Once you have your documents scanned through your web
application, the next step would be edit and save the images, probably along
with some other extra information, such as the patient ID and the comments. During
the image uploading process, you may need to address the following problems:
- How to handle the image formats;
Whether multi-page is involved;
What if I need to upload extra texts along with the scanned
How to ensure the image data security over the network;
Where to store the images/documents.
I’ve uploaded a simple sample along with the article. After
deploying the application to your web server, you can try out the features of
image scanning and uploading by yourself. The sample is developed based on a
third-party component provided by Dynamsoft – Dynamic Web
TWAIN. You can read on to learn more about the source code and how the
component solves the above listed problems.

About Dynamic Web TWAIN
Dynamsoft’s Dynamic Web TWAIN is a browser plug-in that allows
you to scan images from scanners and other TWAIN compliant devices. After
scanning, you can edit and upload images to your local folder, web server, FTP
site, SharePoint and databases without leaving your browser. You can check out
the online
demo to get a general idea of the image acquisition SDK.
Key Features
- Compatible with the main-stream browsers including IE, Firefox,
Chrome, Safari and Opera
Capable of scanning images from scanners and other TWAIN
compatible devices
Support for BMP, JPEG, PNG, single/multi-page PDF and
single/multi-page TIFF
Support for SSL
Support for cookie & session
Support for uploading extra texts along with the images
Image Scanning
Able to work with the main-stream browsers and capable of
scanning images from scanners in a neat way are the shiny features provided by
Dynamsoft. Since we focus on image uploading in this article, I provide a
simple one that allows you to scan multiple images at a time.
function DWT_AcquireImage() {
if (DWT_DWTSourceContainerID == "")
WebTWAIN.IfFeederEnabled = true;
WebTWAIN.IfShowUI = false;
WebTWAIN.PixelType = 2;
WebTWAIN.Resolution =200;
By setting IfFeederEnabled
to true, the documents
will be scanned from the Automatic Document Feeder (ADF). Besides the pixel
type and resolution hard coded in the sample, more properties, such as page
size and brightness, are available to help you standardize (or customize) the
image features.
Upload Scanned Images
The following sample shows you how to upload the scanned
images to your web server. According to your requirements, you can also upload the
images to your database, local folder, or even send them to someone through
Whether to upload images over SSL
When IfSSL
is set to true, the images will be uploaded over SSL
to secure your image data.
strHTTPServer = location.hostname;
if (window.location.protocol != "https:") {
WebTWAIN.HTTPPort = location.port == "" ? 80 : location.port;
WebTWAIN.IfSSL = false; }
else {
WebTWAIN.HTTPPort = 443;
WebTWAIN.IfSSL = true; }
Upload Extra Info
Create a text box "txt_Directory
". Use the following lines
of code to upload extra information along with the images.
WebTWAIN.SetHTTPFormField("Directory", document.getElementById("txt_Directory").value);
Upload the scanned images to your web server
Upload all the scanned images or the selected ones to your
web server, and save them in multi-page PDF format.
if (!DWT_CheckIfImagesInBuffer()) {
var i, strHTTPServer, strActionPage, strImageType;
var ID_txt_fileName = document.getElementById("txt_fileName");
ID_txt_fileName.value = ID_txt_fileName.value.trim();
ID_txt_fileName.className = "";
if (!strre.test(ID_txt_fileName.value)) {
ID_txt_fileName.className += " invalid";
AppendMessage("Please input file name.Currently only English names are allowed.");
var CurrentPathName = unescape(location.pathname); // get current PathName in plain ASCII
var CurrentPath = CurrentPathName.substring(0, CurrentPathName.lastIndexOf("/") + 1);
strActionPage = CurrentPath + "SaveToFile.aspx"; //the ActionPage
var uploadfilename = ID_txt_fileName.value + ".pdf";
if ((WebTWAIN.SelectedImagesCount == 1) || (WebTWAIN.SelectedImagesCount == WebTWAIN.HowManyImagesInBuffer)) {
else {
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
public partial class SaveToFile : System.Web.UI.Page
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
String strExc = "";
HttpFileCollection files = HttpContext.Current.Request.Files;
HttpPostedFile uploadfile = files["RemoteFile"];
string directoryPath = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.MapPath(".") + "/ImageScanned/" + HttpContext.Current.Request.Form["Directory"] + "/";
if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(directoryPath)) System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(directoryPath);
string filePath = directoryPath + uploadfile.FileName;
catch (Exception exc)
strExc = exc.ToString();
String strField1Path = HttpContext.Current.Request.MapPath(".") + "/" + "log.txt";
if (strField1Path != null)
StreamWriter sw1 = File.CreateText(strField1Path);
Supported image formats include BMP, JPEG, PNG, (Multi-page)
TIFF and (Multi-page) PDF.
Download the Sample
More samples of Dynamic Web TWAIN
can be found below:
Dynamic Web TWAIN Samples
If you’d like to evaluate Dynamic
Web TWAIN, you can download the free trial here:
Dynamic Web TWAIN 30-day Free Trial
If you have any questions, you
can contact our support team at twainsupport@dynamsoft.com.