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libpe: PE32/PE32+ Binaries Parsing Library

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7 May 2024MIT3 min read 89.1K   673   81   37
Library for parsing internal structures of PE32/PE32+ binary files.
This project details the functionality of "libpe," a C++ library enabling the manipulation and extraction of various data structures from PE32(x86) and PE32+(x64) binaries. It provides methods to access and retrieve different headers, tables, sections, and resource information.


libpe is a lightweight and very fast library for parsing PE32(x86) and PE32+(x64) binaries, implemented as a C++20 module.

Table of Contents


  • Works with both PE32(x86) and PE32+(x64) binaries
  • Obtains all PE32/PE32+ data structures:
    • MSDOS Header
    • «Rich» Header
    • NT/File/Optional Headers
    • Data Directories
    • Sections
    • Export Table
    • Import Table
    • Resource Table
    • Exceptions Table
    • Security Table
    • Relocations Table
    • Debug Table
    • TLS Table
    • Load Config Directory
    • Bound Import Table
    • Delay Import Table
    • COM Table

Pepper is one of the apps that is built on top of the libpe.


import libpe;

int main() {
    libpe::Clibpe pe(L"C:\\myFile.exe"); //or pe.OpenFile(L"C:\\myFile.exe");
    const auto peImp = pe.GetImport();
    if(peImp) {



auto OpenFile(const wchar_t* pwszFile)->int;

Opens a file for further processing, until CloseFile is called or Clibpe object goes out of scope and file closes automatically in destructor.

libpe::Clibpe pe;
if(pe.OpenFile(L"C:\\MyFile.exe") == PEOK) {


void CloseFile();

Explicitly closes file that was previously opened with the OpenFile(const wchar_t*). This method is invoked automatically in Clibpe destructor.


[[nodiscard]] auto GetDOSHeader()const->std::optional<IMAGE_DOS_HEADER>;

Returns a file's standard MSDOS header.


[[nodiscard]] auto GetRichHeader()const->std::optional<PERICHHDR_VEC>;

Returns an array of the unofficial and undocumented so called «Rich» structures.

struct PERICHHDR {
    DWORD dwOffset; //File's raw offset of the entry.
    WORD  wId;      //Entry Id.
    WORD  wVersion; //Entry version.
    DWORD dwCount;  //Amount of occurrences.
using PERICHHDR_VEC = std::vector<PERICHHDR>;


[[nodiscard]] auto GetNTHeader()const->std::optional<PENTHDR>;

Returns a file's NT header.

struct PENTHDR {
    DWORD dwOffset;   //File's raw offset of the header.
    union UNPENTHDR { //Union of either x86 or x64 NT header.
        IMAGE_NT_HEADERS32 stNTHdr32; //x86 Header.
        IMAGE_NT_HEADERS64 stNTHdr64; //x64 Header.
    } unHdr;


[[nodiscard]] auto GetDataDirs()const->std::optional<PEDATADIR_VEC>;

Returns an array of file's Data directories structs.

struct PEDATADIR {
    IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY stDataDir;  //Standard header.
    std::string          strSection; //Name of the section this directory resides in (points to).
using PEDATADIR_VEC = std::vector<PEDATADIR>;


[[nodiscard]] auto GetSecHeaders()const->std::optional<PESECHDR_VEC>;

Returns an array of file's Sections headers structs.

struct PESECHDR {
    DWORD                dwOffset;   //File's raw offset of this section header descriptor.
    IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER stSecHdr;   //Standard section header.
    std::string          strSecName; //Section full name.
using PESECHDR_VEC = std::vector<PESECHDR>;


[[nodiscard]] auto GetExport()const->std::optional<PEEXPORT>;

Returns a file's Export information.

