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Conscript: An embeddable, compiled scripting language for .NET

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5 Sep 2008 5  
An API for enhancing any .NET application with a scripting language

NPC Scripts in the Dungeon of Despair demo game


Embedded scripting engines have applications in several areas, including the ability to extend or modify the core functionality of a software application. In the game development world, scripting provides a means for the game engine developer to hand over control to the designer, allowing him or her to implement the game's plotline events, NPC behaviour and so on, without the intervention of the game engine developer who may otherwise need to hard-wire game play logic into the game engine.


Following the interpreted Eezeescript embeddable scripting language presented in a previous article, this article describes Conscript, a more sophisticated scripting engine for .NET applications. Conscript compiles script sources into byte code for the Conscript VM, resulting in faster scripts than otherwise possible using an interpretive engine. Source code and binaries for the scripting engine and an illustrative demo are also included with the article.

The demo application presented in this article is a Windows application offering a simple testing environment for Conscript. The user may type scripts in the left panel and click the "Run Script" button to compile and run the script. The application exposes one host function, Print, to allow the user to output data from the script onto an output panel at the bottom right. The top right panel displays the compiled script in Conscript assembly form.

Conscript demo application

Architectural Overview

The scripting system compiles scripts written in a high-level, C-like language down to a virtual instruction set designed for Conscript. The virtual instruction set is reminiscent of Intel instruction sets with additional instructions provided to simplify the design of the compiler. The Virtual Machine is a hybrid system featuring separate stacks for function frames and parameter passing; a memory system based on hierarchical dictionaries; a concurrency management system; and an interface allowing the invocation of native functions registered with the scripting system. In addition, the instruction operands and the variables stored in memory are of variant type with support for integers, floating point values, boolean values, strings and associative arrays. A number of instructions, such as ADD, operate on different types. In some cases, even mixed type operands are supported. A typical example is concatenation of a string with an integer.

Using the Scripting Engine API

This section provides a quick introduction fpr integrating Conscript into a .NET solution and using its API.

Integrating Conscript into a .NET solution

The Conscript host API can be integrated into an existing .NET solution by adding a reference to the Conscript.dll assembly. All API classes are defined within an Conscript namespace that must be either specified with the using clause or prefixed to the API classes.

Preparing the scripting environment

The scripting system is initialised by creating one or more instances of the ScriptManager class. Each instance represents a scripting environment where scripts can be loaded and executed. Each instance also provides a global variable scope that the scripts can use to share data.

ScriptManager scriptManager = new ScriptManager();

Loading Scripts

Once a script manager is available, scripts can be loaded by creating instances of the Script class. The script object's constructor requires a reference to the script manager and a name to identify the script. By default, this name corresponds to a disk filename.

Script script = new Script(scriptManager, "scripts\Wizard.cns");

The script object's constructor automatically compiles the script source into Conscript byte code. By default, the generated byte code is optimised using a "peephole" assembly optimiser. Debug instructions are added to facilitate mapping of the generated code with the original source. These settings may be controlled by setting the ScriptManager's properties DebugMode and OptimiseCode.

// omit debug symbols from code
scriptManager.DebugMode = false;
// do not optimise code
scriptManager.OptimiseCode = false;

Preparing Scripts for Execution

A script object represents only the programming instructions contained within and not its execution state. To execute the script, an instance of the ScriptContext class must be created. The class' constructor requires a reference to the script to be executed or a reference to one of the script's functions. A script reference implies that the main function will be executed. The script context provides execution control, as well as access to the execution state in terms of the variables defined during execution, the next statement to be executed and so on. The ScriptContext class represents a running instance of a script. Hence, multiple instances of the same script object can be executed within the same script manager by creating multiple script contexts referencing the same script.

// create a context for the script's main function
ScriptContext scriptContext = new ScriptContext(script);

// also creates a context for the script's main function
ScriptContext scriptContext = new ScriptContext(script.MainFunction);

// create a context for one of the script's named functions
ScriptFunction scriptFunction = script.Functions["WanderAround"];
ScriptContext scriptContext = new ScriptContext(scriptFunction);

Executing Scripts

The script context object allows execution of the referenced script via the three variants of its Execute method. These are: execution of scripts for an indefinite amount of time; execution of scripts for a given time interval or execution of scripts for up to a maximum number of executed statements.

