This project originated from my efforts to obtain efficient GPIB control in an environment where some devices are slow to respond and usually create a bottleneck in the data flow. The solution proposed in this software consists in using as much as possible the asynchronous operations where a different thread for each device is used so that the write/read operation sequences for different devices become automatically interleaved. This works quite well as I could easily obtain relatively high reading rates (e.g., an average of 2-3 reading/second/device for 10 devices, i.e., a total of 20-30 operations/second) even in configurations where a few devices are very slow (e.g., 2-3 seconds response time). Asynchronous operations are queued which makes programming very simple. However, standard synchronous (blocking) operations are allowed too, and the code can safely and transparently handle concurrent use of both synchronous and asynchronous commands.
As the software has been made sufficiently general to adapt it to various Gpib libraries, it could eventually also be adapted to other interfaces such as the Visa library and the serial port. Visa is especially interesting as it enables controlling instruments via USB (for devices compliant with the USB-TMC protocol) or TCP/IP (LXI standard) without the need to develop specific drivers. Of course, it would be great if someone could develop an implementation for these protocols not relying on Visa.
The software needs third-party drivers (except for the serial port) to be installed to operate.
Following the object-oriented philosophy, all interfaces are represented as classes derived from an abstract
class representing a generic device, and the low-level interface-dependent operations are implemented as virtual methods so that the interfaces can be used "polymorphically": except when instances of various devices are created, the code does not need to know which interface is being used for each of them. This approach also makes easy to add new interfaces or to tweak the provided implementations by creating child classes overriding methods that need to be modified.
All files and projects are written for WindowsForms applications and come in two versions: C# and VB.NET.
All projects were created under VS2008 (also have been tested under SharpDevelop v4.3).
Projects and Files Included
The projects IODevices
and IODevices_withNINET
construct a library (NET assembly "IODevices.dll") which defines a generic (abstract
) class IODevice
and its implementations (inherited classes) for various interfaces (see section "IODevices
assembly and implementations" for more details on each of these classes and the required drivers). The interfaces are:
- for NI boards GPIBDevice_ADLink
- for ADLink boards GPIBDevice_gpib488
- for Keithley, MCC and older NI boards VisaDevice
- generic interface (GPIB,USB etc.) via Visa SerialDevice
- for serial ports
The library also defines two forms to display status and error messages.
You have to add a reference to this assembly in your project to use it, see test projects. (Alternatively, you may just copy the necessary files directly to your project - but then the application will get access to all "internal" fields and methods - not very safe in principle!).
The class GPIBDevice_NINET
refers to the National Instruments' .NET assemblies to access the Gpib driver (see details in the class description, these are not included here because of copyright) and any project including this file will not compile without them, therefore I made two projects:
- project
: without GPIBDevice_NINET
- project
: including GPIBDevice_NINET
The name of the resulting NET assembly is "IODevices.dll" for both, therefore you will need to force VS to rebuild the library when switching from one version to the other.
Other implementations use Windows DLLs only ("plain C" DLL libraries provided by various board vendors) so that the project IODevices
will always compile whether or not the interfaces are installed on the system, if a necessary DLL is not present an error will only occur if a corresponding class is instantiated. Note that Gpib boards from NI can also be accessed via Visa interface which usually is also installed with them, so the GPIBDevice_NINET
interface class may not be needed.
The projects testIODevice
and testIODevice-withNINET
are demos showing how to use the basic functions of the library. You may choose two devices (e.g., one fast and one slow) and see how it works sending commands to both at the same time.
The test projects contain a reference to the assembly "IODevices.dll" therefore the test and library projects are interdependent (it is practical to put them in the same solution if you want to examine how the code in the IODevices
assembly works).
All these projects are also contained in two "solutions":
each containing both a library and a test project.
Background: Gpib Communication Issues
NI references:
Let us examine a simple approach where Gpib devices are addressed sequentially:
- send command to device 1
- wait for response from device 1
- send command to device 2
- wait for response from device 2
- send command to device 3
- wait for response from device 3
This scheme has several potential shortcomings:
- if waiting for a response from device is achieved via low-level gpib functions, then:
- the application freezes during wait if low-level gpib functions (“receive”) are called on the main (GUI) thread. This problem can be solved using a different thread for gpib operations (asynchronous operations)
- the GPIB bus is locked during low-level interface calls therefore even using threading the sequence is not efficient because other devices have to wait too, unless we shorten as much as possible the “waiting for response” time inside “receive” functions, which are waiting for response with the gpib bus locked. This can be achieved either using polling or setting very short timeout values and repeating reading on timeout, so that the bus is not locked most of the time.
- The sequential querying will take time which causes problem if we need to periodically scan many devices. The time needed to get the response is not only function of the size of data to transfer, usually the slowest response is expected for commands that trigger a measurement, such as the commonly used "
" command of DMMs. For DMMs, the delay depends on the resolution of the measurement and getting a response can easily take a couple of seconds which is often the main source of bottleneck on the gpib. Of course, there are software solutions using device-specific configurations (trigger commands or auto-trigger mode if available, etc.) however such an approach requires more programming effort and is more difficult to be made generic (typically, an application has to handle a number of similar devices selected from a device pool each time a new experiment is configured). Therefore, it is better if a generic yet efficient approach may be found.
Here, some constraints are specific for gpib where all devices share a common bus but others hold for all interfaces. In particular, the danger of locking the bus during relatively long periods of time is specific for gpib which, unlike Ethernet or USB, does not use a packed-switched protocol.
Both the delays and the time intervals when the gpib bus is unavailable can be minimized using (a) interleaving of command/response sequences and (b) polling. Command interleaving can be obtained automatically if each device has a dedicated thread for asynchronous operations, as explained below.
GPIB is a bus where the controller (PC) decides when each device is allowed to send data therefore the GPIB "write" and "read" operations can be interleaved, leading effectively to a parallel query of several devices at a time:
- send command to device 1
- send command to device 2
- send command to device 3
- wait for response from device 1
- wait for response from device 2
- wait for response from device 3
Then at the time, we receive a response from device 1, the devices 2 and 3 might be ready too to send data therefore there is no additional performance penalty due to devices 2 and 3.
The interleaving of the write/read sequences can be achieved automatically in a way totally transparent to the calling program if each device uses a different thread to perform gpib operations. The scheme implementing this will be:
: send command to device 1; wait for response from device 1 thread2
: send command to device 2; wait for response from device 2 thread3
: send command to device 3; wait for response from device 3
Here each thread will proceed as soon as the gpib bus is available. There is the remaining problem of blocking the bus while waiting for a device to respond. This is most efficiently solved using the "poll" feature of GPIB: test if a device is ready to send data before inviting it to talk. So finally the most efficient scheme is:
: send command to device 1; periodically poll it for "data ready" status; get response from device 1 thread2
: send command to device 2; periodically poll it for "data ready" status; get response from device 2 thread3
: send command to device 3; periodically poll it for "data ready" status; get response from device 3
If a device does not support polling, then it may be good to replace it by a constant delay (during which the respective thread is sent to sleep) between the write and read operations so as to shorten the "wait for response" time during which the bus is unavailable to other devices. Also, it is good to set a short timeout at the interface level and repeat reading after a delay if timeout occurs.
