This product is designed for Dress Cleaners in order to completely computerize their system. Using this product one can store and retrieve information about daily orders that comes, info about daily or monthly or yearly expenditures. Info about employees, their salaries etc. In short, complete solution for Dress Cleaners.
About GUI
The software has a very attractive and user friendly GUI. The picture u are seeing above is the picture of main window of the software that appears when the software is started. As the mouse rolls over the button, a slider moves out giving brief explanation about the button as shown the above figure. LED simulated buttons have been implemented throughout the project as is visible in the figure below. When the mouse rolls over such button it changes color.
System Analysis
The system can be divided into following portions.
Employees Info
Daily/Monthly Expenditures
P Report
3D Bar Graph Performance Report
In this portion of the system information about the customer and about the cloth they submit for cleaning are entered here. Each order is assigned a unique order number. Receipt can also be generated by clicking Report button. The following window will be visible when the user clicks the Customer button on the main window.

Using this portion of the system one can find
All the Orders submitted on any specific Date.
All the Orders submitted by any specific Person.
All the Orders having any specific Delivery Date.
and many more...These can be found by clicking the Criteria button as depicted above.
EmployeesInformation about each employee can be entered or queried in this portion of the system. Each employee is assigned a specific ID. This portion of the system can be accessed by clicking Employee button on the main window.
Window relating this portion of the system has the same GUI as shown in above picture. Using this portion of the system one can find
Information about employee having specific ID.
All employees having salaries equal to Rs. 2000/-
All employees living in Lahore.
All the employees who have taken their salaries this month.
and many more. One can also get printable reports about all the employees or any specific one etc.
ExpendituresMonthly expenditures like Utility bills, Maintenance, Materials: printer, hangers, plastic, etc are entered in this portion of the system. Using this portion of the system one can find
Expenditures done on any specific month or year.
All expenditures having Net value equal to Rs.10,000.
and many more. Printable reports are also available.
P ReportCompany's performance report can be get by entering two dates between which performance is required. In this way one get monthly performance report at the end of month and yearly report also at the end of year.

Print out of this graph can be get by clicking the print button.
PasswordTotal security is provided in this system. To log on the system one has to provide the password. Once entered in the system, one can change the password by clicking the Password button provided on the main window.