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A Compile Time Data Structure Using Template Meta Programming

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11 Dec 2008CPOL12 min read 54.3K   227   43   11
A Linked List as an example of a compile time data structure, and its implement with template meta-programming.

1. Introduction

We have seen different applications of template meta-programming such as static data structures [5], algorithms [2][6], design patterns [1][3], Reflection [4], expression templates [7], and number theory [8][9]. Compile Time Data Structure is, in fact, not a new concept in C++. Further information about it can be found in the References [1][5]. Here, we are going to study the Linked List as an example of a compile time data structure, and will try to implement it with template meta-programming.

Template meta-programming is usually difficult to understand at first, especially for those who are not familiar with it. Therefore, we will discuss the run-time counterpart at the same time. We use a naming convention “List” for all the runtime programs to distinguish it with the compile-time version. Although we can implement the run-time programs in more than one way, in the compile-time world, we have only recursion to do everything including looping; therefore, we are going to use recursion in the run-time version too.

2. Compile Time Linked List

If we are going to make a single linked list, then our structure of linked list would be something like this:

// Node of Runtime Link List
struct ListNode
    int value;
    ListNode* next;

Here is the compile time version of this structure:

// Termination of Link List
struct End

// Node of Static Link List
template <int iData, typename Type>
struct Node
    enum { value = iData };
    typedef Type Next;

Here, we need one more structure to indicate the termination condition of the linked list. You can also call it is an end marker. In the runtime version, we don’t need it because in that case, we simply check the value of the next filed in the node. If its value is NULL, then it means that it is the last node of the linked list.

However, in the case of template meta-programming, we have to do template specialization (or partial template specialization) to stop the recursion. We can do template specialization for any specific type or for any specific value. Here, we can’t do template specialization on a value, because the second template parameter is a type. Therefore, we have to create a new type to stop the recursive instantiation of the template. The name of the end marker can be anything, and it can store whatever you like it to. In our example, it would be sufficient to make an empty structure to create a new type as an end marker.

Now, let’s try to implement a few auxiliary functions that work on lists. Here is our first function to insert data in the linked list. We explicitly made its name look similar to the member function of the STL list class, because we are going to implement a few more STL algorithms.

Here is the simplest implementation for inserting items in the runtime single linked list.

// Insert item into Runtime Link List
void ListPushBack(ListNode** pHead, int value)
    if (*pHead == NULL)
        *pHead = new ListNode();
        (*pHead)->value = value;
        ListPushBack(&(*pHead)->next, value);

The name of the linked list is prefixed with “List” to distinguish it from the compile time version.

Interestingly, the compile time version of the same function doesn’t use recursion, and its implementation is very easy.

// Insert item into Static Link List
template <int iData, typename Type>
struct PushBack
    typedef Node<iData, Type> staticList;

And, here is the usage of this function at compile time:

typedef PushBack<2, End>::staticList node1;
typedef PushBack<4, node1>::staticList node2;
typedef PushBack<6, node2>::staticList node3;
typedef PushBack<8, node3>::staticList node4;
typedef PushBack<10, node4>::staticList node5;
typedef PushBack<12, node5>::staticList myList;

Although we can create a static linked list like this:

typedef Node<-15, Node<15, Node<18, Node<13, End> > > > myList;

the above method to create a static linked list has a few advantages, which we will see when we implement a few STL algorithms in the compile-time version.

Now, let’s implement a few more STL list algorithms at compile time. But, first take a look at its runtime version to better understand template meta-programming.

// Structure to calculate the length of Runtime Link List
int ListSize(ListNode* pHead)
    if (pHead == NULL)
        return 0;
        return 1 + ListSize(pHead->next);

This function is quite simple, and uses tail recursion for optimization. The compiler can optimize tail recursion with looping to avoid any runtime stack overhead. Here is the compile-time version of the same function:

// Structure to calculate the length of Static Link List
template <typename T>
struct Size;

template <int iData, typename Type>
struct Size<Node<iData, Type> >
    enum { value = 1 + Size<Type>::value };

template <>
struct Size<End>
    enum { value = 0 };

Although the STL list class doesn’t have an at() function, because list doesn’t have a random access iterator, we are trying to implement this function for the linked list. Because we can’t access any item of the linked list randomly, it is a linear time function, not a constant time one just like the at() function of the vector.

