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Survey Results

Does your organisation host a Christmas / Holiday party for you?   [Edit]

Survey period: 14 Dec 2009 to 21 Dec 2009

Christmas, New Year, Hanukkah, or even Finish Independance Day - does your work provide, and pay for, a party, dinner or event to celebrate?

Yes, and it's a big and/or messy one10610.34
Yes, we have an organised party or dinner41140.10
Yes, but it's casual or a little unorganised13613.27
Sometimes. It depends on motivation and the bank balance858.29
No, we don't do anything18117.66
I'm not part of an organisation626.05
I don't know. I guess I'll soon find out.232.24

GeneralRe: Had it just last week. Pin
LingonberryTart15-Dec-09 8:00
LingonberryTart15-Dec-09 8:00 
Generalas long as we pay and we orgnaize it... Pin
Joe Q14-Dec-09 2:25
Joe Q14-Dec-09 2:25 
GeneralRe: as long as we pay and we orgnaize it... Pin
W. Kleinschmit14-Dec-09 20:37
W. Kleinschmit14-Dec-09 20:37 
GeneralRe: as long as we pay and we orgnaize it... Pin
Joe Q15-Dec-09 2:25
Joe Q15-Dec-09 2:25 
GeneralRe: as long as we pay and we orgnaize it... Pin
RedSonja14-Dec-09 21:33
RedSonja14-Dec-09 21:33 
GeneralRe: as long as we pay and we orgnaize it... Pin
Joe Q15-Dec-09 2:29
Joe Q15-Dec-09 2:29 
GeneralRe: as long as we pay and we orgnaize it... Pin
RedSonja15-Dec-09 2:42
RedSonja15-Dec-09 2:42 
GeneralRe: as long as we pay and we orgnaize it... Pin
Tony Wright (UK)14-Dec-09 22:37
Tony Wright (UK)14-Dec-09 22:37 
GeneralRe: as long as we pay and we orgnaize it... Pin
Joe Q15-Dec-09 2:29
Joe Q15-Dec-09 2:29 
GeneralRe: as long as we pay and we orgnaize it... Pin
CDMTJX15-Dec-09 3:43
CDMTJX15-Dec-09 3:43 
Yup - we have an unofficial party. They also sometimes do pot luck, which I may actually be able to go to this year. Nothing funded by the company, although we do get pizza lunches now and again for other reasons. Pay checks are nice to get... Big Grin | :-D
GeneralRe: as long as we pay and we orgnaize it... Pin
Gandalf_TheWhite16-Dec-09 0:37
professionalGandalf_TheWhite16-Dec-09 0:37 
GeneralNot for several years Pin
Brad Stiles14-Dec-09 2:23
Brad Stiles14-Dec-09 2:23 
GeneralSpecial Gifts Pin
W Balboos, GHB14-Dec-09 1:58
W Balboos, GHB14-Dec-09 1:58 
GeneralSmall not really a "party" Pin
Corporal Agarn14-Dec-09 1:38
professionalCorporal Agarn14-Dec-09 1:38 
GeneralYep! Pin
Maximilien14-Dec-09 1:03
Maximilien14-Dec-09 1:03 
GeneralNope Pin
NormDroid13-Dec-09 21:46
professionalNormDroid13-Dec-09 21:46 
GeneralIt's first year they don't :( Pin
Jarek Kruza13-Dec-09 20:30
Jarek Kruza13-Dec-09 20:30 
Generalit's depend on organization's culture Pin
koolprasad200313-Dec-09 18:20
professionalkoolprasad200313-Dec-09 18:20 
GeneralRe: it's depend on organization's culture Pin
Programm3r13-Dec-09 18:55
Programm3r13-Dec-09 18:55 

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