This article talks about the Chain of responsibility pattern. We will try to see when this pattern can
be useful and what are the benefits of using this pattern. We will also look at a rudimentary implementation
of Chain of responsibility pattern in C#.
We have seen the scenarios where one class need to know about the status change of another class while
looking at the Observer pattern. In Observer pattern a class can register itself to another class to get the
notification whenever the state of other class is changing. The notification will come in form of an event and
the listener class could then decide what action it needs to take.
Now if we take this scenario a step further where the class listening to events will take the decision
based on some conditions. If the condition is not met then it will further pass on this event to another
object that could handle this event.
So in this scenario we have a series of objects that can handle the event based on some criteria.
These all object will pass on the event to others in a sequential manner. Whether this class could
take the action or it need to send the event further is the logic that will be contained in this class.
All the classes that can handle the event are chained together i.e. ever class contains a handle to its
successor to which it can pass on the event to.
Chain of responsibility pattern is meant for such scenarios. In this pattern an object will listen for
an event, when this event occurs it handles the event. if this object is capable of taking some action,
it will otherwise it will propagate the event to another object in line which could in turn handle the event
or propagate it further. This pattern is very useful in implementing workflow kind of scenarios.
GoF defines Chain of responsibility pattern as "Avoid coupling the sender of a request to its receiver
by giving more than one object a chance to handle the request. Chain the receiving objects and pass the
request along the chain until an object handles it."