The purpose of this library implementing this scheme is to provide an out-of-the-box solution for creating such efficient code with minimum programming effort, all thread manipulating is transparent to the user code. Actually, my own purpose was to easily adapt some existing applications that were using classical sequential approach with as few changes in the code as possible.
The IODevice
class is intended to be adapted to any low level GPIB interface and therefore all low-level operations are defined as abstract
(VB: MustOverride
) methods. The project provides implementations (derived classes) of this abstract
class for several GPIB interfaces (see file list above and reference below). Also, the abstract
methods are sufficiently general to allow constructing implementations for other interfaces such as Visa and the serial port (hence the initial name “GpibDevice
” eventually became “IODevice
”). It should be quite easy to create implementations for other hardware.
Note that the standard GPIB libraries also provide a sort of asynchronous operations, however somewhat limited, for example, it is said in the NI reference manual:
"The asynchronous I/O calls (BeginRead and BeginWrite) are designed so that applications can perform other non-GPIB operations while the I/O is in progress. Once the asynchronous I/O has begun, further NI-488.2 calls are strictly limited. Any calls that interfere with the I/O in progress are not allowed and return an exception."
This means that no queuing is performed (these functions merely provide a mean to avoid blocking the calling thread during the delays when the bus is blocked waiting for the device to respond), anyway such limitation is not compatible with the parallel querying scheme described above (it also adds a lot of programming overhead compared to simple synchronous calls) and makes these features not very helpful for our purpose. Note that, on the other hand, the GPIB "Notify
" callback feature does not suffer from such limitations and can be implemented resulting in a more powerful and more flexible asynchronous reading scheme, as explained later.
The code proposed here provides a somewhat higher abstraction level since asynchronous tasks are queued (see below) so that the calling program does not have to care about the moment a command is allowed to be sent: here all asynchronous calls are allowed at all times. However, we can decide if a call is necessary inspecting the queue content with PendingTasks
Note that queuing messages resulting from asynchronous write/read operations is possible in NI Visa (cf. viWriteAsync
, viReadAsync
functions). However, here the philosophy is different because the whole queries (write/read sequences, including commands) are queued for each device, so that the program does not have to wait until an asynchronous read operation completes before sending other commands to the same device*. This makes the asynchronous programming extremely simple and allows an automatic “retry on error” feature. If the “retry
” flag is set then, in case of error, the function will clear the device and repeat the whole write/read sequence until success or abort by user.
*Actually, I don’t have enough experience with Visa to tell if it can handle a query queue (but in all examples, the program waits for write event before proceeding with read) so correct me if I am wrong. On the other hand, some lower-level protocols like HiSLIP implement query queuing.
Quoted from:
"Serial polling is a method of obtaining specific information from GPIB devices when they request service. When you conduct a serial poll, the Controller queries each device looking for the one that asserted SRQ. The device responds to the poll by returning the value of its Status Byte. Device-dependent conditions, such as the presence of available data or an error condition, determine this value. ANSI/IEEE Standard 488.1-1987 specifies only one bit in the Status Byte, Bit 6, which is TRUE if the device requests service. The other bits in the Status Byte are left to the instrument manufacturer to define. IEEE 488.1-compatible instruments have bits that determine if an instrument error has occurred or if the device is conducting a self-test. These bit definitions are not consistent among instrument vendors and the method for determining the cause of a service request varies with each device.
ANSI/IEEE Standard 488.2-1987 solves this problem by defining certain service request conditions so that one model describes the Status Byte for all compliant devices. Bit 6, the device Request Service (RQS) bit, maintains the IEEE 488.1 definition. If Bit 6 is set, then the device requested service. The IEEE 488.2 standard defines Bits 4 and 5; instrument manufacturers define the remaining bits (0 through 3 and 7). Bit 4 is the Message Available (MAV) bit. This bit is set if the device has been previously queried for data and the device has a pending data message to send.
The polling option is enabled setting the enablepoll
field to true
(default). It should be enabled if the device is compatible with the 488.2 standard. Then the serial poll is used to see if a device is ready to send data by examining its Status Byte, in this way the gpib bus is not locked most of the time when waiting for a device to respond. This is especially important when the query command also acts as a software trigger of a new measurement (standard behavior for DMMs).
This library only uses the MAV (Message Available) bit of the status byte defined in the standard as explained above.
Most devices comply to 488.2, but not all e.g., some Lakeshore temperature controllers define their own meaning for all the status byte bits. If you see a "poll timeout" error appearing, then it is probably the case and you should set the appropriate status byte mask MAVmask
or disable polling. Alternatively, it is possible to write a derived class overriding the virtual method “pollMAV
” : this method also returns the whole status byte so that it is easy to write a modified implementation where the status byte is interpreted differently (see example in the section about implementations). If polling is not available then, as said above, we should set a short timeout at the interface level (the reading will anyway be repeated automatically on timeout, this is explained later) so to not to block the bus for long periods of time.
Asynchronous Interface Callbacks
In a scheme based solely on polling the effective response time of a device has a minimum granularity defined by the polling frequency. For time-critical applications, we can increase this frequency but this will also increase inefficient traffic on the bus (and may even cause errors if delays between subsequent polls are very short). On the other hand, a low-level driver can have access to hardware interrupts and thus knows immediately about all signals appearing on the bus. Various interfaces provide means of asynchronous signalling of events which can make polling more efficient. In GPIB, we can configure selected devices to pull the Service Request (SRQ) GPIB line when they are ready to send data and configure the driver to fire an asynchronous callback each time SRQ is detected ( The protocols USBTMC, VXI11 and HiSLIP also implement asynchronous service requests, using out-of-band signalling. Likewise, the serial port can be configured to raise an event each time new data arrives.
The class IODevice
provides a very simple (optional) feature that can be used with asynchronous callbacks from the driver and which seamlessly integrates with the polling scheme described above: the waiting for read after write or for next polling/reading trial can be asynchronously interrupted by another thread calling the device's method "WakeUp"
. Two delays are concerned: delay between write and read (delayread
) and the delay between subsequent read/poll trials (delayrereadontimeout
). This method can be called from any thread and is intended to be used in a callback function called by a low-level driver (i.e., unsynchronized callbacks can be used).
