R2B2 wrote: Additionally, you now can run your .Net code (most of it) on Mac and Linux!
I would not want to run .Net code on my computer considering how buggy most of it is, not to mention the fact you can write viruses 10 times more easily using .Net..... oh and I keep my Ubuntu installation clean of Microsoft code, it tends to have a bad effect when running M$ code.
I can code up applications in Java, JavaScript and Flash if I really wanted to use this kind of content, I just see a buggy, fairly un-tested product from M$ and I just see more content that can't fit down my 2Mb/s pipeline as it is just too intensive.
R2B2 wrote: All the cool stuff you can do in Flash, as well as all the productive stuff you can do in WPF and WinForms you can do now in the browser.
I also wouldn't want to run WinForms code and WPF code on my computer without having read reviews and descriptions for the product first, this is one of the most common ways people get viruses. (Running stuff they have no idea what it does and how good it is)
The worst thing about the darkness is the light at the end - DX-MON
The misuse/abuse of something is not a valid arguement against the use of anything. A hammer can be used to build a house, or to tear it down. It is what you do with it.
To me, Silverlight is another tool that I can use to create apps. It allows me to have a .Net framework client so I can work with data feeds (XML not video/audio) in a type-save manner as well as have a rich architecture for displaying it.
Silverlight uses the same laguages and base classes that I am currently using, so I don't have to relearn everything. If Java and Flash are what work fastest for you, great. My point is that Silverlight is more than just videos. Silverlight actually enables you to REDUCE the traffic between you and the server and gives you the tools to create compelling interfaces.
My 2 cents,
I was trying to point out that with every new piece of technology comes dangers, and the dangers with such powerful APIs being exposed over the web, to me, out-way the benefits as a website using silver-light can bypass my web-browsers security features and install viruses to my computer without my consent, or download explicit images without my consent, and I would not even know, being how transparent you can make software with things like WinForms.
I do agree that it is a good piece of technology, I'm just saying that until it's been THOROUGHLY tested, and all holes created by exposing the deepest APIs of Windows to people on the web have been filled, I would not want to touch it because the risk associated with it is too high, even as a home user.
The worst thing about the darkness is the light at the end - DX-MON
I agree it needs to be tested THOROUGHLY as well. I tend to be an early adopter. I respect your position. It is a very valid one. I more was resonding to the view that Silverlight is for videos only.
Ok, understood. Though I still don't want another media-player for my computer (I see silverlight's primary purpose of that of a media system), what I want is a media player that combines all the formats of the current ones into 1 product, and for a relatively low cost, (I'm making a media player at the moment).
The worst thing about the darkness is the light at the end - DX-MON
I dont have it installed
I know I have it installed on most machines I run, but I'm not sure on which
At least one runs the silverlight 2.0 SDK that's for sure as visual studio runs kind of bad on that machine.
What about weapons of mass-construction?
"What? Its an Apple MacBook Pro. They are sexy!" - Paul Watson
My blog
...because it shows up in Firefox's plugins list. Version 1.0.something.
Presumably a newer version would take care of the annoying pleas of MSDN, but i just can't be bothered. I'm guessing that by the time i actually need it for anything there'll be two or three new versions out anyway, so i might as well just wait.
Citizen 20.1.01 'The question is,' said Humpty Dumpty, 'which is to be master - that's all.'
Shog9 wrote: because it shows up in Firefox's plugins list
That's weird. I've defiantly got it installed because Silverlight pages work, but it doesn't show up in the plug ins list. (FF3)
I have FF3 and it is shown in my plug-ins fine.
Yeah, but you could add "Silverlight (all versions)" to your resumé
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I have it installed by it does not show on FF3. I hate the nagging MS SilverLight install message box
How about "I already uninstalled Silverlight" or "How do I completely uninstall Silverlight?!"
(Problem Exists Between Chair And Keyboard)
Another other side...
I tried installing SilverLight and the install failed. It doesn't appear as uninstallable, but now SilverLight sites think I have it so I don't get the option to install it.
Taf Greenstreet wrote: How do I completely uninstall Silverlight?
yea, I'd like to know that too...
Does Silverlight exist under linux?
It's called Moonlight for Linux and is a joint Novell and MS product. I think the fellow running the show also works on Mono. I'm a Suse user at home.
because I think I installed it, but I still get prompted to install it at the next visit.
You obviously didn't drink enough of the Kool-Aid™ the first time.
Software Zen: delete this;
Me too, using FireFox3 - going crazy. But I'm not going to resort to IE7.
Try to use version 2.0. Work nice with FF3 since beta 2 came out
Me too!!
It is good to know that it works fine
Also on Microsoft download page it does not work for me (IE7 + Vista Ultimate, IE7 Windows Server 2003, or Firefox2)
Colin Angus Mackay wrote: I think I installed it, but I still get prompted to install it at the next visit.
Bleh. Flash had that feature for years! Someone sue Microsoft.
We are a big screwed up dysfunctional psychotic happy family - some more screwed up, others more happy, but everybody's psychotic joint venture definition of CP blog: TDD - the Aha! | Linkify!| FoldWithUs! | sighist
It could be since Silverlight is still in the beta stage if you have a version that comes AFTER the one the site was written for, it will prompt you to get it again. When you go to the site to "upgrade", it will tell you that the site has been written for a lower version.
Not my favorite aspect of Silverlight.