    DWORD       dwFuncRVA;        //Function RVA.
    DWORD       dwOrdinal;        //Function ordinal.
    DWORD       dwNameRVA;        //Name RVA.
    std::string strFuncName;      //Function name.
    std::string strForwarderName; //Function forwarder name.
struct PEEXPORT {
    DWORD                     dwOffset;      //File's raw offset of the Export header descriptor.
    IMAGE_EXPORT_DIRECTORY    stExportDesc;  //Standard export header descriptor.
    std::string               strModuleName; //Actual module name.
    std::vector<PEEXPORTFUNC> vecFuncs;      //Array of the exported functions struct.	


libpe::Clibpe pe(L"PATH_TO_PE_FILE");
const auto peExport = pe.GetExport();
if (!peExport) {

peExport->stExportDesc;  //IMAGE_EXPORT_DIRECTORY struct.
peExport->strModuleName; //Export module name.
peExport->vecFuncs;      //Vector of exported functions.

for (const auto& itFuncs : peExport->vecFuncs) {
    itFuncs.strFuncName;      //Function name.
    itFuncs.dwOrdinal;        //Ordinal.
    itFuncs.dwFuncRVA;        //Function RVA.
    itFuncs.strForwarderName; //Forwarder name.


[[nodiscard]] auto GetImport()const->std::optional<PEIMPORT_VEC>;

Returns an array of file's Import table entries.

    	IMAGE_THUNK_DATA32 stThunk32; //x86 standard thunk.
	    IMAGE_THUNK_DATA64 stThunk64; //x64 standard thunk.
	} unThunk;
    IMAGE_IMPORT_BY_NAME stImpByName; //Standard IMAGE_IMPORT_BY_NAME struct
    std::string          strFuncName; //Function name.
struct PEIMPORT {
    DWORD                     dwOffset;      //File's raw offset of the Import descriptor.
    IMAGE_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR   stImportDesc;  //Standard Import descriptor.
    std::string               strModuleName; //Imported module name.
    std::vector<PEIMPORTFUNC> vecImportFunc; //Array of imported functions.
using PEIMPORT_VEC = std::vector<PEIMPORT>;


libpe::Clibpe pe(L"C:\\Windows\\notepad.exe");
const auto peImp = pe.GetImport();
if (!peImp) {
    return -1;

for (const auto& itModule : *peImp) { //Cycle through all imports that this PE file contains.
    std::cout << std::format("{}, Imported funcs: {}\r\n", itModule.strModuleName, itModule.vecImportFunc.size());
    for (const auto& itFuncs : itModule.vecImportFunc) { //Cycle through all the functions imported from itModule module.
        itFuncs.strFuncName;       //Imported function name.
        itFuncs.stImpByName;       //IMAGE_IMPORT_BY_NAME struct for this function.
        itFuncs.unThunk.stThunk32; //Union of IMAGE_THUNK_DATA32 or IMAGE_THUNK_DATA64 (depending on the PE type).


[[nodiscard]] auto GetResources()const->std::optional<PERESROOT>;

Returns all file's resources.


The next code snippet populates std::wstring with all resources' types and names that PE binary possesses, and prints it to the standard std::wcout.

#include <format>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>

import libpe;
using namespace libpe;

int main()
    libpe::Clibpe pe;
    if (pe.OpenFile(L"C:\\Windows\\notepad.exe") != PEOK) {
        return -1;

    const auto peResRoot = pe.GetResources();
    if (!peResRoot) {
        return -1;

    std::wstring wstrResData; //This wstring will contain all resources by name.
    for (const auto& iterRoot : peResRoot->vecResData) { //Main loop to extract Resources.
        auto ilvlRoot = 0;
        auto pResDirEntry = &iterRoot.stResDirEntry; //ROOT IMAGE_RESOURCE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY
        if (pResDirEntry->NameIsString) {
            wstrResData += std::format(L"Entry: {} [Name: {}]\r\n", ilvlRoot, iterRoot.wstrResName);
        else {
            if (const auto iter = MapResID.find(pResDirEntry->Id); iter != MapResID.end()) {
                wstrResData += std::format(L"Entry: {} [Id: {}, {}]\r\n", ilvlRoot, pResDirEntry->Id, iter->second);
            else {
                wstrResData += std::format(L"Entry: {} [Id: {}]\r\n", ilvlRoot, pResDirEntry->Id);