Here is the simple run-time implementation of the at() function on a single linked list with linear complexity:

// Structure to find item from specific location from Runtime Link List
int ListAt(ListNode* pHead, int iPos)
    static int iIndex = 0;

    if (iIndex == iPos)
        return pHead->value;
    else if (pHead->next == NULL)
        return -1;
        return ListAt(pHead->next, iPos);

The code presented here is just a proof of concept, not a production quality code. One major problem with this function is the return code. If the input position is greater than the length of the linked list, like the length of the linked list is 4, but we are trying to access 6th element, then this function returns -1. This code is misleading, because -1 can be a data in the linked list at a given position, so it would be impossible to differentiate whether it is an error code or the actual data at the given position.

This one is a much better implementation than the previous one:

// Structure to find item from specific location from Runtime Link List
bool ListAt(ListNode* pHead, int iPos, int* iVal)
    static int iIndex = 0;

    if (iIndex == iPos)
        *iVal = pHead->value;
        return true;
    else if (pHead->next == NULL)
        return false;
        return ListAt(pHead->next, iPos, iVal);

This function returns the value at a specific location by parameter. If the user passes a position that is greater than the length of the linked list, then it will return false; otherwise, it stores the value at the parameter and returns true.

Here is the usage of this function:

if (pHead != NULL)
    int val;
    if (ListAt(pHead, 3, &mp;val))
        std::cout << val << std::endl;

Here is the compile time version of the same function:

// Structure to find item from specific location from Static Link List
template <int iIndex, typename T, int iStart = 0>
struct At;

template <int iIndex, int iData, typename Type, int iStart>
struct At<iIndex, Node<iData, Type>, iStart>
    enum { value = iIndex == iStart ? 
           iData : At<iIndex, Type, (iStart + 1)>::value };

template <int iIndex, int iData, int iStart>
struct At<iIndex, Node<iData, End>, iStart>
    enum { value = iIndex == iStart ? iData : -1 };

This program has the same problem that it returns -1 when the item is not found. In template meta-programming, we can’t return a value by parameter just like its run-time equivalent. The solution is to introduce one more enum variable inside the structure to store whether the item was found or not. Here is the next version of the same program:

// Structure to find item from specific location from Static Link List
template <int iIndex, typename T, int iStart = 0>
struct At;

template <int iIndex, int iData, typename Type, int iStart>
struct At<iIndex, Node<iData, Type>, iStart>
    enum { value = iIndex == iStart ? 
           iData : At<iIndex, Type, (iStart + 1)>::value };
    enum { found = iIndex == iStart ? 1 : 
           At<iIndex, Type, (iStart + 1)>::found };

template <int iIndex, int iData, int iStart>
struct At<iIndex, Node<iData, End>, iStart>
    enum { value = iIndex == iStart ? iData : -1 };
    enum { found = iIndex == iStart ? 1 : 0 };

Although the value variable still stores -1 when an item not found in the linked list, if we use the other variable, i.e., the “found” variable, then we can ignore this value. Here is the usage of this algorithm:

if (At<8, myList>::found == 1)
    std::cout << At<8, myList>::value << std::endl;

3. Compile Time Algorithms

In this section, we are going to study different STL algorithms and their working with the STL list class, and how to implement those at compile time using template meta-programming. From now, instead of using creating our own single linked list and implementing all the related functions ourselves, we are going to use the STL list class.