In the current project version, this technique is implemented in all classes except GPIBDevice_gpib488
where the driver does not provide support for it: the classes GPIBDevice_NINET
, GPIBDevice_ADLink
and VisaDevice
offer an optional possibility to set up the GPIB "Notify
" callback or its equivalent in other protocols supported by Visa, and the class SerialDevice
uses it by default, implementing a handler of the DataReceived
event of the SerialPort
See the description of the class IODevice
for more details on the implementation and use of this feature.
Using the Code: IODevice Class Reference
I/O Functions
There are two types of I/O functions:
- "
" functions are intended for commands where no response is expected from device - "
" functions write a command and read response
Both use the same code and architecture built around the IOQuery
class, in the code the term “query
” is used for both (the “type
” field in the IOquery
class distinguishing between the two versions).
N.B. There is no separate “read
” operation as this would be incompatible with the “retry
” feature (note that VISA defines three sorts of functions: write, query and read).
The "read
" operation alone would only be required in the case of "talk only" devices, I don't know any but if such operation is needed, if a query method is called with command set to empty string then it will not call the “send
” operation, it is therefore equivalent to a “read” alone.
The I/O functions don't throw any exceptions. External exceptions in the library functions or in the user callback functions can be catched or not (see "catchinterfaceexceptions
" and "catchcallbackexceptions
" flags). Note however that the class constructors can throw exceptions (this is to avoid creating ill-defined objects, catching constructor exceptions should be done outside the constructor), see descriptions of different classes below.
Each type of command is provided in two versions (see reference below for the syntax of each command):
- blocking commands:
, QueryBlocking
are immediately executed on the calling thread (usually GUI thread), the method waits until it gets a response from the interface.
Here “blocking” means that the call will not return until the response is received, however the bus is not blocked during the whole query, therefore other queries can be conducted in parallel, exactly as for “async” commands. Of course, for each device, only one blocking command is allowed at a time.
- asynchronous commands:
, QueryAsync
: here, queries are queued and the queue is processed on a different thread (producer-consumer model). The call appends the query to the queue and returns immediately. When the query is completed, the user "callback" function is called.
For SendAsync
, specifying a callback is not mandatory so that sending commands can be done in a true “fire and forget” manner.
Each device has its own queue and runs its own dedicated thread processing queries from the queue. In this manner, the asynchronous commands to a device are processed sequentially but commands to different devices can be processed in parallel, as explained above.
The idea of using both types of queries is that often the mainstream sequence (e.g., needing complex sequence for device configuration, arming, acquiring, etc., where the commands to send may sometimes depend on the data received so it is simpler and natural to use synchronous calls rather than to chain asynchronous callbacks) runs in parallel with some annex tasks repeated at constant intervals to update the status of the experiment (e.g., reading temperature every second). For these tasks, we usually use timers, and such tasks are much more efficient with asynchronous queries, using the available bus bandwidth and time slots.
Even without timers, there is a benefit in using the asynchronous commands to initiate simultaneous queries. Then the method, "WaitAsync
", can be used for synchronization between the asynchronous command queue and the main thread: this method waits until queries initiated before the call are completed (N.B. not until the queue is empty - this may never happen if other asynchronous queries are also issued in timers). For example:
As explained in the introduction, this sequence will in general, perform better than an equivalent sequence of two blocking queries.
It is perfectly legal to call another asynchronous query from within a callback function. This offers a possibility to chain asynchronous operations (and a circular chain will generate a loop of asynchronous operations). Suppose you need to implement a sequence where after device 1 is queried, its query result is used to select/format another query on device 2. This whole sequence can be implemented asynchronously if the query on the second device will be called from the callback function handling the query of device 1. Such an approach based on chaining asynchronous tasks via callbacks bears some resemblance to the way Labview works: in Labview, the program flow control (scheduling of different tasks such as reading instruments and processing) is entirely based on the data flow e.g., a data received from an instrument is used as an event trigger for the next node of the code diagram.
One can mix blocking and asynchronous commands even on the same device, then a blocking command should in principle be processed as soon as the current asynchronous operation (if any) completes or when it is waiting for retry (however there is no guarantee as for the exact timing which is decided by the OS task scheduler).
Common arguments:
string cmd
: command string bool retry
: if set to true
, the whole query will be repeated on error (until success or abort by user) bool cbwait
: if set to true
, the async thread will wait until the callback function completes before processing remaining queries in the queue (this is the default behavior for short versions where this argument is absent). May be set to false
, e,g., if a callback function starts a long processing and there is no need to wait, however in this case, the callback function has either to block event processing or to be reentrant (can be called again before it returns). Note also that with this setting the class' "catching callback exceptions" feature (catchcallbackexceptions
flag set to true
) will not work, if you want to understand why I recommend this excellent series of articles. int tag
: an additional field passed on to the query variable, may be used to distinguish between queries if the same callback function is used to process different queries.
Blocking Commands
1) SendBlocking
public int SendBlocking(string cmd, bool retry)
Public Function SendBlocking(ByVal cmd As String, ByVal retry As Boolean) As Integer
2) QueryBlocking
public int QueryBlocking(string cmd, out IOQuery q, bool retry)
public int QueryBlocking(string cmd, out string resp, bool retry)
public int QueryBlocking(string cmd, out byte[] resparr, bool retry)
Public Function QueryBlocking(ByVal cmd As String, ByRef q As IOQuery, _
ByVal retry As Boolean) As Integer
Public Function QueryBlocking(ByVal cmd As String, ByRef resp As String, _
ByVal retry As Boolean) As Integer
Public Function QueryBlocking(ByVal cmd As String, ByRef resparr As Byte(), _
ByVal retry As Boolean) As Integer
In the first syntax, the variable q
contains the full information on the query (status, data, timings), the other two are simpler versions giving directly the result either as a string (resp
) or a byte array (resparr
). In case of error (return value different from 0
), q
will contain the error code and message, however the data fields (ResponseAsString
, ResponseAsByteArray
) will be null
references (VB: Nothing
), as well as the corresponding variables resp
and resparr
in the two other versions.
Return value: same as q.status
if ok or error code), otherwise -1
if blocking call on this device is already in progress (may happen if events allowed), -2
if device is disposing.
Asynchronous Commands: SendAsync and QueryAsync
Most of these methods use an argument of type IOCallback
to define the callback function (in NET terminology a callback function is equivalent to an event handler, except that here, the handler delegate is specified individually for each query for more flexibility). The signature of this function is given by the declaration:
VB : Public Delegate Sub IOCallback(ByVal q As IOQuery)
C#: public delegate void IOCallback(IOQuery q);
Here, the variable q
will contain the status and data relative to the operation, the rules are the same as for the blocking calls, i.e., the data fields are null
references if an error occurred.
