This is my contribution to the topic dockbar. The project starts from the project Xdock and adds some useful features such as the label, the ability to place the bar docked up or down, the transparency and more. Much remains to be done,
but I think this is a good step forward.
Please refer
to XDock project.
Added Features
The new features added:
- The bar is centered on the screen and resized to fit its contents.
- The bar can be positioned at the top or bottom of the screen.
- Zoom in effect as you enter an icon.
- Zoom out effect when you leave the icon.
- The current icon is highlighted.
- For each icon there is a customizable tooltip.
- You can make the bar and icons totally transparent.
- You can customize certain aspects of the bar.
- The tooltip is fully customizable:
- Background on / off
- Border yes / no
- With rounded edges yes / no
- Effect 3d text
- Shadow effect of text
- Text font
- Font size of text
- Effect of the text, bold, italic etc..
- Text color
- Background color, solid or gradient and level of transparency
Here the form for the labels settings:

Here some sample with a bar totally transparent:

Points of Interest
The problem working with transparent object is that you lost the mouse move events.
I solved the problem painting a fake background for both the bar and the icons. The following code do the trick for the bar.
Dim bmp As Bitmap
Dim iaFake As New Imaging.ImageAttributes
Dim cmFake As New Imaging.ColorMatrix
cmFake.Matrix33 = 0.5 / 100.0F
bmp = New Bitmap(CInt(pWidth), CInt(pHeight))
grFake = Graphics.FromImage(bmp)
grFake.FillRectangle(New SolidBrush(Color.Silver), New Rectangle(0, 0, bmp.Width, bmp.Height))
gr.DrawImage(bmp, _
New Rectangle(posX, _
posY, _
bmp.Width, _
bmp.Height), _
0, 0, bmp.Width, bmp.Height, _
GraphicsUnit.Pixel, _
Another interesting point that I have developed is the display of text related to the icon. This is ensured by the method
in DockManager
Private Sub PaintLabel(ByRef DstGraphics As Graphics, _
ByVal DockSettings As Settings, _
ByVal pDockItem As IDockItem)
Dim ScreenWidth As Integer = Screen.PrimaryScreen.WorkingArea.Width
Dim borderWidth As Integer = DockSettings.Labels.BorderLabelFrameWidth
Dim topLeft As Integer
Dim drawString As [String] = pDockItem.Name
Dim szF As SizeF
szF = DstGraphics.MeasureString(drawString, New Font(DockSettings.Labels.FontName, _
DockSettings.Labels.FontSize, _
DockSettings.Labels.FontStyle, _
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
Dim sz As New Size(szF.Width, szF.Height)
Dim labelX As Integer = borderWidth + pDockItem.X + (pDockItem.Width - sz.Width) / 2
If labelX < borderWidth * 2 Then
labelX = borderWidth * 2
End If
Select Case DockSettings.Position.ScreenPosition
Case cPosition.ScreenPos.Top
topLeft = pDockItem.Y + IIf(DockSettings.Behavior.AnimatedIcons, DockSettings.Icons.ZoomPx, _
pDockItem.Height) + DockSettings.Labels.TopMargin - frm.Top
Case cPosition.ScreenPos.Bottom
topLeft = pDockItem.Y + IIf(DockSettings.Behavior.AnimatedIcons, pDockItem.Height, 0) - _
IIf(DockSettings.Behavior.AnimatedIcons, DockSettings.Icons.ZoomPx, 0) - _
DockSettings.Labels.TopMargin - sz.Height - frm.Top
Case cPosition.ScreenPos.Left
Case cPosition.ScreenPos.Right
Case Else
Throw New Exception("PaintLabel: Screen position unknown")
End Select
Dim rectOrig As New Rectangle(labelX, _
sz.Width + borderWidth, _
sz.Height + borderWidth)
If DockSettings.Labels.FrameRoundedCorners Then
DrawRoundedFrame(DstGraphics, _
DockSettings, _
rectOrig, _
DockSettings.Labels.FrameRadius, _
DrawRectangleFrame(DstGraphics, _
DockSettings, _
rectOrig, _
End If
DrawLabel(DstGraphics, _
rectOrig, _
DockSettings, _
End Sub
The PaintLabel
computes first the label size and then its relative position. Then there are three interesting subs:
The bubble effect is in the UpdateAllItems
method in
the class DockManager
. The bubble effect calculates the size of the icons depending
on the distance of the center of the icon with the mouse cursor, the smaller the distance the greater the icon.
distance = (pMax / 2 * m_Settings.Icons.ZoomWidth)
fConv = (pMax - m_Settings.Icons.SizePx) / distance
gap = X - pDockItem.CentreX
pZoom = m_Settings.Icons.SizePx + fConv * (distance - Math.Abs(gap))
Where pMax
is the maximum size allowed, Zoomwidth
is the bubble effect distance we want and
is the icon size.
Next steps
- Complete drag&drop of new application.
- Enable delete icon dragging out an icon from the bar.
- Manage special application, like recycle bin.
- Add more effects on mouse move over icons.
- something else?