There are many animated flash charts available in the software industry. However, maani charts are a simple, yet powerful tool to create attractive charts and graphs from XML data; quick response to feature requests, clickable charts with editable links and drill-down and charts can be displayed inside another flash file.
Maani.Web Library
library helps to create the required XML data. It is built by a set of interfaces and filters. Filter defines any number of filters to enhance the look of or highlight different graphic elements. They are Bevel
, Blur
, Glow
and Shadow
. The XmlSerializer<T>
class helps to serialize the generic collection object where the objects are encoded into XML.
library also helps to render XML data for composite and drill-down charts. However, clickable charts with editable links and drill-down charts require a license key which is domain specific. Look at composite and drill down charts samples in
The demo application has two ASPX pages. One is specific to design page and the other is an XML data source page where the dynamic XML is being rendered. The design page Default.aspx has the following script that embeds the XML flash charts into web page.
if (AC_FL_RunContent == 0 || DetectFlashVer == 0) {
alert("This page requires AC_RunActiveContent.js.");
} else {
var hasRightVersion = DetectFlashVer(requiredMajorVersion,
requiredMinorVersion, requiredRevision);
if(hasRightVersion) {
'width', '700',
'height', '480',
'scale', 'noscale',
'salign', 'TL',
'bgcolor', '#ffffff',
'wmode', 'opaque',
'movie', 'charts',
'src', 'charts',
'id', 'my_chart',
'name', 'my_chart',
'menu', 'true',
'allowFullScreen', 'true',
'quality', 'high',
'align', 'middle',
'pluginspage', '',
'play', 'true',
'devicefont', 'false'
} else {
var alternateContent = 'This content requires the Adobe Flash Player. '
+ '<a href="%22%22%22">Get Flash</a>.';
The SampleDataSource.aspx page renders XML data. In this sample, GroupResult
class that holds the custom data and the following script binds the data into a chart.
Chart chart = new Chart();
List<groupresult /> list = new List<groupresult />(){
new GroupResult(){BrandName="Brand 1", Year =2005, Value=165},
new GroupResult(){BrandName="Brand 1", Year =2006, Value=250},
new GroupResult(){BrandName="Brand 1", Year =2007, Value=540},
new GroupResult(){BrandName="Brand 1", Year =2008, Value=672},
new GroupResult(){BrandName="Brand 1", Year =2009, Value=222},
new GroupResult(){BrandName="Brand 2", Year =2005, Value=345},
new GroupResult(){BrandName="Brand 2", Year =2006, Value=654},
new GroupResult(){BrandName="Brand 2", Year =2008, Value=213},
new GroupResult(){BrandName="Brand 2", Year =2009, Value=120},
new GroupResult(){BrandName="Brand 3", Year =2005, Value=31},
new GroupResult(){BrandName="Brand 3", Year =2006, Value=20},
new GroupResult(){BrandName="Brand 3", Year =2007, Value=55},
new GroupResult(){BrandName="Brand 3", Year =2008, Value=666},
new GroupResult(){BrandName="Brand 3", Year =2009, Value=747},
new GroupResult(){BrandName="Brand 4", Year =2005, Value=55},
new GroupResult(){BrandName="Brand 4", Year =2006, Value=443},
new GroupResult(){BrandName="Brand 4", Year =2007, Value=134},
new GroupResult(){BrandName="Brand 4", Year =2008, Value=646},
new GroupResult(){BrandName="Brand 4", Year =2009, Value=22}};
Row row = new Row();
foreach (var result in list.GroupBy(ac => ac.Year))
foreach (var result in list.GroupBy(ac => ac.BrandName))
row = new Row();
foreach (GroupResult groupResult in list.Where
(ac => ac.BrandName == result.Key))
NumericData data = new NumericData() { Bevel =
ChartUtilities.BEVEL_BACKGROUND, Shadow = ChartUtilities.SHADOW_LOW };
data.ToolTip = string.Format("{0}\n{1}", groupResult.BrandName,
data.Value = (double)groupResult.Value;
chart.Background.TextBackground[0].Value = "revenue";
chart.Background.TextBackground[1].Value = "(in $millions)";
chart.Type = (ChartType)Enum.Parse(typeof(ChartType),
Session["chartType"].ToString(), true);
if (chart.Type == ChartType.Polar)
chart.AxisCategory.Orientation = Maani.Web.Orientation.circular;
chart.Preference.Grid = GridStyle.circular;
else if (chart.Type == ChartType.Line)
chart.Preference.PointShape =;
chart.Guide.Radius = 5;
chart.Guide.RadiusColor = "FF0000";
else if (chart.Type == ChartType.Pie || chart.Type == ChartType.ThreeDPie)
chart.Preference.Selectable = true;
chart.Label.ShowPercentage = true;
chart.Label.Positiion = LabelPosition.inside;
and ApplyPredefinedStyles
methods apply set of pre defined filters and styles, and the styles and filters can be modified anywhere in code behind file.
public static void ApplyPredefinedStyles(this Chart chart, bool randomize)
if(randomize) chart.FillColors.Randomize();
chart.AxisCategory = new AxisCategory() { Alpha = 75, FontSize = 10,
Orientation = Orientation.diagonal_up, Shadow = SHADOW_MEDIUM };
chart.AxisTicks.ShowCategoryTicks = true;
chart.AxisValue.Steps = 4;
chart.Background.ImageBackground.Add(new SizeableImageBackground()
{ ImageUrl = "images/blue_bg_lg.png", Height = 320 });
chart.Background.TextBackground.Add(new TextBackground()
{ Shadow = SHADOW_MEDIUM, FontColor = "f8f8ff",
Alpha = 90, Rotation = -90, FontSize = 40, X = 0, Y = 400,
Width = 300, Height = 200, HorizontalAlignment = });
chart.Background.TextBackground.Add(new TextBackground()
{ Shadow = SHADOW_LOW, FontColor = "000033",
Alpha = 50, Rotation = -90, FontSize = 14, X = 15, Y = 330,
Width = 300, Height = 50, HorizontalAlignment =,
VerticalAlignment= VerticalAlignment.middle });
chart.BorderThickness = new ChartBorder(0)
{ BorderColor = "000000", BottomThickness = 1 };
chart.Preference = new ChartPref()
{ PointShape = PointShape.none, FillShape = true, LineThickness = 3 };
chart.Series = new ChartSeries() { BarGap = 2, SetGap = 50 };
chart.Label = new ChartLabel() { FontSize = 10, Alpha = 90,
FontColor = "6600CC", Positiion = LabelPosition.outside };
chart.Rect = new ChartRect() { X = 90, Y = 110, Width = 600, Height = 250 };
chart.Guide = new ChartGuide() { ShowHorizontalGuide = true,
ShowVerticalGuide = true, Thickness = 1, Alpha = 25,
LineThickness = 2, LineAlpha = 50, Type = GuideLineType.dashed };
chart.Legend = new Legend() { Alpha = 95, FontSize = 11,
FontBold = true, FontColor = "5f5f5f",
Margin = 5, Width = 640, Height = 70, X = 50, Y = 20,
Style = LayoutStyle.horizontal };
chart.License = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["MaaniLicense"];
If required, download the latest XML/SWF Charts, decompress the download package, and place the following files in the same directory:
- charts.swf
- charts_library
- AC_RunActiveContent.js
- 7th October 2009 - Initial release