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Which programming language would you recommend to learn first?

Survey period: 1 Apr 2019 to 8 Apr 2019

Assuming you're given no other information, in which direction would you point a budding new developer?

JavaScript or TypeScript884.66

View optional text answers (133 answers)

GeneralRe: Assembler Pin
  Forogar  3-Apr-19 9:21
professional  Forogar  3-Apr-19 9:21 
GeneralRe: Assembler Pin
Chris Maunder3-Apr-19 9:25
cofounderChris Maunder3-Apr-19 9:25 
GeneralRe: Assembler Pin
  Forogar  3-Apr-19 9:59
professional  Forogar  3-Apr-19 9:59 
GeneralMaybe it depends on what your are tooling up to do? Pin
MarcusCole68331-Apr-19 4:16
professionalMarcusCole68331-Apr-19 4:16 
GeneralNim Pin
Nemanja Trifunovic1-Apr-19 3:40
Nemanja Trifunovic1-Apr-19 3:40 
GeneralRe: Nim Pin
PeejayAdams2-Apr-19 5:32
PeejayAdams2-Apr-19 5:32 
GeneralUnpopular Opinion... VB PinPopular
KSmithDev1-Apr-19 3:27
KSmithDev1-Apr-19 3:27 
GeneralRe: Unpopular Opinion... VB Pin
Jalapeno Bob1-Apr-19 9:06
professionalJalapeno Bob1-Apr-19 9:06 
I will agree with you. It is very easy to learn and understand. As one of my bosses used to say: "It's so easy to understand, even an auditor can understand it."

In its current invocation, it can do anything the other languages can do and, in some cases, even more. Yes, it is wordy - but for someone learning, words begin and end make more sense than { and }. The different uses for parenthesis, braces and curly braces is often confusing. The syntax for the for command is somewhat cryptic.

It is my opinion that it is better to start with simple and clear, then add the shortcuts later.

Lord, grant me the serenity to accept that there are some things I just can’t keep up with, the determination to keep up with the things I must keep up with, and the wisdom to find a good RSS feed from someone who keeps up with what I’d like to, but just don’t have the damn bandwidth to handle right now.
© 2009, Rex Hammock

GeneralRe: Unpopular Opinion... VB Pin
PIEBALDconsult1-Apr-19 13:15
mvePIEBALDconsult1-Apr-19 13:15 
GeneralRe: Unpopular Opinion... VB Pin
Jalapeno Bob1-Apr-19 19:44
professionalJalapeno Bob1-Apr-19 19:44 
GeneralRe: Unpopular Opinion... VB Pin
RickZeeland1-Apr-19 23:23
mveRickZeeland1-Apr-19 23:23 
GeneralJava or C#, they are both similar in many respects Pin
Slacker0071-Apr-19 0:13
professionalSlacker0071-Apr-19 0:13 
GeneralRe: Java or C#, they are both similar in many respects Pin
honey the codewitch1-Apr-19 0:45
mvahoney the codewitch1-Apr-19 0:45 
GeneralRe: Java or C#, they are both similar in many respects Pin
Slacker0071-Apr-19 0:54
professionalSlacker0071-Apr-19 0:54 
GeneralRe: Java or C#, they are both similar in many respects Pin
honey the codewitch1-Apr-19 1:07
mvahoney the codewitch1-Apr-19 1:07 
GeneralRe: Java or C#, they are both similar in many respects Pin
ZurdoDev1-Apr-19 1:42
professionalZurdoDev1-Apr-19 1:42 
GeneralRe: Java or C#, they are both similar in many respects Pin
Slacker0071-Apr-19 1:47
professionalSlacker0071-Apr-19 1:47 
GeneralRe: Java or C#, they are both similar in many respects Pin
ZurdoDev1-Apr-19 2:03
professionalZurdoDev1-Apr-19 2:03 
GeneralRe: Java or C#, they are both similar in many respects Pin
Marc Clifton2-Apr-19 2:25
mvaMarc Clifton2-Apr-19 2:25 
GeneralRe: Java or C#, they are both similar in many respects Pin
Slacker0072-Apr-19 2:35
professionalSlacker0072-Apr-19 2:35 
GeneralRe: Java or C#, they are both similar in many respects Pin
Lutosław7-Apr-19 1:05
Lutosław7-Apr-19 1:05 
GeneralOf course C#. Pin
GKP199231-Mar-19 22:17
professionalGKP199231-Mar-19 22:17 
GeneralRe: Of course C#. Pin
PeejayAdams1-Apr-19 0:04
PeejayAdams1-Apr-19 0:04 
GeneralRe: Of course C#. Pin
GKP19921-Apr-19 0:42
professionalGKP19921-Apr-19 0:42 
GeneralRe: Of course C#. Pin
honey the codewitch1-Apr-19 1:11
mvahoney the codewitch1-Apr-19 1:11 

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