Note that, even though the callback is initiated from a different thread, the callback function will be executed on the main (GUI) thread (this is to allow updating GUI components within the callback function), in other words, the asynchronous thread sends a message to the main thread to call the function ("synchronized callback"). Therefore, the callback function will not be called until processing messages by the GUI thread is allowed.
The return value for all versions of SendAsync
and QueryAsync
methods is: 0
if ok, -1
if the queue is full (for each device the maximum queue length is defined by the field maxtasks
, default is 50
), -2
if device is disposing.
public int SendAsync(string cmd, bool retry)
public int SendAsync(string cmd, IOCallback callback, bool retry, bool cbwait, int tag)
Public Function SendAsync(ByVal cmd As String, ByVal retry As Boolean)
Public Function SendAsync(ByVal cmd As String, ByVal callback As IOCallback, _
ByVal retry As Boolean, ByVal cbwait As Boolean, ByVal tag As Integer) As Integer
In the complete version (probably rarely needed), the callback function will be called to signal the status of the operation (however, there will be no valid data in the IOquery
variable passed to it). This version enables however the calling program to break the “retry” loop calling the AbortRetry()
method of the IOQuery
QueryAsync with Callback
When the function completes (or when there is an error), it will call the callback function passing the result in a IOQuery
variable. The callback function has to check the status field of the received IOQuery
variable to check if there is a valid data there (if status is not 0
, then ResponseAsString
and ResponseAsByteArray
will be null
public int QueryAsync(string cmd, IOCallback callback, bool retry)
public int QueryAsync(string cmd, IOCallback callback, bool retry, bool cbwait, int tag)
Public Function QueryAsync(ByVal cmd As String, ByVal callback As IOCallback, _
ByVal retry As Boolean) As Integer
Public Function QueryAsync(ByVal cmd As String, ByVal callback As IOCallback, _
ByVal retry As Boolean, ByVal cbwait As Boolean, ByVal tag As Integer) As Integer
N.B.: The producer/consumer asynchronous model usually either uses events and callbacks like here, or simply stacks asynchronous results in an output queue supplied by the user code. The latter scheme where instead of firing events, the query results are queued up for later retrieval (e.g., like event queues in Visa) can be easily implemented defining a callback like:
public Queue<IOQuery> myresults;
public void queuecallback(IOQuery q){myresults.Enqueue(q);}
QueryAsync with TextBox
This is a "light" version where, instead of calling a callback function, the result is put (if no error occurs) in a TextBox
variable (its Text
property). This version does not return any error information (except in the message window, if enabled).
public int QueryAsync(string cmd, TextBox text, bool retry)
public int QueryAsync(string cmd, TextBox text, bool retry, int tag)
Public Function QueryAsync(ByVal cmd As String, ByVal text As TextBox, _
ByVal retry As Boolean) As Integer
Public Function QueryAsync(ByVal cmd As String, ByVal text As TextBox, _
ByVal retry As Boolean, ByVal tag As Integer) As Integer
Other Methods of IODevice Class
Instance public
public bool IsBlocking();
public int PendingTasks();
public int PendingTasks(string cmd);
public int PendingTasks(int tag)
public void WaitAsync();
public void AbortAllTasks();
public void Dispose();
VB (see C# code comments above)
Public Function IsBlocking() As Boolean
Public Function PendingTasks() As Integer
Public Function PendingTasks(ByVal cmd As String) As Integer
Public Function PendingTasks(ByVal tag As Integer) As Integer
Public Sub WaitAsync()
Public Sub AbortAllTasks()
Public Sub Dispose()
Static (VB shared) methods
public static void ShowDevices()
public static IODevice DeviceByName(string name)
public static void DisposeAll()
Public Shared Sub ShowDevices()
Public Shared Function DeviceByName(ByVal name As String) As IODevice
Public Shared Sub DisposeAll()
public int maxtasks;
public string devname, devaddr;
public static string statusmsg;
public int delayread;
public int delayrereadontimeout;
public int delayop;
public int readtimeout;
public int delayretry;
public bool checkEOI;
public bool enablepoll;
public byte MAVmask = 16;
public bool stripcrlf;
public bool eventsallowed;
public bool showmessages;
public volatile IOQuery lastasyncquery;
public bool catchinterfaceexceptions;
public bool catchcallbackexceptions;
public bool callbackonretry;
The internal methods and properties to use in implementations are listed in the section "Writing Implementations".
Devices List Window
Opens when calling the static
method IODevices.ShowDevices()
, looks like this example:

By default, ShowDevices()
, will be called at startup (in the static
constructor of IODevices)
, if you find it annoying, you can set the constant showdevicesonstartup
to false
Error Message Window

When "showmessages
" field is set to true
(default), this form opens when an error occurs. The form is not modal and is for information only: the program continues the same way whether the form is displayed or not. However, it allows you to easily abort a "retry". When an error is corrected after a successful retry, then the form will close itself. In the example above, it signals that a device is not connected and that the query will be repeated, once it is connected, the message will disappear. If you close the window and the error persists, then the message will pupup again, minimize the window instead of closing it if you find it annoying.
Note that all the information displayed in this window is also contained in the IOQuery
variable (except, obviously, for callback exceptions), it is therefore easy to implement your own messaging.
IOQuery Class Public Members
public string cmd;
public int tag;
public string ResponseAsString;
public byte[] ResponseAsByteArray;
public int status;
public int errcode;
public string errmsg;
public DateTime timecall;
public DateTime timestart;
public DateTime timeend;
public int type;
public IODevice device ;
public void AbortRetry();
public void AbortAll();
VB (see C# code comments above):
Public cmd As String
Public tag As Integer
Public ReadOnly Property ResponseAsString() As String
Public ReadOnly Property ResponseAsByteArray() As Byte()
Public status As Integer
Public errcode As Integer
Public errmsg As String
Public timecall As DateTime
Public timestart As DateTime
Public timeend As DateTime
Public type As Integer
Public ReadOnly Property device() As IODevice
Public Sub AbortRetry()
Public Sub AbortAll()
IODevices Assembly and Implementations
The assembly defines two namespaces: IODevices
and IODeviceForms
. The latter is used internally to access forms displaying the device list and error messages and does not need to be imported in the application.
The IODevices
namespace which should be imported to the application defines the following classes:
class IOQuery
As explained above:
class IODevice
Is an abstract
(VB: MustInherit
) class from which various kinds of real devices are derived as child classes. Contains the main code and public
methods but refers to four abstract
methods to address the low level interface (see explanation in the code under “abstract
methods” comment if you want to implement other interfaces).
