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Survey Results

How much RAM do you have on your Dev box?   [Edit]

Survey period: 4 Aug 2008 to 11 Aug 2008

Whatever you have, it probably isn't enough. Answer one or both questions depending on whether you have Visual Studio 2008. Answer both questions if you have boxes with and without Visual Studio 2008.

Q1. If your development box has Visual Studio 2008 installed...

8 GB or more875.29
6 GB or more140.85
4 GB or more50430.64
2 GB or more81849.73
1 GB or more17310.52
512 MB or more422.55
under 512 MB70.43

Q2. If your development box does not have Visual Studio 2008

8GB or more413.23
6 GB or more70.55
4 GB or more22717.89
2 GB or more65351.46
1 GB or more25319.94
512 MB or more665.20
under 512 MB221.73

GeneralRe: am i really the only guy on an 8gb quad core? Pin
John M. Drescher4-Aug-08 11:42
John M. Drescher4-Aug-08 11:42 
GeneralRe: am i really the only guy on an 8gb quad core? Pin
cpkilekofp20-Aug-08 11:24
cpkilekofp20-Aug-08 11:24 
GeneralRe: am i really the only guy on an 8gb quad core? Pin
John M. Drescher20-Aug-08 12:07
John M. Drescher20-Aug-08 12:07 
GeneralRe: am i really the only guy on an 8gb quad core? Pin
cpkilekofp21-Aug-08 4:35
cpkilekofp21-Aug-08 4:35 
GeneralRe: am i really the only guy on an 8gb quad core? Pin
John M. Drescher21-Aug-08 7:10
John M. Drescher21-Aug-08 7:10 
GeneralRe: am i really the only guy on an 8gb quad core? Pin
cpkilekofp21-Aug-08 7:17
cpkilekofp21-Aug-08 7:17 
GeneralMy non-VS2008 dev box needs more RAM Pin
John Stewien3-Aug-08 18:55
John Stewien3-Aug-08 18:55 
GeneralJust upgraded... Pin
Shog93-Aug-08 18:33
sitebuilderShog93-Aug-08 18:33 4GB a month or so ago. RAM is insanely cheap now, and with three instances of VS2005, one of VS2008, Outlook, Firefox, a score of SciTE instances, SQL Server, and maybe another instance of Firefox... not to mention my own piggish software... it definitely makes life a bit easier.

Not a whole lot easier though.

Citizen 20.1.01
'The question is,' said Humpty Dumpty, 'which is to be master - that's all.'

GeneralRe: Just upgraded... [modified] Pin
Reelix3-Aug-08 20:26
Reelix3-Aug-08 20:26 
JokeRe: Just upgraded... Pin
gri3-Aug-08 20:55
gri3-Aug-08 20:55 
GeneralRe: Just upgraded... Pin
Reelix3-Aug-08 20:58
Reelix3-Aug-08 20:58 
GeneralRe: Just upgraded... Pin
Paul Watson4-Aug-08 7:44
sitebuilderPaul Watson4-Aug-08 7:44 
GeneralRe: Just upgraded... Pin
Shog94-Aug-08 7:47
sitebuilderShog94-Aug-08 7:47 
GeneralRe: Just upgraded... Pin
Paul Watson4-Aug-08 8:52
sitebuilderPaul Watson4-Aug-08 8:52 
GeneralRe: Just upgraded... Pin
Shog94-Aug-08 9:01
sitebuilderShog94-Aug-08 9:01 

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