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Survey Results

How much RAM do you have on your Dev box?   [Edit]

Survey period: 4 Aug 2008 to 11 Aug 2008

Whatever you have, it probably isn't enough. Answer one or both questions depending on whether you have Visual Studio 2008. Answer both questions if you have boxes with and without Visual Studio 2008.

Q1. If your development box has Visual Studio 2008 installed...

8 GB or more875.29
6 GB or more140.85
4 GB or more50430.64
2 GB or more81849.73
1 GB or more17310.52
512 MB or more422.55
under 512 MB70.43

Q2. If your development box does not have Visual Studio 2008

8GB or more413.23
6 GB or more70.55
4 GB or more22717.89
2 GB or more65351.46
1 GB or more25319.94
512 MB or more665.20
under 512 MB221.73

GeneralThe question is not Visual Studio, but... Pin
Luis Alonso Ramos9-Aug-08 9:21
Luis Alonso Ramos9-Aug-08 9:21 
GeneralRe: The question is not Visual Studio, but... Pin
hfrmobile11-Aug-08 22:03
hfrmobile11-Aug-08 22:03 
GeneralRe: The question is not Visual Studio, but... Pin
Eugenio Miró14-Aug-08 3:42
professionalEugenio Miró14-Aug-08 3:42 
GeneralDepends on location Pin
StevenWalsh8-Aug-08 18:36
StevenWalsh8-Aug-08 18:36 
Primary workstation: 2gb
laptop : 1gb

cube - 4gb
wokstation in lab - 2gb
laptop - 512mb Frown | :(

of course the only one that actually matters is the workstation in my cube as all the other workstations or laptops are used as platforms to remote desktop into it Smile | :)

Einstein argued that there must be simplified explanations of nature, because God is not capricious or arbitrary. No such faith comforts the software engineer.
-Fred Brooks

GeneralDevelopment Station Ram Pin
Paul Conrad8-Aug-08 14:46
professionalPaul Conrad8-Aug-08 14:46 
GeneralIn my previous companies sales had more RAM than developers. Pin
jlwarlow6-Aug-08 23:37
jlwarlow6-Aug-08 23:37 
GeneralRe: In my previous companies sales had more RAM than developers. Pin
cpkilekofp20-Aug-08 11:29
cpkilekofp20-Aug-08 11:29 
GeneralRe: In my previous companies sales had more RAM than developers. Pin
jlwarlow21-Aug-08 2:11
jlwarlow21-Aug-08 2:11 
GeneralRe: In my previous companies sales had more RAM than developers. Pin
cpkilekofp21-Aug-08 5:00
cpkilekofp21-Aug-08 5:00 
GeneralRe: In my previous companies sales had more RAM than developers. Pin
jlwarlow21-Aug-08 5:03
jlwarlow21-Aug-08 5:03 
GeneralMore and more Pin
User 9148335-Aug-08 21:59
User 9148335-Aug-08 21:59 
GeneralRe: More and more Pin
Bilby6-Aug-08 2:36
Bilby6-Aug-08 2:36 
GeneralRe: More and more Pin
User 9148336-Aug-08 2:46
User 9148336-Aug-08 2:46 
GeneralRe: More and more Pin
Bilby6-Aug-08 2:50
Bilby6-Aug-08 2:50 
GeneralRe: More and more Pin
Anton Afanasyev8-Aug-08 17:53
Anton Afanasyev8-Aug-08 17:53 
GeneralRe: More and more Pin
John M. Drescher6-Aug-08 3:20
John M. Drescher6-Aug-08 3:20 
GeneralRe: More and more Pin
User 9148336-Aug-08 3:23
User 9148336-Aug-08 3:23 
GeneralRe: More and more Pin
Scott Barbour7-Aug-08 8:50
Scott Barbour7-Aug-08 8:50 
GeneralRe: More and more Pin
QuiJohn8-Aug-08 7:47
QuiJohn8-Aug-08 7:47 
JokeRe: More and more Pin
StevenWalsh8-Aug-08 18:32
StevenWalsh8-Aug-08 18:32 
GeneralRe: More and more Pin
cpkilekofp20-Aug-08 11:31
cpkilekofp20-Aug-08 11:31 
GeneralNO Visual Studio 2008 Pin
Uli665-Aug-08 21:59
Uli665-Aug-08 21:59 
GeneralRe: NO Visual Studio 2008 Pin
StevenWalsh8-Aug-08 18:33
StevenWalsh8-Aug-08 18:33 
GeneralRe: NO Visual Studio 2008 Pin
Uli6610-Aug-08 22:27
Uli6610-Aug-08 22:27 
General[NO VS2008] 4GB for host machine, 1-2GB in VM Pin
Amos Shi5-Aug-08 15:12
Amos Shi5-Aug-08 15:12 

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