The first method variant allows the referenced script function to execute indefinitely or until the end of the function is reached. If the script contains an infinite loop, this method will block indefinitely unless an interrupt is generated. The Execute method returns the total number of statements executed since its invocation.

// execute indefinitely, or until termination, or until
// a script interrupt is generated

The second variant of the Execute method allows the script context to execute up to a given maximum number of statements. The script context may break out of execution before the maximum is reached if there are no more statements to process or if an interrupt is generated.

// execute up to a maximumum of 10 statements

The third variant of the Execute method accepts a TimeSpan defining the maximum time interval allowed for script execution. The method may break out of execution earlier than the given interval if there are no more statements to process or an interrupt is generated. Given a script with a good balance of different statements, a possible use of this method is to determine the speed of the scripting system on the target environment in terms of statements executed per second.

// execute for up to 10 milliseconds

TimeSpan tsInterval = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 0, 10);

The second and third variants of Execute may be used to implement a virtual multi-threaded scripting environment. Global variables may be used as semaphores to synchronise concurrently running scripts.

Interrupting and Resetting Scripts

A script context will normally execute its referenced script function indefinitely, for a given time interval, until a given maximum number of statements are executed or until there are no more statements to process. In some cases it is desirable to break execution prematurely, such as to return control to the host when specific statements are executed, or because a script is too computationally intensive to execute in one go.

Conscript provides two ways for generating script interrupts:

  • Using a yield statement to explicitly break execution at a specific point in the script
  • Enabling the script context object's InterruptOnHostfunctionCall property to generate an interrupt automatically whenever a registered host function is executed

Dungeon of Despair demo game screenshot

The "Dungeon of Despair" demo game, illustrated in a subsequent article, uses the second approach to allow each NPC script to be written as if it is meant to run in isolation from other scripts. Control is relinquished to the associated character object whenever a host function is executed. This in turn allows the character object to queue and process the corresponding actions. While the actions are in progress, the script context is kept in a suspended state. When the actions are completed, execution of the script is resumed.

An executing script may be reset via the script context's Reset method. The net effect of invoking this method is that the local variables defined in the context are lost, the execution frame stack is cleared and the statement pointer is reset to point to the first statement in the script block referenced by the script context. In addition, any active locks requested by the context are cleared. Global variables are not affected and persist after a script context is reset.

Custom Script Loaders

To allow for loading of scripts from other sources -- such as an archive file, network or database -- a custom script loader class can be developed and bound to the script manager to be used for loading the script. The script loader class may be any class that implements the ScriptLoader interface. The loader is used to retrieve the script specified in the Script class constructor and also any additional include scripts defined within the original script.

// custom script loader class
public class MyScriptLoader
    : ScriptLoader
    public List<string /> LoadScript(String strResourceName)
        // loader implementation here...

// in initialisation code...
ScriptLoader scriptLoader = new MyScriptLoader();
scriptManager.Loader = scriptLoader;

Accessing the Local and Global Variable Scope

One approach for allowing a script to communicate with or control the host application entails the application polling the local variables of the associated script context and global variables of the associated script manager. It does this by querying the LocalDictionary property of the ScriptContext object, the ScriptDictionary property of the Script object or the GlobalDicitonary property of the ScriptManager object.

// get value of local variable
int iIndex = (int) scriptContext.LocalDictionary["index"];

// get value of script variable
int iScore = (int) script.ScriptDictionary["s_playerScore"];

// get value of global variable
bool bNewQuest = 
    (bool) scriptManager.GlobalDictionary["g_wizardQuestAvailable"];

Registering Host Functions

A more powerful alternative to allow a script to interface with the host application is to register host functions with the script manager and assign a script handler at script context or manager level. The script handler in turn provides an implementation for the host functions. These functions are first defined by creating an instance of the HostFunctionPrototype class to define the functions' names, parameters and return values. Unlike script-defined functions, host functions can enforce type-checking on parameters and return values that are performed at compile time. Thus, scripts that use host functions must be loaded within a script manager that has the required host functions registered beforehand.