3.1. Find Algorithm

The Find algorithm returns the first occurrence of the specified value in the given range. If it couldn’t find the specified value, then it returns the end iterator, i.e., one past the last element given a range. Here is a simple usage of the Find algorithm on an STL list:

std::list<int> lst;


std::list<int>::iterator iter_ = std::find(lst.begin(), lst.end(), 7);

if (iter_ != lst.end())
    std::cout << *iter_ << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Not found" << std::endl;

Here is the closest implementation of the Find algorithm in template meta-programming:

// Structure to find the location of specific item in Static Link List
template <typename TBegin, 
            typename TEnd, 
            int iFindData, 
            int iStart = 0>
struct Find;

template <int iData, 
            typename TBegin, 
            typename TEnd, 
            int iFindData, 
            int iStart>
struct Find<Node<iData, TBegin>, TEnd, iFindData, iStart>
    enum { value = iFindData == iData ? iStart : 
        Find<TBegin, TEnd, iFindData, (iStart + 1)>::value };

template <int iData, 
            typename TEnd, 
            int iFindData, 
            int iStart>
struct Find<Node<iData, TEnd>, TEnd, iFindData, iStart>
    enum { value = iFindData == iData ? iStart : -1 };

template <typename TEnd, int iFindData>
struct Find<TEnd, TEnd, iFindData>
    enum { value = -1 };

This implementation returns the position of the specified value, if found in the given range of a single linked list; otherwise, it returns -1. Here is the usage of the above implementation:

typedef PushBack<7, End>::staticList node1;
typedef PushBack<14, node1>::staticList node2;
typedef PushBack<21, node2>::staticList node3;
typedef PushBack<28, node3>::staticList node4;
typedef PushBack<35, node4>::staticList myList;

std::cout << Find<myList, End, 7>::value << std::endl;

We can even pass the range, just like in the STL algorithms, to find elements in between a given range.

std::cout << Find<node3, node1, 7>::value << std::endl;

This is one of the reasons to use the static version of the PushBack implementation rather than create a whole static linked list in one statement. By using the compile time version of the PushBack implementation, we are able to get the iterator equivalent in the compile time world.

3.2. Count Algorithm

This algorithm returns the numbers of items in a given range that has the given value. Here is a sample to demonstrate this:

std::list<int> lst;


std::cout << std::count(lst.begin(), lst.end(), 7) << std::endl;

The output of this program is 3, because 7 exists three times in the given range. Here is a similar algorithm implemented at compile time:

// Count Algorithm. Returns the number of elements in Static Link List
template <typename TBegin, 
            typename TEnd, 
            int iVal>
struct Count;

template <int iData, 
            typename TBegin, 
            typename TEnd, 
            int iVal>
struct Count<Node<iData, TBegin>, TEnd, iVal>
    enum { value = (iData == iVal ? 1 : 0) + 
        Count<TBegin, TEnd, iVal>::value };

template <int iData, typename TEnd, int iVal>
struct Count<Node<iData, TEnd>, TEnd, iVal>
    enum { value = iData == iVal ? 1 : 0 };

template <typename TEnd, int iVal>
struct Count<TEnd, TEnd, iVal>
    enum { value = 0 };

This implementation is very similar to the “Find” algorithm, and its usage is also similar to that. Here is the closest implementation of the compile-time version of the same code we saw in this section using the STL “count” algorithm.

typedef PushBack<7, End>::staticList node1;
typedef PushBack<14, node1>::staticList node2;
typedef PushBack<7, node2>::staticList node3;
typedef PushBack<14, node3>::staticList node4;
typedef PushBack<21, node4>::staticList node5;
typedef PushBack<7, node5>::staticList myList;

std::cout << Count<myList, End, 7>::value << std::endl;

Just like the “Find” algorithm, we can also count the number of specified items in a given range rather than searching in the complete static linked list.

