclude=*.log ^
rembg\* *.py modulesettings.* requirements.* install.bat explore.html test\*
tar -caf ${moduleId}-${version}.zip --exclude=__pycache__ --exclude=*.development.* --exclude=*.log \
rembg/* *.py modulesettings.* requirements.* install.bat explore.html test/*
Bringing it all together: Installing and testing
At this point we have a module, an install script and a test client. Let's give it a run
Ensure you have the latest CodeProject.AI repo downloaded. That has all the code we've talked about already in place
Copy your module folder into the CodeProject.AI Server code under the src/modules folder. Open a terminal and head to that folder, then run the main CodeProject.AI Server install script
bash ../../
This will see something similar to
Installing CodeProject.AI Analysis Module
CodeProject.AI Installer
47.6Gb of 380Gb available on BOOTCAMP
General CodeProject.AI setup
Creating Directories...Done
GPU support
CUDA Present...No
ROCm Present...No
Reading DemoModulePython settings.......Done
Installing module Python Object Detector (YOLOv8) 1.0.0
Installing Python 3.9
Python 3.9 is already installed
Creating Virtual Environment (Shared)...Virtual Environment already present
Confirming we have Python 3.9 in our virtual environment...present
Downloading Standard YOLO models...already exists...Expanding...Done.
Copying contents of to assets...done
Downloading Custom YOLO models...already exists...Expanding...Done.
Copying contents of to custom-models...done
Installing Python packages for Python Object Detector (YOLOv8)
Installing GPU-enabled libraries: If available
Ensuring Python package manager (pip) is installed...Done
Ensuring Python package manager (pip) is up to date...Done
Python packages specified by requirements.txt
- Installing PyTorch, for Tensor computation and Deep neural networks...checked...done
- Installing TorchVision, for Computer Vision based AI...checked...done
- Installing Ultralytics package for object detection in images...checked...done
Installing Python packages for the CodeProject.AI Server SDK
Ensuring Python package manager (pip) is installed...Done
Ensuring Python package manager (pip) is up to date...Done
Python packages specified by requirements.txt
- Installing Pillow, a Python Image Library...checked...done
- Installing Charset normalizer...checked...done
- Installing aiohttp, the Async IO HTTP library...checked...done
- Installing aiofiles, the Async IO Files library...checked...done
- Installing py-cpuinfo to allow us to query CPU info...checked...done
- Installing Requests, the HTTP library...checked...done
Executing post-install script for Python Object Detector (YOLOv8)
Applying Ultralytics patch
1 file(s) copied.
Self test: Self-test passed
Module setup time 00:00:28.37
Setup complete
Total setup time 00:00:29.28
Python is installed, a virtual environment setup, the requirement.txt file used to install the python packages, models are downloaded and the post-install script run. Your module is also tested and is now ready to launch.
Notice that if you run this setup on Linux or macOS, Python 3.8 will be used. On windows, because of our file, we'll be installing Python 3.9.
- Launch the server by starting a new debug session in Visual Studio or VS Code.
- In Debug, the CodeProject.AI Dashboard is automatically launched when run. After the server starts all the backend Modules, including your new module, will be launched and the Dashboard will display something similar to

- Launch the
file in a browser, choose a file and click "Submit" button. The results should be shown. Also test in the server's explorer.html.

Writing a module for CodeProject.AI is not difficult, though there are a number of things you do need to keep in mind. The modulesettings.json file defines the settings and launch parameters, and the ability to override the module settings files with different variants provides very fine scale control over your environment. A similar system for Python requirements files provides support for the massive complexity typically involved with getting a python app to install on various hardware and software combos.
Choosing the code you wish to wrap and expose to the world does require you to consider how practical it is to have that code be installed on a remote user's machine, but the install and post install scripts provide a lot of flexibility in working around subtleties (or outright roadblocks) that may pop up.
The only thing left for a typical developer is to host downloads and send us your modules. We're always happy to include modules in the main CodeProject.AI module registry.
Show us your creativity and let's work to get all those awesome AI projects off your desktop and out of Jupyter notebooks and into modules that hundreds of thousands of CodeProject.AI server users can enjoy.