Following the object-oriented philosophy, every device derives from IODevice
which contains all public
methods, whereas the low level interface is accessed via private virtual
methods, in this way, the child classes can be used polymorphically: except when the instance of a device is created (or when an implementation-specific non-virtual method has to be invoked), the code does not need to know which interface is used (see sample code in the “testIODevice
” project).
The implementations of this abstract
class given here provide a basic configuration (but succesfully tested with various devices). Again, following the object-oriented philosophy, it is easier to write a derived class for each specific configuration than to make a class which would take into account all available options. For example, all GPIB classes use the standard "EOI" signal to detect the end of message (see description of buffersize parameter below). If your device cannot set EOI but instead uses a specific character to terminate messages (e.g."\n"), you can write a child class which redefines the constructor to set the device options accordingly (alternatively, it may also override the "ReceiveByteArray
" method, see section about writing new implementations).
The constructor of each of these classes will throw an exception if the device initialization fails. This is to prevent creating ill-defined objects, catching constructor exceptions should be done outside the constructor.
Enabling asynchronous Notify callbacks for GPIB and Visa:
In the first versions, this was done via properties EnableNotify
defined only in two derived classes. Now (since February 2018), the main class defines a virtual boolean property EnableNotify
) so that it can also be used polymorphically for all classes where it is implemented, to allow writing a more generic code. In the default base-class implementation trying to set this property to true
will raise a NotSupportedException
. These changes obviously don't break the backward-compatibility with any existing code using this property. In the current version, the property is implemented (overridden) in GPIBDevice_NINET
, GPIBDevice_ADLink
and VisaDevice
, in these classes setting this property to true
will enable the board's "Notify
" callback to be activated on SRQ and subscribe to the notify event for the device. Each callback on SRQ will then call the device's WakeUp()
method as explained before.
To enable setting SRQ when the MAV bit is set, you need to enable the appropriate bit in the Service Request Enable Register of your instrument. Usually, it is the bit 4 and it will be set sending the command "*SRE 16" to the device (note that you can also add other flags to wakeup on, eg. OPC, error, etc.). There is an example of function doing all these configuration steps in the test Form
public void setnotify(IODevice dev)
dev.EnableNotify = true;
if (dev.SendBlocking("*SRE 16",true)==0);
dev.delayread = 1000;
dev.delayrereadontimeout = 1000;
catch (Exception ex)
MessageBox.Show( "cannot set EnableNotify for device " +
dev.devname + CrLf + ex.Message);
field vs. interface timeout setting considerations:
The low-level drivers have a "timeout
" parameter which defines the maximum amount of time the driver will wait for an operation to be completed, otherwise, it will abort it. For the "receive" operation this time includes both the waiting for the device to be ready and the time needed to transfer the data. If polling is used (enablepoll=true
) then the "receive
" operation is never called before the device is ready, therefore the timeout should only be greater then the data transfer time but the exact setting is not critical (the default value of 3s should be ok for most cases). However, for devices where polling is not available and is disabled, it may be necessary to tune the interface timeout so that the "receive" operation does not block the interface for a long time. When the interface timeout is signalled, the IODevice
class will automatically repeat the reading (the definitive timeout condition is signalled only when the cumulative timeout delay readtimeout
elapses, see query sequence) so that the interface timeout can be set relatively short (but long enough compared to the expected data transfer time to not to risk interrupting the transfer). For example, if we need to wait about 1s to read a short string
(data transfer time below 100 microseconds), we can safely set, e.g., delayread=1000
and the interface timeout to 100-300ms.
The method to set the interface timeout for GPIB/Visa is implementation dependent (via properties NIDevice
, IOTimeoutCode
, IOTimeout
, depending on the subclass).
There is no need for such property in the SerialDevice
implementation because the interface timeout has a very different meaning here: for a serial port the "receive" operation does not really involve a data transfer (receiving is handled by the driver continuously in the background and a call to the driver function only invokes a memory copy from an internal input buffer). Therefore, the serial port driver timeout can be fixed to an arbitrarily short value without risk of data corruption.
flag and buffersize:
For all GPIB classes, if the "buffersize
" constructor parameter is not specified in the constructor, it will be set to 32k by default (the implementations also provide a property Buffersize
determines the maximum amount of data (in bytes) that can be read in a single call to a library "receive
" function.
By default, GPIB uses the signal "EOI" set with the last transferred data byte to tell the receiver that all data has been read: if EOI is not set, it means that all data could not be transferred, most often because it could not fit within the provided buffer size, and that reading should be repeated to get the next part of it. If the field checkEOI
is set to true
(default), then each time EOI is not set after a read, the class will automatically repeat reading and append the data to the input buffer. Of course, reading in small chunks will incur a big performance penalty (the device has to be readdressed each time), so it is in general better to set the buffer to the maximum expected data length*. Maybe, in cases when a very big amount of data is to be read, one could prefer to limit the buffer size so as to split readings in several parts in order to free the bus in between, so to make it more often available for other devices.
*apparently, it can also happen that a bugged device firmware exhibits an undefined behavior when the receiving buffer is too small.
The current version provides the following implementations:
class GPIBDevice_NINET
This uses the native .NET library for NI Gpib, uses as reference the following .NET assemblies from NI: NationalInstrumentsCommon
, NationalInstruments.NI4882
(these are installed with the NI GPIB driver). It was intensively tested with the GPIB-USB-HS+ board from NI. The assembly will not compile if these files are not found (and were not included here because of copyright), therefore, a version of the project where this class is not included is also provided. Note that in many cases, we won't necessary need this library: usually the NI software for GPIB will also install Visa.
Class constructors:
public GPIBDevice_NINET(string name, string addr)
public GPIBDevice_NINET(string name, string addr, int buffersize)
Sub New(ByVal name As String, ByVal addr As String)
Sub New(ByVal name As String, ByVal addr As String, ByVal buffersize As Integer)
is the name given to the device and displayed in the DevicesForm
is the GPIB address and can have the following forms:
"n" device n at board n°0 e.g. "1"
"b:n" device n at board n° b e.g. "0:1"
"GPIBb::n::INSTR" (Visa format) device n at board n° b e.g. "GPIB0::1::INSTR"
The class implements the virtual property EnableNotify
as described above (default=false
). Setting this property to true
will enable the board's "Notify
" callback to be activated on SRQ and subscribe to the notify
event for the device. Each callback on SRQ will then call the device's WakeUp()
The NI library provides two versions of the callback: at board level and at device level (the latter being the most common in the provided examples). As there is only a single SRQ line, device-level callbacks need the driver's "automatic polling" feature to be enabled: then each time SRQ is set, the driver will automatically poll all devices to find its source.
