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Survey Results

Preference: One framework for all tasks, or the best framework for each task individually?

Survey period: 19 Oct 2015 to 26 Oct 2015

Do you prefer to use a single language or framework for as much as you can get away with, or do you use as many different languages / frameworks as you need for the various parts?

I stick to a single framework as much as possible42938.54
I stick to a small a set of frameworks as much as possible38334.41
I mix and match frameworks within projects fairly freely11210.06
I always use the most appropriate language or framework for each individual part of the project18916.98

GeneralOne... Pin
Nelek19-Oct-15 3:10
protectorNelek19-Oct-15 3:10 
GeneralRight technology vs. Velocity vs. Team Ramp-up Pin
AlexCode19-Oct-15 2:00
professionalAlexCode19-Oct-15 2:00 
GeneralDo research and pick whatever found best for me... Pin
Kornfeld Eliyahu Peter18-Oct-15 22:19
professionalKornfeld Eliyahu Peter18-Oct-15 22:19 
GeneralI stick to a single framework... Pin
den2k8818-Oct-15 21:11
professionalden2k8818-Oct-15 21:11 
GeneralMo frameworks mo problems Pin
Sander Rossel18-Oct-15 20:54
professionalSander Rossel18-Oct-15 20:54 
GeneralRe: Mo frameworks mo problems Pin
AlexCode19-Oct-15 1:55
professionalAlexCode19-Oct-15 1:55 
GeneralRe: Mo frameworks mo problems Pin
Sander Rossel19-Oct-15 2:03
professionalSander Rossel19-Oct-15 2:03 
GeneralRe: Mo frameworks mo problems Pin
AlexCode19-Oct-15 3:10
professionalAlexCode19-Oct-15 3:10 
Sure, that's like the other edge of the problem:
Using everything you can just because you can. D'Oh! | :doh:

Anyway, when I wrote that I was more thinking about the common problem between core technologies like .Net vs. Java or things alike. So-called "Architects" tend to stick with their own tribe instead of actually designing a proper performant and logic system.
I'll not even go into details related to product fanboys like SharePoint or CRM where at some point it looks like everything should be religiously stuffed into these resource eating monsters.

Just because one is used to a certain stack it doesn't mean that everything has to fit into that stack.
If one is serious about computer science, one should be as open minded as possible and include different stacks into his toolbelt.

Sure different stacks come with integration challenges but often integration is much easier to abstract (usually even at infrastructure level) when compared to force-fit a technology where it's not meant to be.

GeneralRe: Mo frameworks mo problems Pin
Sander Rossel19-Oct-15 5:15
professionalSander Rossel19-Oct-15 5:15 
GeneralRe: Mo frameworks mo problems Pin
Jeremy Falcon19-Oct-15 3:49
professionalJeremy Falcon19-Oct-15 3:49 
GeneralI don't see any difference between those options Pin
PIEBALDconsult18-Oct-15 18:08
mvePIEBALDconsult18-Oct-15 18:08 
GeneralRe: I don't see any difference between those options Pin
W Balboos, GHB19-Oct-15 5:06
W Balboos, GHB19-Oct-15 5:06 
GeneralRe: I don't see any difference between those options Pin
Vivi Chellappa19-Oct-15 16:49
professionalVivi Chellappa19-Oct-15 16:49 

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