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Survey Results

What are your New Year resolutions?

Survey period: 30 Dec 2019 to 6 Jan 2020

Another decade has arrived? Again? Given this, what changes will you be promising yourself?

To work less (or at least achieve a better work/life balance)607.63
To stop procrastinating688.65
To look after myself better (sleep, nutrition, fitness etc)22829.01
To rewrite that piece of code I've been putting off rewriting212.67
To ditch my current job263.31
To learn to budget (my finances, my time, my delivery promises...)121.53
To start investing in me (learn new skills, explore new opportunities, and grab life by the horns)11614.76
5120 × 2880384.83
No resolutions this coming year.21727.61

Generalto stop worrying about when ... Pin
BillWoodruff5-Jan-20 15:13
professionalBillWoodruff5-Jan-20 15:13 
GeneralLessons learned Pin
Visweswaran N4-Jan-20 5:13
Visweswaran N4-Jan-20 5:13 
GeneralShould've been checkboxes Pin
agolddog2-Jan-20 2:51
agolddog2-Jan-20 2:51 
GeneralAll of the above? :) Pin
Daniel Pfeffer1-Jan-20 2:55
professionalDaniel Pfeffer1-Jan-20 2:55 
GeneralWent KETO/Carnivore middle 2018 and lost 120lbs... Striving to keep it off! Pin
Kirk 1038982131-Dec-19 10:15
Kirk 1038982131-Dec-19 10:15 
I know many are making New Years Resolutions. I gave up on them, in general.
but I am back. I know MANY programmers sit too much, and pack on the weight as they get older.
I sure did, and hit 307. I struggled with EVERY program I tried.

Then I watched a Joe Rogan Podcast with Jordan Peterson, who is carnivore, and whose daughter went carnivore to clear up LIFELONG Auto-immune and depression/mental issues...

At this point I was around 300lbs (avoiding the scale), and on 3 allergy pills/day (could not breathe through my nose still, though). And a water pill for pitting edema. Had Eczema, Psoriasis, and GI issues as always. And always sweating, even in the A/C.

After 2 weeks of MEAT ONLY (Bacon, ribeyes, etc). I was quickly losing weight, and feeling great. More mentally focused. Slowly I came off ALL of my meds. No need. My sinuses are clear now (unless I eat allergens). In the end, I was allergic to MOST Plants/Fibers (due to leaky gut), and Dairy, Egg whites, etc. (I had 3 sets of Blood tests, and Skin Tests)...

But the weightloss. OMG... I was losing over 1 pound a day! It was falling off. And most days I was eating a POUND of bacon, plus a big Ribeye for dinner. But I was ONLY EATING OMAD. (One meal a day). I was doing intermittent fasting (I felt best fasting).


So, I hit my target weight (190 in April, and accidentally made it to 185. First time EVER I exceeded my goal without trying... I was too busy to eat for a couple of days, so I just fasted. LOL)... And I fasted a lot. I ate TYPICALLY OMAD on MWF (Monday, Wednesday, Friday). Monday was sometimes 2 meals if I was needing something. But only eating 3 out of 7 days felt great. I had plenty of fat, and my ketones were clearly fueling me, while burning my fat.

I lost that weight, without excess skin, due (I believe) to the extra fasting. My body simply consumed the extra skin and used the collagen elsewhere.

Now, I am all the way up to 210 lbs (+20 lbs since Thanksgiving - Today/HOlidays). During this time, I've allowed myself to eat KETO and have Heavy Cream/Dairy. (Which are not good for me). I have paid the price with Migraines every day. I am back to taking migraine medicine twice a day.

I say that, because I KNOW a few programmers out there that suffer migraines. I never realized they were triggered by inflammation of the brain, from FOODS. Now I know.