3.3. Find If Algorithm

If we want to find whether a linked list contains an item that is greater than 10 but less than 20, then we couldn’t do it with the Find algorithm. Here is the solution to this problem, the Find If algorithm. This algorithm returns the iterator of the element in the linked list that satisfies the condition in the given predicate. The predicate can be a simple function or a function object, i.e., a class with an overloaded () operator, that returns true. In that function (or function object), we can check any condition we want. Let’s take a look at the run-time version to better understand it before going to the compile time version.

std::list<int> lst;


std::list<int>::iterator iter_ =  
   std::find_if(lst.begin(), lst.end(), MyPredicate());

if (iter_ != lst.end())
    std::cout << *iter_ << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Not found" << std::endl;

Here, we pass MyPridicate as a function object, and here is the implementation of it:

struct MyPredicate
    bool operator()(int val)
        return val > 10 && val < 20 ? true : false;

Implementing the compile time version of The Find If algorithm is not very difficult, and its looks very similar to the Find algorithm, except one addition to the predicate type parameter. Here is the compile time version of the Find If algorithm:

// Find If Algorithm. 
// Locate the specific items in Static Link List that satisfy the predicate
template <typename TBegin, 
            typename TEnd, 
            template <int iData> class Predicate, 
            int iStart = 0>
struct FindIf;

template <int iData, 
            typename TBegin, 
            typename TEnd, 
            template <int iData> class Predicate, 
            int iStart>
struct FindIf<Node<iData, TBegin>, TEnd, Predicate, iStart>
    enum { value = Predicate<iData>::value == 1 ? iStart : 
        FindIf<TBegin, TEnd, Predicate, (iStart+1)>::value };

template <int iData, 
            typename TEnd,
            template <int iData> class Predicate, 
            int iStart>
struct FindIf<Node<iData, TEnd>, TEnd, Predicate, iStart>
    enum { value = Predicate<iData>::value == 1 ? iStart : -1 };

template <typename TEnd, 
    template <int iData> class Predicate>
struct FindIf<TEnd, TEnd, Predicate>
    enum { value = -1 };

Here we use template-template parameter to make it easy to call and similar to STL algorithm. Here is the usage of this algorithm.

typedef PushBack<7, End>::staticList node1;
typedef PushBack<14, node1>::staticList node2;
typedef PushBack<7, node2>::staticList node3;
typedef PushBack<14, node3>::staticList node4;
typedef PushBack<21, node4>::staticList node5;
typedef PushBack<7, node5>::staticList myList;

std::cout << FindIf<myList, End, MyPredicate>::value << std::endl;

In compile time world, the predicate is a structure (or class), not a function or function object. Here is our compile time version of the same predicate we used earlier in this section for the run time version:

template <int val>
struct MyPredicate
    enum { value = val > 10 && val < 20 ? 1 : 0 };

3.4. Count If Algorithm

The “Count if” algorithm is a cousin of the “Find If”; the only difference is, it will return the number of elements in the linked list that satisfies the condition given in the predicate. Let’s take a look at the run time version of this algorithm first.

std::list<int> lst;


std::cout << std::count_if(lst.begin(), lst.end(), MyPredicate()) << std::endl;

And, we use the same predicate that we made earlier:

struct MyPredicate
    bool operator()(int val)
        return val > 10 && val < 20 ? true : false;

The output of this program is 2, because there are two elements in the list which are greater than 10 and less than 20. Now, let’s take a look at the compile time version of the same algorithm.

// Count If Algorithm. 
// Returns the number of elements in Static Link List
// that satisfy the predicate condition
template <typename TBegin, typename TEnd, 
    template <int iData> class Predicate>
struct CountIf;

template <int iData, typename TBegin, typename TEnd, 
    template <int iData> class Predicate>
struct CountIf<Node<iData, TBegin>, TEnd, Predicate>
    enum { value = (Predicate<iData>::value) + 
                    CountIf<TBegin, TEnd, Predicate>::value };

template <int iData, typename TEnd, 
    template <int iData> class Predicate>
struct CountIf<Node<iData, TEnd>, TEnd, Predicate>
    enum { value = Predicate<iData>::value };

template <typename TEnd, 
    template <int iData> class Prediate>
struct CountIf<TEnd, TEnd, Prediate>
    enum { value = 0 };

