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Survey Results

Do you have Silverlight installed?   [Edit]

Survey period: 21 Jul 2008 to 28 Jul 2008

We've all heard about it by now, and those who have visited a Microsoft site lately have certainly been, well, encouraged to install it. But have you?

I have it installed on all my systems39627.07
I have it installed on at least one, but not all, of my systems51435.13
I"m not sure if I have it installed765.19
I don"t have it installed.37225.43
I don"t know what Silverlight is1057.18

GeneralDouble quotes? Pin
Ravi Bhavnani23-Jul-08 7:33
professionalRavi Bhavnani23-Jul-08 7:33 
GeneralSilverlight needs an auto-update! Pin
Sam Rahimi23-Jul-08 4:00
Sam Rahimi23-Jul-08 4:00 
GeneralRe: Silverlight needs an auto-update! Pin
The Cake of Deceit23-Jul-08 7:57
The Cake of Deceit23-Jul-08 7:57 
JokeA better Silverlight... Pin
The Cake of Deceit22-Jul-08 3:09
The Cake of Deceit22-Jul-08 3:09 
GeneralSilverlight versions Pin
Tuomas Hietanen22-Jul-08 1:25
Tuomas Hietanen22-Jul-08 1:25 
GeneralDon't know what it is and don't know how to vote, either! Pin
Paul S Ganney21-Jul-08 23:19
Paul S Ganney21-Jul-08 23:19 
GeneralI don't have it installed and I do not plan to do it Pin
Uli6621-Jul-08 22:11
Uli6621-Jul-08 22:11 
GeneralRe: I don't have it installed and I do not plan to do it Pin
Rachel Mant21-Jul-08 23:00
Rachel Mant21-Jul-08 23:00 
GeneralRe: I don't have it installed and I do not plan to do it Pin
R2B223-Jul-08 5:17
R2B223-Jul-08 5:17 
GeneralRe: I don't have it installed and I do not plan to do it Pin
Rachel Mant26-Sep-08 23:51
Rachel Mant26-Sep-08 23:51 
GeneralRe: I don't have it installed and I do not plan to do it Pin
R2B229-Sep-08 5:26
R2B229-Sep-08 5:26 
GeneralRe: I don't have it installed and I do not plan to do it Pin
Rachel Mant29-Sep-08 7:22
Rachel Mant29-Sep-08 7:22 
GeneralRe: I don't have it installed and I do not plan to do it Pin
R2B229-Sep-08 8:10
R2B229-Sep-08 8:10 
GeneralRe: I don't have it installed and I do not plan to do it Pin
Rachel Mant29-Sep-08 8:26
Rachel Mant29-Sep-08 8:26 
AnswerI dont have :-O it installed Pin
mannrak200321-Jul-08 18:50
mannrak200321-Jul-08 18:50 
GeneralNot sure on how many machines Pin
WillemM21-Jul-08 9:29
WillemM21-Jul-08 9:29 
GeneralI know it's installed... Pin
Shog921-Jul-08 8:35
sitebuilderShog921-Jul-08 8:35 
GeneralRe: I know it's installed... Pin
Simon P Stevens21-Jul-08 21:36
Simon P Stevens21-Jul-08 21:36 
GeneralRe: I know it's installed... Pin
Blekk21-Jul-08 23:45
Blekk21-Jul-08 23:45 
GeneralRe: I know it's installed... Pin
peterchen22-Jul-08 22:58
peterchen22-Jul-08 22:58 
GeneralRe: I know it's installed... Pin
Yusuf25-Jul-08 10:12
Yusuf25-Jul-08 10:12 
GeneralOther side of the install PinPopular
Taf Greenstreet21-Jul-08 4:56
Taf Greenstreet21-Jul-08 4:56 
GeneralRe: Other side of the install Pin
Brian Lowe23-Jul-08 7:57
Brian Lowe23-Jul-08 7:57 
GeneralRe: Other side of the install Pin
Yusuf25-Jul-08 10:13
Yusuf25-Jul-08 10:13 
GeneralI am typing from ff3 under 64 bit gentoo linux right now. Pin
John M. Drescher21-Jul-08 3:41
John M. Drescher21-Jul-08 3:41 

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