Idea: Functionality of windows explorer wrapped up as a control. User can browse through all the folders in the computer including network folders and select the path.
The Long story, while working on a photo editing software i frequently needed to test different images from different folders. i have to call an open dialog then browse for the folder and then select the file. 4 clicks well not too much but if you have to test 10 images in the same folder same process have to be repeated for all of them, more if you have 10 images in different folders well 10 X 4 clicks, i call it Multiple Mouse Clicks For Single Operation (MMCFSO). Explains why the whole software world relates reducing MMCFSO with the ease of use.
MMCFSO is not just needed for a imaging application. Where ever you have to select multiple files from multiple destinations you need this. So i think an effort to create a windows explorer user control is worth it. Here is the result.
To hold your interest, here is how the ExplorerTree control looks like.
A UserControl is an object which can display and accept information from a user. It usually fulfills a specific functions of input or output. What is our ExplorerTree control going to do ?
1. Display a treeview of all the folders like Windows Explorer
2. It will take user input as mouse click and expand the folder
3. Output will be the path of the current selection
The target was to create a user friendly control which simulates windows explorer with the following
- Rich functionality: It should be rich in functionality and have all the capabilities of a windows explorer
- Browse all possible folders my documents, desktop, network neighbourhood etc
- Go, up, back, next features like Windows explorer
- Enable /disable the folders he wants to see aka My Documents/ My Network/My Favorites etc
- Nice user interface: It should look professional and neat
- Reusability: The feature should work as a control user can drop it in any form and have a readymade functionality of a windows explorer.
- Extensibility: User should be able to add shortcut to frequently used folders
Without any furthur ado, lets jump into how each of these targets are met.
Customizable Toolbar and addressbar
- Create the explorer like tree-view for all the folders
- Add shortcut to frequently used folders , this is also to extend the feature of ExplorerTree
- The "Go" button, "Go Back", "Go Forward" and "Go Up" are self explainatory and simulates the Windows Explorer functions
- Refresh will re-create the explorer tree
- Home will set the current directory to the executable path of ExplorerTree
- Selected Path is the current selection by the user and also the output of the ExplorerTree control
- ShowMyDocuments
- ShowMyFavorites
- ShowMyNetwork
- PathChangedEvent is fired when ever the path of the ExplorerTree is changed
The Code behind : explore my computer
string [] drives = Environment.GetLogicalDrives();
foreach(string drive in drives)
nodeDrive = new TreeNode();
nodeDrive.Tag = drive;
nodeDrive.Text = drive ;
case 2:
nodeDrive.ImageIndex = 17;
nodeDrive.SelectedImageIndex = 17;
case 3:
nodeDrive.ImageIndex = 0;
nodeDrive.SelectedImageIndex = 0;
case 4:
nodeDrive.ImageIndex = 8;
nodeDrive.SelectedImageIndex = 8;
case 5:
nodeDrive.ImageIndex = 7;
nodeDrive.SelectedImageIndex = 7;
nodeDrive.ImageIndex = 0;
nodeDrive.SelectedImageIndex = 0;
if (Directory.Exists (drive))
foreach(string dir in Directory.GetDirectories(drive))
dir2 = dir;
node = new TreeNode();
node.Tag = dir;
node.Text = dir.Substring(dir.LastIndexOf(@"\") + 1);
node.ImageIndex = 1;
The Code behind : explore my folders
if (ShowMyDocuments)
nodemd = new TreeNode();
nodemd.Tag = Environment.GetFolderPath(
nodemd.Text = "My Documents";
nodemd.ImageIndex = 9;
nodemd.SelectedImageIndex = 9;
if (ShowMyNetwork)
nodemyN = new TreeNode();
nodemyN.Tag = "My Network Places";
nodemyN.Text = "My Network Places";
nodemyN.ImageIndex = 13;
nodemyN.SelectedImageIndex = 13;
nodeEN = new TreeNode();
nodeEN.Tag = "Entire Network";
nodeEN.Text = "Entire Network";
nodeEN.ImageIndex = 14;
nodeEN.SelectedImageIndex = 14;
nodeNN = new TreeNode();
nodeNN.Tag = "Network Node";
nodeNN.Text = "Network Node";
nodeNN.ImageIndex = 15;
nodeNN.SelectedImageIndex = 15;
if (ShowMyFavorites)
nodemf = new TreeNode();
nodemf.Tag = Environment.GetFolderPath(
nodemf.Text = "My Favorites";
nodemf.ImageIndex = 26;
nodemf.SelectedImageIndex = 26;
The Go Back and Go Forward buttons are handled using a listview as shown below, the selected is the current path and go back will just move the cursor to one up and go next to one down.
