The Visual C++ development system provides a repository for reusable code components, the Component Gallery. Using those Components we can reuse the Splash Screen Code. Lot more Components are available say splash screen, Pop-up Menu, Tip of the day...So its make our work easy....
How to Reuse the Code
Step 1: Step 1: Open your Workspace and Go to Project menu->Add to Project->Components and Controls

Step 2: Select the component that you wish to have say for example Splash screen

Step 3: Click Resource view Tab, check for Bitmap resource... you will find IDB_SPLASH bitmap which will serve as Splash screen.You can edit the bitmap accordingly and just compile it and run isn't so easy.... Code is reused by saving our time and effort similarly you can try out for other components say Pop up menu, Splitter bar, and tip of the day... That's It