To understand this class diagram lets look at each class.
: This is the interface or abstract class that all the classes who could handle the event should implement.
: There are the classes that are capable of either handling the event or propogating it further.
: This is the class that defines the chain i.e. successors for all ConcreteHandlers
and this is the class
that initiates the request to a ConcreteHandler
Using the code
To understand this pattern better, lets try to implement a small rudimentary work flow application.
Lets say we have an organization where Team members when apply for leave, the request goes to the Team Leader. Team
leader can approve all the leave request of less than 10 days. If the leave request is of more than 10 days then
the request will be passed on to the Project Leader. Project leader is able to approve leaves of upto 20 days.
If the leave is applied for more than 20 days then this requests will be passed to the HR. HR can approve upto
30 days of leave. If the leave is of more than 30 days then the leave application cannot be approved by the system
and it needs a manual process for approval.
Now with the above requirement, if we try to implement the Chain of responsibility pattern then we need
for Team Leader, Project Leader and HR. These ConcreteHandlers
will be chained together so that
the request can pass from TeamLeader
to ProjectLeader
to HR
Also, we need an abstract class that can contain the common functionality like keeping track oc successor
object, initiating the request and the eventing mechanism. Lets call this class Employee
. The ConcreteHandler
contain logic specific to the concrete handlers.
Lets start by looking at the Handler
abstract class i.e. Employee
public abstract class Employee
protected Employee supervisor;
public delegate void OnLeaveApplied(Employee e, Leave l);
public event OnLeaveApplied onLeaveApplied = null;
public void LeaveApplied(Employee s, Leave leave)
if (onLeaveApplied != null)
onLeaveApplied(this, leave);
public abstract void ApproveLeave(Leave leave);
public Employee Supervisor
return supervisor;
supervisor = value;
public void ApplyLeave(Leave l)
LeaveApplied(this, l);
This Handler
class is responsible for:
- Keeping track of successors for this object
- Implementing the eventing mechanism to notify and propagate the request event.
- Initiate the request.
Now since our Handler class is ready, lets look at the ConcreteHandlers
one by one. Lets start with
public class TeamLeader : Employee
const int MAX_LEAVES_CAN_APPROVE = 10;
public TeamLeader()
this.onLeaveApplied += new OnLeaveApplied(TeamLeader_onLeaveApplied);
void TeamLeader_onLeaveApplied(Employee e, Leave l)
if (l.NumberOfDays < MAX_LEAVES_CAN_APPROVE)
if (Supervisor != null)
Supervisor.LeaveApplied(this, l);
public override void ApproveLeave(Leave leave)
Console.WriteLine("LeaveID: {0} Days: {1} Approver: {2}",
leave.LeaveID, leave.NumberOfDays, "Team Leader");
What this class is doing is:
- Checking of this class could take the action i.e. leave applied is less than 10 days.
- If this class could take the action then show the response to the user.
- If this class is not able to take the action then pass on the request to the
class i.e. its
Now lets look at the ProjectLeader
class ProjectLeader : Employee
const int MAX_LEAVES_CAN_APPROVE = 20;
public ProjectLeader()
this.onLeaveApplied += new OnLeaveApplied(ProjectLeader_onLeaveApplied);
void ProjectLeader_onLeaveApplied(Employee e, Leave l)
if (l.NumberOfDays < MAX_LEAVES_CAN_APPROVE)
if (Supervisor != null)
Supervisor.LeaveApplied(this, l);
public override void ApproveLeave(Leave leave)
Console.WriteLine("LeaveID: {0} Days: {1} Approver: {2}",
leave.LeaveID, leave.NumberOfDays, "Project Leader");
What this class is doing is:
- Checking of this class could take the action i.e. leave applied is less than 20 days.
- If this class could take the action then show the response to the user.
- If this class is not able to take the action then pass on the request to the
class i.e. its
Now lets look at the HR
class HR : Employee
const int MAX_LEAVES_CAN_APPROVE = 30;
public HR()
this.onLeaveApplied += new OnLeaveApplied(HR_onLeaveApplied);
void HR_onLeaveApplied(Employee e, Leave l)
if (l.NumberOfDays < MAX_LEAVES_CAN_APPROVE)
if (Supervisor != null)
Supervisor.LeaveApplied(this, l);
Console.WriteLine("Leave application suspended, Please contact HR");
public override void ApproveLeave(Leave leave)
Console.WriteLine("LeaveID: {0} Days: {1} Approver: {2}",
leave.LeaveID, leave.NumberOfDays, "HR");
What this class is doing is:
- Checking of this class could take the action i.e. leave applied is less than 30 days.
- If this class could take the action then show the response to the user.
- If this class is not able to take the action then let the user know that he needs to
have a manual discussion and his request has been suspended.
The actual action item i.e. the leave is encapsulated into a class for better modularity, so before
running the application lets see how this Leave
class looks like
public class Leave
public Leave(Guid guid, int days)
leaveID = guid;
numberOfDays = days;
Guid leaveID;
public Guid LeaveID
get { return leaveID; }
set { leaveID = value; }
int numberOfDays;
public int NumberOfDays
get { return numberOfDays; }
set { numberOfDays = value; }
And finally we need the Client
that will set the successor chain and initiate the request.
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
TeamLeader tl = new TeamLeader();
ProjectLeader pl = new ProjectLeader();
HR hr = new HR();
tl.Supervisor = pl;
pl.Supervisor = hr;
tl.ApplyLeave(new Leave(Guid.NewGuid(), 5));
tl.ApplyLeave(new Leave(Guid.NewGuid(), 15));
tl.ApplyLeave(new Leave(Guid.NewGuid(), 25));
tl.ApplyLeave(new Leave(Guid.NewGuid(), 35));
So we can see that this Main function is creating the chain by setting the successors for each class
and is initiating the request to TeamLeader
class. One request for each scenario has been made. When
we run this application.

So we can see that each request get passed on and processed by the respective class based on the number
of days applied for. Before wrapping up let us look at the class diagram for our application and compare it
with the original GoF diagram.

Point of interest
In this article, we tried to look at the Chain of responsibility pattern. We saw when this pattern
could be useful, what are the benefits of using this pattern and how can we have a sample rudimentary
implementation for this pattern in C#. This article has been written from a beginner's perspective.
I hope this has been informative.
16 November 2012: First version