The Code behind : Go Back and Go Forward
private void UpdateListGoBack()
if ((listView1.Items.Count >0)&&
int i=0;
for (i = 0;i< listView1.Items.Count;i++)
if (String.Compare(listView1.Items[i].SubItems[1].Text,"Selected")==0)
if (i != 0)
listView1.Items[i - 1].SubItems[1].Text = "Selected";
txtPath.Text =listView1.Items[i - 1].Text;
if (i != 0)
listView1.Items[i].SubItems[1].Text = " -/- ";
private void UpdateListGoFwd()
if ((listView1.Items.Count >0) &&
listView1.Items[listView1.Items.Count -1 ].SubItems[1].Text,
int i=0;
for (i = listView1.Items.Count-1;i >= 0;i--)
if (String.Compare(listView1.Items[i].SubItems[1].Text,"Selected")==0)
if (i != listView1.Items.Count)
listView1.Items[i + 1].SubItems[1].Text = "Selected";
txtPath.Text =listView1.Items[i + 1].Text;
if (i != listView1.Items.Count-1)
listView1.Items[i].SubItems[1].Text = " -/- ";
Update list function : Go Back and Go Forward
private void updateList(string f)
int i=0;
ListViewItem listviewitem;
int icount =0;
icount = listView1.Items.Count + 1;
if (listView1.Items.Count> 0)
if (String.Compare(listView1.Items[listView1.Items.Count-1].Text, f)==0)
for (i = 0;i < listView1.Items.Count;i++)
listView1.Items[i].SubItems[1].Text = " -/- ";
listviewitem = new ListViewItem(f);
listviewitem.Tag = f;
catch(Exception e)
Explore Network Places
When i started porting one of my old existing Visual Basic Server enumeration function for the network places i came across a brilliant article by Rob Manderson here , He had ported successfully NETRESOURCE class in c sharp. I have used his class to furthur get all the different kinds of network resources and shared folders in the systematic way, how Windows explorer does it. His article actually helped me to do what i wanted to do without worrying about the enumeration process.
ServerEnum servers = new ServerEnum(ResourceScope.RESOURCE_GLOBALNET,
foreach (string s1 in servers)
string s2="";
if((s1.Length <6)||(String.Compare(s1.Substring(s1.Length-6,6),"-share")!=0))
s2 = s1;
nodeNN = new TreeNode();
nodeNN.Tag = s2;
nodeNN.Text = s2.Substring(2) ;
nodeNN.ImageIndex = 12;
nodeNN.SelectedImageIndex = 12;
foreach (string s1node in servers)
if (s1node.Length >6)
if (s2.Length <=s1node.Length )
if (String.Compare(s1node.Substring(0,
s2.Length+1),s2 + @"\")==0)
nodeNNode = new TreeNode();
nodeNNode.Tag = s1node.Substring(0,s1node.Length -6);
nodeNNode.Text =
s1node.Substring(s2.Length+1,s1node.Length -s2.Length-7) ;
nodeNNode.ImageIndex = 28;
nodeNNode.SelectedImageIndex = 28;
Enumerate network servers
This function basically creates the tree nodes of the network places, and decides which all network resources are the domains and which all the shared folders under that domain.