        if (pResDirEntry->DataIsDirectory) {
            auto ilvl2 = 0;
            auto pstResLvL2 = &iterRoot.stResLvL2;
            for (const auto& iterLvL2 : pstResLvL2->vecResData) {
                pResDirEntry = &iterLvL2.stResDirEntry; //Level 2 IMAGE_RESOURCE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY
                if (pResDirEntry->NameIsString) {
                    wstrResData += std::format(L"    Entry: {}, Name: {}\r\n", ilvl2, iterLvL2.wstrResName);
                else {
                    wstrResData += std::format(L"    Entry: {}, Id: {}\r\n", ilvl2, pResDirEntry->Id);

                if (pResDirEntry->DataIsDirectory) {
                    auto ilvl3 = 0;
                    auto pstResLvL3 = &iterLvL2.stResLvL3;
                    for (const auto& iterLvL3 : pstResLvL3->vecResData) {
                        pResDirEntry = &iterLvL3.stResDirEntry; //Level 3 IMAGE_RESOURCE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY
                        if (pResDirEntry->NameIsString) {
                            wstrResData += std::format(L"        Entry: {}, Name: {}\r\n", ilvl3, iterLvL3.wstrResName);
                        else {
                            wstrResData += std::format(L"        Entry: {}, lang: {}\r\n", ilvl3, pResDirEntry->Id);
    std::wcout << wstrResData;


[[nodiscard]] auto GetExceptions()const->std::optional<PEEXCEPTION_VEC>;

Returns an array of file's Exception entries.

    DWORD                         dwOffset;           //File's raw offset of the exceptions descriptor.


[[nodiscard]] auto GetSecurity()const->std::optional<PESECURITY_VEC>;

Returns an array of file's Security entries.

struct PEWIN_CERTIFICATE { //Full replica of the WIN_CERTIFICATE struct from the <WinTrust.h>.
    DWORD dwLength;
    WORD  wRevision;
    WORD  wCertificateType;
    BYTE  bCertificate[1];
    DWORD             dwOffset;  //File's raw offset of this security descriptor.
    PEWIN_CERTIFICATE stWinSert; //Standard WIN_CERTIFICATE struct.
using PESECURITY_VEC = std::vector<PESECURITY>;


[[nodiscard]] auto GetRelocations()const->std::optional<PERELOC_VEC>;

Returns an array of file's relocation information.

    DWORD dwOffset;     //File's raw offset of the Relocation data descriptor.
    WORD  wRelocType;   //Relocation type.
    WORD  wRelocOffset; //Relocation offset (Offset the relocation must be applied to.)
struct PERELOC {
    DWORD                    dwOffset;     //File's raw offset of the Relocation descriptor.
    IMAGE_BASE_RELOCATION    stBaseReloc;  //Standard IMAGE_BASE_RELOCATION header.
    std::vector<PERELOCDATA> vecRelocData; //Array of the Relocation data struct.
using PERELOC_VEC = std::vector<PERELOC>;


[[nodiscard]] auto GetDebug()const->std::optional<PEDEBUG_VEC>;

Returns an array of file's Debug entries.

    //dwHdr[6] is an array of the first six DWORDs of IMAGE_DEBUG_DIRECTORY::PointerToRawData data (Debug info header).
    //Their meaning varies depending on dwHdr[0] (Signature) value.
    //If dwHdr[0] == 0x53445352 (Ascii "RSDS") it's PDB 7.0 file:
    // Then dwHdr[1]-dwHdr[4] is GUID (*((GUID*)&dwHdr[1])). dwHdr[5] is Counter/Age.
    //If dwHdr[0] == 0x3031424E (Ascii "NB10") it's PDB 2.0 file:
    // Then dwHdr[1] is Offset. dwHdr[2] is Time/Signature. dwHdr[3] is Counter/Age.
    DWORD       dwHdr[6];
    std::string strPDBName; //PDB file name/path.
struct PEDEBUG {
    DWORD                 dwOffset;       //File's raw offset of the Debug descriptor.
    IMAGE_DEBUG_DIRECTORY stDebugDir;     //Standard IMAGE_DEBUG_DIRECTORY header.
    PEDEBUGDBGHDR         stDebugHdrInfo; //Debug info header.
using PEDEBUG_VEC = std::vector<PEDEBUG>;


[[nodiscard]] auto GetTLS()const->std::optional<PETLS>;

Returns file's Thread Local Storage information.

struct PETLS {
    DWORD              dwOffset;          //File's raw offset of the TLS header descriptor.
    union UNPETLS {
    	IMAGE_TLS_DIRECTORY32 stTLSDir32; //x86 standard TLS header.
    	IMAGE_TLS_DIRECTORY64 stTLSDir64; //x64 TLS header.
    } unTLS;
    std::vector<DWORD> vecTLSCallbacks;   //Array of the TLS callbacks.


