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Survey Results

What are your New Year resolutions?

Survey period: 30 Dec 2019 to 6 Jan 2020

Another decade has arrived? Again? Given this, what changes will you be promising yourself?

To work less (or at least achieve a better work/life balance)607.63
To stop procrastinating688.65
To look after myself better (sleep, nutrition, fitness etc)22829.01
To rewrite that piece of code I've been putting off rewriting212.67
To ditch my current job263.31
To learn to budget (my finances, my time, my delivery promises...)121.53
To start investing in me (learn new skills, explore new opportunities, and grab life by the horns)11614.76
5120 × 2880384.83
No resolutions this coming year.21727.61

Generalto stop worrying about when ... Pin
BillWoodruff5-Jan-20 15:13
professionalBillWoodruff5-Jan-20 15:13 
GeneralLessons learned Pin
Visweswaran N4-Jan-20 5:13
Visweswaran N4-Jan-20 5:13 
GeneralShould've been checkboxes Pin
agolddog2-Jan-20 2:51
agolddog2-Jan-20 2:51 
GeneralAll of the above? :) Pin
Daniel Pfeffer1-Jan-20 2:55
professionalDaniel Pfeffer1-Jan-20 2:55 
GeneralWent KETO/Carnivore middle 2018 and lost 120lbs... Striving to keep it off! Pin
Kirk 1038982131-Dec-19 10:15
Kirk 1038982131-Dec-19 10:15 
GeneralYears ago... Pin
DRHuff31-Dec-19 8:49
DRHuff31-Dec-19 8:49 
GeneralTo stop procrastinating 👍 when? Pin
maze331-Dec-19 1:25
professionalmaze331-Dec-19 1:25 
GeneralRe: To stop procrastinating 👍 when? Pin
W Balboos, GHB31-Dec-19 2:56
W Balboos, GHB31-Dec-19 2:56 
GeneralRe: To stop procrastinating 👍 when? Pin
kalberts31-Dec-19 11:51
kalberts31-Dec-19 11:51 
GeneralRe: To stop procrastinating 👍 when? Pin
W Balboos, GHB2-Jan-20 6:09
W Balboos, GHB2-Jan-20 6:09 
GeneralFour resolutions every day Pin
Amarnath S30-Dec-19 16:00
professionalAmarnath S30-Dec-19 16:00 
GeneralRe: Four resolutions every day Pin
Slacker00731-Dec-19 5:24
professionalSlacker00731-Dec-19 5:24 
GeneralRe: Four resolutions every day Pin
GKP19922-Jan-20 22:01
professionalGKP19922-Jan-20 22:01 
General6240x2160 Pin
Dan Neely30-Dec-19 7:38
Dan Neely30-Dec-19 7:38 
... with corners cut out, just like last year.

Unless I buy a bigger desk and swap one of the 1200x1600 panels flanking my 4k with my old 2560x1600 anyway. Roll eyes | :rolleyes:
Did you ever see history portrayed as an old man with a wise brow and pulseless heart, weighing all things in the balance of reason?
Is not rather the genius of history like an eternal, imploring maiden, full of fire, with a burning heart and flaming soul, humanly warm and humanly beautiful?
--Zachris Topelius

Training a telescope on one’s own belly button will only reveal lint. You like that? You go right on staring at it. I prefer looking at galaxies.
-- Sarah Hoyt

GeneralRe: 6240x2160 Pin
kalberts31-Dec-19 11:57
kalberts31-Dec-19 11:57 
GeneralProcrastination has always been my favorite personal demon Pin
Slacker00730-Dec-19 5:38
professionalSlacker00730-Dec-19 5:38 
GeneralRe: Procrastination has always been my favorite personal demon Pin
W Balboos, GHB31-Dec-19 2:47
W Balboos, GHB31-Dec-19 2:47 
GeneralRe: Procrastination has always been my favorite personal demon Pin
Slow Eddie31-Dec-19 2:55
professionalSlow Eddie31-Dec-19 2:55 
GeneralThis year I shall live up to my full potenti... Pin
OriginalGriff30-Dec-19 2:36
mveOriginalGriff30-Dec-19 2:36 
GeneralRe: This year I shall live up to my full potenti... Pin
W Balboos, GHB31-Dec-19 2:45
W Balboos, GHB31-Dec-19 2:45 
GeneralMissing "Other", but . . . Pin
W Balboos, GHB30-Dec-19 2:27
W Balboos, GHB30-Dec-19 2:27 
GeneralRed Pin
Eek Ten Bears30-Dec-19 2:34
Eek Ten Bears30-Dec-19 2:34 
GeneralTime for those you love ... Pin
Ralf Meier30-Dec-19 2:07
mveRalf Meier30-Dec-19 2:07 
GeneralRe: Time for those you love ... Pin
Slacker00730-Dec-19 5:39
professionalSlacker00730-Dec-19 5:39 
GeneralOption Missing..Earn more to complete all dreams Pin
koolprasad200329-Dec-19 19:00
professionalkoolprasad200329-Dec-19 19:00 

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