private void EnumerateServers(NETRESOURCE pRsrc,
ResourceScope scope, ResourceType type,
ResourceUsage usage, ResourceDisplayType displayType,
string kPath)
uint bufferSize = 16384;
IntPtr buffer = Marshal.AllocHGlobal((int) bufferSize);
IntPtr handle = IntPtr.Zero;
ErrorCodes result;
uint cEntries = 1;
bool serverenum = false;
result = WNetOpenEnum(scope, type, usage, pRsrc, out handle);
if (result == ErrorCodes.NO_ERROR)
result = WNetEnumResource(handle, ref cEntries, buffer,
ref bufferSize);
if ((result == ErrorCodes.NO_ERROR))
Marshal.PtrToStructure(buffer, pRsrc);
if ((pRsrc.dwDisplayType==displayType) ||
(pRsrc.dwDisplayType == ResourceDisplayType.RESOURCEDISPLAYTYPE_DOMAIN))
aData.Add(pRsrc.lpRemoteName + "-" + pRsrc.dwDisplayType );
if ((pRsrc.dwUsage&ResourceUsage.RESOURCEUSAGE_CONTAINER ) ==
if ((pRsrc.dwDisplayType== displayType))
EnumerateServers(pRsrc, scope, type, usage, displayType,kPath);
if (pRsrc.dwDisplayType == displayType)
EnumerateServers(pRsrc, scope,type, usage, displayType,kPath);
serverenum = true;
if (!serverenum)
if (pRsrc.dwDisplayType ==
aData.Add(pRsrc.lpRemoteName + "-share");
serverenum =false;
"Microsoft Windows Network")==0))
EnumerateServers(pRsrc, scope, type, usage, displayType,kPath);
else if (result != ErrorCodes.ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS)
} while (result != ErrorCodes.ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS);
Marshal.FreeHGlobal((IntPtr) buffer);
User Interface
About the user interface how to give it a professional touch. First thing is to create an icon for the control which will be displayed in the toolbox as shown below
Add a 16 x 16 gif image tree.gif here in the project and change its property BUILD ACTION = Embedded Resource and add the following
"tree.gif"),DefaultEvent("PathChanged") ]
public class ExplorerTree : System.Windows.Forms.UserControl
Any user control created in .Net is reusable in the sense that , once you compile it as a dll file , you can add it in the toolbox as shown in the figure below , and that control can be used with VisualBasic.Net or C# or any other .net interoperable language
You can create as many instances of the user control as shown below
4 ExplorerTree control with different properties, can you SPOT the difference
Now the most important part, How to extend our user control , one way which i thought would be useful is to add shortcut to frequently used folders, so you don't have to go through the whole tree structure. the most common example is the way "My Documents" is handled by Windows Explorer, though "My documents" actually resides in "C:\Documents and Settings\Username\My Documents" but the windows explorer gives us a shortcut to go there directly. So keeping this in mind , i have extended the ExplorerTree so that user can add/remove shortcuts to frequently used folders as shown below
The Code behind : Add shortcuts for frequently used folders
private void AddFolderNode(string name, string path)
TreeNode nodemyC = new TreeNode();
nodemyC.Tag = path;
nodemyC.Text = name;
nodemyC.ImageIndex = 18;
nodemyC.SelectedImageIndex = 18;
if (Directory.Exists (path))
foreach(string dir in Directory.GetDirectories(path))
TreeNode node = new TreeNode();
node.Tag = dir;
node.Text = dir.Substring(dir.LastIndexOf(@"\") + 1);
node.ImageIndex = 1;
catch(Exception ex)
MessageBox.Show ("Error while Filling the Explorer:" +
ex.Message );
catch(Exception e)
MessageBox.Show (e.Message);
In Action: ExplorerTree control in a Test application
With Visual Basic FileListBox
Thanks to Rob Manderson for his article on porting the NetResource class in C sharp here and also all those authors who have contributed for code project whose ideas knowingly or unknowingly, directly or indirectly have influenced me to write this article.
Article History
- June 25, 2006: First published.
- July 20, 2006: Bug fixed as mentioned by Lyle M, thanks
- August 11, 2006: Bug fixes mentioned by Doncp and pcxp, thanks
- August 11, 2006: Features added for customizable interface, without toolbar amd addressbar
- Dec 14, 2006: Fixed and updated with all the requested features (see comments below) thanks to psxp, evan stein and otopia and BigfootIndy2k6 for there comments
- Mar 15, 2007: Fixed the bug mentioned by scorpion_pgm82
And thanks
For coming so far! I hope you find this useful, and give me a vote/comment if you do and take care.