[[nodiscard]] auto GetLoadConfig()const->std::optional<PELOADCONFIG>;

Returns file's Load Config Directory info.

    DWORD dwOffset;                            //File's raw offset of the LCD descriptor.
    	IMAGE_LOAD_CONFIG_DIRECTORY32 stLCD32; //x86 LCD descriptor.
    	IMAGE_LOAD_CONFIG_DIRECTORY64 stLCD64; //x64 LCD descriptor.
    } unLCD;


[[nodiscard]] auto GetBoundImport()const->std::optional<PEBOUNDIMPORT_VEC>;

Returns an array of file's Bound Import entries.

    DWORD                     dwOffset;              //File's raw offset of the Bound Forwarder descriptor.
    IMAGE_BOUND_FORWARDER_REF stBoundForwarder;      //Standard IMAGE_BOUND_FORWARDER_REF struct.
    std::string               strBoundForwarderName; //Bound forwarder name.
    DWORD                         dwOffset;          //File's raw offset of the Bound Import descriptor.
    std::string                   strBoundName;      //Bound Import name.
    std::vector<PEBOUNDFORWARDER> vecBoundForwarder; //Array of the Bound Forwarder structs.


[[nodiscard]] auto GetDelayImport()const->std::optional<PEDELAYIMPORT_VEC>;

Returns an array of file's Delay Import entries.

        struct x32 {
            IMAGE_THUNK_DATA32 stImportAddressTable;      //x86 Import Address Table struct.
            IMAGE_THUNK_DATA32 stImportNameTable;         //x86 Import Name Table struct.
            IMAGE_THUNK_DATA32 stBoundImportAddressTable; //x86 Bound Import Address Table struct.
            IMAGE_THUNK_DATA32 stUnloadInformationTable;  //x86 Unload Information Table struct.
        } st32;
        struct x64 {
            IMAGE_THUNK_DATA64 stImportAddressTable;      //x64 Import Address Table struct.
            IMAGE_THUNK_DATA64 stImportNameTable;         //x64 Import Name Table struct.
            IMAGE_THUNK_DATA64 stBoundImportAddressTable; //x64 Bound Import Address Table struct
            IMAGE_THUNK_DATA64 stUnloadInformationTable;  //x64 Unload Information Table struct.
        } st64;
    } unThunk;
    IMAGE_IMPORT_BY_NAME stImpByName; //Standard IMAGE_IMPORT_BY_NAME struct.
    std::string          strFuncName; //Function name.
    DWORD                          dwOffset;        //File's raw offset of this Delay Import descriptor.
    std::string                    strModuleName;   //Import module name.
    std::vector<PEDELAYIMPORTFUNC> vecDelayImpFunc; //Array of the Delay Import module functions.


[[nodiscard]] auto GetCOMDescriptor()const->std::optional<PECOMDESCRIPTOR>;

Gets file's .NET info.

    DWORD              dwOffset; //File's raw offset of the IMAGE_COR20_HEADER descriptor.
    IMAGE_COR20_HEADER stCorHdr; //Standard IMAGE_COR20_HEADER struct.

Helper Methods

These freestanding methods do not need an active Clibpe object with an opened file. They instead take references to the previously obtained structures.


[[nodiscard]] inline constexpr auto GetFileType(const PENTHDR& stNTHdr)->EFileType

Returns PE file type in form of the EFileType enum.

enum class EFileType : std::uint8_t {
    UNKNOWN = 0, PE32, PE64, PEROM


[[nodiscard]] inline constexpr auto GetImageBase(const PENTHDR& stNTHdr)->ULONGLONG

Returns file's Image Base.


[[nodiscard]] inline constexpr auto GetOffsetFromRVA(ULONGLONG ullRVA, const PESECHDR_VEC& vecSecHdr)->DWORD

Converts file's RVA to the file's physical raw offset on disk.


