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Survey Results

Which programming language would you recommend to learn first?

Survey period: 1 Apr 2019 to 8 Apr 2019

Assuming you're given no other information, in which direction would you point a budding new developer?

JavaScript or TypeScript884.66

View optional text answers (133 answers)

GeneralRe: Java or C#, they are both similar in many respects Pin
Marc Clifton2-Apr-19 2:25
mvaMarc Clifton2-Apr-19 2:25 
GeneralRe: Java or C#, they are both similar in many respects Pin
Slacker0072-Apr-19 2:35
professionalSlacker0072-Apr-19 2:35 
GeneralRe: Java or C#, they are both similar in many respects Pin
Lutosław7-Apr-19 1:05
Lutosław7-Apr-19 1:05 
GeneralOf course C#. Pin
GKP199231-Mar-19 22:17
professionalGKP199231-Mar-19 22:17 
GeneralRe: Of course C#. Pin
PeejayAdams1-Apr-19 0:04
PeejayAdams1-Apr-19 0:04 
GeneralRe: Of course C#. Pin
GKP19921-Apr-19 0:42
professionalGKP19921-Apr-19 0:42 
GeneralRe: Of course C#. Pin
honey the codewitch1-Apr-19 1:11
mvahoney the codewitch1-Apr-19 1:11 
GeneralDepends on the motivation Pin
KarstenK31-Mar-19 21:26
mveKarstenK31-Mar-19 21:26 
for what reason he/she wants to learn coding. Who wants to code for embedded system or hardware should learn C, for the web is Javascript best and for mobile it is depending in which "universe" the voyage goes Wink | ;-)
Press F1 for help or google it.
Greetings from Germany

GeneralRe: Depends on the motivation Pin
OriginalGriff31-Mar-19 21:49
mveOriginalGriff31-Mar-19 21:49 
GeneralRe: Depends on the motivation Pin
KarstenK31-Mar-19 21:55
mveKarstenK31-Mar-19 21:55 
GeneralRe: Depends on the motivation Pin
GKP199231-Mar-19 22:20
professionalGKP199231-Mar-19 22:20 
GeneralC Pin
den2k8831-Mar-19 21:16
professionalden2k8831-Mar-19 21:16 
GeneralRe: C Pin
honey the codewitch1-Apr-19 0:34
mvahoney the codewitch1-Apr-19 0:34 
GeneralRe: C Pin
den2k881-Apr-19 0:40
professionalden2k881-Apr-19 0:40 
GeneralRe: C Pin
honey the codewitch1-Apr-19 0:44
mvahoney the codewitch1-Apr-19 0:44 
GeneralRe: C Pin
Slacker0071-Apr-19 0:56
professionalSlacker0071-Apr-19 0:56 
GeneralRe: C Pin
honey the codewitch1-Apr-19 1:08
mvahoney the codewitch1-Apr-19 1:08 
GeneralRe: C Pin
Slacker0071-Apr-19 1:10
professionalSlacker0071-Apr-19 1:10 
GeneralRe: C Pin
honey the codewitch1-Apr-19 1:15
mvahoney the codewitch1-Apr-19 1:15 
GeneralRe: C Pin
den2k881-Apr-19 1:32
professionalden2k881-Apr-19 1:32 
GeneralRe: C Pin
Slacker0071-Apr-19 1:37
professionalSlacker0071-Apr-19 1:37 
GeneralRe: C Pin
den2k881-Apr-19 1:50
professionalden2k881-Apr-19 1:50 
GeneralRe: C Pin
Slacker0071-Apr-19 1:51
professionalSlacker0071-Apr-19 1:51 
GeneralRe: C Pin
Fabio Franco1-Apr-19 23:47
professionalFabio Franco1-Apr-19 23:47 
GeneralRe: C Pin
John R. Shaw2-Apr-19 10:38
John R. Shaw2-Apr-19 10:38 

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