// define host function to move player

HostFunctionPrototype hostFunctionPrototype = new HostFunctionPrototype(
    null, "Player_MoveTo", typeof(int), typeof(int));

A number of constructors are provided for quick construction of function prototypes with up to three parameters. For functions requiring more parameters, a constructor that accepts a type list, List<Type>, is also provided:

// prepare parameter type list
List<Type> listParameterTypes = new List<Type>();

// define function prototype with many parameters
HostFunctionPrototype hostFunctionPrototype = new HostFunctionPrototype(
    typeof(float), "FuncWithManyParams", listParameterTypes);

Once the host function prototype is defined, it can be registered with the script manager. The function prototype ensures that a corresponding host function is recognised during compilation and runtime and that the parameters passed alongside correspond in number, type and order to those defined in the function prototype. The following statement registers a host function prototype without a handler:

// register host function

The registration method illustrated above requires handler objects to be attached to every ScriptContext created from a script that uses the host function. A handler may be any class that implements the HostFunctionHandler interface consisting of the method OnHostFunctionCall(...). A good approach is to extend the class that owns the relevant script context. This is illustrated by the following example, which implements host functions for enemy A.I. scripts in a game:

public class Enemy
    : HostFunctionHandler
    // class implementation
    private ScriptContext m_scriptContext

    public Enemy(..., Script script, ...)
        // create script context
        m_scriptContext = new ScriptContext(script);

        // assign self as host function handler
        m_scriptContext.Handler = this;

    // HostFunctionHandler implementation
    public object OnHostFunctionCall(String strFunctionName, 
        List<object> listParameters)
        // handle random number generator
        if (strFunctionName == "GetRandom")
            int iMin = (int)listParameters[0];
            int iMax = (int)listParameters[1];
            return s_random.Next(iMin, iMax);
        // handle enemy movement

        else if (strFunctionName == "Move")
            int iDeltaX = (int)listParameters[0];
            int iDeltaY = (int)listParameters[1];
            Move(iDeltaX, iDeltaY);
        // handle enemy direction

        else if (strFunctionName == "SetDirection")
            Direction = (EntityDirection)(int)listParameters[0];
        // handle enemy direction flag

        else if (strFunctionName == "SetAutomaticDirection")
            AutomaticDirection = (bool)listParameters[0];
        // handle enemy position query

        else if (strFunctionName == "GetPosition")
            AssociativeArray associativeArrayPosition = 
                new AssociativeArray();
            associativeArrayPosition["X"] = this.X;
            associativeArrayPosition["Y"] = this.Y;
            return associativeArrayPosition;
        // handle player position query

        else if (strFunctionName == "GetPlayerPosition")
            AssociativeArray associativeArrayPosition = 
                new AssociativeArray();
            associativeArrayPosition["X"] = m_player.X;
            associativeArrayPosition["Y"] = m_player.Y;
            return associativeArrayPosition;
        // handle enemy fire

        else if (strFunctionName == "CastSpell")
            Image imageSpell = Properties.Resources.EnemySpell;
            int iDamage = m_enemyType == EnemyType.Wizard ? 40 : 20;
            Spell spell = 
                new Spell(m_enemies.Room.Spells, 
                imageSpell, false, iDamage, Direction);
            spell.X = X;
            spell.Y = Y - 30;
            return null;

        return null;

Worth noting in the above example is that no parameter validation is performed, nor is it needed because the validation is performed at compile time.

The ability to define a different handler for every script context allows a host function to have different implementations and / or contexts depending on the script contexts to which respective script handlers are bound. For example, the implementation for a Move(x, y) function within a script might affect the movement of a player character, a non-player character or a projectile.