This code uses only the board-level callback and therefore does not need the autopolling to be enabled, this is because calling Wakeup
will proceed to poll anyway (when polling is enabled; however note that you can use EnableNotify
even for devices with polling disabled: then calling Wakeup
will result in trying to read data immediately). The class keeps a list of all devices for which EnableNotify
was set. Since only one callback function can be defined for a board, each SRQ request will call WakeUp
methods of all devices having subscribed. Of course, if used for many devices on the same board, it may become less efficient and even cause driver errors - typically, it should be used for selected devices for which it is essential to get data as soon as it is ready.
In the first release, I was complaining that the Notify
feature was sometimes not working properly, depending on the hardware configuration. I found since that the problems were related to the behavior of the NI driver's automatic polling feature (activated by default) which apparently tries to poll all devices whether or not they subscribed to device-level callbacks (btw. the autopolling feature has to be used with caution, see e.g.,, section 7.13). In this code, the autopolling has been disabled (in the static
class constructor), in this way, Notify
will work well even in configurations where SRQ-enabled instruments share the bus with devices which are not poll-aware and would be expected to impair the operation of the autopoller.
The class adds the following fields:
public NationalInstruments.NI4882.Device NIDevice;
public NationalInstruments.NI4882.Board NIBoard;
These can be used to tweak the device/board configuration, e.g., change the interface timeout value for a device.
class GPIBDevice_gpib488
This uses the Windows DLL library "gpib488.dll" provided with Measurement&Computing or Keithley boards and also some older NI boards. This DLL is usually provided in both 32bit and 64bit versions (with the same name but in different Windows directories). The class has been tested with the KUSB-488A board from Keithley. I don't have a MCC board but the signatures of all the gpib488.dll functions are exactly the same for both (let me know if there are problems). For older NI boards, there is an equivalent library named "NI4882.dll" that I have tested too, it works in principle but seems a bit flaky with some devices, using Visa is apparently more reliable. The name of the DLL is defined by the string
constant "_GPIBDll
" so it is easy to change it in the code. However, for NI, I noticed that many provided GPIB examples for C/C++ programming use rather Visa interface instead of these older DLLs so this is probably the way to go if you don't want to use the NINET interface.
The Notify
feature is not available in this library therefore EnableNotify
is not implemented here.
The constructor parameters are the same as for GPIBDevice_NINET
The class adds a property:
public int IOTimeoutCode
which sets/gets the interface timeout for the device (codes defined in the DLL manual are reported in the class as constants).
class GPIBDevice_ADLink
This uses the Windows DLL "gpib-32.dll" provided with ADLink boards.
Was intensively tested with the USB-3488A board from ADLink.
As far as I know, this DLL is only provided in 32bit version (as its name suggests).
N.B.: This DLL has the same name as the one installed by NI software or older MCC software. It may be wiser to rename this file before installing it in the Windows directory (Windows/SysWow64 on 64 bit systems) and then change the string
constant “_GPIBDll
” in the code.
The constructor parameters are the same as for GPIBDevice_NINET
Note: In the first version, the class was using the driver calls provided in the ADLink
library import module for C#. These are not all compatible with the "standard" calls found in other "gpib-32
" DLLs, however all standard routines exist there as can be found using a DLL browser. Starting from the version of May 2017, I made some modifications (transparent to the class users though) so that only standard calls are used. Therefore, this class should also be compatible with NI drivers (so the class could rather be called "GPIBDevice_gpib-32
" but I did not want to change the name), note however that error messages are less complete here than those returned by the NI NET library. Also, the code of this class is very similar to the one of GPIBDevice_gpib488
except for the Notify
feature and some tiny differences in the driver functions signatures.
The class adds a property IOTimeoutCode
working like the one of GPIBDevice_gpib488
is now available for this class. It has been implemented in a way similar to GPIBDevice_NINET
: only the board callback is used and autopolling is disabled, the class maintaining a list of subscribers to the Notify
service (see description of GPIBDevice_NINET
for more details).
Bug fixed in version of May 2018: The C# interface class provided by ADLink
has a bug (that I had reproduced in both C# and VB versions) resulting from an incorrect transcription of the original C header specifying the DLL functions signatures (the type "long
" is usually an Int32
in C, but in C# "long
" means Int64
). Luckily, this bug was not harmful for the data passed to the DLL and it could even go unnoticed in NET Framework ver. 3.5 (VS2008) because the interop marshaller fixes the stack (, however under NET 4.0 and higher (VS2010 and later), the default marshaller is more strict and the bug would trigger a 'PInvokeStackImbalance
' error.
class VisaDevice
Uses Windows DLL “Visa32.dll”. It is provided in both 32bit and 64bit versions (with the same name, to force using the 64 bit version “Visa64.dll”, you may change the constant “_VisaDll
” in the code).
N.B.: In 32bit Windows DLLs are in Windows/system32 but in 64bit Windows, 32bit DLLs are in Windows/SysWow64 and 64bit DLLs are in Windows/system32.
National Instruments' Visa library provides a generic interface that can be used to access various physical interfaces (Gpib, serial, USB, TCP/IP, etc.). There is an equivalent library by Keysight (formerly Agilent), in principle, both NI and Keysight versions are binary compatible (both may be downloaded from their respective websites). Visa implements various protocols developed for instrumentation like USBTMC (over USB), VXI-11 and HiSLIP (over TCP/IP). These protocols mimic the behavior of GPIB in many aspects as they were intended to replace it. We find there the equivalents of polling the status register, out-of-band signalling for service request messages, etc. The VXI-11 and HiSLIP protocols are part of the LXI standard (Lan eXtension for Instrumentation), which defines protocols for controlling instruments via TCP/IP.
In principle, the basic read/write functions are the same for all interfaces handled by Visa however each of them may need a specific configuration (options – called “attributes” in Visa, error handling, etc.). The VisaDevice
class provides a basic Visa configuration, you may need to create derived classes to tweak it for a specific configuration. It was successfully tested with GPIB (using GPIB-USB-HS+ board from NI), USB and TCP/IP (for USB, I have tested it with both NI and Keysight Visa DLL's). For GPIB, a small advantage of VisaDevice
over the class GPIBDevice_NINET
is that it does not require any external assemblies from NI (the needed version of these may depend on the compiler, .NET version, etc.).
The "Notify
" feature is now available for Visa. The class' property EnableNotify
works exactly like in the class GPIBDevice_NINET
can be used for GPIB with NI drivers (then you don't need to install the NI Net assemblies), then there are small differences compared to GPIBDevice_NINET
- NINET allows to create a device even if it is not connected to the system while in Visa, this will cause an error (actually the error occurs when trying to clear the device on startup, this may be disabled in the code setting the constant
in VisaDevice
to false
) - In
, only a few common errors give full-text messages, for other errors, only the hexadecimal error code is reported (I was just too lazy to code all possible messages) - Visa only provides device-level callbacks, for NI GPIB, these rely on "autopolling", therefore for some hardware configuration
may encounter problems that I previously had with GPIBDevice_NINET
(see the GPIBDevice_NINET
class description above).