This implementation is very similar to the “Find If” algorithm. The only difference is, here, we are actually count the number of elements that satisfy the condition given in the predicate rather than find it. Here is the usage of this algorithm:

typedef PushBack<7, End>::staticList node1;
typedef PushBack<14, node1>::staticList node2;
typedef PushBack<7, node2>::staticList node3;
typedef PushBack<14, node3>::staticList node4;
typedef PushBack<21, node4>::staticList node5;
typedef PushBack<7, node5>::staticList myList;

std::cout << CountIf<myList, End, MyPredicate>::value << std::endl;

3.5. Min, Max Algorithm

Although the STL version of the min and max algorithms don’t work on a range, but for consistency, we implemented both algorithms in a similar way, i.e., you can find the maximum or minimum value in a static linked list in a given range. Here are the simple implementations of both the algorithms:

// Structure to find the Maximum value in the Link List
template <typename TBegin, typename TEnd>
struct Max;

template <int iData, typename TBegin, typename TEnd>
struct Max<Node<iData, TBegin>, TEnd >
    enum { value = iData > Max<TBegin, TEnd>::value ? 
                   iData : Max<TBegin, TEnd>::value };

template <int iData, typename TEnd>
struct Max<Node<iData, TEnd>, TEnd>
    enum { value = iData };
// Structure to find the Minimum value in the Link List
template <typename TBegin, typename TEnd>
struct Min;

template <int iData, typename TBegin, typename TEnd>
struct Min<Node<iData, TBegin>, TEnd>
    enum { value = iData < Min<TBegin, TEnd>::value ? 
                   iData : Min<TBegin, TEnd>::value };

template <int iData, typename TEnd>
struct Min<Node<iData, TEnd>, TEnd>
    enum { value = iData };

And, here is a simple usage of these algorithms:

std::cout << Max<myList, End>::value << std::endl;
std::cout << Min<myList, End>::value << std::endl;

If we use the same static linked list that we created in the previous section, then we will get 21 and 7 as the output as the maximum and minimum values in the static linked list, respectively. Just like the other algorithms, here, we can also specify the range to get the maximum or minimum value in a given range, not in the complete static linked list.

3.6. For Each Algorithm

Till now, all the algorithms we discussed were just getting information from the linked list. None of the above algorithms changed any values in the linked list. This is because once you have some value, then it is very difficult, if not impossible, to change the value we assigned at compile time. Now, we are going to discuss an algorithm that performs some operation on the values of the linked list, but here, we explicitly restrict ourselves to not change any value in the linked list. Let’s take a look at this simple example of the “For Each” algorithm to print the elements of the linked list:

std::for_each(lst.begin(), lst.end(),PrintFunctionObject());

Here, “PrintFunctionObject” is our function object to do the actual work. Here is a simple implementation of this predicate:

struct PrintFunctionObject
    void operator()(int val)
        std::cout << val << std::endl;

Remember, it can also be a simple function instead of a function object. Here is the compile time equivalent version of the same algorithm:

// For each algorithm. Apply some action on all items of the list
template <typename TBegin, typename TEnd, 
    template <typename T> class Function>
struct ForEach;

template <int iData, typename TBegin, typename TEnd, 
    template <typename T> class Function>
struct ForEach<Node<iData, TBegin>, TEnd, Function>
    void operator ()()
        ForEach<TBegin, TEnd, Function>()();

template <int iData, typename TEnd, 
    template <typename T> class Function>
struct ForEach<Node<iData, TEnd>, TEnd, Function>
    void operator ()()

template <typename TEnd, 
    template <typename T> class Function>
struct ForEach<TEnd, TEnd, Function>
    void operator ()()

If you have taken a close look at this implementation, then you may have already noticed that this implementation is quite different from all of those we discussed earlier. In this implementation, there isn’t any “enum” variable; on the contrary, here we have the overload () operator. This is because when we have to perform some action, we have to call some function to do the actual work. This program is actually a mixture of run-time and compile-time programming. All of the programs we discussed earlier were completely resolved by the compiler at the time of compiling and the actual result stored in the executable.