Alternatively, a host function prototype may be registered with an associated handler directly:

// register global Sine function
HostFunctionPrototype hostFunctionPrototype = new HostFunctionPrototype(
    typeof(float), "Sin", typeof(float));
m_scriptManager.RegisterHostFunction(hostFunctionPrototype, trigHandler);

// register global Cosine function
HostFunctionPrototype hostFunctionPrototype = new HostFunctionPrototype(
    typeof(float), "Cos", typeof(float));
m_scriptManager.RegisterHostFunction(hostFunctionPrototype, trigHandler);

// register global Tangent function
HostFunctionPrototype hostFunctionPrototype = new HostFunctionPrototype(
    typeof(float), "Tan", typeof(float));
m_scriptManager.RegisterHostFunction(hostFunctionPrototype, trigHandler);

This approach allows the association of a common handler that is shared amongst all script contexts created within the same script manager. A typical example is the registration of trigonometric and other common math functions required in many scripts.

Registering Host Modules

Registering shared host functions individually required a substantial amount of setup code. To alleviate this problem, a HostModule interface is provided to allow the registration of multiple host functions in bulk. The implementation of a host module entails defining a method that returns a list of function prototypes implemented by the module, together with a handler method as per the HostFunctionHandler interface. This provides an implementation for the functions. The following illustrates an alternative implementation of the earlier trigonometry functions example:

public class TrigonometryModule
    : HostModule
    // list of functions stored statically for one-off creation
    private static ReadOnlyCollection<hostfunctionprototype /> s_listHostFunctionPrototypes;

    // module constructor
    public TrigonometryModule()
        // if list created, don't do anything else
        if (s_listHostFunctionPrototypes != null) return;
        // create list of function prototypes
        List<hostfunctionprototype /> listHostFunctionPrototypes =
            new List<hostfunctionprototype />();
        HostFunctionPrototype hostFunctionPrototype = null;

        // add Sine prototype to list
        hostFunctionPrototype = 
            new HostFunctionPrototype(typeof(float), "Sin", typeof(float));

        // add Cosine prototype to list
        hostFunctionPrototype = 
            new HostFunctionPrototype(typeof(float), "Cos", typeof(float));

        // add Tangent prototype to list
        hostFunctionPrototype = 
            new HostFunctionPrototype(typeof(float), "Tan", typeof(float));

        s_listHostFunctionPrototypes = 

    // returns list of available functions
    public ReadOnlyCollection<hostfunctionprototype /> HostFunctionPrototypes
        get { return s_listHostFunctionPrototypes; }

    // implements functions
    public object OnHostFunctionCall(String strFunctionName, 
        List<object> listParameters)
        if (strFunctionName == "Sin")
            // implement Sine
            return (float)Math.Sin((float)listParameters[0]);
        else if (strFunctionName == "Cos")
            // implement Cosine
            return (float)Math.Cos((float)listParameters[0]);
        else if (strFunctionName == "Tan")
            // implement Tangent
            return (float)Math.Tan((float)listParameters[0]);

        // unknown function (should not happen)
        throw new ExecutionException(
            "Unimplemented function '" + strFunctionName + "'.");

Host module registration is very similar to individual function registration:

// create module instance
TrigonometryModule trigonometryModule = new TrigonometryModule();

// register module

Host Module plugins for the Conscript IDE

A future article will present a more advanced Conscript demo containing a fully-featured IDE application for the scripting language. The IDE extends the notion of host modules via the implementation of a plug-in system that allows the user to load any .NET assembly into the IDE. The assembly is scanned for all classes implementing the HostModule interface and their host functions are registered automatically.

Error Handling

API usage errors, compilation errors and script runtime errors trigger exception instances of ConscriptException, ParserException and ExecutionException respectively. Each exception may contain inner exceptions at an arbitrary number of levels. The compiler exception ParserException provides additional properties describing the source location and possibly a token where a lexing or parsing error occurred.

Scripting Language Guide

This scripting engine is a natural progression from the much simpler Eezeescript and features a fully fledged C-like language. Each script may consist of a number of global or script variable declarations, followed by a number of function declarations.


Comments may be interspersed throughout a script either in the form of single-line comments denoted by // or by using a multi-line block comment of the form /* ... */.

// this is a single-line comment

/* This is
   a block
   comment */

Global and Script Variable Declarations

Global declarations may be specified multiple times across a number of scripts sharing the same global context. Whenever a global declaration is encountered, the associated variable is initialised in the global scope unless a script variable with the same name is encountered. Script variables, on the other hand, are only accessible to the functions declared in the same script. Variables of either scope are initialised with a null value.

