Download source files - 42 Kb

Welcome to
, an MFC dialog which performs HTTP downloads
similar to the Internet Explorer download dialog as shown above.
V1.0 (14 November 1999)
V1.01 (15 November 1999)
- Updated documentation to refer to what rc resources are needed by the class.
- Renamed all resources used from
to include
- Now handles HTTP error 407 (Proxy Authentication) and HTTP error 401 (Server
Authentication). You are prompted with a password dialog when either of these
forms of authentication are required.
- Sample program now allows you to specify the URL to download from as well as the
file to download into and the username and password to connect with.
- The download file is now deleted if the download was aborted or if some other error
occurs during the download.
- Parsing of URL will now work where "http://" is not explicitely specified.
- Improved the general look and feel of the demo app and called it "HTML File
V1.02 (29 November 1999)
- Fixed a number of compiler warnings and errors when used in VC++ 6.0.
V1.03 (25 January 2000)
- Fixed a problem where server authentication was not being detected correctly, while
proxy authentication was being handled.
- Updated the way and periodicity certain UI controls are updated during the HTTP download.
To use CHttpDownloadDlg
in your project simply include
HttpDownloadDlg.cpp/.h from the test application in your application and
#include "HttpDownloadDlg.h"
in whichever files you want to use the class in.
To bring up the dialog to download a specific file, just use some code like the following:
CHttpDownloadDlg dlg;
dlg.m_sURLToDownload = _T("");
dlg.m_sFileToDownloadInto = _T("c:\\somfile.ext");
if (dlg.DoModal() == IDOK)
AfxMessageBox("File was downloaded successfully");
You should also have a look at the CInetDownloadDlg::OnDownload()
code in the
sample application.
Contacting the Author
PJ Naughter
25 January 2000