For USB, the device has to be compatible with the "Test and Measurement Class" (USB-TMC) protocol (to be precise, the full GPIB emulation is only provided in the subclass USBTMC-USB488, see e.g., When after connecting it, the device is detected as a "Test and Measurement Device", then it can be used immediately. If the driver is not present, then see for instructions to create one.
For VXI-11 and HiSLIP, it may be convenient to use the NI MAX utility to setup the LAN parameters.
The constructor parameters are the same as for GPIBDevice_NINET
. However, here the format for the address parameter must be compatible with Visa specifications:
for Gpib: GPIB[board]::address::INSTR
for USB: USB[board]::manufacturer ID::model code::serial number::INSTR
for TCPIP: TCPIP[board]::IP address[::LAN device name]::INSTR
This class also adds methods to set and get Visa attributes (here limited to most common attribute types: int
, uint
) as well as a property to get
the interface timeout for the device:
public uint SetAttribute(uint attribute, int attrState)
public uint SetAttribute(uint attribute, uint attrState)
public uint GetAttribute(uint attribute, out int attrState)
public uint GetAttribute(uint attribute, out uint attrState)
public int IOTimeout
Public Function SetAttribute(ByVal attribute As UInteger, _
ByVal attrState As Integer) As UInteger
Public Function SetAttribute(ByVal attribute As UInteger, _
ByVal attrState As UInteger) As UInteger
Public Function GetAttribute(ByVal attribute As UInteger, _
ByRef attrState As Integer) As UInteger
Public Function GetAttribute(ByVal attribute As UInteger, _
ByRef attrState As UInteger) As UInteger
Public Property IOTimeout() As UInteger
class SerialDevice
Although Visa can be used to access serial ports, it was simple (also more useful and efficient since it does not need Visa resources) to write an implementation using the standard SerialPort
class provided in NET.
public SerialDevice(string name, string addr)
public SerialDevice(string name, string addr, string termstr, int buffersize)
Sub New(ByVal name As String, ByVal addr As String)
Sub New(ByVal name As String, ByVal addr As String, _
ByVal termstr As String, ByVal buffersize As Integer)
is the "NewLine
" string
address format:
COMport,baud,parity,databits,stopbits [,newline]
newline can be CR ("\r"),LF ("\n") or CRLF ("\r\n") (for other values, use the second version of the constructor).
For example:
If "termstr
" is defined in the constructor, then it will take over the value set in "addr
There is no polling feature for serial port, therefore for this interface 1) the polling function sets the MAV status to true as soon as the input buffer is not empty; 2) the serial port timeout is set to very short value (few ms) so that blocking commands do not freeze the GUI when waiting for a line to be completed (here reading will almost always be repeated more than once).
Like for the other classes, the current version uses an asynchronous signalling, here the property controlling it is EnableDataReceivedEvent
and is set to true
by default in the class constructor. When enabled, it defines a handler for the SerialPort
class' DataReceivedEvent
, the handler calls WakeUp()
to immediately interrupt any waiting delay. Note that this event it is different from Notify
in GPIB and Visa: the event is not to signal that the data is ready, it rather occurs whenever a new data packet arrives to the port (however, the NET SerialPort
class does not guarantee it will be called on each character therefore default delays are set short in case the end-of-line character is missed). Unlike GPIB where all devices share a single SRQ line, each serial port has its own handler, therefore it does not need to make lots of unnecessary polls to determine the source of the event.
With this feature, the SerialDevice
class will provide response as soon as it is completed, in both blocking and asynchronous queries. In principle, there is no reason to disable this default behavior - maybe except when you are expecting an extremely long response and want to avoid events to be fired every few incoming characters or so.
Note that unlike protocols like GPIB, USBTMC or LXI which are defined to make things uniform, the serial port does not have any standard protocol for messages, therefore it is not possible to make a plug-and-play class (like Visa) working for all serial connections. The SerialDevice
class implements a simple line-oriented protocol: each message terminates with the same special end-of-line character and there is one response message for each query. However, if your device uses something different - such as either fixed length messages with no termination or some weird syntax where both terminated and fixed-length messages are mixed or where responses can use different termination characters depending on command - then it will be necessary to make a derived class overriding the method "ReceiveByteArray
". In case, this method needs to know what the command sent was to determine how to format the response, I have added a property currentactivequery
which may be used to access this information.
I have tested the class with a Prolific USB-serial converter (with four com ports).
If you have problems when using more than one port at the same time, then it might have something to do with the virtual port driver and threading, read "query sequence and lock levels" in the last section.
Writing Implementations
It is easy to create derived classes to create new implementations or to tweak existing implementations for a specific configuration. There are four abstract
methods to define (override):
protected abstract int ClearDevice(ref int errcode, ref string errmsg);
protected abstract int Send(string cmd, ref int errcode, ref string errmsg);
protected abstract int PollMAV(ref bool mav, ref byte statusbyte,
ref int errcode, ref string errmsg);
protected abstract int ReceiveByteArray(ref byte[] arr, ref bool EOI,
ref int errcode, ref string errmsg);
protected abstract void DisposeDevice();
Protected MustOverride Function ClearDevice_
(ByRef errcode As Integer, ByRef errmsg As String) As Integer
Protected MustOverride Function Send(ByVal cmd As String, _
ByRef errcode As Integer, ByRef errmsg As String) As Integer
Protected MustOverride Function PollMAV(ByRef mav As Boolean, _
ByRef statusbyte As Byte, ByRef errcode As Integer, _
ByRef errmsg As String) As Integer
Protected MustOverride Function ReceiveByteArray(ByRef arr As Byte(), _
ByRef EOI As Boolean, ByRef errcode As Integer, _
ByRef errmsg As String) As Integer
Protected MustOverride Sub DisposeDevice()
See explanations in the code of IODevice
class under the comment "interface abstract
methods that have to be defined" for the meaning of parameters and return values.
The class IODevice
also defines a few protected
methods and properties that can/should be called in derived classes:
protected void AddToList();
protected void WakeUp();
protected IOQuery currentactivequery
Protected Sub WakeUp()
Protected Sub AddToList()
Protected ReadOnly Property currentactivequery() As IOQuery
Example: If your device does not comply with the 488.2 standard on the meaning of the status byte bits, in the simplest case, you only need change the class' variable MAVmask
(default=16 for the poll status in bit n°5), if however, the status is coded in a more complicated way, then you may need to re-interpret this byte to get the "message available" status, something like this:
public class MyDevice : GPIBDevice_NINET
public MyDevice(string name, string addr) : base(name, addr) { }
protected override int PollMAV(ref bool mav, ref byte statusbyte,
ref int errcode, ref string errmsg)
int pollresult = base.PollMAV(ref mav, ref statusbyte, ref errcode, ref errmsg);
if (pollresult == 0) { mav = ...;}
return pollresult;
Some Technical Details: Query Sequence and Lock Levels
The access to devices is protected via a two-level lock mechanism: bus (interface) lock and device lock.