// global variable declaration
global g_world;

// script variable declarations
var s_name, s_surname;

Function Declarations

Function declarations require a function identifier followed by a number of untyped parameter identifiers. A function must return a null reference, a native value or an array value. Functions may invoke other functions, including recursive self-references or registered host functions.

// computes the absolute value of a number
function abs(x)
    if (x >= 0)
        return x;
        return -x;

Statement Blocks

Statement blocks enclose multiple semicolon-delimited statements in an opening and closing brace-pair. Statement blocks define function bodies and are used in control statements.

function main()
// function body
    // arbitrary statement block
        var x = 10;
        x = x * 2;

    if (x < 20)
    // conditional block
        var y = x + 5;

When used in a control statement, a statement block consisting of only one statement may be written without braces:

if (x >= 0)
    // single statement
    return x;
    // single statement
    return -x;


Statements form the core of the Conscript scripting language and can consist either of an empty statement, denoted by a semicolon, a local variable declaration, an expression, a control construct, a concurrency control construct or a thread invocation. In addition, a statement may itself be a statement block enclosed by braces, allowing for arbitrary nesting of statement blocks.


Because of the C-like nature of the scripting language, expressions encompass a variety of constructs. These include arithmetic, logical and relational expressions, variable assignments and function calls. Expressions may consist of an arbitrary mix of operands and operators and follow operator priority rules similar to C. The default operator order may be overridden using parentheses. Expressions can appear as standalone statements, as an array element reference or as an argument to a function call. Assignments are also treated as expressions whose value is equal to the right-hand side of the assignment. Conversely, the return value of a standalone expression is lost.

// simple assignment
count = rows * columns + 2;
x = 4.5
name = "joe";
found = true;
list = {};                            // empty list

fullname = name + " " + surname;

// array element assignment
list[index + 1] = "Desk";
dictionary["orange"] = 15;
matrix[row][column] = 1.0;

// member assignment = 15;               
// equivalent to: dictionary["orange"] = 15;
address.fullname.surname = "Smith";

// combined assignment operators
count += 5;
list += {"Chair", "Sofa"};
x -= delta;

// standalone non-assignment expressions
(1 + 2) * (3 + 4);
Print("Hello World!");

// function calls
root = sqrt(x);
sortedList = sort(list);

// complex expressions
x1 = - (b + sqrt(b * b - 4 * a * c)) / (2 * a);
wet = raining && noUmbrella || plumbingProblem;
inRange = x >= lower && x <= upper;

A script may call either script-defined functions or natively defined .NET code registered as host functions. All host functions referenced by a script must be registered prior to attempting compilation.

Local Variable Declarations

Local variables are defined in a similar manner to script variables and their scope is limited to the function body in which they are defined. Local declarations may, however, include an initial assignment expression based on function calls, literals and previously defined variables. If an assignment is omitted, a null value is assigned by default.

// declare three variables with a null value
var x, y, z;

// declare and initialise two variables
var name = "Joe", surname = "Smith";

// declare two variables but initialise only the second
var count, found = true;

// equivalent declarations
var list;
var list = null;

Conditional Statements

Conscript provides two conditional statements: the if-then-else block and the switch block. The if-then-else block is essentially identical to its C-language equivalent. Unlike C and other C-style languages, the switch block allows comparisons on any type of variable and requires the use of statement blocks instead of the "break" keyword to define the case conditions.

// 'if' condition without an 'else' clause
if (count > MAX)
    count = MAX;

// 'if' condition with an 'else' clause
if (x >=a && x <= b)
    x = (a + b) / 2;
    inRange = true;
    inRange = false;

// switch statement example
switch (item.Type)
    // health item
    case "health":
    { += 10;
        if ( > MAX_HEALTH)

    // weapon upgrade
    case "weapon":
        player.weapon += 1;

    // poison or mine
    case "poison":
    case "mine": = 0;

    // unknown item type
        return UNKNOWN_ITEM_TYPE;

Iterative Statements

The scripting language provides three looping constructs: "while" loops, "for" loops and "for-each" loops. The syntax of "while" and "for" loops is very similar to the C syntax. The "for-each" syntax borrows from managed languages that support a similar construct and may be used elements of an array or characters of a string variable.