However, in this case, although we are doing compile time computation during compilation using Recursion, the actual function call will still execute when you run this program. This is the only way to perform some IO operations while doing template meta-programming, i.e., using functions that will execute at runtime. Here, we are not only limited to performing IO operations but can do a few more interesting things, like create a class using the new operator or a set of class hierarchies, as described in “Modern C++ Design”[1]. Here is the function object for this compile time implementation of the “For Each” algorithm.

template <typename T>
struct PrintFunctonObject
    void operator ()(int iData)
        std::cout << iData << std::endl;

The usage of this algorithm is also slightly different. Here, we actually want to execute some code at run-time; therefore, we have to create an object of the “ForEach” structure. Here is one possible way to execute this algorithm using an anonymous object:

ForEach<myList, End, PrintFunctonObject>()();

4. Future Work

Here, we discussed how can we implement the linked list and a few of its related algorithms. This work can be enhanced to use other data structures too, and to include more algorithms. The other dimension where we can enhance this work is the functional programming approach, which we barely touched here without even mentioning its name. We discussed only one approach to mangle the compile-time and run-time execution while implementing the “For Each” algorithm. This technique can be used to implement some more powerful and interesting concepts.

5. References

  1. Modern C++ Design Generic Programming, Andrei Alexandrescu
  2. C++ Template Metaprogramming: Concepts, Tools and Techniques from Boost and Byond, David Abrahams, Aleksey Gurtovoy, Addison Wesley, 2004
  3. Making Patterns Explicit with Meta-programming, Daniel von Dincklage, Proceedings of the second international conference on Generative programming and component engineering (2003)
  4. Reflection support by means of template Meta-programming, Guiseppe Attardi, Antonio Cisternino
  5. Static Data Structure: Reconciling Template Meta-programming and Generic Programming, Michael C. Burton, William G. Griswold, Andrew D. McCulloch, Gray A. Huber
  6. Loops, Metaloops & C++, Roshan Naik, August 2004 Dr Dobb Journal
  7. Expression Templates, Veldhuizen, C++ Report 1995, Generative Programming – Methods, Tools and Applications
  8. Template Meta Programming and Number Theory, Zeeshan Amjad
  9. Template Meta Programming and Number Theory: Part 2, Zeeshan Amjad


This article, along with any associated source code and files, is licensed under The Code Project Open License (CPOL)

Written By
Team Leader American Institute for Research
United States United States
Working as a Team leader in American Institute for Research

Comments and Discussions

GeneralMy vote of 5 Pin
roxma1-Dec-12 18:16
roxma1-Dec-12 18:16 
QuestionWhy recursion is the only way for compile time coding ? Pin
mbsCode21-Dec-08 20:38
mbsCode21-Dec-08 20:38 
AnswerRe: Why recursion is the only way for compile time coding ? Pin
Jim Crafton23-Jan-09 3:11
Jim Crafton23-Jan-09 3:11 
QuestionCool stuff, but what does this buy you? Pin
Jim Crafton12-Dec-08 18:14
Jim Crafton12-Dec-08 18:14 
AnswerRe: Cool stuff, but what does this buy you? Pin
Stefan_Lang23-Jan-09 1:40
Stefan_Lang23-Jan-09 1:40 
GeneralRe: Cool stuff, but what does this buy you? Pin
Member 1089559019-Jun-14 13:25
Member 1089559019-Jun-14 13:25 
GeneralRe: Cool stuff, but what does this buy you? Pin
Stefan_Lang19-Jun-14 20:04
Stefan_Lang19-Jun-14 20:04 
QuestionStack Pin
Serge Savostin12-Dec-08 4:24
Serge Savostin12-Dec-08 4:24 
AnswerRe: Stack Pin
Zeeshan Amjad12-Dec-08 5:49
Zeeshan Amjad12-Dec-08 5:49 
GeneralSmall correction Pin
LevB11-Dec-08 23:57
LevB11-Dec-08 23:57 
GeneralRe: Small correction Pin
Zeeshan Amjad12-Dec-08 5:46
Zeeshan Amjad12-Dec-08 5:46 

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