So, THIS YEAR, 2020, I am committing to the following:
1) January will Be Carnivore / (Paleo Ketogenic Style, Higher Fat).. Through my birthday!
2) I already WALKED a Marathon in 2019, this year, I will walk 2 Marathons (at least 50 miles, while fasting, and on the SAME DAY). Then I am done with Long walks... LOL (I cannot run, it hurts my joints).
3) I will use Slow-Slow and BFR (Blood Flow Restriction) to build more muscles, while keeping my workouts to < 1hr /week! (Optimization Baby. 2 Small Workouts).
4) I will STRIVE to hit 80% of weeks getting in at least ONE HIIT Cardio routine.
5) I will stick with the Carnivore diet (that's easy), and general fasting. But I will allow myself a MONTHLY Keto Ice Cream or Keto Dessert (As long as it does NOT trigger bad behavior afterwards). Food is an ADDICTION to some of us!

And I have made this public. I hope SOME of you read this, and find something interesting to try.

Check out and sign up to do Jan as a Carnivore. (Meat, Water, Black Coffee, be sure to salt your food. I allow for supplements like Magnesium, Potassium, etc.. Especially with fasting multiple days/week).

211 lbs today, getting back to 190... Stretch goal is to see if I can get down to 167 (I wrestled at that weight in 10th grade. The last time I've seen that weight, LOL)... (From 307 at the highs, LOL)
GeneralYears ago... Pin
DRHuff31-Dec-19 8:49
DRHuff31-Dec-19 8:49 
GeneralTo stop procrastinating 👍 when? Pin
maze331-Dec-19 1:25
professionalmaze331-Dec-19 1:25 
GeneralRe: To stop procrastinating &#128077; when? Pin
W Balboos, GHB31-Dec-19 2:56
W Balboos, GHB31-Dec-19 2:56 
GeneralRe: To stop procrastinating &#128077; when? Pin
kalberts31-Dec-19 11:51
kalberts31-Dec-19 11:51 
GeneralRe: To stop procrastinating &#128077; when? Pin
W Balboos, GHB2-Jan-20 6:09
W Balboos, GHB2-Jan-20 6:09 
GeneralFour resolutions every day Pin
Amarnath S30-Dec-19 16:00
professionalAmarnath S30-Dec-19 16:00 
GeneralRe: Four resolutions every day Pin
Slacker00731-Dec-19 5:24
professionalSlacker00731-Dec-19 5:24 
GeneralRe: Four resolutions every day Pin
GKP19922-Jan-20 22:01
professionalGKP19922-Jan-20 22:01 
General6240x2160 Pin
Dan Neely30-Dec-19 7:38
Dan Neely30-Dec-19 7:38 
GeneralRe: 6240x2160 Pin
kalberts31-Dec-19 11:57
kalberts31-Dec-19 11:57 
GeneralProcrastination has always been my favorite personal demon Pin
Slacker00730-Dec-19 5:38
professionalSlacker00730-Dec-19 5:38 
GeneralRe: Procrastination has always been my favorite personal demon Pin
W Balboos, GHB31-Dec-19 2:47
W Balboos, GHB31-Dec-19 2:47 
GeneralRe: Procrastination has always been my favorite personal demon Pin
Slow Eddie31-Dec-19 2:55
professionalSlow Eddie31-Dec-19 2:55 
GeneralThis year I shall live up to my full potenti... Pin
OriginalGriff30-Dec-19 2:36
mveOriginalGriff30-Dec-19 2:36 
GeneralRe: This year I shall live up to my full potenti... Pin
W Balboos, GHB31-Dec-19 2:45
W Balboos, GHB31-Dec-19 2:45 
GeneralMissing "Other", but . . . Pin
W Balboos, GHB30-Dec-19 2:27
W Balboos, GHB30-Dec-19 2:27 
GeneralRed Pin
Eek Ten Bears30-Dec-19 2:34
Eek Ten Bears30-Dec-19 2:34 
GeneralTime for those you love ... Pin
Ralf Meier30-Dec-19 2:07
mveRalf Meier30-Dec-19 2:07 
GeneralRe: Time for those you love ... Pin
Slacker00730-Dec-19 5:39
professionalSlacker00730-Dec-19 5:39 
GeneralOption Missing..Earn more to complete all dreams Pin
koolprasad200329-Dec-19 19:00
professionalkoolprasad200329-Dec-19 19:00 

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