In order to prevent deadlocks, all locks are released at the time the user callback is invoked - therefore in principle, there are no restrictions on what you can do inside a callback function.
The philosophy of device/interface locking is as follows. Device lock ensures that there will be no interference between query sequences issued by different threads, i.e., a between a blocking and an asynchronous query on the same device. Interface lock ensures that among all devices sharing the same lock object only one at a time can issue a low-level driver call (of course, this will not suppress parallel querying via the same interface as write/read sequences will still be interleaved). Note that locking the GPIB interface is not necessary for modern Gpib libraries that are said to be thread-safe (e.g., NI NET and Visa library, I did not check for the others). However there might be an advantage of adding this additional lock level, especially for an interface like GPIB where many devices share the same bus: here both bus and device locking is made via “Monitor.TryEnter
” repeated in a loop, this to prevent freezing GUI in blocking calls when the bus or device is not available immediately (and especially if polling is disabled).
In order for the bus locking to be flexible, the respective lock object is selected from an array whose index is in the variable
protected int interfacelockid;
This variable has to be set by the child class constructor and the allowed values of the index are 0..99. If interfacelockid
is set to a negative value then no interface locking is performed.
The idea here is that if we have two different interfaces that can be used concurently they can use different lock objects so that locking will not degrade performance.
For gpib, if there is only one board, then interface locking will not slow down the system since all devices share the same bus anyway (and can bring the benefit of a more responsive GUI in blocking calls as explained above). However, if there are several boards accessed by the same driver then if the driver is thread-safe, it is better to allow different boards to be accessed simultaneously from different threads, this is achieved setting different interfacelockid
values for each board. If a driver is not thread-safe, then we have to use the same interfacelockid
for all boards/devices using this driver.
For USB and TCP/IP via Visa and for the serial port, the situation is a bit different since there is no common bus, here sharing the same lock for several devices may slow down the data transfer. Visa is thread-safe therefore it is safe to access the driver without locks. The SerialPort
class instance members are not quite thread-safe but since in this code, we never have two threads talking to the same COM port at the same time the serial interface locking can be disabled too. One caveat though: it has been reported that some USB-serial converter dongles have buggy virtual com port drivers (, if problems arise, it may be necessary to define a common interfacelockid
value for all devices talking to the same virtual com port driver (NB. I have tested the SerialDevice
class with several devices attached via a Prolific USB-serial converter, with interface locking disabled, so far I did not detect any problems).
In this code, the default settings for interfacelockid
follow this general philosophy:
interfacelockid=board number (assumed thread-safe)
-GPIB via VisaDevice
interfacelockid=10+board number (assumed thread-safe, I supposed here that the same GPIB board will not be accessed via both Visa and NINET classes in the same application, otherwise it is better to set it to the same value as NINET)
- GPIBDevice_ADLink
: interfacelockid=20 (assumed not thread-safe)
- GPIBDevice_gpib488
: interfacelockid=21 (assumed not thread-safe)
- USB and TCP/IP via VisaDevice
: interfacelockid=-1 (assumed thread-safe)
- SerialDevice
: interfacelockid=-1 (assumed thread-safe)
Of course, these settings can be easy modified in the respective class constructors.
Query Sequence
The query sequence is the same for blocking/async commands, the only difference is that 1) they are executed on different threads 2) for blocking commands executed on the main thread, processing application events is allowed in waiting loops to not to freeze the GUI (this may be disabled setting eventsallowed
= false
Here it is:
- lock device
- check if a minimum delay ("
") elapsed since last operation, otherwise wait until the condition is true
(delay cannot be interrupted) - send command (bus locked during send)
- wait a delay “
” (can be interrupted from another thread calling WakeUp()
) - if send ok and response expected:
- if any
function returned error: clear device, if showmessages
flag set then show message - unlock device
- for async threads, if user callback function defined: send message to the GUI thread to call it (if
flag set, then wait until the callback returns) - if error and
enabled: wait a delay delayretry
(cannot be interrupted), then repeat the whole query process unless aborted by user
Here, the interface is locked during each I/O operation but not between write and read, however the device is locked during the whole query. Therefore, when a thread is waiting for response from a device other async threads can send commands to their respective devices. Interleaving is obtained automatically.
Also, for the same reason, interleaving is possible for blocking calls if “eventsallowed
” flag is set (default): this flag enables processing application events during delay and wait loops in blocking calls: if there are blocking calls in timers, then timer events can be processed between write and read (this is disabled if eventsallowed
is set to false, then however the GUI may freeze during blocking calls!).
It must be precise here that the device lock, which is based on interthread synchronisation, does not prevent a simultaneous querying of the same device by different processes (e.g., if a C# application runs in parallel with a Labview program). For such situations, some GPIB drivers provide their own lock instructions ensuring an interprocess synchronization, these however are not used in the current version.
See "test" projects included
26th January, 2017
13th February, 2017
- C# version: corrected an address format problem in VisaDevice.cs (by mistake, I had included a version which tried to format it for GPIB like the other classes, now the formatting has been removed so it will work correctly for all Visa address formats like USB, etc.)
- Minor updates in other files
10th April, 2017
Added a possibility of asynchronous callback from the driver, for time-critical applications. See section Asynchronous interface callbacks, the query sequence and the description of modified implementations: GPIBDevice_NINET
, SerialDevice
update method improved - Minor modification in
, see class description - Minor updates in test forms
24th May, 2017
- Asynchronous callbacks on device service request are now implemented for
, see class description for details - Class
: driver configuration modified (autopolling disabled) so that asynchronous callbacks are more reliable (see class description) - Minor updates in the main class
(slight changes in error messages; rearming for asynchronous callback when command sent; in C# version some parameters changed from "ref
" to "out
") - Test forms adapted to changes
27th February, 2018
- Many small corrections and updates, e.g., some inconsistencies in error handling/messages corrected, finalizer implemented in the main class, mask for the MAV bit,
as virtual property, properties for interface timeout setting (N.B. but all classes are backward-compatible with any code written for the previous version) - Updates in the article
- Notify implemented for
- Default settings modified for
- Test forms adapted to changes
23rd May, 2018
- Class
: Fixed a bug in some DLL signatures causing interop marshaller errors under NET 4.0 and higher (see class description) - Minor updates in the article