[[nodiscard]] inline constexpr auto FlatResources(const PERESROOT& stResRoot)

This function is kind of a light version of the GetResources method. It takes PERESROOT struct returned by the GetResources, and returns std::vector of PERESFLAT structures.
PERESFLAT is a light struct that only possesses pointers to an actual resources data, unlike heavy PERESROOT. FlatResources flattens all resources, making accessing them more convenient.

struct PERESFLAT {
    std::span<const std::byte> spnData { };    //Resource data.
    std::wstring_view          wsvTypeStr { }; //Resource Type name.
    std::wstring_view          wsvNameStr { }; //Resource Name name (resource itself name).
    std::wstring_view          wsvLangStr { }; //Resource Lang name.
    WORD                       wTypeID { };    //Resource Type ID (RT_CURSOR, RT_BITMAP, etc...).
    WORD                       wNameID { };    //Resource Name ID (resource itself ID).
    WORD                       wLangID { };    //Resource Lang ID.
using PERESFLAT_VEC = std::vector<PERESFLAT>;


A PE file consists of many structures, they in turn possess many fields some of which have predefined values.
These maps are meant to alleviate such fields' conversion to a human-reading format. They are simple std::unordered_map<DWORD, std::wstring_view> maps.

Note that some fields can only have one value, while the others can combine many values with a bitwise or | operation.


This map forms one of the values from IMAGE_NT_HEADERS::IMAGE_FILE_HEADER::Machine field.


This map forms one or more values from IMAGE_NT_HEADERS::IMAGE_FILE_HEADER::Characteristics field.

const auto pNTHdr = m_pLibpe->GetNTHeader();
const auto pDescr = &pNTHdr->unHdr.stNTHdr32.FileHeader; //Same for both x86/x64.
std::wstring  wstrCharact;
for (const auto& flags : MapFileHdrCharact) {
    if (flags.first & pDescr->Characteristics) {
        wstrCharact += flags.second;
        wstrCharact += L"\n";


This map forms one of the values from IMAGE_NT_HEADERS::IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER::Magic field.


This map forms one of the values from IMAGE_NT_HEADERS::IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER::Subsystem field.


This map forms one or more values from IMAGE_NT_HEADERS::IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER::DllCharacteristics field.

const auto pNTHdr = m_pLibpe->GetNTHeader();
const auto pOptHdr = &pNTHdr->unHdr.stNTHdr32.OptionalHeader //For x64: pNTHdr->unHdr.stNTHdr64.OptionalHeader
std::wstring wstrCharact;
for (const auto& flags : MapOptHdrDllCharact) {
    if (flags.first & pOptHdr->DllCharacteristics) {
        wstrCharact += flags.second;
        wstrCharact += L"\n";


This map forms one or more values from IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER::Characteristics field.

const auto pSecHeaders = m_pLibpe->GetSecHeaders();
std::wstring wstrCharact;
auto IdOfSection = 0; //ID of desired section.
for (const auto& flags : MapSecHdrCharact) {
    if (flags.first & pSecHeaders->at(IdOfSection).stSecHdr.Characteristics) {
        wstrCharact += flags.second;
        wstrCharact += L"\n";


This map forms one of the values from IMAGE_RESOURCE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY::Id field.


This map forms one of the values from WIN_CERTIFICATE::wRevision field.


This map forms one of the values from WIN_CERTIFICATE::wCertificateType field.


This map forms one of the values from PERELOCDATA::wRelocType field.


This map forms one of the values from IMAGE_DEBUG_DIRECTORY::Type field.


This map forms one of the values from IMAGE_TLS_DIRECTORY::Characteristics field.


This map forms one or more values from IMAGE_LOAD_CONFIG_DIRECTORY::GuardFlags field.

const auto pLCD = m_pLibpe->GetLoadConfig();
const auto pPELCD = &pLCD->unLCD.stLCD32; //For x64: pLCD->unLCD.stLCD64
std::wstring wstrGFlags;
for (const auto& flags : MapLCDGuardFlags) {
    if (flags.first & pPELCD->GuardFlags) {
        wstrGFlags += flags.second;
        wstrGFlags += L"\n";


This map forms one or more values from IMAGE_COR20_HEADER::Flags field.

const auto pCOMDesc = m_pLibpe->GetCOMDescriptor();
std::wstring wstrFlags;
for (const auto& flags : MapCOR20Flags) {
    if (flags.first & pCOMDesc->stCorHdr.Flags) {
        wstrFlags += flags.second;
        wstrFlags += L"\n";


This software is available under the MIT License.

