It's always good to look around before starting anything. I had the requirement to create IP Address Control like Windows box. I searched and found many but none of them are complete and breaking MVVM pattern. Most of the logic was handled in code behind of XAML but MVVM says zero line of code in code behind files. So that excited me to move further for creating one. Sharing now with all so that if somebody needs it, they can get the benefit.
The features of this IP Address Control have:
- Pure MVVM
- Min-Max Validation 0-255. It can be customized.
- Highlighting error Red background and "!" if entry is invalid. It can be customized.
- ToolTips for the errors
- Automatic move to the next box if box has valid entry and limit is reached for that box
- '.' Character moves the focus to next box
- No third-party dependency

Features 1 by 1
1. Pure MVVM
No code behind. No View reference in ViewModel. This is very important for the code quality and design.

There is a separate view model IpAddressViewModel
which contains all fields or events required for any other view to work in normal cases. The fields are shown below:

These fields expose all the data required in real time application development.
is the property that contains the IPAddress
entered by User.
2. Min-Max Limits and Number Restrictions
Currently, the limits are set from 0 to 255. These can be customized for each box in control separately.

Validation only allows number within the range. You can also type "." dot character. The behavior of dot character is described later in this blog.
3. Highlighting Error as Red Background and Exclamation Mark "!"
If any box has any error, then that is highlighted as Red Background, also Red exclamation mark at the end "!
In real time you might be using either of validation display (Background or Exclamation mark). I kept both validations highlighters for demonstration purpose only.

The exclamation character can be changed to any character of your choice. In fact, you can use any control of your choice. You just need to play with the below code:
<ControlTemplate x:Key="validationTemplate">
FontSize="{DynamicResource ResourceKey=Heading4}"
Text="!" />
<AdornedElementPlaceholder />
To change the highlighting control behavior on error, change the below bold lines code to your choice.
<Style x:Key="CustomTextBoxTextStyle" TargetType="TextBox">
<Setter Property="MaxLength" Value="3" />
<Setter Property="HorizontalAlignment" Value="Stretch" />
<Setter Property="VerticalAlignment" Value="Center" />
<Trigger Property="Validation.HasError" Value="True">
<Setter Property="ToolTip"
Value="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource Self},
Path=(Validation.Errors)[0].ErrorContent}" />
<Setter Property="BorderBrush" Value="Red" />
<Setter Property="Background" Value="Red" />
4. ToolTips for Errors
There are two types of errors shown below in both the cases we have tooltips to display.
- Invalid character is entered. This is the case when other than number, any other character is used.

- Number is not in defined range, e.g., user enters the out of range number.

5. Automatic Move to Next Box
The typing is like Windows IP Address configuration box. This control automatically moves the focus to the next box so that you don't need to move mouse and get the focus. It senses that you have entered valid three characters and then automatically moves the cursor to the next box to type further.

6. Typing the '.' (Dot Character)
Typing the dot character (.) is allowed as it is allowed in windows standard IP address dialogs. The dot character will move the cursor to the next block to type, e.g., the IP Address can be directly typed uninterrupted.

7. No Third Party Dependency
The best thing about this control is, "It is plain WPF". No third-party control/library is used. You can easily customize classes, control, styles and reuse the classes, etc.
It is interesting to know "How to manage focus On View from View Model" and "How to put validation rule and control the flow with some exceptional cases".
Fun isn't it. Try it. Look at the code.
Source Code and Demo
Points of Interest
I create only when I don't find anything good. No hobbies of writing! Yes, hobbies are "Code and Learn"!
- Updated as image links were broken after publishing