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Destination Flicker Board Custom Control

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8 Nov 2010 2  
Creating a custom control when inheriting ItemsControl doesn't fit the requirement
Screenshot of the a destination flicker board


This article looks at creating a Silverlight custom control when inheriting ItemsControl does not fit the requirement. The control displays a number of items determined by the dimensions of the control, not the number of items in the data source.


When I first started creating this control, I inherited from ItemsControl but quickly realised that the ItemsControl was not going to behave in a manner I desired. I also realised that overriding some of the ItemsControl methods/properties wasn't going to work either. So I was forced to create, what is essentially an ItemsControl without the inheritance.

Using the Code

Using the control is like any other Silverlight ItemsControl. It has ItemsSource and DisplayMemberPath properties used to bind data to the control. If the ItemSource implements INotifyPropertyChanged, the control will flicker through characters when a value is changed. The control also has a UpdateRow method that can be used when the control is not bound.

Points of Interest

Creating your own custom ItemsControl, which does not inherit from ItemsControl, is not as hard as you may think. The two dependency properties you must implement are:

ItemSource Dependency Property

public static DependencyProperty ItemsSourceProperty = 
    DependencyProperty.Register("ItemsSource", typeof(IEnumerable), typeof(FlickerBoard), 
    new PropertyMetadata(new PropertyChangedCallback(OnItemsSourceChanged)));

public IEnumerable ItemsSource
		return (IEnumerable)base.GetValue(ItemsSourceProperty);

		if (value != ItemsSource) base.SetValue(ItemsSourceProperty, value);

private static void OnItemsSourceChanged
	(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
	FlickerBoard table = d as FlickerBoard;

DisplayMemberPath Dependency Property

public static DependencyProperty DisplayMemberPathProperty = 
DependencyProperty.Register("DisplayMemberPath", typeof(string),
typeof(FlickerBoard), null);

public string DisplayMemberPath
		return (string)base.GetValue(DisplayMemberPathProperty);

		if (value != DisplayMemberPath) 
			base.SetValue(DisplayMemberPathProperty, value);

You may wish it implements other ItemsControl methods and properties but the ItemsSource and DisplayMemberPath properties are all that is required to successfully bind to an Enumerable data source.

However there is more to it than just creating the binding. The UIElements that display the individual items also need to be bound. Once again, you will need a DisplayMemberPath property and also an Item property to maintain a reference to the item being represented. As you will see in the following snippet, you will also need to determine if the item implements INotifyPropertyChanged.

public object Item
		return base.GetValue(ItemProperty);

		if (value != Item)
			var newValue = value as INotifyPropertyChanged;
			var oldValue = Item as INotifyPropertyChanged;
			if (oldValue != null)
			    oldValue.PropertyChanged -= 
			    new PropertyChangedEventHandler(Item_PropertyChanged);

			base.SetValue(ItemProperty, value);

			if (newValue != null)
			    newValue.PropertyChanged += 
			    new PropertyChangedEventHandler(Item_PropertyChanged);

void Item_PropertyChanged(object sender, PropertyChangedEventArgs e)

Add some reflection to get the DisplayMemberPath value:

System.Reflection.PropertyInfo pi = Item.GetType().GetProperty(DisplayMemberPath); 

And there you have it, the nuts and bolts of creating your own ItemsControl custom control. In most cases, you will not need to go to this effort to implement an ItemsControl. This approach is only required when items in the control need to “pad” out the display within the control.


  • 8th November, 2010: Initial version


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