// while loop
while (!found)
    // loop code goes here...
    found = true;

// for loop
for (var index = 0; index < list.size; index++)
    sum += list[index];

// for-each loop
foreach (key, value in dictionary)
    Print(key + ": " + value);

// for-each loop (key only)
foreach (key in dictionary)
    Print(key + ": " + dictionary[key]);

All looping constructs support the "break" and "continue" keywords to respectively exit the loop or skip to the next iteration.

// process indices 4-7 only
for (var index = 0; index < 10; index++)
    // skip if less than 4
    if (index < 4) continue;

    // exit loop if greater than 7
    if (index > 7) break;

    // do something with index here...


Depending on the execution mode in use by the scripting engine, a script may retain execution control for substantial periods of time, potentially impacting the host application. A "yield" statement may be used to trigger an interrupt, causing the scripting engine to relinquish control back to the host application.

// process running in parallel with host
for (var index = 0; index < 100000; index++)
    // do processing here...

    // yield control every hundred cycles
    if (index % 100 == 0)

Multi-threading is possible either by executing multiple script contexts through the scripting engine API or by asynchronous execution of script-defined functions using the "thread" keyword. This invocation method causes the invoked function to execute in parallel with the main execution thread of the script.

// semaphore variable
var finished;

// function to run in a separate thread
function RunProcess(processId)
    // do stuff
    for (var index = 0; index < 100; index++)
        Print("Process " + processId + ": " + index);

    // count one finished process

function main()
    // initialise semaphore
    finished = 0;

    // invoke two threads
    thread RunProcess(1);
    thread RunProcess(2);

    // wait until both threads are complete
    while (finished < 2)

Concurrency Control

Conscript supports a wait-notify concurrency mechanism and a critical-section mechanism via a locking construct.

// lock constant

// array representing queue
var queue;

// queueing process
function enqueue()
    // initialise queue element
    var value= 0;

    // loop indefinitely
        // lock queue for modification
        lock QUEUE_LOCK
            // add element and display status
            queue += value;
            Print("Queued: " + value);

// dequeueing process
function dequeue()
    // loop indefinitely
        // lock queue for modification
        lock QUEUE_LOCK
            // iterate over queue to get first element
            var index, value;
            foreach (index, value in queue)
                // remove first element from queue
                queue -= value;
                Print("Dequeued: " + value);

                // exit immediately after first element

// main function
function main()
    // initialise lock constant and queue
    QUEUE_LOCK = "queue_lock";
    queue = {};

    // spawn queueing and dequeueing threads
    thread enqueue();
    thread dequeue();

    // loop indefinitely to allow threads to execute
    while(true) yield;

Modular Coding

Conscript provides a simple code inclusion mechanism similar to the #include pre-processor directive provided in C and C++.

//-- common script --------------------

function InitialiseConstants()
    UP    = 0;
    DOWN  = 1;
    LEFT  = 2;
    RIGHT = 3;

//-- specialised script ---------------

// include common script
include "common.cns";

function SetDirection(direction)
    switch (direction)
        case UP    : { ... }
        case DOWN  : { ... }
        case LEFT  : { ... }
        case RIGHT : { ... }

Points of Interest

Designing an instruction set for a virtual machine architecture that accommodates a higher level language, rather than the other way round, offers several advantages. These include the ability to include complex instructions, variant-type memory addressing and registers. This approach offers a further advantage: complex instructions reduce the overall size of the script executables, meaning that the VM can execute the instructions more quickly while the bulk of processing is performed "natively" within the VM.

Related Articles

  • EezeeScript: A simple embeddable scripting language for .NET
  • Dungeon of Despair: A scripted demo game using Conscript
  • Conscript IDE: An Integrated Development Environment (IDE) implementation for the Conscript scripting language.


  • 12/Jun/2007 - First version released


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