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Survey Results

Which programming language would you recommend to learn first?

Survey period: 1 Apr 2019 to 8 Apr 2019

Assuming you're given no other information, in which direction would you point a budding new developer?

JavaScript or TypeScript884.66

View optional text answers (133 answers)

GeneralRe: Of course C#. Pin
GKP19921-Apr-19 0:42
professionalGKP19921-Apr-19 0:42 
GeneralRe: Of course C#. Pin
honey the codewitch1-Apr-19 1:11
mvahoney the codewitch1-Apr-19 1:11 
GeneralDepends on the motivation Pin
KarstenK31-Mar-19 21:26
mveKarstenK31-Mar-19 21:26 
GeneralRe: Depends on the motivation Pin
OriginalGriff31-Mar-19 21:49
mveOriginalGriff31-Mar-19 21:49 
GeneralRe: Depends on the motivation Pin
KarstenK31-Mar-19 21:55
mveKarstenK31-Mar-19 21:55 
GeneralRe: Depends on the motivation Pin
GKP199231-Mar-19 22:20
professionalGKP199231-Mar-19 22:20 
GeneralC Pin
den2k8831-Mar-19 21:16
professionalden2k8831-Mar-19 21:16 
GeneralRe: C Pin
honey the codewitch1-Apr-19 0:34
mvahoney the codewitch1-Apr-19 0:34 
my main concern about C being everyone's potential first is that already way more people think they can code C than actually can.
When I was growin' up, I was the smartest kid I knew. Maybe that was just because I didn't know that many kids. All I know is now I feel the opposite.

GeneralRe: C Pin
den2k881-Apr-19 0:40
professionalden2k881-Apr-19 0:40 
GeneralRe: C Pin
honey the codewitch1-Apr-19 0:44
mvahoney the codewitch1-Apr-19 0:44 
GeneralRe: C Pin
Slacker0071-Apr-19 0:56
professionalSlacker0071-Apr-19 0:56 
GeneralRe: C Pin
honey the codewitch1-Apr-19 1:08
mvahoney the codewitch1-Apr-19 1:08 
GeneralRe: C Pin
Slacker0071-Apr-19 1:10
professionalSlacker0071-Apr-19 1:10 
GeneralRe: C Pin
honey the codewitch1-Apr-19 1:15
mvahoney the codewitch1-Apr-19 1:15 
GeneralRe: C Pin
den2k881-Apr-19 1:32
professionalden2k881-Apr-19 1:32 
GeneralRe: C Pin
Slacker0071-Apr-19 1:37
professionalSlacker0071-Apr-19 1:37 
GeneralRe: C Pin
den2k881-Apr-19 1:50
professionalden2k881-Apr-19 1:50 
GeneralRe: C Pin
Slacker0071-Apr-19 1:51
professionalSlacker0071-Apr-19 1:51 
GeneralRe: C Pin
Fabio Franco1-Apr-19 23:47
professionalFabio Franco1-Apr-19 23:47 
GeneralRe: C Pin
John R. Shaw2-Apr-19 10:38
John R. Shaw2-Apr-19 10:38 
GeneralRe: C Pin
honey the codewitch1-Apr-19 1:45
mvahoney the codewitch1-Apr-19 1:45 
GeneralRe: C Pin
PIEBALDconsult1-Apr-19 3:03
mvePIEBALDconsult1-Apr-19 3:03 
GeneralRe: C Pin
den2k881-Apr-19 3:14
professionalden2k881-Apr-19 3:14 
GeneralRe: C Pin
honey the codewitch1-Apr-19 7:34
mvahoney the codewitch1-Apr-19 7:34 
GeneralRe: C Pin
Rick York1-Apr-19 18:46
mveRick York1-Apr-19 18:46 

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