This article was originally posted at


This article, along with any associated source code and files, is licensed under The MIT License

Written By
Zaire Zaire
This member has not yet provided a Biography. Assume it's interesting and varied, and probably something to do with programming.

Comments and Discussions

GeneralMy vote of 5 Pin
Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov14-Jul-24 15:38
mvaSergey Alexandrovich Kryukov14-Jul-24 15:38 
SuggestionPlease indicate language for <pre> code fragments Pin
Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov14-Jul-24 15:37
mvaSergey Alexandrovich Kryukov14-Jul-24 15:37 
GeneralRe: Please indicate language for <pre> code fragments Pin
Jovibor15-Jul-24 16:50
Jovibor15-Jul-24 16:50 
AnswerRe: Please indicate language for <pre> code fragments Pin
Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov15-Jul-24 20:15
mvaSergey Alexandrovich Kryukov15-Jul-24 20:15 
GeneralRe: Please indicate language for <pre> code fragments Pin
Jovibor15-Jul-24 23:25
Jovibor15-Jul-24 23:25 
AnswerThis is a defect Pin
Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov16-Jul-24 2:39
mvaSergey Alexandrovich Kryukov16-Jul-24 2:39 
QuestionModify pe Pin
FredWah8-May-24 10:16
FredWah8-May-24 10:16 
AnswerRe: Modify pe Pin
Jovibor8-May-24 21:20
Jovibor8-May-24 21:20 
GeneralMy vote of 5 Pin
Ștefan-Mihai MOGA2-Jan-24 0:43
professionalȘtefan-Mihai MOGA2-Jan-24 0:43 
GeneralMy vote of 5 Pin
Daniel Anderson 20214-May-23 16:21
Daniel Anderson 20214-May-23 16:21 
QuestionMissing trailer, including digital signatures Pin
Philippe Verdy25-Apr-23 2:05
Philippe Verdy25-Apr-23 2:05 
GeneralMy vote of 5 Pin
wildcat32431-Jan-23 7:40
wildcat32431-Jan-23 7:40 
PraiseThank you Pin
wildcat32431-Jan-23 7:40
wildcat32431-Jan-23 7:40 
QuestionHelpful Pin
Riti Sharma26-Jan-23 23:11
professionalRiti Sharma26-Jan-23 23:11 
QuestionFile header Pin
Stig_Brannlund4-Nov-22 22:01
Stig_Brannlund4-Nov-22 22:01 
AnswerRe: File header Pin
Jovibor4-Nov-22 23:22
Jovibor4-Nov-22 23:22 
AnswerRe: File header Pin
FredWah8-May-24 10:17
FredWah8-May-24 10:17 
QuestionPage Formating... Pin
Member 1455208422-Sep-22 4:03
Member 1455208422-Sep-22 4:03 
GeneralMy vote of 5 Pin
Michael Haephrati20-Sep-22 4:39
professionalMichael Haephrati20-Sep-22 4:39 
Questionexcellent! Pin
Southmountain25-Jun-22 7:44
Southmountain25-Jun-22 7:44 
AnswerRe: excellent! Pin
Jovibor25-Jun-22 13:15
Jovibor25-Jun-22 13:15 
QuestionUnDecorateSymbolName function Inports Pin
Apprieu (Apprieu)18-Feb-20 23:01
Apprieu (Apprieu)18-Feb-20 23:01 
AnswerRe: UnDecorateSymbolName function Inports Pin
Daniel Anderson 20214-May-23 16:17
Daniel Anderson 20214-May-23 16:17 
QuestionHow list the exports function of a dll Pin
Apprieu (Apprieu)7-Dec-19 1:58
Apprieu (Apprieu)7-Dec-19 1:58 
AnswerRe: How list the exports function of a dll Pin
Jovibor8-Dec-19 12:43
Jovibor8-Dec-19 12:43 

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